Very new to programming here. I am working on an android application that allows the user to create and manage a database for food products that he has at home. Currently the SQL database allows you to create new database entries where each entry consists of a rowid, a product name, the amount you have of the product and finally an expiry date.
Then a ListView is populated with any existing data in the database and an OnItemClickListener for this ListView is setup to handle a click event so that if the user clicks on a row in the ListView he is send to a new edit activity. Here he can edit the name, the amount and the expiry date if needed.
Now I am trying to retrieve the data (name, amount, date) when a specific row is clicked to send it to the next activity and here's what I've got so far..
Setup a public cursor in the SQL database to get all KEYS for a specific rowid:
public static final String[] ALL_KEYS = new String[] {KEY_ROWID, KEY_NAME, KEY_AMOUNT, KEY_DATE};
public Cursor getRow(long rowId) {
String where = KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId;
Cursor c = ourDatabase.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, ALL_KEYS, where, null, null, null, null, null);
if (c != null) {
return c;
Then in the activity with the ListView I have the following set up to launch the new edit activity:
private void listViewItemClick(){
ListView ourList = (ListView) findViewById(;
ourList.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Intent openProductsEdit = new Intent(Products.this,
And finally I would like to set the EditTexts in my edit activity to the data passed on during the click event:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent getProductName = getIntent();
String productName = getProductName.getStringExtra("productName");
Intent getProductAmount = getIntent();
String productAmount = getProductAmount.getStringExtra("productAmount");
Intent getProductDate = getIntent();
String productDate = getProductDate.getStringExtra("productDate");
I have been trying to retrieve the specific data for a clicked row through the cursor I have setup in the SQL database and then pass it on with openProductsEdit.putExtra in the onItemClick method, but I can't seem to successfully connect the two together.
Any suggestions on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I solved my problem by coding my onSetItemClickListener like this
private void listViewItemClick(){
final ListView ourList = (ListView) findViewById(;
ourList.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Cursor cursor = (Cursor) ourList.getItemAtPosition(position);
Intent openProductsEdit = new Intent(Products.this,
int rowid = cursor.getInt(0);
String name = cursor.getString(1);
String amount = cursor.getString(2);
String date = cursor.getString(3);
openProductsEdit.putExtra("rowid", rowid);
openProductsEdit.putExtra("name", name);
openProductsEdit.putExtra("amount", amount);
openProductsEdit.putExtra("date", date);
Here the cursor.getString(1) sets a string to the second column of the selected row (in this case a product name). This is then passed on to an edit activity where the data is put into corresponding EditTexts.
I am trying to change the color of the items on click when the action mode is active. The problem is that e.g if there are five items in a recyclerview and you click one, scroll down and select sixth item and destroy the action mode. The next time you start selecting, that sixth item has automatically changed its color without you selecting it. I don't know why it is happening.
public static List<ModelClass> items = new ArrayList<>();
boolean isSelectMode = false;
boolean isActionModeEnabled = false;
public static List<ModelClass> selectList = new ArrayList<>();
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull MyAdapter.MyViewHolder holder, int
position) {
ModelClass modelClass = items.get(position);
if (modelClass.isChecked() && isActionModeEnabled){
} else {
public class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder{
public MyViewHolder(#NonNull View itemView) {
row = itemView.findViewById(;
public void bind(ModelClass model) {
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (isActionModeEnabled) {
isSelectMode = true;
s = items.get(getAdapterPosition());
if (!selectList.contains(s)){
} else {
The problem is going to be in your view holder binding:
if (modelClass.isChecked() && isActionModeEnabled){
} else {
Remember that view holders are reused. That means that they will retain their internal state unless you change them. Your item list will also remember its state. Make sure you cover all the possible states of the item list and the reused view holders in the code above: You are probably missing a combination.
I recommend that you set a break point in the code above to make sure it is doing what you want. It should become obvious to you once you take a closer look.
I have a recyclerview set up in as per the code in this link
My question is, how can I remember the position of these items when the app is restarted etc. When the user adds items they are inserted at adapter position 0,1,2,3 etc but when they close the app and come back in, it is not always in the same order.
The user can also rearrange by drag and drop so this seems to add even more confusion!
Currently I have the items in the recyclerview being saved by converting the list to Json and loading when the app opens again but as I said, the items aren't always in the same order as before the app was closed.
Can anyone advise the best way to do this? I have tried to add the item name and position number to a list converting to json then trying to insert the item at the saved position index but can't get it to work..
Do you want to achieve the result like following GIF?
You can use PreferenceManager to store position of items(Before store data, I will Serialize data) in a recyclerview.
You can override OnPause() method, this method will be executed when application is background or app is killed. So we can store the position and data in this method.Here is code about ReOrderActivity
[Activity(Label = "ReOrderList")]
public class ReOrderActivity : Activity, IOnStartDragListener
private ItemTouchHelper _mItemTouchHelper;
public static ObservableCollection<string> ResourceList;
private RecyclerView _resourceReorderRecyclerView;
ReOrderAdapters resourceAdapter;
ISharedPreferences prefs;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
resourceAdapter = new ReOrderAdapters(ResourceList, this);
// Initialize the recycler view.
_resourceReorderRecyclerView = FindViewById<RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.ResourceReorderRecyclerView);
Button mDone = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.mDone);
mDone.Click += MDone_Click;
_resourceReorderRecyclerView.SetLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.Vertical, false));
_resourceReorderRecyclerView.HasFixedSize = true;
ItemTouchHelper.Callback callback = new SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback(resourceAdapter);
_mItemTouchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(callback);
protected override void OnPause()
string ConvertData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ResourceList);
ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();
editor.PutString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData", ConvertData);
// editor.Commit(); // applies changes synchronously on older APIs
editor.Apply(); // applies changes asynchronously on newer APIs
private void MDone_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
resourceAdapter.AddItem("Add item");
public void OnStartDrag(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder)
//Added sample data record here
public void GetCollection()
//ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = prefs.Edit();
//editor.PutString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData", "");
string ConvertData = prefs.GetString("ObservableCollection_ConvertData","");
ResourceList = new ObservableCollection<string>();
ResourceList= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ObservableCollection<string>>(ConvertData);
//var or= ResourceList.ToString();
You can download my demo
I have a RecyclerView with an AAC in my Fragment.
ViewModel --> Repository --> DAO with some custom Queries and a getAllItems.
I want to use a Filter FAB or a Spinner to call getOrderItemList or getWhereItemList queries but i dont know how must i do it.
I have a Repository Filter for my SearchView but is a different thing, now i want to change list order (alphabetical, year...) and create a WhereCondition with a lot of checkbox that i have in a Dialog (example: i check "complete" and "Action" checkbox and creates the String whereCondition = "(status = 'complete' and genre like '%Action%')" ).
How can i call getWhereItemList and getOrderItemList queries from my Fragment to change my RecyclerView content?
#Query("SELECT * from item_table ")
<List<Item>> getItemList();
#Query("SELECT * from item_table ORDER by :order DESC")
<List<Item>> getOrderItemList(String order);
#Query("SELECT * from item_table WHERE :whereCondition")
<List<Item>> getWhereItemList(String whereCondition);
My Fragment fills the RecyclerView with getAllItems:
private ItemViewModel myItemViewModel;
RecyclerView myRecyclerView = findViewById(;
final ItemListAdapter myAdapter = new ItemListAdapter(this);
myRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
myItemViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(ItemViewModel.class);
myItemViewModel.getAllItems().observe(this, new Observer<List<Item>>() {
public void onChanged(#Nullable final List<Item> items) {
private List<Item> myItems;
void setItems(List<Item> items){
myItems = items;
private ItemRepository myRepository;
private LiveData<List<Item>> myAllItems;
public ItemViewModel (Application application) {
myRepository = new ItemRepository(application);
myAllItems = myRepository.getAllItems();
LiveData<List<Item>> getAllItems() { return myAllItems; }
The idea is to have two LiveData instances:
one that keeps track of the current filter type. You may set its initial value.
one that emits List<Item>. This also should react to the other LiveData change and get new List<Item> if necessary.
You can use Transformations.SwitchMap to implement LiveData2. What it does is it basically returns a LiveData instance that can switch to a different source in response to another LiveData object.
private ItemRepository myRepository;
* Keep track of the current filter type.
* In this example the initial value is set to Filter.ALL, which
* represents the non-filtered list.
private MutableLiveData<Filter> itemFilter = new MutableLiveData<>(Filter.ALL);
* Emits list of items
private LiveData<List<Item>> myItems = Transformations.switchMap(itemFilter, filter -> {
// Everytime itemFilter emits a new value, this piece of code
// will be invoked. You are responsible for returning the
// LiveData instance according to the filter value.
switch(filter.type) {
case ALL:
return myRepository.getAllItems();
case ORDER_BY:
return myRepository.getOrderItemList(filter.query);
case WHERE:
return myRepository.getWhereItemList(filter.query);
public ItemViewModel (Application application) {
myRepository = new ItemRepository(application);
public LiveData<List<Item>> getItems() { return myItems; }
* View should call this method in order to switch to different
* filter.
public void changeFilter(Filter itemFilter) {
Define this custom filter class:
public class Filter {
public enum Type {
final public Type type;
final public String query;
public Filter(Type type, String query) {
this.type = type;
this.query = query;
I am going through Tom Shindl's instructions on how to add EMF databinding on to tables, here is my code for the data binding:
protected DataBindingContext initDataBindings() {
//going to use this person instead
Person p = ProjectFactory.eINSTANCE.createPerson();
Committership c = ProjectFactory.eINSTANCE.createCommittership();
Committership anotherC = ProjectFactory.eINSTANCE.createCommittership();
Committership yetAnotherC = ProjectFactory.eINSTANCE.createCommittership();
CommandStack cs = new BasicCommandStack();
AdapterFactory af = new ProjectItemProviderAdapterFactory();
EditingDomain editingDomain = new AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(af, cs);
//data binding context
DataBindingContext bindingContext = new DataBindingContext();
ObservableListContentProvider listContentProvider = new ObservableListContentProvider();
IObservableMap[] attributeMap = new IObservableMap[1];
attributeMap[0] = EMFEditProperties.value(
TableViewerColumn column = new TableViewerColumn(tableViewer, SWT.NONE);
column.getColumn().setText("First Name");
column.setLabelProvider(new GenericMapCellLabelProvider("{0}", attributeMap));
//tableViewer.setLabelProvider(new ObservableMapLabelProvider(attributeMap)); -- no need for this anymore
//instead of giving it this list and doing it the non-EMF way
IObservableList selfList = Properties.selfList(Person.class).observe(p.getCommittership());
//property that you are looking for
IListProperty prop = EMFEditProperties.list(editingDomain, ProjectPackage.Literals.PERSON__COMMITTERSHIP);
IObservableValue master = EMFEditProperties.value(editingDomain, ProjectPackage.Literals.COMMITTERSHIP__NAME)
/**this should not be returning null, instead it should be a
* list of the values from the person committership EList
IObservableList someList = prop.observeDetail(master);
//set input requires and IObservableList!!
return bindingContext;
ok, now just to talk through what is happening and where I am stuck.
this line here would work for JFace data binding:
IObservableList selfList = Properties.selfList(Person.class).observe(p.getCommittership());
it populates the table happily, it is a list containing the three people I added, nice.
now making it work with EMF databinding, I am trying this:
//property that you are looking for
IListProperty prop = EMFEditProperties.list(editingDomain, ProjectPackage.Literals.PERSON__COMMITTERSHIP);
IObservableValue master = EMFEditProperties.value(editingDomain, ProjectPackage.Literals.COMMITTERSHIP__NAME)
/**this should not be returning null, instead it should be a
* list of the values from the person committership EList
IObservableList someList = prop.observeDetail(master);
the problem is that someList is empty and hence he table won't populate, could someone explain why?
It is definitely those three line that have some logic problem in there.
What I really want is an IObservableList of observed EMF objects...
help would be really appreciated, since Shindl's tutorial doesn't explain where he go the master from...I thought I would create a master:
IObservableValue master = EMFEditProperties.value(editingDomain, ProjectPackage.Literals.COMMITTERSHIP__NAME)
and do prop.observeDetail(master)
but it is returning an empty list as I mentioned above...if only I could at least get it do display the data, the closest I have come is having three cells but not data in them.
IObservableList listObservable = prop.observe(p);
That fixed it for me in terms of viewing the data.
As for editing the cells, I did this in the end:
public class CommittershipNameEditingSupport extends EditingSupport {
private static TableViewer tableViewer;
private final CellEditor editor;
public CommittershipNameEditingSupport(TableViewer tableViewer) {
this.tableViewer = tableViewer;
this.editor = new TextCellEditor(tableViewer.getTable());
protected CellEditor getCellEditor(Object element) {
return editor;
protected boolean canEdit(Object element) {
return true;
protected Object getValue(Object element) {
return ((Committership) element).getName();
protected void setValue(Object element, Object value) {
((Committership) element).setName(String.valueOf(value));
tableViewer.update(element, null);
and in the main view where I craeted the column I just added the method for cell editing works nicely now :)
I am making an application which contains 2 views. The first one contains a tree viewer which displays the folders from my system and the second one contains a table viewer which displays the content of a directory selected in the first view. Long story short: a file explorer.
//initialization of the table viewer
tableViewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI | SWT.V_SCROLL);
tableViewer.setContentProvider(new FileTableContentProvider());
tableViewer.setLabelProvider(new FileTableLabelProvider());
//from within the implementation of any view or editor
* getSite() - Returns the site for this workbench part (a workbench part can be a view (IViewPart) or an editor (IEditorPart))
* this view is a selection provider; the view sends the event to all the views registered to the selection service
//the table column "Name" is added to the table viewer
TableColumn columnName = new TableColumn(tableViewer.getTable(), SWT.LEFT);
//the table column "Date modified" is added to the table viewer
TableColumn columnDateModified = new TableColumn(tableViewer.getTable(), SWT.LEFT);
columnDateModified.setText("Date modified");
//the table column "Type" is added to the table viewer
TableColumn columnType = new TableColumn(tableViewer.getTable(), SWT.LEFT);
//make the header of the table visible
* getSite().getPage() - gets the active workbench page.
* add a doubleClickListener for:
* 1) if the object selected is a file, then the file will be opened with the associated program
* 2) if the object selected is a directory, then enter the folder and update the tree viewer
tableViewer.addDoubleClickListener(new IDoubleClickListener(){
public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) event.getSelection();
File itemSelected = (File) selection.getFirstElement();
//if the selected item is a file a double click will launch the associated program
if (itemSelected.isFile() && itemSelected.exists()){
}else if (itemSelected.isDirectory()){
* Update the tree viewer;
* PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().findView(FileTreeView.ID) --> returns the view with the specified ID
* setSelection() will send an event and the setSelectionChanged will run
((FileTreeView) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().findView(FileTreeView.ID)).getTreeViewer().setSelection(selection);
//create the cell editor
CellEditor[] editors = new CellEditor[1];
editors[0] = new TextCellEditor(tableViewer.getTable());
tableViewer.setColumnProperties(new String[]{"Name", "Date modified", "Type"});
//assign the cell editors to the table viewer
//set the cell modifier to the table viewer
tableViewer.setCellModifier(new NameCellModifier(tableViewer));
I created an action that will rename the selected file or folder from the second view.
When I click on the name of the file I don't want to enter in the editing mode.I want to stay in the selection mode and only after I click File -> Rename (action rename) the editing mode has to be enabled.
The problem is that I cannot find how to enable/disable the TextCellEditor.
I didn't find a clean solution. I will explain you what I have done so far. I have modified the code that I have posted. I use TableViewerColumn instead of TableColumn.
Class FileTableView:
public class FileTableView extends ViewPart implements ISelectionListener{
private TableViewer tableViewer;
private boolean cellEditable = false;
private FirstColumnEditingSupport obj;
public FileTableView() {
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
//initialization of the table viewer
tableViewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.BORDER | SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI); //SWT.MULTI - for multiple selection; SWT.FULL_SELECTION - for selection of an entire row
tableViewer.setContentProvider(new FileTableContentProvider());
//it is not necessary to add a label provider for the table viewer because we will set a label provider for every column of the table
//tableViewer.setLabelProvider(new FileTableLabelProvider());
//extract the table widget of the table viewer
final Table table = tableViewer.getTable();
//make the header of the table visible
//hide the lines of the table
//create the columns of the table
createColumns(parent, tableViewer);
//set the sorter to the table viewer
tableComparator = new TableViewerComparator();
//from within the implementation of any view or editor
* getSite() - Returns the site for this workbench part (a workbench part can be a view (IViewPart) or an editor (IEditorPart))
* this view is a selection provider; the view sends the event to all the views registered to the selection service
tableViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener(){
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event){
* method used to update the viewer from outside
public void refresh(){
public void setFocus() {
//method that returns the table viewer
public TableViewer getTableViewer(){
return tableViewer;
* get the value of the cellEditable
public boolean getCellEditable(){
return cellEditable;
* set the value of the cellEditable
public void setCellEditable(boolean cellEditable){
this.cellEditable = cellEditable;
public FirstColumnEditingSupport getEditingSupport(){
return obj;
* method that creates columns of the table
private void createColumns(final Composite parent, final TableViewer viewer){
String[] titles = {"Name", "Date Modified", "Size"};
int[] width = {200, 200, 200};
//first column is for the name of the file
TableViewerColumn col = createTableViewerColumn(titles[0], width[0], 0);
col.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider(){
public String getText(Object element){
return ((File) element).getName();
public Image getImage(Object element){
return getFirsColumnImage((File) element);
obj = new FirstColumnEditingSupport(tableViewer,this);
//second column is for the last date modified
col = createTableViewerColumn(titles[1], width[1], 1);
col.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider(){
public String getText(Object element){
return formatLastModifiedDate((File) element);
//third column is for size
col = createTableViewerColumn(titles[2], width[2], 2);
col.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider(){
public String getText(Object element){
return formatLength((File) element);
private TableViewerColumn createTableViewerColumn(String title, int width, final int columnNumber){
final TableViewerColumn viewerColumn = new TableViewerColumn(tableViewer, SWT.NONE);
final TableColumn column = viewerColumn.getColumn();
column.addSelectionListener(getSelectionAdapter(column, columnNumber));
return viewerColumn;
private SelectionAdapter getSelectionAdapter(final TableColumn column, final int index){
SelectionAdapter selectionAdapter = new SelectionAdapter(){
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e){
int direction = tableComparator.getDirection();
return selectionAdapter;
* method used to return the last modified date in "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss" format
private String formatLastModifiedDate(File file){
Date d = new Date(file.lastModified());
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
return sdf.format(d);
* method used to return the length of the file in KB
private String formatLength(File file){
long size = file.length()/1024;
NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#,###,### KB");
return f.format(size);
} file:
* The EditingSupport implementation defines how the content can be changed.
public class FirstColumnEditingSupport extends EditingSupport {
private TableViewer tableViewer;
private FileTableView view;
private TextCellEditor textEditor;
public FirstColumnEditingSupport(TableViewer viewer, FileTableView view) {
this.tableViewer = viewer;
this.view = view;
textEditor = new TextCellEditor(tableViewer.getTable());
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.EditingSupport#getCellEditor(java.lang.Object)
* EditingSupport returns in his getCellEditor() method an object of type CellEditor. This object creates the controls to change the data.
protected CellEditor getCellEditor(Object element) {
return textEditor;
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.EditingSupport#canEdit(java.lang.Object)
* The canEdit() method defines, if the cell can be edited.
protected boolean canEdit(Object element) {
return view.getCellEditable();
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.EditingSupport#getValue(java.lang.Object)
* The getValue() method receives the current object and returns the value which should be displayed.
protected Object getValue(Object element) {
return ((File) element).getName();
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.EditingSupport#setValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
* The method setValue() in EditingSupport receives the changed value based on the user input. In this method you assign the value to your data object.
protected void setValue(Object element, Object value) {
//value is the user input
File oldFile = (File) element;
//String path = oldFile.getAbsolutePath().substring(oldFile.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf(File.pathSeparatorChar));
oldFile.renameTo(new File(oldFile.getParent() + "\\" + (String) value));
public TextCellEditor getTextCellEditor(){
return textEditor;
My RenameAction file:
public class RenameAction extends Action implements ISelectionListener, ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction {
private final IWorkbenchWindow window;
private IStructuredSelection itemSelected;
public final static String ID = PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID + ".RenameAction";
public RenameAction(IWorkbenchWindow window){
this.window = window;
setToolTipText("Rename the file or directory selected");
public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection) {
if(selection.isEmpty() || !(selection instanceof IStructuredSelection)){
}else {
itemSelected = (IStructuredSelection)selection;
public void dispose(){
public void run(){
Object firstElement = itemSelected.getFirstElement();
File item = (File) firstElement;
if(item != null){
FileTableView myTreeView= (FileTableView) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().findView(FileTableView.ID);
My idea was:
by default: the cell editor of the first column is disabled
when the rename action is triggered (press the menu button), the cell editor of the column is enabled (myTreeView.setCellEditable(true))
the table line selected is in editing mode and you can change the name of the file. This part is not working quite well, because after you press the rename menu button, you can't see that the editing mode is enabled. After you click on the table line, the editing mode is activated. Also, the editing mode is enabled for all the table lines and I wanted to be enabled only for the selected one. For this problem I haven't got a solution.
after you finish typing the new name of the file, and change the selection (click on a different table line), the editing mode is disabled:
tableViewer.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener(){
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event){
I hope my solution can help you.