SQL-HR Schema, Retrieving the Dept.Names,managers and employees per dept - sql

Hello guys and thank you in advance for your time and help.
So I am trying to get a list of the Department names their manager name and the total number of employees per department.
My code so far looks like this:
select d.department_name,e.first_name,e.last_name
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.manager_id=e.employee_id
group by d.department_name,e.first_name,e.last_name
order by d.department_name;
which produces the list of the manager per department,but I am still short of the count of employees per department. Any ideas?

You need to use the COUNT function. Try this:
select d.department_name,e.first_name,e.last_name,count(e.employee_id) as `TotalNoOfEmployees`
from employees e JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id and d.manager_id=e.employee_id
group by d.department_name,e.first_name,e.last_name
order by d.department_name;
Also try not to use the old way of Joining the tables ie, comma separated JOINS.

After a lot of experimentation I got it. Posting it in case somebody might find it useful someday:
select distinct d.department_name,
(select e.first_name||', '||e.last_name from employees e
where d.department_id=e.department_id and
d.manager_id=e.employee_id)as "manager_name",
( select count( employee_id ) from employees e
where d.department_id=e.department_id ) as "total_no_of_employees"
from employees e
join departments d on d.department_id=e.department_id
order by d.department_name;

Try this:
select emp.manager_id, mgr.first_name, mgr.last_name, dept.department_name, count(emp.employee_id)
from hr.employees emp
join hr.employees mgr
on emp.manager_id = mgr.employee_id
join hr.departments dept
on mgr.department_id = dept.department_id
group by emp.manager_id, mgr.first_name, mgr.last_name, dept.department_name
order by department_name


join operation in SQL

There is such a task: By joining the tables HR.DEPARTMENTS and HR.EMPLOYEES, display complete data on departments in which the minimum salary is below 5000.
I tried to do this, but it gives an error
select distinct d.department_id,department_name,
d.manager_id, location_id
from hr.departments d
left join hr.employees e on e.department_id = d.department_id
where min(e.salary) < 5000
order by 1
Error: group function is not allowed here
This is what hr.employees looks like:
100 Steven King SKING 515.123.4567 17-JUN-03 AD_PRES 24000 - - 90
10 Administration 200 1700
You cannot use MIN in the WHERE clause, because MIN is an aggregation result over many rows, but in a WHERE clause you look at single rows (before any aggregation takes place).
The task to get the departments in question by joining the tables is a bit weird, because this is not how this should be done in SQL. If you must do it this way, then you only need a slight change to your query: Change the join into an inner join and check the rows' salary.
select distinct
d.department_id, department_name, d.manager_id, location_id
from hr.departments d
join hr.employees e on e.department_id = d.department_id
where e.salary < 5000
order by d.department_id;
The proper solution would use EXISTS or IN instead, so as not to create an unnecessarily large intermediate result that you must get rid of with DISTINCT:
select *
from hr.departments
where department_id in (select department_id from employees where salary < 5000)
order by department_id;
select *
from hr.departments d
where exists
select null
from employees e
where e.salary < 5000
and e.department_id = d.department_id
order by department_id;
This works for your solution, where is use for row filtering like gender = 'Male' while having is for aggregating filtering functions like min(salary) < 5000 but for having you need to group by with something like department.
EmployeeID IN (
MIN(Salary) < 5000
First of all, don't use distinct, unless you have to. Secondly, you can't use group functions like that.
In order to solve this, you need to break the task into steps, breaking down your sentences.
"...the tables"
So we have this:
SELECT * FROM hr.departments;
... and ...
SELECT * FROM hr.employees;
As you pointed our, the FK is the department.
(we first test the join, then add what we need)
(the 1 is just a placeholder; you can use EMPLOYEE_ID or COUNT(1), it's irrelevant)
FROM hr.employees e
LEFT JOIN hr.departments d on e.department_id = d.department_id;
"display complete data on departments"
Well, this is simple, you just enumerate the columns you need or use d.*. We'll do this later.
"which the minimum salary is below 5000"
Now we get to the blocking issue. Let's list the records.
FROM hr.employees e, hr.departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM hr.employees m WHERE m.department_id = d.department_id GROUP BY m.department_id HAVING min(m.salary) < 5000);
But what's this? We get a line for every employee of that department. Well, we can either use DISTINCT, but that is bad practice or we can fix the query.
We'll just remove the employees from the join.
FROM hr.departments d
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM hr.employees e WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id GROUP BY e.department_id HAVING min(e.salary) < 5000);
To respect the task "By joining the tables"
So we have this:
FROM hr.departments d,
SELECT e.department_id
FROM hr.employees e
GROUP BY e.department_id
HAVING min(salary) < 5000
) e
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;

SQL in Oracle HR Schema

I have made a query in Oracle HR schema to see the following information:
The city where the department is located
The total number of employees in the department
However, the query cannot be executed correctly and said this is "not a GROUP BY expression".
Does anyone knows what's the problem is? Thanks in advance.
SELECT department_name, city, COUNT(employees.department_id)
FROM departments
JOIN employees on (departments.department_id=employees.department_id)
JOIN locations USING (location_id)
GROUP BY department_name;
You are grouping by department and want to show the department's city. You expect this to work, because each department is in exactly one city. (SQL people call this functional dependency.)
For this to work, ...
there would have to be a unique contraint on the department name or you'd have to group by department_id instead
the DBMS must detect and support functional dependency in aggregation queries
Unfortunately, Oracle doesn't support functional dependency in aggregation queries. It forces us to put every such column in the GROUP BY clause or into an aggregation function.
So either extend the GROUP BY clause:
SELECT d.department_name, l.city, COUNT(e.department_id)
FROM departments d
JOIN employees e ON e.department_id = d.department_id
JOIN locations l USING (location_id)
GROUP BY d.department_name, l.city
ORDER BY d.department_name;
or use some aggregation function as MIN or MAX on that single value.
SELECT d.department_name, MAX(l.city) AS city, COUNT(e.department_id)
FROM departments d
JOIN employees e ON e.department_id = d.department_id
JOIN locations l USING (location_id)
GROUP BY d.department_name
ORDER BY d.department_name;
What I prefer though, is to aggregate first and only then join. You want to join the departments with their employee count, so do just that:
SELECT d.department_name, l.city, COALESCE(e.cnt, 0) AS employee_count
FROM departments d
JOIN locations l USING (location_id)
SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) as cnt
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
) e ON e.department_id = d.department_id
ORDER BY d.department_name;
The problem is you have both aggregated and non-aggregated column (in your case city in the select list.
As I don't know the structure of location table and considering a department have only one location defined you can use max(city),
SELECT department_name, max(city) city, COUNT(employees.department_id) no_of_employees
FROM departments
JOIN employees on (departments.department_id=employees.department_id)
JOIN locations USING (location_id)
GROUP BY department_name;
As excellently explained by Thorsten, you could also group the data using OVER and PARTITION BY function which would eliminate the use of GROUP BY function.
SELECT d.department_name, l.city, COUNT(e.department_id) OVER (PARTITION BY e.department_id) as emp_count
FROM departments d
JOIN employees e ON e.department_id = d.department_id
JOIN locations l USING (location_id)
ORDER BY d.department_name;

Order by subquery

I have the following oracle SQL code, but I can't understand what is the purpose of ordering by a subquery. Anyone can explain it clearly to me ?
SELECT employee_id, last_name
FROM employees e
SELECT department_name
FROM departments d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
The ordering is done by results from other table. In this case the query returns only results from employees table, but the ordering is done by department_name, which is stored in departments table.
You could achieve identical result by using join, selecting only values from employees table, and ordering by department_name from departments table:
SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name
FROM employees e INNER JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id
ORDER BY d.department_name
This query is valid if employee must always have a department. If there can be employees without departments then you should use LEFT join instead.
The clear intention of that query is employee_id and last_name from employees should be order by department_name from departments.
Okay, you don't subquery then go for join
select e.employee_id,e.last_name from employees e join departments d on
e.department_id = d.department_id order by d.department_name;

Employees with largest salary in department

I found a couple of SQL tasks on Hacker News today, however I am stuck on solving the second task in Postgres, which I'll describe here:
You have the following, simple table structure:
List the employees who have the biggest salary in their respective departments.
I set up an SQL Fiddle here for you to play with. It should return Terry Robinson, Laura White. Along with their names it should have their salary and department name.
Furthermore, I'd be curious to know of a query which would return Terry Robinsons (maximum salary from the Sales department) and Laura White (maximum salary in the Marketing department) and an empty row for the IT department, with null as the employee; explicitly stating that there are no employees (thus nobody with the highest salary) in that department.
Return one employee with the highest salary per dept.
Use DISTINCT ON for a much simpler and faster query that does all you are asking for:
d.id AS department_id, d.name AS department
,e.id AS employee_id, e.name AS employee, e.salary
FROM departments d
LEFT JOIN employees e ON e.department_id = d.id
ORDER BY d.id, e.salary DESC;
->SQLfiddle (for Postgres).
Also note the LEFT [OUTER] JOIN that keeps departments with no employees in the result.
This picks only one employee per department. If there are multiple sharing the highest salary, you can add more ORDER BY items to pick one in particular. Else, an arbitrary one is picked from peers.
If there are no employees, the department is still listed, with NULL values for employee columns.
You can simply add any columns you need in the SELECT list.
Find a detailed explanation, links and a benchmark for the technique in this related answer:
Select first row in each GROUP BY group?
Aside: It is an anti-pattern to use non-descriptive column names like name or id. Should be employee_id, employee etc.
Return all employees with the highest salary per dept.
Use the window function rank() (like #Scotch already posted, just simpler and faster):
SELECT d.name AS department, e.employee, e.salary
FROM departments d
SELECT name AS employee, salary, department_id
,rank() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary DESC) AS rnk
FROM employees e
) e ON e.department_id = d.department_id AND e.rnk = 1;
Same result as with the above query with your example (which has no ties), just a bit slower.
This is with reference to your fiddle:
SELECT * -- or whatever is your columns list.
FROM employees e JOIN departments d ON e.Department_ID = d.id
WHERE (e.Department_ID, e.Salary) IN (SELECT Department_ID, MAX(Salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY Department_ID)
As mentioned in a comment below, if you want to see the IT department also, with all NULL for the employee records, you can use the RIGHT JOIN and put the filter condition in the joining clause itself as follows:
SELECT e.name, e.salary, d.name -- or whatever is your columns list.
FROM employees e RIGHT JOIN departments d ON e.Department_ID = d.id
AND (e.Department_ID, e.Salary) IN (SELECT Department_ID, MAX(Salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY Department_ID)
This is basically what you want. Rank() Over
SELECT ename ,
FROM ( SELECT ename ,
FROM ( SELECT employees.name as ename ,
departments.name as dname ,
rank() over (
PARTITION BY employees.department_id
ORDER BY employees.salary DESC
FROM Employees
JOIN Departments on employees.department_id = departments.id
) t
WHERE rank = 1
) s
RIGHT JOIN departments on s.dname = departments.name
Good old classic sql:
select e1.name, e1.salary, e1.department_id
from employees e1
where e1.salary=
(select maxsalary=max(e.salary) --, e. department_id
from employees e
where e.department_id = e1.department_id
group by e.department_id
Table1 is emp - empno, ename, sal, deptno
Table2 is dept - deptno, dname.
Query could be (includes ties & runs on 11.2g):
select e1.empno, e1.ename, e1.sal, e1.deptno as department
from emp e1
where e1.sal in
(SELECT max(sal) from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno group by d.dname)
order by e1.deptno asc;
e.first_name, d.department_name, e.salary
employees e
departments d
(e.department_id = d.department_id)
department_id = d.department_id);
`select d.Name, e.Name, e.Salary from Employees e, Departments d,
(select DepartmentId as DeptId, max(Salary) as Salary
from Employees e
group by DepartmentId) m
where m.Salary = e.Salary
and m.DeptId = e.DepartmentId
and e.DepartmentId = d.DepartmentId`
The max salary of each department is computed in inner query using GROUP BY. And then select employees who satisfy those constraints.
Assuming Postgres
Return highest salary with employee details, assuming table name emp having employees department with dept_id
select e1.* from emp e1 inner join (select max(sal) avg_sal,dept_id from emp group by dept_id) as e2 on e1.dept_id=e2.dept_id and e1.sal=e2.avg_sal
Returns one or more people for each department with the highest salary:
SELECT result.Name Department, Employee2.Name Employee, result.salary Salary
FROM ( SELECT dept.name, dept.department_id, max(Employee1.salary) salary
FROM Departments dept
JOIN Employees Employee1 ON Employee1.department_id = dept.department_id
GROUP BY dept.name, dept.department_id ) result
JOIN Employees Employee2 ON Employee2.department_id = result.department_id
WHERE Employee2.salary = result.salary
SQL query:
select d.name,e.name,e.salary
from employees e, depts d
where e.dept_id = d.id
and (d.id,e.salary) in
(select dept_id,max(salary) from employees group by dept_id);
Take look at this solution
D.NAME as Department
FROM employees E

subquery exercise

I need to write a query that contains a subquery where it would list the name of departments and the number of employees per department having the word 'Representative' in their job_title and the list must be ordered by department_id.
I've written this query
SELECT d.department_name, emp.employee_id
FROM departments d, employees emp, jobs j
WHERE emp.department_id=d.department_id
AND j.job_title LIKE '%Representative%';
If there is a requirement to use a subquery, then the following will achieve what you're looking for:
select d.department_id,
(select count(*)
from employees emp
join jobs j
on j.job_id = emp.employee_job -- I've made some assumptions, here!
where emp.department_id = d.department_id
and j.job_title like '%Representative%') reps
from departments d
order by d.department_id;
Personally, however, I would use a query like this:
select d.department_id,
count(emp.employee_id) reps
from departments d
join employees emp
on emp.department_id = d.department_id
join jobs j
on j.job_id = emp.employee_job -- Same assumption as before!
where j.job_title like '%Representative%'
group by d.department_id,
order by d.department_id;
I find it easier to read/interpret, but that's ultimately up to you.
You don't need a subquery for this. Use a simple JOIN.
SELECT d.department_name, COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM employee e JOIN department d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id
JOIN jobs j ON e.jobid = j.jobid
WHERE j.job_title LIKE '%Representative%'
GROUP BY d.department_name
Or, if it is just an exercise for you, I would suggest using the following query:
SELECT d.department_name
FROM employees e JOIN jobs j ON e.jobid = j.jobid
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
AND j.job_title LIKE '%Representative%') AS cnt
FROM departments d
In the real world, however, you code for convenience, not just for exercise. Your code should be convenient to read, understand and maintain for all those who are involved in your software development process. If it is just an exercise then you can use the second query. But if you have to use the query in a live application, the approach in the first query is better for everyone around you.
There is some join logic missing in your example, but something like this may work for you:
select d.department_name, count(emp.employee_id)
from departments d, employees emp, jobs j
where j.job_title in (select job_title from jobs where job_title like '%Representative%')
group by d.department_name
The SQL may not be 100% correct but you can see the point. it's hard to complete it without all of the join logic.
This should return you all of the department names and the employee count where the employee job title contains representative.