What's the best way to use a number at compile time and run time? - dependent-type

I am just starting to learn Idris, and I figured a nice little project to start off would be to implement finite sequences as 2-3 finger trees. Each internal node in a tree needs to be annotated at run time with the total number of elements stored below it in order to support fast splitting and indexing. This size information also needs to be managed at compile time in order to (eventually) prove that splitting with appropriate indices and zipping a sequence with another sequence are total operations.
I can think of two ways to deal with this:
What I'm currently doing, having written a tiny fraction of the total necessary code: handle the sizes entirely in the types, and then use something like proof {intros; exact s;} to get at them. I don't know what, if any, horrible efficiency consequences this might have. Among potentials in my mind: a) Unnecessarily storing a size with each leaf node. b) I think this unlikely, but it would be real bad if it insisted on calculating sizes from the bottom up rather than lazily from the top down.
Include an explicit size field in each node constructor, along with a proof that the number in the size field matches the size the type system requires. This approach seems extremely awkward. On the plus side, I should be able to be quite certain that the type-level numbers and the equality proofs get erased, leaving just one number per internal node at run time.
Which of these, if either, is the right way to go?
The current code
Please feel free to give style tips, and maybe to explain how to inline the size code. I could only figure out what to do interactively, but it seems a bit weird to have proofs at the bottom for such simple things.
data Tree23 : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
Elem : a -> Tree23 0 1 a
Node2 : Lazy (Tree23 d s1 a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d s2 a) ->
Tree23 (S d) (s1 + s2) a
Node3 : Lazy (Tree23 d s1 a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d s2 a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d s3 a) ->
Tree23 (S d) (s1 + s2 + s3) a
size23 : Tree23 d s a -> Nat
size23 t = ?size23RHS
data Digit : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
One : Lazy (Tree23 d s a) -> Digit d s a
Two : Lazy (Tree23 d s1 a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d s2 a) -> Digit d (s1+s2) a
Three : Lazy (Tree23 d s1 a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d s2 a) ->
Lazy (Tree23 d s3 a) -> Digit d (s1+s2+s3) a
Four : Lazy (Tree23 d s1 a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d s2 a) ->
Lazy (Tree23 d s3 a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d s4 a) -> Digit d (s1+s2+s3+s4) a
sizeDig : Digit d s a -> Nat
sizeDig t = ?sizeDigRHS
data FingerTree : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
Empty : FingerTree d 0 a
Single : Tree23 d s a -> FingerTree d s a
Deep : Digit d spr a -> Lazy (FingerTree (S d) sm a) -> Digit d ssf a ->
FingerTree d (spr + sm + ssf) a
data Seq' : Nat -> Type -> Type where
MkSeq' : FingerTree 0 n a -> Seq' n a
Seq : Type -> Type
Seq a = (n ** Seq' n a)
---------- Proofs ----------
try.sizeDigRHS = proof
exact s
try.size23RHS = proof
exact s
Another option I've explored a bit is to try to separate the data structure from its validity. This leads to the following:
data Tree23 : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Elem : a -> Tree23 0 a
Node2 : Nat -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) ->
Tree23 (S d) a
Node3 : Nat -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) ->
Tree23 (S d) a
size23 : Tree23 d a -> Nat
size23 (Elem x) = 1
size23 (Node2 s _ _) = s
size23 (Node3 s _ _ _) = s
data Valid23 : Tree23 d a -> Type where
ElemValid : Valid23 (Elem x)
Node2Valid : Valid23 x -> Valid23 y -> Valid23 (Node2 (size23 x + size23 y) x y)
Node3Valid : Valid23 x -> Valid23 y -> Valid23 z
-> Valid23 (Node3 (size23 x + size23 y + size23 z) x y z)
data Digit : Nat -> Type -> Type where
One : Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Digit d a
Two : Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Digit d a
Three : Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) ->
Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Digit d a
Four : Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) ->
Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Lazy (Tree23 d a) -> Digit d a
data ValidDig : Digit d a -> Type where
OneValid : Valid23 x -> ValidDig (One x)
TwoValid : Valid23 x -> Valid23 y -> ValidDig (Two x y)
ThreeValid : Valid23 x -> Valid23 y -> Valid23 z -> ValidDig (Three x y z)
FourValid : Valid23 x -> Valid23 y -> Valid23 z -> Valid23 w -> ValidDig (Four x y z w)
sizeDig : Digit d a -> Nat
sizeDig (One x) = size23 x
sizeDig (Two x y) = size23 x + size23 y
sizeDig (Three x y z) = size23 x + size23 y + size23 z
sizeDig (Four x y z w) = (size23 x + size23 y) + (size23 z + size23 w)
data FingerTree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Empty : FingerTree d a
Single : Tree23 d a -> FingerTree d a
Deep : Nat -> Digit d a -> Lazy (FingerTree (S d) a) -> Digit d a ->
FingerTree d a
sizeFT : FingerTree d a -> Nat
sizeFT Empty = 0
sizeFT (Single x) = size23 x
sizeFT (Deep k x y z) = k
data ValidFT : FingerTree d a -> Type where
ValidEmpty : ValidFT Empty
ValidSingle : Valid23 x -> ValidFT (Single x)
ValidDeep : ValidDig pr -> ValidFT m -> ValidDig sf ->
ValidFT (Deep (sizeDig pr + sizeFT m + sizeDig sf) pr m sf)
record Seq : Type -> Type where
MkSeq : FingerTree 0 a -> Seq a
data ValidSeq : Seq a -> Type where
MkValidSeq : ValidFT t -> ValidSeq (MkSeq t)
Then each function is accompanied by a (separate) proof of its validity.
I kind of like the way this approach separates "code" from "proofs", but I've run into a couple problems with it:
While the "code" gets easier, the proofs seem to get a good bit harder to construct. I imagine a large part of that is probably a result of my not being familiar with the system.
I haven't actually gotten near the point where I will write this code, but the indexing, splitting, and zipping functions will all have to insist on getting a proof of the validity of their input(s). It seems a bit weird for some functions to work with just sequences, and others to insist on proofs, but maybe that's just me.

Your problem can be simplified to having a type like
data Steps : Nat -> Type where
Nil : Steps 0
Cons : Steps n -> Steps (S n)
and wanting to write
size : Steps n -> Nat
This is very easy to do since the implicitly-quantified arguments (n in this case) are passed to size as implicit arguments! So the above type of size is the same as
size : {n : _} -> Steps n -> Nat
which means it can be defined as
size {n} _ = n


Dependent parameters or type-level functions with proofs?

I'm deciding between parametrising my type by a Vect r Nat and List Nat. At first, I thought that with the former I can constrain the vector length like
foo : Vect m Nat -> Vect m Nat -> Vect (2 * m) Nat
and this makes Vect more powerful, but then I realised I can do the same, albeit more verbosely, with lists and proofs
foo : (x : List Nat) -> (y : List Nat)
-> {auto _ : length x = length y} -> List (2 * length x) Nat
Now I'm wondering if this is generally true. Is parametrising with values any different to using type-level functions with proofs?

Does it help if proofs are orthogonal?

Suppose I have a function
f : Vect m Nat -> Vect n Nat -> {auto _ : Proof m n} -> Foo m n
data Proof : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
Eq : Proof x x
One : Proof 1 _
I can make a Proof 1 1 as Eq or One. Thus these aren't "orthogonal". In more complicated examples, I can have recursive data constructors where I might be able to provide a proof as Constructor1 Constructor2 or Constructor3 Constructor1. Does it matter if constructors aren't orthogonal? In particular, does it hinder proof search?

Check a function application isn't possible?

I'd like to check my function signatures mean what I think they mean. I can of course check the positive variants
test_concat : Vect [3] Nat -> Vect [2] Nat -> Vect [5] Nat
test_concat x y = x ++ y
but I'd like to test some negative variants, sth like
test_concat_invalid : Vect [3] Nat -> Vect [2] Nat -> Vect [1] Nat -> Void
test_concat_invalid x y = x ++ y impossible
though obviously the syntax is made up. I've found I can do sth similar to test if I've written a data constructor for proofs correctly. Is this possible?
You can create a type which is indexed by a separate type and value:
data Typed : Type -> a -> Type where
MkTyped : {A : Type} -> {x : A} -> Typed A x
But only provide a constructor which links the type index with the value index - i.e. Typed can only be constructed if the value x has the type A.
This lets us write a proposition like so:
: (x : Vect 3 Nat)
-> (y : Vect 2 Nat)
-> Typed (Vect 1 Nat) (x ++ y)
-> Void
test_concat_invalid _ _ MkTyped impossible
When Idris tries to unify the types, it sees 1 is not 5 which are obviously different, by construction. This means Idris will happily accept that the MkTyped constructor is impossible in this proposition.

Total definition of Gcd in Idris

I am working in a small project with a goal to give a definition of Gcd which gives the gcd of two numbers along with the proof that the result is correct. But I am unable to give a total definition of Gcd. The definition of Gcd in Idris 1.3.0 is total but uses assert_total to force totality which defeats the purpose of my project. Does someone have a total definition of Gcd which does not use assert_total?
P.S. - My codes are uploaded in https://github.com/anotherArka/Idris-Number-Theory.git
I have a version which uses the Accessible relation to show that the sum of the two numbers you're finding the gcd of gets smaller on every recursive call: https://gist.github.com/edwinb/1907723fbcfce2fde43a380b1faa3d2c#file-gcd-idr-L25
It relies on this, from Prelude.Wellfounded:
data Accessible : (rel : a -> a -> Type) -> (x : a) -> Type where
Access : (rec : (y : a) -> rel y x -> Accessible rel y) ->
Accessible rel x
The general idea is that you can make a recursive call by explicitly stating what gets smaller, and providing a proof on each recursive call that it really does get smaller. For gcd, it looks like this (gcdt for the total version since gcd is in the prelude):
gcdt : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
gcdt m n with (sizeAccessible (m + n))
gcdt m Z | acc = m
gcdt Z n | acc = n
gcdt (S m) (S n) | (Access rec)
= if m > n
then gcdt (minus m n) (S n) | rec _ (minusSmaller_1 _ _)
else gcdt (S m) (minus n m) | rec _ (minusSmaller_2 _ _)
sizeAccessible is defined in the prelude and allows you to explicitly state here that it's the sum of the inputs that's getting smaller. The recursive call is smaller than the input because rec is an argument of Access rec.
If you want to see in a bit more detail what's going on, you can try replacing the minusSmaller_1 and minusSmaller_2 calls with holes, to see what you have to prove:
gcdt : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
gcdt m n with (sizeAccessible (m + n))
gcdt m Z | acc = m
gcdt Z n | acc = n
gcdt (S m) (S n) | (Access rec)
= if m > n
then gcdt (minus m n) (S n) | rec _ ?smaller1
else gcdt (S m) (minus n m) | rec _ ?smaller2
For example:
*gcd> :t smaller1
m : Nat
n : Nat
rec : (y : Nat) ->
LTE (S y) (S (plus m (S n))) -> Accessible Smaller y
smaller1 : LTE (S (plus (minus m n) (S n))) (S (plus m (S n)))
I don't know of anywhere that documents Accessible in much detail, at least for Idris (you might find examples for Coq), but there are more examples in the base libraries in Data.List.Views, Data.Vect.Views and Data.Nat.Views.
FYI: the implemenation in idris 1.3.0 (and probably 1.2.0) is total, but uses the assert_total function to achieve this.
:printdef gcd
gcd : (a : Nat) ->
(b : Nat) -> {auto ok : NotBothZero a b} -> Nat
gcd a 0 = a
gcd 0 b = b
gcd a (S b) = assert_total (gcd (S b)
(modNatNZ a (S b) SIsNotZ))

type mismatch between m and (minus m 0)

I'm trying to define the dependent type of n-ary functions (built as a tree out of binary and unary functions; I suspect this is isomorphic to the type of (Vect n a) -> a) as an exercise in learning Idris.
While trying to define a function that applies an argument to an n-ary function (producing an (n-1)-ary function) I got a very suspicious error:
Type mismatch between
ArityFn m a (Type of ng)
ArityFn (minus m 0) a (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
minus m 0
here's the code in question, for reference
data ArityFn : Nat -> (ty: Type) -> Type where
Val : (x : ty) -> ArityFn 0 ty
UnaryFn : (ty -> ty) -> ArityFn 1 ty
BinaryFn : (ty -> ty -> ty) -> ArityFn 2 ty
NAryFn : (ty -> ty -> ty) -> (ArityFn n ty) -> (ArityFn m ty) -> ArityFn (n + m) ty
%name ArityFn nf, ng, nh
applyArityFn : a -> (ArityFn n a) -> (LTE 1 n) -> ArityFn (n - 1) a
... (some definitions elided)
applyArityFn x (NAryFn h (UnaryFn f) ng) _ = mkNAryFn h (Val (f x)) ng
is this a bug in the typechecker?
When in doubt, look for the definition of the function which got stuck:
:def minus returns (among other things, modulo some cleanup):
Original definiton:
minus 0 right = 0
minus left 0 = left
minus (S left) (S right) = minus left right
You can see that minus left 0 = left won't hold definitionally because there is a pattern minus 0 right = 0 before. Now, of course both equations return the same result when they happen to coincide but idris doesn't know that.
To get the result you want you can:
either somehow pattern match on m and get minus to reduce now that the head constructor of its first argument is exposed
or rewrite by a proof that minus m 0 = m.