How to overcome "same JVM signature" error when implementing a Java interface? - kotlin

With the code below, I am getting the following error in IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.6 and Kotlin plugin 0.11.91.AndroidStudio.3:
Platform declaration clash: The following declarations have the same JVM signature (getName()Ljava/lang/String;):
• public open fun getName(): kotlin.String?
• internal final fun <get-name>(): kotlin.String?
Java class,
public interface JavaInterface {
public String getName();
Kotlin class, KotlinClass.kt
public class KotlinClass(val name: String?) : JavaInterface
I've tried overriding the 'getter' method by
adding override fun getName(): String? = name, but that produces the same error.
I can see one workaround by doing this instead:
public class KotlinClass(val namePrivate: String?) : JavaInterface {
override fun getName(): String? = namePrivate
But in my real-world case I have a number of properties to implement and need setters too. Doing this for each property doesn't seem very Kotlin-ish. What am I missing?

Making that variable private solves the problem.
public class KotlinClass(private val name: String?) : JavaInterface

You could use #JvmField for instructs the compiler not generate getter/setter, and you can implement your setters and getters. With this your code work well in Java (as attribute getter/setter) and Kotlin as property
public interface Identifiable<ID extends Serializable>
ID getId();
class IdentifiableImpl(#JvmField var id: String) :Identifiable<String>
override fun getId(): String
TODO("not implemented")

The annotation feature of Kotlin named #JvmName will solve the duplication problem in Java and Kotlin when having the same signature.
fun function(p: String) {
// ...
// Signature: function(Ljava/lang/String)
With the use of JvmName will be:
fun function(p: String) {
// ...
// Signature: functionOfKotlin(Ljava/lang/String)

IMHO most readable combination is field + explicit interface implementation by the single-expression function (combination of #Renato Garcia's and #Steven Spungin's answers):
public inteface SomeInterface {
String getFoo();
class Implementation(#JvmField val foo: String) : SomeInterface {
override fun getFoo() = foo

Another work-around is to declare the properties in an abstract Kotlin class, then write a small java class that extends KotlinClass and implements JavaInterface.
public interface JavaInterface {
int getFoo();
void setFoo(int value);
// KotlinClass.kt
abstract class KotlinClass(open var foo : Int = 0) {
class JavaAdapter extends KotlinClass implements JavaInterface {
// all code in KotlinClass, but can't implement JavaInterface there
// because kotlin properties cannot override java methods.

We have found that to use the same names without clashing, the ctor args must be private AND you must still override the interfaces methods. You don't need any additional backing fields. Also, your expression body assignment will not recurse, so you can safely use that syntax.
Java Interface
interface IUser {
String getUserScope();
String getUserId();
Kotlin Class
class SampleUser(private val userScope: String, private val userId: String) : IUser {
override fun getUserId() = userId
override fun getUserScope() = userScope

If you have direct control over the interface then the best approach is to write the interface in Kotlin. You can then write your class
public class KotlinClass(override val name: String?) : KotlinInterface
and still reference it from any Java code using the same interface as before. This looks a lot neater than setting all the properties to private and overriding the get function. Obviously if you can't migrate the interface to Java because you don't own it then that seems to be the only solution.

public interface JavaInterface {
public String getName();
public class KotlinClass(val namePrivate: String?) : JavaInterface {
private var name = namePrivate
override fun getName(): String? {
return name

Rename the variable to something else, or make it private if u dont want it to be public.

convert function to property instead of initializing property from a function.
for ex:
fun getCountriesList(): List<Country> {
val countries = mutableListOf<Country>()
countries.add(Country("in", "+91", "India", R.drawable.indian_flag))
countries.add(Country("us", "+1", "United States",R.drawable.us_flag))
return countries
val countriesList: List<Country>
get() {
val countries = mutableListOf<Country>()
countries.add(Country("in", "+91", "India", R.drawable.indian_flag))
countries.add(Country("us", "+1", "United States", R.drawable.us_flag))
return countries


Jackson Serializaiton/Deserialization by custom property in enum

I want to make Jackson work with enums not by name and not by ordinal, but with a custom property I added called "stringId".
I wanted to support this with all Enums in the system so I made an interface called StringIdEnum which the FooEnum will implement.
I'm using Kotlin so I created a property in the interface called stringId which I override in each enum value.
Now I want to make Jackson serialize and deserialize using this stringId field, from what I seen I have several options:
Use #JsonProperty annotation on each enum value and make sure it is aligned with the stringId property.
I see two issues with this approach. one it's a lot of annotation to add (we have many enum classes across the system). two I need to make sure the annotation value and the property value should be always the same which can cause issues in the future.
I tried to use the READ_ENUMS_USING_TO_STRING feature, but because I'm using an interface I can't override the toString in the interface class (I can override it in every enum class but that again seems like a lot of redundant code)
Implement a custom serializer/deserializer.
The serializer is pretty straightforward, however, I had trouble with the deserializer.
I wanted to register the deserializer on the StringIdEnum interface, but I had an issue getting all the runtime enum values for the actual FooType enum.
interface StringIdEnum {
val stringId: String
enum class FooType(override val stringId: String) : StringIdEnum {
Managed to get it working:
#JsonSerialize(using = StringIdEnumSerializer::class)
#JsonDeserialize(using = StringIdEnumDeserializer::class)
interface StringIdEnum: DbEnum {
val stringId: String
class StringIdEnumSerializer: StdSerializer<StringIdEnum>( {
override fun serialize(value: StringIdEnum, gen: JsonGenerator, provider: SerializerProvider) {
class StringIdEnumDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<Enum<*>>(), ContextualDeserializer {
private lateinit var type: JavaType
override fun deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): Enum<*> {
val t = p.text
val enumConstants = (type.rawClass as Class<Enum<*>>).enumConstants
return enumConstants.single { (it as StringIdEnum).stringId == t }
override fun createContextual(ctxt: DeserializationContext?, property: BeanProperty?): JsonDeserializer<*> {
val wrapperType: JavaType = property!!.type
val stringIdEnumDeserializer = StringIdEnumDeserializer()
stringIdEnumDeserializer.type = wrapperType
return stringIdEnumDeserializer

Kotlin: common interface on Enum class with static method to map from String

Suppose I have many enum classes like the following:
enum class Hero(val alias: String) {
SUPERMAN("Clark Kent"),
BATMAN("Bruce Wayne");
companion object {
fun fromAlias(value: String): Hero? = Hero.values().find { it.alias.equals(value, true) }
enum class Villain(val alias: String) {
TWO_FACE("Harvey Dent"),
RIDDLER("Edward Nigma");
companion object {
fun fromAlias(value: String): Villain? = Villain.values().find { it.alias.equals(value, true) }
I'd like to be able to create a generic interface to handle the fromAlias method in such a way that I can still call it using Hero.fromAlias("Bruce Wayne"). So my enum classes would be simplified to something like:
enum class Hero(override val alias: String): AliasedEnum<Hero> {
SUPERMAN("Clark Kent"),
BATMAN("Bruce Wayne");
enum class Villain(override val alias: String): AliasedEnum<Villain> {
TWO_FACE("Harvey Dent"),
RIDDLER("Edward Nigma");
I attempted to incorporate the answer from Kotlin define interface for enum class values method, but couldn't see a way to access the enum values() from the companion object in the interface. Is there a clean way to do what I am wanting?
You can quite easily do this by using the fact that companion object objects can extend other classes.
Pretty much any solution will require two different parts, since you need:
A common interface that provides any data required for the function, so it is available regardless of the actual implementation.
A way to attach the shared function to the companion object for <Class>.function access. This can either be an abstract class with the required implementation or a marker class with the implementation as an extension function.
In the end the "cleanest" solution would probably be this:
// Attaching point for the extension function which provides the answer
interface EnumCompanion<T : Enum<T>>
// Marker interface to provide the common data
interface WithAlias {
val alias: String
inline fun <reified T> EnumCompanion<T>.fromAlias(
value: String
): T? where T : Enum<T>, T : WithAlias {
return enumValues<T>().find { it.alias == value }
// Define the enums and attach the helper to their companion object
enum class Hero(override val alias: String) : WithAlias {
SUPERMAN("Clark Kent"),
BATMAN("Bruce Wayne");
companion object : EnumCompanion<Hero>
enum class Villain(override val alias: String) : WithAlias {
TWO_FACE("Harvey Dent"),
RIDDLER("Edward Nigma");
companion object : EnumCompanion<Villain>
fun main() {
println(Hero.fromAlias("Bruce Wayne"))
println(Villain.fromAlias("Edward Nigma"))

Overriding a JVM method using Kotlin property

MyKotlinClass is implementing ThirdPartyJavaInterface.
public interface ThirdPartyJavaInterface {
String getName();
class MyKotlinClass (val name: String) : ThirdPartyJavaInterface
MyKotlinClass is not getting compiled because of Accidental Override error for getName() method by name field.
I do want to override the getName() intentionally. Is there any way to suppress the error by telling the compiler my intention?
One possible solution in my mind is as below but I don't want to write this much code (because in actual scenario I have 8 methods to override)
class MyKotlinClass (val aName: String) : ThirdPartyJavaInterface {
override fun getName(): String {
return aName

Method References to Super Class Method

How to use method references to refer to super class methods?
In Java 8 you can do SubClass.super::method.
What would be the syntax in Kotlin?
Looking forward to your response!
Thanks to Bernard Rocha!
The syntax is SubClass::method.
But be careful. In my case the subclass was a generic class. Don't forget to declare it as those:
MySubMap<K, V>::method.
It still doesn't work in Kotlin.
Hers's an example in Java 8 of a method reference to a super class method:
public abstract class SuperClass {
void method() {
System.out.println("superclass method()");
public class SubClass extends SuperClass {
void method() {
Runnable superMethodL = () -> super.method();
Runnable superMethodMR = SubClass.super::method;
I'm still not able to do the same in Kotlin...
This is an example how I tried to achieve it in Kotlin:
open class Bar {
open fun getString(): String = "Hello"
class Foo : Bar() {
fun testFunction(action: () -> String): String = action()
override fun getString(): String {
//this will throw an StackOverflow error, since it will continuously call 'Foo.getString()'
return testFunction(this::getString)
I want to have something like that:
override fun getString(): String {
//this should call 'Bar.getString' only once. No StackOverflow error should happen.
return testFunction(super::getString)
It's not possible to do so in Kotlin yet.
I submitted a feature report. It can be found here: KT-21103 Method Reference to Super Class Method
As the documentation says you use it like in java:
If we need to use a member of a class, or an extension function, it
needs to be qualified. e.g. String::toCharArray gives us an extension
function for type String: String.() -> CharArray.
I think you can achieve what you want doing something like this:
open class SuperClass {
companion object {
fun getMyString(): String {
return "Hello"
class SubClass : SuperClass() {
fun getMyAwesomeString(): String {
val reference = SuperClass.Companion
return testFunction(reference::getMyString)
private fun testFunction(s: KFunction0<String>): String {
return s.invoke()
Don't know if it is possible to get the reference to super class's function, but here is an alternative to what you want to achieve:
override fun getString(): String = testFunction { super.getString() }
According to Bernardo's answer, you might have something like this. It doesn't have remarkable changes.
fun methodInActivity() {
fun config(){
What is more, in the incoming 1.2 version you can use just

Create an annotation instance in Kotlin

I have a framework written in Java that, using reflection, get the fields on an annotation and make some decisions based on them. At some point I am also able to create an ad-hoc instance of the annotation and set the fields myself. This part looks something like this:
public #interface ThirdPartyAnnotation{
String foo();
class MyApp{
ThirdPartyAnnotation getInstanceOfAnnotation(final String foo)
ThirdPartyAnnotation annotation = new ThirdPartyAnnotation()
public String foo()
return foo;
return annotation;
Now I am trying to do the exact thing in Kotlin. Bear in mind that the annotation is in a third party jar.
Anyway, here is how I tried it in Kotlin:
class MyApp{
fun getAnnotationInstance(fooString:String):ThirdPartyAnnotation{
return ThirdPartyAnnotation(){
override fun foo=fooString
But the compiler complains about: Annotation class cannot be instantiated
So the question is: how should I do this in Kotlin?
You can do this with Kotlin reflection:
val annotation = ThirdPartyAnnotation::class.constructors.first().call("fooValue")
In the case of annotation having no-arg constructor (e.g. each annotation field has a default value), you can use following approach:
annotation class SomeAnnotation(
val someField: Boolean = false,
val annotation = SomeAnnotation::class.createInstance()
This is the solution I might have found but feels like a hack to me and I would prefer to be able to solve it within the language.
Anyway, for what is worth,it goes like this:
class MyApp {
fun getInstanceOfAnnotation(foo: String): ThirdPartyAnnotation {
val annotationListener = object : InvocationHandler {
override fun invoke(proxy: Any?, method: Method?, args: Array<out Any>?): Any? {
return when (method?.name) {
"foo" -> foo
else ->
return Proxy.newProxyInstance(, arrayOf(, annotationListener) as ThirdPartyAnnotation