How can I make a navigation bar that navigates between pages in VB.NET? -

I want to make a program that has a couple of categories on the top that you can navigate through. for instance: 'Home' 'Patients' 'Appointments' 'History' etc..
Every category you click shows its own buttons and labels on the screen.
(Just like the categories you see when you go to the Properties of any file on the desktop: 'General' 'Sharing' 'Security' 'Previous Versions' ...)
How do I do that?
If I put all the buttons and labels on the screen and just change their .Visible from True/False based on what category I click, you can see the controls appear and disappear in runtime which is not the correct way to do this obviously.
Any suggestions? is there a Tool that I can use?

Not sure what you meant, but you should consider using the MDI Application design.
Basically it allows you to create a program in which multiple forms can appear, and each form has its own controls. Most of the time, these type of application use a menu bar, for an easy navigation throughout the program.


Add global button in CRM

Is there a way to add a new button to ALL PAGES in CRM?
I have tried different ways but in some views, the new button is shown at the end. Im trying to found a way to create a button and place it as first button, to any view, entity and page in CRM. Is this accomplisable?
I'm afraid that out-of-the-box buttons will often take precedence over custom buttons, and the only way to change that would be to hide the out-of-the-box buttons.
I'm assuming you are adding the button via the Application Ribbon, correct? (not every single form and grid)
You can add items to the "Jewel", (the dropdown from "File" in the top left). It's not exactly the same as putting it in the ribbon because you have to make an extra click, but it should show up globally.

Dont hide a menu/menuitem on click

I am using and don't want to use WPF.
I have a menustrip having many menus.
These menus have many menuItems.
When I click on any menuItem I show a new form to the user.
When user finish his work and return to the main form he should be able to see the menu as it was while he left the main form.
I mean when I click on a menuItem the menu closes. But I don't want it to close.
It will likely be more confusing for your users having a menu that never closes because it defies expected behaviour. You are better off using one of the other controls suggested.
Every Operating System (Windows, Mac etc) define a standard set of controls for a reason - to enforce consistency and predictability across multiple applications. It's why you know to look to the menu to find a command. Microsoft, Apple etc all produce "design standards" documents that specify a baseline for the way that your user interacts with your app.
If a user selects something from the menu and the menu never closes, the user could well think that your application is broken.

Form sent to back on interaction with menu item

I've got two forms, one being frmMain and the other being frmDatasets. The idea is that frmDatasets is used to manage the application's datasets (it's a program for comparing sorting algorithms).
I have a MenuStrip on frmDatasets with a few items. I just decided to change the Add Dataset item to a drop-down menu with options for loading one from file, or generating one according to certain parameters. All well and good; just add the items, swap some icons around, and change the event handler's signature to handle the right Click event.
Except when I run the program, clicking on the Add Datasets top-level item for the first time sends frmDatasets to the back, displaying an inactive frmMain. Clicking the item again shows the dropdown menu as usual.
If I instead click another top-level menu item, that works just fine. But then simply hovering my mouse over the Add Dataset item causes the 'send to back' thing to happen.
I say "send to back", but it's really just putting it behind frmMain. It remains in front of other windows like Visual Studio and Firefox.
Anyone know what on Earth is going on with this form?
EDIT: If I show frmDatasets as a modal dialog, it stops the whole "sending to back" thing, but I still have to click the menu item twice before it shows the list.
EDIT2: Overriding the onClick event to call mnuAddDatasetDropDown.ShowDropDown removes the double-click issue, but it's only a solution if I keep the form as a modal dialog. Still gets sent to back. Overriding mouseEnter doesn't do anything to solve it.
Setting the TopMost property of frmDatasets from its Design view to 'true' fixed all of the problems I was having. No insight as to what was going on, unfortunately, but if anyone else is having this problem then hopefully it'll work for them too.

How to create a nice add button to list view like in the Weather app?

Following these steps:
Open the Weather app.
Right click
Click on places
See that little item with the + symbol? I want to do something exactly like that, the looks and behaviour.
Assuming you are just trying to get some basic ideas about metro-ui controls and you are on Release Preview.
When you do right click, the control that's being triggered is called App Bar. The "place" button is a App Bar Command. Clicking on the button will take you to another page (HTML or XAML). This page contains a ListView control with GridLayout. You can dynamically change the ListView Template and assign different actions to the itemInvoke event.
Here is a quick tutorial for App Bar and commands:
Here is a quick tutorial for List View control:

Option Group frame: can I add text boxes that are part of the frame instead of rad button options?

Ok so this maybe a simple/silly question but I don't know so here goes:
In access let's say I want to have a frame control, so I click the option group button and add it to the desgin surface. However, I am not wanting to use this as a option group with radio button selection, instead I would like to add text boxes instead the frame, so that when I reference the frame, it references every control instead of it, hence the text boxes, cbo boxes, etc.....just as it would if they were radio option selections.
So can you do this?
I want whatever controls I add inside the frame to be easily referenced (i.e. make all controls visible just by using frameExample.visible = true) so that I can build my own tab control groupings.....
can this be done?
What I am trying to accomplish is having a form that includes a collection of controls (input controls - cbo boxes, text boxes, etc), that serve as the Main record information. These are saved to a table via an INSERT statement on button_click because this form is unbound.
Next I have 8 categories that are relative per each main record (and data that goes along with it). Each of these categories could have a sub form area and a button click that bring it's relative form into the sub form area. These sub forms would be unbound as well as I would just save data via SQL statement. So i know I could accomplish this by running the insert statement from the parent form, on the main collection control's data that would create the KeyID number, then run a SQL statement that would turn around and load that KeyID number right back onto the page in a hidden text box.
Then when I click one of the sub forms and load its relative collection of controls, I could then save that data along with KeyID for each of these sub-forms/tables.
I was wondering if instead you could define these controls as a collection so that you could hide and make visible all the ones you need on button clicks and avoid the need for additional forms (subs). I know that if a user enters data into a text box, and then somewhere along the way that box becomes hidden, the data still exists in it and still ends up in the SQL statement....
So I want all these controls to exist on the same form, but I thought what is I could encapsulate them into a frame like an option group, then I could call the frame and all the relative controls would be called up (made visible) as needed.
Sorry for the long explanation but I thought it would help.
I do not think you can do it with an Option Group, but what you are describing is pretty much a subform, yesno?
Some examples of hiding the tab control from an app that went live in March 1998:
Tab driven by transparent command buttons over labels styled to look like colored command buttons:
Same approach, more buttons:
In this case, fake colored command buttons don't drive the tab, but insted show/hide the tab and a subform. In this case, the tab is actually driven by the listbox:
A view of when the tab is hidden and the subform revealed. The listbox drives navigation within the subform, which has a visible tab on it:
So, there's a lot that can be done without showing the tab control.