Erlang: spawn a process to a function from another module - module

I started this week with this programming language and I'm trying to do a very simple web server for a subject on my university. I have a question when I spawn a process. I need to spawn N process, so I create a function inside my module dispatcher.erl:
create_workers(NWorkers, Servers, Manager, Dispatcher_Pid) ->
case NWorkers of
0 -> Servers;
_ when NWorkers > 0 ->
Process_Pid = spawn(server, start, [Manager]),
create_workers((NWorkers - 1), lists:append(Servers, [{server, Process_Pid}]), Manager, Dispatcher_Pid)
The function I'm trying to call is in another module (server.erl), which contains this code:
start(Manager, Dispatcher_Pid) ->
{request, Url, Id, WWW_Root} ->
case file:read_file((WWW_Root ++ Url)) of
{ok, Msg} ->
conn_manager:reply(Manager, {ok, binary:bin_to_list(Msg)}, Id);
{error, _} ->
conn_manager:reply(Manager, not_found, Id)
Dispatcher_Pid ! {done, self()},
start(Manager, Dispatcher_Pid).
So, I'm trying to spawn a process from the dispatcher.erl module to a function on server.erl module, but I get this error on every spawn:
=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Mar-2015::01:42:43 ===
Error in process <0.165.0> with exit value: {undef,[{server,start,[<0.159.0>],[]}]}
I don't know what is happening here, because I think I'm calling the spawn function as the Erlang documentation says, can I get some help?
Thanks for your time!

Okay, I resolved it from myself. When I spawn a new process, I was passing it less arguments than the arity of the function I'm trying to spawn.


Pass Data between two Nodes erlang

I have recently started learning Erlang and I am trying to implement a server-client sample program. I have created a registered process and I would like to send data to it from another process. The code is as follows.
-export([alice/0, bob/2, startAlice/0, startBob/1]).
alice() ->
{message, BobNode} ->
io:fwrite("Alice got a message \n"),
BobNode ! message,
finished -> io:fwrite("Alice is finished\n")
bob(0, AliceNode) ->
{alice, AliceNode} ! finished,
io:fwrite("Bob is finished\n");
bob(N, AliceNode) ->
{alice, AliceNode} ! {message, self()},
message -> io:fwrite("Bob got a message ~w \n",[N])
bob(N-1, AliceNode).
startAlice() ->
register(alice, spawn(mine, alice, [])).
startBob(AliceNode) ->
spawn(mine, bob, [30000, AliceNode]).
Here, I would like to send some value say N, from bob to alice. I tried sending the data as
{alice, AliceNode, Nvalue} ! {message, self(), N} in bob(N, AliceNode) function, but got the error variable 'Nvalue' is unbound erl. I am sure I am missing something trivial here. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

How to print a message within a process when it gets the right from another process in erlang?

I'm all new to erlang, and i got this task:
Write a function "setalarm(T,Message)" what starts two processes at
the same time. After T miliseconds the first process sends a message
to the second process, and that message will be the Message arg.
It's forbidden to use function library, only primitives (send, receive, spawn)
Me as a novice useful to write more code, so I suggest such an option:
S = spawn(sotest,second,[]),
Pid = spawn(sotest,first,[S,T,Message]).
first(Pid,T,Message) ->
after T -> Pid ! Message
second() ->
Message -> io:format("The message is ~p~n",[Message])

Broadcasting to processes that are on different nodes

I have a function that does the broadcasting:
broadcast(Msg, Reason) ->
Fun = fun(P) -> P ! {self(), Msg, Reason} end, %line 27
lists:foreach(Fun, nodes()).
But it's not working,I get this error:
=ERROR REPORT==== 12-Apr-2014::15:42:23 ===
Error in process <0.45.0> on node 'sub#Molly' with exit value: {badarg,[{subscri
Line 38 is a line where I call the function
broadcast(Reason, Msg)
I can't wrap my head around the error. Why doesn't this work?
! takes the same arguments as erlang:send/2. The documentation specifies that the target can be one of:
a pid
a port
an atom, meaning a process registered on the local node
{RegName, Node}, for a process registered on a remote node
You're sending messages to the elements of the return value of nodes(). These are atoms, but they are node names, not locally registered processes. If the process you want to send the message to is registered as foo on the remote node, write {foo, P} ! {self(), Msg, Reason} instead.
On the other hand, if you have the pids of the processes on the remote node, there is no need to specify the node name, as the pids contain that information. Just send the message to the remote pid as you would for a local pid.
Node is just an atom, you can't send a message to it. What you need is a pid on that node. For example it could be a registered process and the pid could be obtained by calling rpc:call(Node, erlang, where, [Name]). Another option could be to use gproc.

eunit: How to test a simple process?

I'm currently writing a test for a module that runs in a simple process started with spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [self()]).
In my eunit tests, I have a setup and teardown function defined and a set of test generators.
all_tests_test_() ->
{inorder, {
fun setup/0,
fun teardown/1,
fun my_test/1
The setup fun creates the process-under-test:
setup() ->
{ok, Pid} = protocol:start_link(),
error_logger:info_msg("[~p] Setting up process ~p~n", [self(), Pid]),
The test looks like this:
my_test(Pid) ->
[ fun() ->
error_logger:info_msg("[~p] Sending to ~p~n", [self(), Pid]),
Pid ! something,
Msg -> ?assertMatch(expected_result, Msg)
500 -> ?assert(false)
end ].
Most of my modules are gen_server but for this I figured it'll be easier without all gen_server boilerplate code...
The output from the test looks like this:
=INFO REPORT==== 31-Mar-2014::21:20:12 ===
[<0.117.0>] Setting up process <0.122.0>
=INFO REPORT==== 31-Mar-2014::21:20:12 ===
[<0.124.0>] Sending to <0.122.0>
=INFO REPORT==== 31-Mar-2014::21:20:12 ===
[<0.122.0>] Sending expected_result to <0.117.0>
protocol_test: my_test...*failed*
in function protocol_test:'-my_test/1-fun-0-'/0 (test/protocol_test.erl, line 37)
From the Pids you can see that whatever process was running setup (117) was not the same that was running the test case (124). The process under test however is the same (122). This results in a failing test case because the receive never gets the message und runs into the timeout.
Is that the expected behaviour that a new process gets spawned by eunit to run the test case?
An generally, is there a better way to test a process or other asynchronous behaviour (like casts)? Or would you suggest to always use gen_server to have a synchronous interface?
To clarify, how protocol knows about the process, this is the start_link/0 fun:
start_link() ->
Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [self()]),
{ok, Pid}.
The protocol ist tightly linked to the caller. If the either of them crashes I want the other one to die as well. I know I could use gen_server and supervisors and actually it did that in parts of the application, but for this module, I thought it was a bit over the top.
did you try:
all_tests_test_() ->
{inorder, {
fun setup/0,
fun teardown/1,
fun my_test/1
From the doc, it seems to be what you need.
simple solution
Just like in Pascal answer, adding the local flag to test description might solve some your problem, but it will probably cause you some additional problems in future, especially when you link yourself to created process.
testing processes
General practice in Erlang is that while process abstraction is crucial for writing (designing and thinking about) programs, it is not something that you would expose to user of your code (even if it is you). Instead expecting someone to send you message with proper data, you wrap it in function call
get_me_some_expected_result(Pid) ->
Pid ! something,
Msg ->
after 500
and then test this function rather than receiving something "by hand".
To distinguish real timeout from received timeouted atom, one can use some pattern matching, and let it fail in case of error
get_me_some_expected_result(Pid) ->
Pid ! something,
Msg ->
{ok, Msg}
after 500
in_my_test() ->
{ok, ValueToBeTested} = get_me_some_expected_result().
In addition, since your process could receive many different messages in meantime, you can make sure that you receive what you think you receive with little pattern-matching and local reference
get_me_some_expected_result(Pid) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
Pid ! {something, Ref},
{Ref, Msg} ->
{ok, Msg}
after 500
And now receive will ignore (leave for leter) all messages that will not have same Reg that you send to your process.
major concern
One thing that I do not really understand, is how does process you are testing know where to send back received message? Only logical solution would be getting pid of it's creator during initialization (call to self/0 inside protocol:start_link/0 function). But then our new process can communicate only with it's creator, which might not be something you expect, and which is not how tests are run.
So simplest solution would be sending "return address" with each call; which again could be done in our wrapping function.
get_me_some_expected_result(Pid) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
Pid ! {something, Ref, self()},
{Ref, Msg} ->
{ok, Msg}
after 500
Again, anyone who will use this get_me_some_expected_result/1 function will not have to worry about message passing, and testing such functions makes thing extremely easier.
Hope this helps at least a little.
Maybe it's simply because you are using the foreach EUnit fixture in place of the setup one.
There, try the setup fixture: the one that uses {setup, Setup, Cleanup, Tests} instead of {inorder, {foreach, …}}

Erlang process event error

I'm basically following the tutorial on this site Learn you some Erlang:Designing a concurrent application and I tried to run the code below with the following commands and got an error on line 48. I did turn off my firewall just in case that was the problem but no luck. I'm on windows xp SP3.
9> c(event).
10> f().
11> event:start("Event",0).
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Feb-2013::15:05:07 ===
Error in process <0.61.0> with exit value: {function_clause,[{event,time_to_go,[0],[{file,"event.erl"},{line,48}]},{event,init,3,[{file,"event.erl"},{line,31}]}]}
-export([start/2, start_link/2, cancel/1]).
-export([init/3, loop/1]).
-record(state, {server,
%%% Public interface
start(EventName, DateTime) ->
spawn(?MODULE, init, [self(), EventName, DateTime]).
start_link(EventName, DateTime) ->
spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), EventName, DateTime]).
cancel(Pid) ->
%% Monitor in case the process is already dead
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
Pid ! {self(), Ref, cancel},
{Ref, ok} ->
erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
{'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
%%% Event's innards
init(Server, EventName, DateTime) ->
%% Loop uses a list for times in order to go around the ~49 days limit
%% on timeouts.
loop(S = #state{server=Server, to_go=[T|Next]}) ->
{Server, Ref, cancel} ->
Server ! {Ref, ok}
after T*1000 ->
if Next =:= [] ->
Server ! {done,};
Next =/= [] ->
%%% private functions
time_to_go(TimeOut={{_,_,_}, {_,_,_}}) ->
Now = calendar:local_time(),
ToGo = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(TimeOut) -
Secs = if ToGo > 0 -> ToGo;
ToGo =< 0 -> 0
%% Because Erlang is limited to about 49 days (49*24*60*60*1000) in
%% milliseconds, the following function is used
normalize(N) ->
Limit = 49*24*60*60,
[N rem Limit | lists:duplicate(N div Limit, Limit)].
It's running purely locally on your machine so the firewall will not affect it.
The problem is the second argument you gave when you started it event:start("Event",0).
The error reason:
says that it is a function_clause error which means that there was no clause in the function definition which matched the arguments. It also tells you that it was the function event:time_to_go/1 on line 48 which failed and that it was called with the argument 0.
It you look at the function time_to_go/ you will see that it expects its argument to be a tuple of 2 elements where each element is a tuple of 3 elements:
time_to_go(TimeOut={{_,_,_}, {_,_,_}}) ->
The structure of this argument is {{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Minute,Second}}. If you follow this argument backwards you that time_to_go/ is called from init/3 where the argument to time_to_go/1, DateTime, is the 3rd argument to init/3. Almost there now. Now init/3 is the function which the process spawned in start/2 (and start_link/2) and the 3rd argument toinit/3is the second argument tostart/2`.
So when you call event:start("Event",0). it is the 0 here which is passed into the call time_to_go/1 function in the new peocess. And the format is wrong. You should be calling it with something like event:start("Event", {{2013,3,24},{17,53,62}}).
To add background to rvirding's answer, you get the error because the
example works up until the final code snippet as far
as I know. The normalize function is used first, which deals with the
problem. Then the paragraph right after the example in the question
above, the text says:
And it works! The last thing annoying with the event module is that we
have to input the time left in seconds. It would be much better if we
could use a standard format such as Erlang's datetime ({{Year, Month,
Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}). Just add the following function that
will calculate the difference between the current time on your
computer and the delay you inserted:
The next snippet introduces the code bit that takes only a date/time and
changes it to the final time left.
I could not easily link to all transitional versions of the file, which
is why trying the linked file directly with the example doesn't work
super easily in this case. If the code is followed step by step, snippet
by snippet, everything should work fine. Sorry for the confusion.