Get item from list as a new copy (not as a reference to the original) -

How can I get an item from a list as a new copy/instance, so I can use and change it later without changing the original object in the list?
Public Class entry
Public val As String
' ... other fields ...
End Class
Dim MyList As New List(Of entry)
Dim newitem As New entry
newitem.val = "first"
Now if I try to get an item from this list and change it to something else, it changes the original item in the list as well (it is used as a reference not as a new instance).
Dim newitem2 As New entry
newitem2 = MyList.Item(0)
newitem2.val = "something else"
So now the MyList.item(0).val contains "something else", yet I wanted only the newitem2 to contain that new value for the given field and retain other values from the object in the list.
Is there a way to do this without reassigning all fields one by one?

If entry is defined as a reference type (Class), then your only option is to explicitly create a new instance that has the same values as the originals. For example:
Public Partial Class Entry
Public Function Clone() As Entry
Return New Entry() With { .val = Me.val, … }
End Function
End Class
(The .NET Framework Class Library defined a type ICloneable from early on for exactly this purpose. The type never really caught on for certain reasons.)
Be aware that you might have to do this recursively, that is, if your class contains fields that are of a reference type, you'll have to clone the objects stored in these fields as well.
Then, instead of doing this:
Dim newitem2 As New entry ' (Btw.: `New` is superfluous here, since you are
newitem2 = MyList.Item(0) ' going to throw away the created instance here.)
Do this:
Dim newitem2 As Entry = MyList.Item(0).Clone()
One alternative is to use value types (i.e. declare your item type as Structure). Value types are automatically copied when passed around. However, there are lots of caveats to observe, among them:
Do not do this if your type contains many fields. (Why? Many fields usually means that the type will occupy more bytes in memory, which makes frequent copying quite expensive if the objects get too large.)
Value types should be immutable types. (Why? See e.g. Why are mutable structs evil?)
These are just two guidelines. You can find more infornation about this topic here:
When should I use a struct instead of a class?
Choosing Between Class and Struct


Identical objects in a list produce different hashes and fail comparison tests

I have a weird issue. I want to implement an extension to List with a function to merge another list into it excluding the duplicate values:
Public Sub AddUnique(Of T)(ByVal self As IList(Of T), ByVal items As IEnumerable(Of T))
For Each item In items
If Not self.Contains(item) Then self.Add(item)
End Sub
Now, I have a class that I'll be creating objects from, and adding them to a list:
Class DocInfo
Public Property title As String
Public Property fullPath As String
Sub New(title As String, fullPath As String)
Me.title = title
Me.fullPath = fullPath
End Sub
End Class
Then, I have a list as a global variable:
Public docsInfo As New List(Of DocInfo)
And then I have a button handler that adds new items to that list:
Private Sub AddToList_Button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim candidateItems As New List(Of DocInfo)
For Each doc In selectedDocs
candidateItems.Add(New DocInfo(doc.GetTitle(), doc.GetPathName()))
End Sub
(The doc and selectedDocs variables are outside of the scope of this question.)
Now, the important bit - GetTitle() and GetPathName() return the same strings on every button click (I have the same docs selected between clicks). Meaning that DocInfo objects that are added to the candidateItems, and then added to docsInfo, are identical. Nevertheless, the extension function AddUnique fails, resulting in duplicates in the list.
Puzzled, I ran GetHashCode() on these duplicate DocsInfo class objects:
For Each docInfo In docsInfo
And this is the output:
Assem1^Test assembly.SLDASM
C:\Users\Justinas\AppData\Local\Temp\swx5396\VC~~\Test assembly\Assem1^Test assembly.SLDASM
Assem1^Test assembly.SLDASM
C:\Users\Justinas\AppData\Local\Temp\swx5396\VC~~\Test assembly\Assem1^Test assembly.SLDASM
With each button click, I am getting identical DocsInfo objects (title and fullPath properties have the same values), yet their hashes are different every time, and every comparison I can think of, fails to acknowledge that these objects are for all intents and purposes idendical.
Why is this happening? And how can I fix the AddUnique extension function to work as intended?
This behavior is because of the difference in .NET between "Reference" types and "Value" types. The fundamental philosophy of these is that for "Reference" types, object identity takes precedence over contents (that is, two different object instances with the same contents are still considered distinct), while for "Value" types, the contents are the only thing that matters.
In VB, Class denotes a reference type while Structure denotes a value type. Their respective behaviors are what you would expect, then: by default, Equals on a Class is equivalent to ReferenceEquals, checking to see if the references are the same, and GetHashCode returns a value based on the object identity. Equals on a Structure does member-wise value equality, and GetHashCode returns a value based on the hash codes of the members.
There are a couple of different options for overriding the default behavior, with differing impacts and levels of intrusiveness.
You can change Class to Structure. If you do so, I would strongly recommend to eliminate any mutable behavior on them (i.e. make all fields and properties ReadOnly), because mutable Structures can be extremely hard to reason about correctly. If you really do have immutable data, though, this is the easiest to maintain because .NET will already do what you want, you don't have to maintain your own Equals or GetHashCode override.
You can override GetHashCode and Equals on your Class to act like the Structure versions. This won't change anything else about your class, but it will make it act like a value type for the purposes of containers and sequences. If you're worried about maintenance, an alternative would be to do something reflection-based, though this shouldn't be used for anything that will be high-throughput because reflection is generally not particularly performant.
I believe the hashing and ordering containers take optional constructor parameters that will let you provide a class for overriding the behavior of the contents without altering the Class itself. You could do something like this. I'd recommend to look at the MSDN docs for HashSet.

Understanding Array.ConvertAll, can I DirectCast?

I have a base class, DtaRow, that has an internal array of Strings containing data. I have dozens of subclasses of DtaRow, like UnitRow and AccountRow, who's only purpose is to provide Properties to retrieve the values, so you can do aUnit.Name instead of aUnit.pFields(3).
I also have a DtaTable object that contains a Friend pRows As New Dictionary(Of Integer, DtaRow). I don't generally insert DtaRows into the DtaTable, I insert the subclasses like UnitRows and AccountRows. Any given table has only one type in it.
Over in the main part of the app I have an accessor:
Public Readonly Property Units() As IEnumerable
Return Tables(5).pRows.Values 'oh oh oh oh table 5, table 5...
End Get
End Property
This, obviously, returns a list of DtaRows, not UnitRows, which means I can't do MyDB.Units(5).Name, which is the ultimate goal.
The obvious solution is to Dim ret As New UnitRow() and DirectCast everything into it, but then I'm building thousands of new arrays all the time. Uggg. Alternately I could put DirectCast everywhere I pull out a value, also uggg.
I see there is a method called Array.ConvertAll that looks like it might be what I want. But maybe that just does the loop for me and doesn't really save anything? And if this is what I want, I don't really understand how to use DirectCast in it.
Hopefully I'm just missing some other bit of API that does what I want, but failing that, what's the best solution here? I suspect I need...
to make a widening conversion in each DtaRow subclass?
or something in DtaTable that does the same?
You can use ConvertAll to convert an array into a different type.
Dim arr(2) As A
Dim arr2() As B
arr(0) = New B
arr(1) = New B
arr(2) = New B
arr2 = Array.ConvertAll(arr, Function(o) DirectCast(o, B))
Class A
End Class
Class B
Inherits A
End Class
In your case, I think it would look like this
Return Array.ConvertAll(Tables(5).pRows.Values, Function(o) DirectCast(o, UnitRow))
Note that this will create a new array each time.
You can cast the objects into a list(Of String) based on the field you want.
Return Tables(5).pRows.Values.Cast(Of DtaRow).Select(Function(r)
YES! I went non-linear. This only works because of OOP...
My ultimate goal was to return objects from the collection as a particular type, because I knew I put that type in there in the first place. Sure, I could get the value out of the collection and CType it, but that's fugly - although in C# I would have been perfectly happy because the syntax is nicer.
So wait... the method that retrieves the row from the collection is in the collection class, not the various subclasses of DtaRow. So here is what I did...
Public ReadOnly Property Units() As IEnumerable
Return Tables(dbTblUnits).pRow.Values
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Units(ByVal K as Integer) As UnitRow
Return DirectCast(Tables(dbTblUnits)(K), UnitRow)
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Units(ByVal K as String) As UnitRow
Return DirectCast(Tables(dbTblUnits).Rows(K), UnitRow)
End Get
End Property
Why does this solve the problem? Well normally if one does...
Dim U as UnitRow = MyDB.Units(K)
It would call the first method (which is all I had originally) which would return the .Values from the Dictionary, and then the Default Property would be called to return .Item(K). But because of the way the method dispatcher works, if I provide a more specific version that more closely matches the parameters, it will call that. So I provide overrides that are peers to the subclasses that do the cast.
Now this isn't perfect, because if I just call Units to get the entire list, when I pull rows out of it I'll still have to cast them. But people expect that, so this is perfectly acceptable in this case. Better yet, when I open this DLL in VBA, only the first of these methods is visible, which returns the entire collection, which means that Units(k) will call the Default Property on the DtaTable, returning a DtaRow, but that's fine in VBA.
OOP to the rescue!

Structs in collections

I would like to store references to a bunch of structs in a collection. The general scaffolding looks like this:
Structure myStructType
Dim prop1 as String
Dim prop2 as int
End Structure
Dim myList as new List(Of myStructType)()
'Wrongness below
Dim myStruct as new myStructType()
myStruct.prop1 = "struct1"
myStruct.prop2 = 1
myStruct = new myStructType()
mystruct.prop1 = "number two"
mystruct.prop2 = 2
now this doesn't work, because it's referencing the same memory. What I would really want is the 'pass reference by value' behaviour that is also used for reference types, so that I can easily keep producing more of them.
Is there any way to fix this other than to make the structs into classes? Is this actually a proper way to use structs, or do I have it all wrong?
This code does the same thing whether it is a struct or a class because you are invoking new myStructType() for each object. That being said, be aware that later retrieving and modifiying those myStructType objects behave differently. If it is derrived froma structure then you are copying the data on a retrieve, leaving the original untouched in the list. If it is derrived from a class then you are getting a reference to that object and changes made using that reference change the instance in the list.
I still wonder what you are trying to accomplish (or avoid) by using structures instead of classes?

Create a "clone" of this object, not point to it

Let's say I got a list called
And then I want to create a copy of that list so I can do some tweaks of my own. So I do this:
mySecondList = myFirstList
But I noticed that the tweaks also affect the myFirstList object! I only want the tweaks to affect the second one...
And afterwards I will want to completely delete mySecondList, so I do mySecondList = Nothing and I'm good, right?
Adam Rackis, I don't like your "Of course it does", because it is not at all obvious.
If you have a string variable that you assign to another string variabe, you do not change them both when making changes to one of them. They do not point to the same physical piece of memory, so why is it obvious that classes do?
Also, the thing is not even consistent. In the following case, you will have all elements in the array pointing at the same object (they all end up with the variable Number set to 10:
SourceObject = New SomeClass
For i = 1 To 10
SourceObject.Number = i
ObjectArray.Add = SourceObject
Next i
BUT, the following will give you 10 different instances:
For i = 1 To 10
SourceObject = New SomeClass
SourceObject.Number = i
ObjectArray.Add = SourceObject
Next i
Apparently the scope of the object makes a difference, so it is not at all obvious what happens.
Here is how you do it:
'copy one object to another via reflection properties
For Each p As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo In originalobject.GetType().GetProperties()
If p.CanRead Then
clone.GetType().GetProperty(p.Name).SetValue(clone, p.GetValue(OriginalObject, Nothing))
End If
in some cases when the clone object got read-only properties you need to check that first.
For Each p As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo In originalobject.GetType().GetProperties()
If p.CanRead AndAlso clone.GetType().GetProperty(p.Name).CanWrite Then
clone.GetType().GetProperty(p.Name).SetValue(clone, p.GetValue(OriginalObject, Nothing))
End If
Since you have not divulged the type of item that you are storing n your list, I assume it's something that's implementing IClonable (Otherwise, if you can, implement IClonable, or figure out a way to clone individual item in the list).
Try something like this
mySecondList = myFirstList.[Select](Function(i) i.Clone()).ToList()
But I noticed that the tweaks also
affect the myFirstList object! I only
want the tweaks to affect the second
Of course it does. Both variables are pointing to the same object in memory. Anything you do to the one, happens to the other.
You're going to need to do either a deep clone, or a shallow one, depending on your requirements. This article should give you a better idea what you need to do
Expanding on Adam Rackies' answer I was able to implement the following code using VB.NET.
My goal was to copy a list of objects that served mainly as data transfer objects (i.e. database data). The first the class dtoNamedClass is defined and ShallowCopy method is added. A new variable named dtoNamedClassCloneVar is created and a LINQ select query is used to copy the object variable dtoNamedClassVar.
I was able to make changes to dtoNamedClassCloneVar without affecting dtoNamedClassVar.
Public Class dtoNamedClass
... Custom dto Property Definitions
Public Function ShallowCopy() As dtoNamedClass
Return DirectCast(Me.MemberwiseClone(), dtoNamedClass)
End Function
End Class
Dim dtoNamedClassVar As List(Of dtoNamedClass) = {get your database data}
Dim dtoNamedClassCloneVar =
(From d In Me.dtoNamedClass
Where {add clause if necessary}
Select d.ShallowCopy()).ToList
Here's an additional approach that some may prefer since System.Reflection can be slow.
You'll need to add the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package to your solution, then:
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
And given a class type of MyClass, cloning can be as easy as:
Dim original as New MyClass
'populate properties of original...
Dim copy as New MyClass
copy = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of MyClass)(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(original))
So the approach is to first use the JSON converter to serialize the original object, and than take that serialized data and deserialize it - specifying the class type - into the class instance copy.
The JSON converters are extremely powerful and flexible; you can do all sorts of custom property mappings and manipulations if you need something the basic approach above doesn't seem to address.
this works for me:
mySecondList = myFirstList.ToList
clone is the object you are attempting to clone to.
dim clone as new YourObjectType
You declare it like that.

What kind of array is Foo() as Foo()?

We generated a class from an XML file a while back. I think we used xsd.exe.
One of the main node collections in the XML file was rendered as:
<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("PRODUCT")> _
Public Property PRODUCT() As PRODUCT()
Return Me.pRODUCTField
End Get
Me.pRODUCTField = value
End Set
End Property
And sure, there's PRODUCT class defined later on, and it worked fine. Serialized and deserialized fine. Didn't need to worry about it or manipulate it.
Only now we have to revisit and manipulate the data.
But what kind of collection (array?) is Public Property PRODUCT() As PRODUCT(), and how do we loop over it? And add to it?
Basic question, I know. Probably got too comfortable with generics and now xsd has thrown something at me which isn't List(of T) I'm running scared.
Don't be confused by the two sets of parens there. The first set, is simply the parens after the name of the property, whereas the second identifies the return type as an array of Product objects.
Similar to: Public Property IDs() As Integer()
That property returns only an array of integers, and the parens near IDs() only exist because you're declaring the property.
Since it appears to be a standard array of Product objects, you can loop over it with any number of normal loops:
For Each p As PRODUCT In obj.PRODUCTS()
For i As Integer = 0 To obj.PRODUCTS.Length-1
Next i
Your code
Public Property PRODUCT() as PRODUCT()
Returns an array of Objects Of Type PRODUCT. Now whether that Type is a Collection, Structure, or Array I do not know with the code you have provided. The simplest way to loop over it would be as such.
For each prod as PRODUCT in rtnPRODUCTS
'Do Something