Converting numbers to text (2 existent words, same number) -

I'm trying to convert the numerical result into words.
The sample I found works well for English words, but as I change them to my language, bunch of superficial problems came out.
What I need help in particular with is building the same code for 100 as its for 10. The reason I am doing this is because in my language we don't have One standing in front of every Hundred/Thousand
For example: Let's say the first number in Ones is called Taff
As it is, the program will make Taff Hundred where it should make make something like Taffss Hundred
So I created the Hundreds() which includes the correct callings.
Ones() contains the words from 1 - 9
Teens() contains the words from
11 - 19
Tens() contains the words from 10 - 90 (10,20,30 etc)
Hundreds() contains the words from 100-900 (100,200,300 etc)
Here is my code :
intAmount = eAmount
Dim nTousands As Integer = intAmount \ 1000 : intAmount = intAmount Mod 1000
Dim nHundred As Integer = intAmount \ 100 : intAmount = intAmount Mod 100
Dim nTen As Integer = intAmount \ 10 : intAmount = intAmount Mod 10
Dim nOne As Integer = intAmount \ 1
If nTen > 0 Then
If nTen = 1 And nOne > 0 Then
wAmount = wAmount & Teens(nOne) & " "
wAmount = wAmount & Tens(nTen) & IIf(nOne > 0, " и ", " ")
If nOne > 0 Then wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & " "
End If
End If
ElseIf nOne > 0 Then
wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & " "
wAmount = wAmount & HMBT(nSet) & " "
wAmount = AmountInWords(CStr(CLng(nAmount) - _
(eAmount * multiplier)).Trim & tempDecValue, wAmount, nSet - 1)
Being the noob I am, I figured that by copy pasting the code for 10s, and changing the values to 100s will make things work, but it only works for 100 200 300 etc, not for the numbers in-between.
ElseIf nHundred > 0 Then
If nHundred = 1 And nOne > 0 Then
'Don't know how to properly add things here.
wAmount = wAmount & Hundreds(nHundred) & IIf(nOne > 0, " и ", " ")
If nOne > 0 Then wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & " "
End If
I made some changes, this time it partially works...
It shows 100s, 200s, 300s etc etc.
But it only shows from 100 to 109 when it "increments" If it goes above 109, the 100s aren't show, and it goes back to showing 10s, 11s, 12s etc.
ElseIf nHundred > 0 Then
If nHundred = 1 And nTen > 0 And nOne > 0 Then
wAmount = wAmount & Teens(nTen) & " "
wAmount = wAmount & Hundreds(nHundred) & IIf(nOne > 0, " и ", " ")
If nOne > 0 Then wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & " "
End If

Made some changes... Is this closer to what you're after?
Private list_ones() As String = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}
Private list_teens() As String = {"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"}
Private list_tens() As String = {"ten", "twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"}
Private list_hundreds() As String = {"ones", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}
Private Function get_string_from_numeric(ByVal curr_number As Integer) As String
Dim to_return As String = ""
Select Case curr_number
Case Is < 10
to_return = list_ones(curr_number)
Case 10 To 19
to_return = list_teens(curr_number - 10)
Case 20 To 99
to_return = get_return_value(curr_number, 10, list_tens)
Case 100 To 999
to_return = get_return_value(curr_number, 100, list_hundreds, "hundred")
Case 1000 To 9999
to_return = get_return_value(curr_number, 1000, list_hundreds, "thousand")
Case Is > 9999
to_return = "out of range"
End Select
End Try
Return to_return
End Function
Private Function get_return_value(ByVal curr_number As Integer, ByVal curr_pace_holder As Integer, ByVal curr_array_list As String(), Optional ByVal str_term As String = "") As String
Dim to_return As String = ""
Dim curr_iter As Integer = Math.Floor(curr_number / curr_pace_holder)
Dim curr_remainder As Integer = curr_number - curr_iter * curr_pace_holder
If (str_term <> "") Then str_term = " " & str_term
If (curr_remainder > 0) Then
to_return = curr_array_list(curr_iter - 1) & str_term & " " & get_string_from_numeric(curr_remainder)
to_return = curr_array_list(curr_iter - 1) & str_term
End If
Return to_return
End Function
Private Sub cmd_submit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmd_submit.Click
If (IsNumeric(txt_input.Text)) Then
txt_output.Text = get_string_from_numeric(CInt(txt_input.Text))
MsgBox("Invalid input.")
End If
End Try
End Sub


Is there a way to maintain the length of a user entered number, to prevent removal of extra 0's?

I'm creating a Diabetes management algorithm, and I'm trying to find a way for the user's entered time blocks to be maintained at 4 digits
I've been searching on google, but all I have been able to find is how to check the length of a variable, which I already know how to do.
Sub timeBlocks()
Dim file As String = "C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\meterCodeMaybe\TIMEBLOCKS.txt"
Dim blockNum As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Please be sure to enter times as a 24 hour value, rather than 12 hour, otherwise the input will not be handled.")
Console.Write("Please enter the amount of time blocks you require for your day: ")
blockNum = Console.ReadLine()
Dim timeA(blockNum - 1) As Integer
Dim timeB(blockNum - 1) As Integer
Dim sensitivity(blockNum - 1) As Integer
Dim ratio(blockNum - 1) As Integer
For i = 0 To (blockNum - 1)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the start time of your time block")
timeA(i) = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the end time of your time block")
timeB(i) = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ratio for this time block (Enter the amount of carbs that go into 1 unit of insulin)")
ratio(i) = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the insulin sensitivity for this time block
(amount of blood glucose (mmol/L) that is reduced by 1 unit of insulin.)")
sensitivity(i) = Console.ReadLine()
FileOpen(1, file, OpenMode.Append)
PrintLine(1, Convert.ToString(timeA(i)) + "-" + Convert.ToString(timeB(i)) + " 1:" + Convert.ToString(ratio(i)) + " Insulin Sensitivity:" + Convert.ToString(sensitivity(i)) + " per mmol/L")
End Sub
Basically, I want the user to be able to enter a 4 digit number for their time block, to match a 24 hr time, so if they enter 0000, it is displayed as this, however, it removes all previous 0's and sets it to just 0.
Perhaps pad the number with 4 leading 0's:
Right(String(digits, "0") & timeA(i), 4)
Or as an alternative, store the value as a string so that it can be printed out in its original form.
I have written a Function to get a 24 hours format time from user, I hope it would help:
Public Function Read24HFormatTime() As String
Dim str As String = String.Empty
While True
Dim c As Char = Console.ReadKey(True).KeyChar
If c = vbCr Then Exit While
If c = vbBack Then
If str <> "" Then
str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1)
Console.Write(vbBack & " " & vbBack)
End If
ElseIf str.Length < 5 Then
If Char.IsDigit(c) OrElse c = ":" Then
If str.Length = 0 Then
' allow 0, 1 or 2 only
If c = "0" OrElse c = "1" OrElse c = "2" Then
str += c
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 1 Then
If str = "0" Then
'allow 1 to 9
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 1 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 9 Then
str += c
End If
End If
ElseIf str = "1" Then
'allow 0 to 9
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 9 Then
str += c
End If
End If
ElseIf str = "2" Then
'allow 0 to 4
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 4 Then
str += c
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 2 Then
'allow ":" only
If c = ":" Then
str += c
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 3 Then
If str = "24:" Then
'allow 0 only
If c = "0" Then
str += c
End If
'allow 0 to 5
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 5 Then
str += c
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf str.Length = 4 Then
If str.Substring(0, 3) = "24:" Then
'allow 0 only
If c = "0" Then
str += c
End If
'allow 0 to 9
If c <> ":" Then
If CInt(c.ToString) >= 0 AndAlso CInt(c.ToString) <= 9 Then
str += c
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End While
Return str
End Function
The user can only enter time like 23:59 08:15 13:10 and he couldn't enter formats like 35:10 90:00 25:13 10:61
This is a sample code to show you how to use it:
Dim myTime = DateTime.Parse(Read24HFormatTime())
Dim name = "Emplyee"
Console.WriteLine($"{vbCrLf}Hello, {name}, at {myTime:t}")

commandtext property has not been initialized

I am new to and tried to execute the code its working fine but when I am scheduling the code in another server in network by running the exe file only, then I am getting the error as:
"commandtext property has not been initialized"
Sub send_SMS()
Console.WriteLine("Begining of the send_SMS() ")
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim st1, sql As String
Dim fetcheduser, fetchedpno As String
Dim J As Integer
J = Now.Hour
Console.WriteLine("J Now.Hour =: " + J.ToString)
'A shift
If J >= 14 And J < 22 Then
sql = sql & " WHERE KPV_USER_ID='QEXP' "
sql = sql & " AND KPV_TYP_ID='A' "
Console.WriteLine("J = 14 ")
st.Text = "A"
End If
'B Shift
If J >= 22 And J < 6 Then
sql = sql & " WHERE KPV_USER_ID='QEXP' "
sql = sql & " AND KPV_TYP_ID='B' "
Console.WriteLine("J = 22 ")
st.Text = "B"
End If
'C Shift
If J >= 6 And J < 14 Then
sql = sql & " WHERE KPV_USER_ID='QEXP' "
sql = sql & " AND KPV_TYP_ID='C' "
Console.WriteLine("J = 6 ")
st.Text = "C"
DAT = DAT.AddDays(-1)
End If
Dim DA As New OracleDataAdapter(sql, oraconn)
Console.WriteLine("Before dt.Rows count ")
Dim MaxRows, MaxColums, inc As Integer
MaxRows = dt.Rows.Count
MaxColums = dt.Columns.Count
Dim multiarray(,) As String = New String(MaxRows, MaxColums) {}
Console.WriteLine("Value of MaxRows = " + MaxRows.ToString)
Console.WriteLine("Value of MaxColums = " + MaxColums.ToString)
If (inc <> MaxRows) Then
'inc = inc + 1
Console.WriteLine("Inside dt.Rows and Before for loop ")
For inc = 0 To MaxRows - 1
'For col = 0 To MaxColums
dt.Rows(inc).Item(10) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(10).ToString.Replace("Q", "")
multiarray(inc, 1) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(2).ToString()
multiarray(inc, 2) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(4).ToString()
multiarray(inc, 3) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(10).ToString()
End If
Dim queryusr As String
queryusr = ""
Dim sql_CMD_TD As New OracleCommand(sql, oraconn)
If Not oraconn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim doNotSendSMS = False
Dim sqldr As OracleDataReader = sql_CMD_TD.ExecuteReader()
If sqldr.HasRows Then
dt = New DataTable
DA = New OracleDataAdapter(queryusr, oraconn)
If Not doNotSendSMS Then
Dim ora_CMD_SMS As New OracleCommand(queryusr, oraconn)
If oraconn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
st1 = st.Text
Dim ORA_DR As OracleDataReader = ora_CMD_SMS.ExecuteReader()
If ORA_DR.HasRows Then
While ORA_DR.Read()
fetcheduser = ORA_DR("TSU_USERNAME")
fetchedpno = ORA_DR("TSU_USER")
Console.WriteLine("Before insertIntoSMS function call ")
Console.WriteLine(" Value of st1 :" + st1.ToString)
insertIntoSMS_hbf(fetcheduser, fetchedpno, st1, multiarray, MaxRows, MaxColums)
Console.WriteLine("Outside of insertIntoSMS function call ")
End While
End If
If oraconn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Calculate words value in

I have a textbox on a form where the user types some text. Each letter is assigned a different value like a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 and so forth. For example, if the user types "aa bb ccc" the output on a label should be like:
aa = 2
bb = 4
dd = 6
Total value is (12)
I was able to get the total value by looping through the textbox string, but how do I display the total for each word. This is what I have so far:
For letter_counter = 1 To word_length
letter = Mid(txtBox1.Text, letter_counter, 1)
If letter.ToUpper = "A" Then
letter_value = 1
End If
If letter.ToUpper = "B" Then
letter_value = 2
End If
If letter.ToUpper = "C" Then
letter_value = 3
End If
If letter.ToUpper = "D" Then
letter_value = 4
End If
If letter.ToUpper = "E" Then
letter_value = 5
End If
If letter.ToUpper = " " Then
letter_value = 0
End If
totalletter = totalletter + letter_value
Label1.Text = Label1.Text & letter_value & " "
txtBox2.Text = txtBox2.Text & letter_value & " "
Next letter_counter
This simple little routine should do the trick:
Private Sub CountLetters(Input As String)
Label1.Text = ""
Dim total As Integer = 0
Dim dicLetters As New Dictionary(Of Char, Integer)
dicLetters.Add("a"c, 1)
dicLetters.Add("b"c, 5)
dicLetters.Add("c"c, 7)
For Each word As String In Input.Split
Dim wordtotal As Integer = 0
For Each c As Char In word
wordtotal += dicLetters(Char.ToLower(c))
total += wordtotal
'Display word totals here
Label1.Text += word.PadRight(12) + "=" + wordtotal.ToString.PadLeft(5) + vbNewLine
'Display total here
Label1.Text += "Total".PadRight(12) + "=" + total.ToString.PadLeft(5)
End Sub
This should give you an idea:
Dim listOfWordValues As New List(Of Integer)
For letter_counter = 1 To word_length
letter = Mid(txtBox1.Text, letter_counter, 1)
If letter = " " Then
totalletter= totalletter + letter_value
letter_value = 0
letter_value += Asc(letter.ToUpper) - 64
End If
Next letter_counter
totalletter = totalletter + letter_value
If Not txtBox1.Text.EndsWith(" ") Then listOfWordValues.Add(letter_value)
txtBox2.Text = txtBox2.Text & string.Join(", ", listOFWordValues);
You can try something like this. Assuming txtBox1 is the string the user enters and " " (space) is the word delimiter:
Dim words As String() = txtBox1.Text.Split(New Char() {" "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim totalValue As Integer = 0
Dim wordValue As Integer = 0
For Each word As String In words
wordValue = 0
For letter_counter = 1 To word.Length
Dim letter As String = Mid(txtBox1.Text, letter_counter, 1)
Select letter.ToUpper()
Case "A":
wordValue = wordValue + 1
Case "B":
wordValue = wordValue + 2
' And so on
End Select
totalValue = toalValue + wordValue
The above code first takes the entered text from the user and splits it on " " (space).
Next it sets two variables - one for the total value and one for the individual word values, and initializes them to 0.
The outer loop goes through each word in the array from the Split performed on the user entered text. At the start of this loop, it resets the wordValue counter to 0.
The inner loop goes through the current word, and totals up the values of the letter via a Select statement.
Once the inner loop exits, the total value for that word is added to the running totalValue, and the next word is evaluated.
At the end of these two loops you will have calculated the values for each word as well as the total for all the worlds.
The only thing not included in my sample is updating your label(s).
Try this ..
Dim s As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim c As String = "ABCDE"
Dim s0 As String
Dim totalletter As Integer
For x As Integer = 0 To s.Length - 1
s0 = s.Substring(x, 1).ToUpper
If c.Contains(s0) Then
totalletter += c.IndexOf(s0) + 1
End If
I would solve this problem using a dictionary that maps each letter to a number.
Private Shared ReadOnly LetterValues As Dictionary(Of Char, Integer) = GetValues()
Private Shared Function GetValues() As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of Char, Integer))
Dim values As New Dictionary(Of Char, Integer)
Dim value As Integer = 0
value += 1
values.Add(letter, value)
Return values
End Function
Public Function CalculateValue(input As String) As Integer
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For Each letter As Char In input.ToUpperInvariant()
If LetterValues.ContainsKey(letter) Then
sum += LetterValues.Item(letter)
End If
Return sum
End Function
Usage example:
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For Each segment As String In "aa bb ccc".Split()
Dim value = CalculateValue(segment)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", segment, value)
sum += value
Console.WriteLine("Total value is {0}", sum)
' Output
' aa = 2
' bb = 4
' ccc = 9
' Total value is 15

Loops - Adding Numbers - Visual Basic

So the program has to add all the numbers from "x" to "y".
But it also has to display all the numbers added :
i.e. 10 to 20 should display 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 = 165
Here's what I have:
Dim firstnum As Integer = Val(TextBox1.Text)
Dim secondnum As Integer = Val(TextBox2.Text)
Dim sum As Integer = 0
While firstnum <= secondnum
sum = sum + firstnum
firstnum = firstnum + 1
Label3.Text = firstnum & "+"
End While
suum.Text = " = " & Val(sum)
With the following:
Label3.Text = firstnum & "+"
You are overwriting the value in Label3 every time you go through the loop. What you probably want to do is concatenate the existing value with the next number.
This should get you on your way:
Label3.Text = Label3.Text & firstnum & " + "
Is Linq ok? Then you can use Enumerable.Range and Enumerable.Sum:
Dim startNum = Int32.Parse(TextBox1.Text)
Dim endNum = Int32.Parse(TextBox2.Text)
Dim numbers = Enumerable.Range(startNum, endNum - startNum + 1) 'inclusive, therefore + 1
Label3.Text = String.Join(" + ", numbers)
suum.Text = numbers.Sum()
your Label3.Text will only contain the last num and "+" at the end of the algorithm. You should replace
Label3.Text = firstnum & "+"
Label3.Text = Label3.Text & firstnum & "+ "

VB code not calculating

For some reason when I run this it only ever calculates to 0
Where am I going wrong? :(
The user has 3 input boxes to place values. From there those values should be calculating. It only ever equals a value of 0. I get no errors
Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnCal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCal.Click
Dim dblPacA, dblPacB, dblPacC, dblAnswerA, dblAnswerB, dblAnswerC, dblGrandTotal As Double
Dim dblAnswerA1, dblAnswerB1, dblAnswerC1 As Double
'Packages Retail
Dim dblPACA_FACTOR As Double = 99
Dim dblPACB_FACTOR As Double = 199
Dim dblPACC_FACTOR As Double = 299
'Rate of each range
Dim dblTENNINE_FACTOR As Double = 0.8
Dim dblTWONINE_FACTOR As Double = 0.7
Dim dblFIVENINE_FACTOR As Double = 0.6
Dim dblONETEN_FACTOR As Double = 0.5
'important calculate
dblAnswerA1 = dblPacA * dblPACA_FACTOR
dblAnswerB1 = dblPacB * dblPACB_FACTOR
dblAnswerC1 = dblPacC * dblPACC_FACTOR
dblPacA = CDbl(txtPacA.Text)
dblPacB = CDbl(txtPacB.Text)
dblPacC = CDbl(txtPacC.Text)
dblGrandTotal = dblAnswerA + dblAnswerB + dblAnswerC
lblGrandTotal.Text = "Gran Total:" & (dblGrandTotal.ToString("c"))
'lblAnswer.Text = dblAnswer.ToString
'lblAnswer.Text = "PackageA:" & dblAnswerA _
' & "PackageB:" & dblAnswerB & "PackageC:" _
'& dblAnswerC & "GrandTotal:" & dblGrandTotal
End Try
If dblPacA >= 0 Then
If dblPacA < 10 Then
dblAnswerA = dblAnswerA1
lblAnswerA.Text = "PackageA:" & dblAnswerA.ToString("c")
ElseIf dblPacA >= 10 And dblPacA < 20 Then
dblAnswerA = dblAnswerA1 * dblTENNINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerA.Text = "PackageA:" & (dblAnswerA.ToString("c"))
ElseIf dblPacA >= 20 And dblPacA < 50 Then
dblAnswerA = dblAnswerA1 * dblTWONINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerA.Text = "PackageA:" & dblAnswerA.ToString("c")
ElseIf dblPacA >= 50 And dblPacA < 100 Then
dblAnswerA = dblAnswerA1 * dblFIVENINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerA.Text = "PackageA:" & dblAnswerA.ToString("c")
ElseIf dblAnswerA >= 100 Then
dblAnswerA = dblAnswerA1 * dblONETEN_FACTOR
lblAnswerA.Text = "PackageA:" & dblAnswerA.ToString("c")
End If
MessageBox.Show("txtPacA must be greater than or equal to 0", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
End If
If dblPacB >= 0 Then
If dblPacB >= 10 And dblPacB <= 19 Then
dblAnswerB = dblAnswerB1 * dblTENNINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerB.Text = "PackageB:" & dblAnswerB.ToString("c")
ElseIf dblPacB >= 20 And dblPacB <= 49 Then
dblAnswerB = dblAnswerB1 * dblTWONINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerB.Text = "PackageB:" & dblAnswerB.ToString("c")
ElseIf dblPacB >= 50 And dblPacB <= 99 Then
dblAnswerB = dblAnswerB1 * dblFIVENINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerB.Text = "PackageB:" & dblAnswerB.ToString("c")
dblAnswerB = dblAnswerB * dblONETEN_FACTOR
lblAnswerB.Text = "PackageB:" & dblAnswerB.ToString("c")
End If
MessageBox.Show("txtPacB must be greater than or equal to 0", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
End If
If dblPacC >= 0 Then
If dblPacC >= 10 And dblPacC <= 19 Then
dblAnswerC = dblAnswerC1 * dblTENNINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerC.Text = "PackageC:" & dblAnswerC.ToString("c")
ElseIf dblPacC >= 20 And dblPacA <= 49 Then
dblAnswerC = dblAnswerC1 * dblTWONINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerC.Text = "PackageC:" & dblAnswerC.ToString("c")
ElseIf dblPacC >= 50 And dblPacC <= 99 Then
dblAnswerC = dblAnswerC1 * dblFIVENINE_FACTOR
lblAnswerC.Text = "PackageC:" & dblAnswerC.ToString("c")
dblAnswerC = dblAnswerC1 * dblONETEN_FACTOR
lblAnswerC.Text = "PackageC:" & dblAnswerC.ToString("c")
End If
MessageBox.Show("txtPacC must be greater than or equal to 0", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
End If
End Sub
End Class
dblAnswerA1 = dblPacA * dblPACA_FACTOR
where is dblPacA 's value set? its not. its 0