I need to connect to a machine with ssh while going tunneling through another machine via ssh - is this possible with Jsch? I've looked at their examples for HTTP tunneling and I'm pretty sure it's not what I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance for any help.
stuck from a couple of days. In ubuntu i'm creating vncserver with command line [tigervnc]
vncserver -localhost yes
to secure connection from only localhost.
vnc is successfully created with port - 5901.
Im using putty to establish SSH tunnelling,
SSH tunnel
in realVNC viewer in using
But it gives error saying connection refused.
I want to establish a SSH tunnel with only localhost in order to avoid the brute force attack, getting too many authentication failure errors.
What am i doing wrong. Please guide me.
Note : connection works fine if i use vncserver -localhost no. But for security reasons i dont want this
to allow connection from localhost only and to avoid brute-force attack in these any settings need to change in vnc-config or something.
Did a hell of research, couldn't resolve. StackOverflow is the last hope.
Localhost is
You have to create SSH TCP FORWARD to localhost (or, not
There is how I use this on my linux desktop, from a shell terminal.
ssh -fL 9091:localhost:5900 user# sleep 2 &&
xvncviewer localhost:9091
Here's the thing. I'd like to access a remote host by ssh, and make a tunnel as a proxy. I did it on my windows computer with Putty. In putty, there is a "tunnels" options, add a dynamic tunnel would do the trick. That is, a (dynamic, that is in the putty's option, I don't really know what it means)tunnel at port 1111, and then I can access the internet though socks5 proxy
But now I want to make the tunnel on my openwrt router,, and access the proxy as I want to know how. There are two major question:
1.the proper command of ctl ssh to make a tunnel just as the putty did. I googled a few, but because of the 2nd question, I never know which one is correct.
2.how can I access the tunnel on the router though As I tried before with ss_local(another proxy program), I established a socks locally but it can never be accessed by my another LAN host. Are there some firewall things to do?
Does anyone know the answers? Thank you!
This is what I did to access remotely to my AP.
I used a SSH Reverse Tunnel to a remote server. Here I dump a simple script to achieve it.
#connect ssh
ssh -f -N -i $key_ssh -R$port:localhost:22 $user#$ip
And in your remote server you type:
sudo su
You will be asked for the root password, type it and you're in.
I have remote host/server with ssh access.
I have my computer in my work network which can connect via ssh only
in within this network.
And i can not connect via ssh to other world because of port 22
blocked by firewall.
I am trying to create ssh tunnel to forward example localhost:80 to remote_server:22.(i suppose to connect via ssh to localhost and will be forwarded to my remote server)
I tried for example without proxy
sudo ssh -L localhost:443:remote_server_ip:22 root#remote_host_name
and with proxy
I have read a lot and checked stackoverflow but it still is not clear for me how to resolve this issue.
I am trying to run a shell script on a remote host (A) through ssh. The shell script inturn uses SSH to connect to another host (B) to perform some database related operations. However it looks the agent is not being forwarded when connecting to Host B and I see a connection refused.
This is equivalent to executing ssh command as follows
ssh -A some#A.com "ssh some#B.com 'ls'"
I have used -A to enable agent forwarding but still no luck.
Please let me know how to achieve this? Thanks.
So silly of me. Firewall issue rather than ssh issue. Host A had no permission to connect to Host B. Should have thought this through! Thanks.
Is it possible to use tunneling to connect to a ssh server via telnet? I'm using an API that can only telnet to a host, but that host will only accept ssh connections. If it is possible, what do I need to do to set that up?
Use netcat and ssh
$ nc -l -p 12345 -c "ssh someone#remotehost.com"
make sure that you have RSA auth setup, since you cannot enter a password.
i think what would work would be to run a telnet server on a local port on the host and use ssh to forward that locally where the api could connect to it; but that's just a bit silly