Require password when unistall an app in android - authentication

Hey i want when user is trying to un-install an app ,there comes password to unlock. Im following this code :
android: require password when uninstall app
but there comes an error in manifest "android:description="#string/descript""
Kindly help badly stuck in it.there's no answer availble on google too

it would not help on 4.3 or higher but I am posting a link where you can find the solution and reason of why you can not do it.
Here is the link. Hope it would help you in understanding the real milestone in this context.

try the following code in your service
public static final String UNINSTALLER ="";
private ActivityManager activityManager = null;
private ExecutorService executorService;
public void onCreate() {
executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
LockerThread thread = new LockerThread();
private void protactApp(String packname) {
Intent pwdIntent = null;
pwdIntent = new Intent("uninstaller.receiver");
class LockerThread implements Runnable {
private String lastname;
public LockerThread() {
public void run() {
ComponentName act = activityManager.getRunningTasks(1).get(0).topActivity;
String packname = act.getPackageName();
if (act.getClassName().equals(UNINSTALLER)) {
Log.d("Tag", "package to be uninstalled");
and from receiver you can get action while uninstall the app so whatever screen you prepare for password or pattern that you can start before uninstall like applock application


Flurry push - issue with Kotlin

I am not finding an easy way to integrate Flurry push with Kotlin.
I added the first parts of the auto installation. and I get red lines under key parts of the script.
Mainly .withFlurryMessagingListener(flurryMessagingListener)
seems it can't find flurryMessagingListener
val flurryMessagingOptions = FlurryMarketingOptions.Builder()
The other issue is I don't want to put an .withDefaultNotificationChannelId(). According to the how to on their website - which seem out of date. I don't need to yet it tells me I have too.
Question why could this not be as easy as iOS version - that was a lot easier to install. But if anyone has a how to install with Kotlin - since Flurry support has not gotten back to me I would be grateful.
You need to define your listener. E.g.,
FlurryMessagingListener flurryMessagingListener = new FlurryMessagingListener() {
public boolean onNotificationReceived(FlurryMessage flurryMessage) {
return false;
public boolean onNotificationClicked(FlurryMessage flurryMessage) {
return false;
public void onNotificationCancelled(FlurryMessage flurryMessage) {
public void onTokenRefresh(String s) {
public void onNonFlurryNotificationReceived(Object o) {
And No, it's not required to define your own channel ID (by withDefaultNotificationChannelId). Flurry SDK will apply the default if no explicitly defined.

Is it possible to add completion items to a Microsoft Language Server in runtime?

I am trying to develop a IntelliJ plugin which provides a Language Server with help of lsp4intellij by ballerina.
Thing is, i've got a special condition: The list of completion items should be editable in runtime.
But I've not found any way to communicate new completionItems to the LanguageServer process once its running.
My current idea is to add an action to the plugin which builds a new jar and then restarts the server with the new jar, using the Java Compiler API.
The problem with that is, i need to get the source code from the plugin project including the gradle dependencies accessable from the running plugin... any ideas?
If your requirement is to modify the completion items (coming from the language server) before displaying them in the IntelliJ UI, you can do that by implementing the LSP4IntelliJ's
LSPExtensionManager in your plugin.
Currently, we do not have proper documentation for the LSP4IntelliJ's extension points but you can refer to our Ballerina IntelliJ plugin as a reference implementation, where it has implemented Ballerina LSP Extension manager to override/modify completion items at the client runtime in here.
For those who might stumble upon this - it is indeed possible to change the amount of CompletionItems the LanguageServer can provide during runtime.
I simply edited the (the library I used is LSP4J).
It works like this:
The main function of the LanguageServer needs to be started with an additional argument, which is the path to the config file in which you define the CompletionItems.
Being called from LSP4IntelliJ it would look like this:
String[] command = new String[]{"java", "-jar",
"path\\to\\LangServer.jar", "path\\to\\config.json"};
IntellijLanguageClient.addServerDefinition(new RawCommandServerDefinition("md,java", command));
The path String will then be passed through to the Constructor of your, which will parse the config.json in a new Timer thread.
An Example:
public class CustomTextDocumentService implements TextDocumentService {
private List<CompletionItem> providedItems;
private String pathToConfig;
public CustomTextDocumentService(String pathToConfig) {
this.pathToConfig = pathToConfig;
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new ReloadCompletionItemsTask(), 0, 10000);
public CompletableFuture<Either<List<CompletionItem>, CompletionList>> completion(CompletionParams completionParams) {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
List<CompletionItem> completionItems;
completionItems = this.providedItems;
// Return the list of completion items.
return Either.forLeft(completionItems);
public void didOpen(DidOpenTextDocumentParams didOpenTextDocumentParams) {
public void didChange(DidChangeTextDocumentParams didChangeTextDocumentParams) {
public void didClose(DidCloseTextDocumentParams didCloseTextDocumentParams) {
public void didSave(DidSaveTextDocumentParams didSaveTextDocumentParams) {
private void loadCompletionItems() {
providedItems = new ArrayList<>();
CustomParser = new CustomParser(pathToConfig);
ArrayList<String> variables = customParser.getTheParsedItems();
for(String variable : variables) {
String itemTxt = "$" + variable + "$";
CompletionItem completionItem = new CompletionItem();
class ReloadCompletionItemsTask extends TimerTask {
public void run() {

AvaloniaUI: Setup was already called on one of AppBuilder instances

Whenever I try to restart Avalonia application form base application, I get an exception: "Setup was already called on one of AppBuilder instances." on SetupWithLifetime() call.
Application Startup code is:
public static void Start()
lifeTime = new ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime()
ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose
lifeTime.Start(new[] { "" });
public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp()
=> AppBuilder.Configure<App>()
Application shutdown code is:
Here's a link to functional example code, which produces this error:
Has anyone encountered such problem? Thank you
SetupWithLifetime calls Setup which can only be called once. A possible solution is to call SetupWithoutStarting on BuildAvaloniaApp, which can only be called once as well, for example:
private static AppBuilder s_builder;
static void Main(string[] args)
s_builder = BuildAvaloniaApp();
public static void Start()
lifeTime = new ClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime()
ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose
s_builder.Instance.Lifetime = lifeTime;
lifeTime.Start(new[] { "" });
private static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp()
=> AppBuilder.Configure<App>()
Additional note: Restarting the app probably won't work on macOS.

do we need sessions in WebRTC?

I am creating a sample project for learning purpose(later on I will be working on project based on webrtc and kurento), I am using Kurento media server with it, I have modified the tutorial of the kurento server and made one sample out of it.
In all of the samples for Kurento Server they are using a where they are storing objects of UserSession as shown below:
public class UserSession {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserSession.class);
private final String name;
private final WebSocketSession session;
private String sdpOffer;
private String callingTo;
private String callingFrom;
private WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint;
private WebRtcEndpoint playingWebRtcEndpoint;
private final List<IceCandidate> candidateList = new ArrayList<>();
public UserSession(WebSocketSession session, String name) {
this.session = session; = name;
public void sendMessage(JsonObject message) throws IOException {
log.debug("Sending message from user '{}': {}", name, message);
session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(message.toString()));
public String getSessionId() {
return session.getId();
public void setWebRtcEndpoint(WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint) {
this.webRtcEndpoint = webRtcEndpoint;
if (this.webRtcEndpoint != null) {
for (IceCandidate e : candidateList) {
public void addCandidate(IceCandidate candidate) {
if (this.webRtcEndpoint != null) {
} else {
if (this.playingWebRtcEndpoint != null) {
public void clear() {
this.webRtcEndpoint = null;
I have two questions on this:
Why do we need session object?
What are the alternatives(if there are any) to manage session?
Let me give some more background on 2nd question. I found out that I can run the Kurento-JavaScript-Client(I need to convert it to browser version and then I can use it.) on the client side only (That way I won't require a backend server i.e. nodejs or tomcat - this is my assumption). So in this case how would I manage session or I can totally remove the UserRegistry concept and use some other way.
Thanks & Regards
You need to store sessions to implement signalling between the clients and the application server. See for example here. The signalling diagram describes the messages required to start/stop/etc the WebRTC video communication.
If you are planing to get rid of the application server (i.e. move to JavaScript client completely) you can take a look to a publish/subscribe API such as PubNub.

Start Activity with UI updated from notification if service running

I'm making kind-of an audio player. Currently I have a MediaPlayer running in the Activity itself (which I know is bad). There is a SeekBar on the screen which gets updated as the music plays, like so:
private Runnable mUpdateTimeTask = new Runnable() {
public void run()
long totalDuration = mp.getDuration();
long currentDuration = mp.getCurrentPosition();
songTotalDurationLabel.setText("" + utils.millisecondsToTimer(totalDuration));
songCurrentDurationLabel.setText("" + utils.millisecondsToTimer(currentDuration));
int progress = (int)(utils.getProgressPercentage(currentDuration, totalDuration));
mHandler.postDelayed(this, 100);
Once the user presses the back button or kills it from the recent apps list, the music stops.
Now I want the music to run in the background, so looking around the internet I found to run it in a Service, and calling startService() from Activity. Also I have a notification come up when music is playing and removed when it is paused.
I understand from a service I'll get the music to play even when app gets closed. But what I didn't understand is, if the user taps on the notification given the service is running, the activity restarts with the SeekBar at progress = 0.
How do I get the UI to update the SeekBar to the correct value from the Service after the activity restarts?
Figured it out!
The solution is to get the running services using the ActivityManager and find your service like this
private boolean fooRunning()
ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
for(RunningServiceInfo service : manager.getRunningServices(Integer.MAX_VALUE))
return true;
return false;
If this method returns true, bind to the service and get the current position from the MediaPlayer object
public void bindToService()
bindService(intent, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
serviceExists = true;
serviceExists = false;
private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder serviceBinder)
bar binder = (bar) serviceBinder;
mService = binder.getService();
int getProgress =;
// mp is the MediaPlayer object in the service
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className)
The Service class is like this:
public class foo extends Service
private MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
private final IBinder mBinder = new bar();
public class bar extends Binder
public foo getService()
return foo.this;
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)
return mBinder;
Hope this helps someone!