Nginx is getting old ssl certificate - ssl

My ssl certificate has expired and I have created a new one using Startssl. I have followed the steps for Nginx server that I have found in the FAQs from Startssl but, although the paths to the certificate and the key are correct, when I try to load the website with any browser it always gets the old certificate instead of the new one. Do anyone knows what can be happening?
March 22th UPDATE:
I have found something of what is happening: we have 2 web servers in AWS and a Load balancer. I have seen the load balancer has also the ssl certificate and I guess I have to update it too. I have done it and now the new certificate is in usage. But I still see an error: the server cannot check my domain because my certificate comes from one of my subdomains. When I created the certificate in StartSSL there was an step that asks me for a subdomain. It said the certificate will be for the domain and subdomain, but now I'm getting this message. Any idea?

I have found the answer:
When StartSSL asked for a subdomain when I was following the steps to get the new certificate, I was indicating one of my real subdomains. If I set as subdomain "www" everything works. So I wanted to share my experience with everyone hoping it helps:
First: when you are asked for a subdomain in StartSSL, set it as "www".
Second: If you are using AWS and you have a load balancer, don't forget to update the SSL certificate in the load balancer, using the AWS NETWORK & SECURITY -> Load balancers option (Listeners tab).
Hope it helps.
Thanks for reading and trying to help me.


Handshake Error when using cloudflare with Heroku and Cookiecutter Django

so I have a cookiecutter Django app on deployed on Heroku. Now I want to use cloudlfare to connect my custom domain to it. I set up the cloudflare cname records accordingly like explained here:
So both my cnames (one of my website name and one of called www) are both pointing at my DNS target that I got from Heroku when I added my domain.
Now what I get is an 525 ssl Handshake Error.
My question now is the following: I know that cookiecutter django forces ssl. Could that be the problem? Or could it be that I need to activate ssl on my hosting domain? (The problem with that is that my hoster tells me I can't get a ssl certificate when using another namespace, which I do, since I use cloudflare.)
Or what else could be the problem... I am a bit out of options....
Thanks in advance for your help....

Multi-tenant SSL with Cloudflare and Heroku

Im currently building an application that will reside at which is running on Heroku. All users will have their own entry points, like,, etc. I want clients to be able to setup their own domain ( and cname it to their entry point. I understand this is pretty straight forward up until now.
All my DNS is handled by Cloudflare and I believe I can configure Cloudlfare into Full (Strict) mode, all I need to do is install their Origin Cert onto my Heroku dyno. This will ensure that all direct connects to my domain will be secure (going to
Question is, how does a client go about getting an SSL'ed connection for their domain; do I need to get a multidomain cert and start adding domains to it as I get clients, or am i supposed to install their cert onto Heroku (I believe I can only install 1 so thats a no go) or is it supposed to live on Cloudflare somewhere, or are there additional options I'm not seeing (I hope there are!).
Im not wondering what to do for my own domains, but rather, how do clients setup an SSL connection with their domains that resolve onto my servers.
This is rather perplexing!
The flow would be (I think):
User Browser -> Clients DNS -> (cname to) My Cloudflare -> Heroku
Hmm, it looks like this might be a pretty solid solution to this issue...
Edit - after clarification
I'm currently building an application that will reside at which is running on Heroku. All users will have their
own entry points, like,, etc. Question is, how does a client go about
getting an SSL'ed connection for their domain; do I need to get a
multidomain cert and start adding domains to it as I get clients?
If you are going to use the same Heroku app for all of your clients (I think this is a bad idea by the way, but you might be required to) - then yes - you should get a multi-domain certificate and keep adding domains to it as your list of clients expand.
Original answer - which explains SSL + Load Balancing on Heroku.
Im currently building an application that will reside at which is running on Heroku. I was clients to be able
to setup their own domain and cname it to mine.
You will need a wildcard certificate to cover your subdomain (for the You'll have use that cert in heroku.
...all I need to do is install their Origin Cert onto my Heroku dyno.
You are correct - except it's not on your Heroku dyno, it's on your Heroku app endpoint. There's a good read here:
If you do your load balancing on the TCP or IP layer (OSI layer 4/3,
a.k.a L4, L3), then yes, all HTTP servers will need to have the SSL
certificate installed.
If you load balance on the HTTPS layer (L7), then you'd commonly
install the certificate on the load balancer alone, and use plain
un-encrypted HTTP over the local network between the load balancer and
the webservers (for best performance on the web servers).
So you should install your SSL certificate to your Heroku endpoint and let Heroku handle the rest.
Question is, how does a client go about getting an SSL'ed connection;
do I need to get a multidomain cert and start adding domains to it as
I get clients, am i supposed to install their cert onto Heroku (I
believe I can only install 1 so thats a no go) or is it supposed to
live on Cloudflare somewhere?
If you're referring to adding servers to your service from heroku, all you need to do is increase the number of web-dynos. Heroku will handle the load balancing in between these dynos. Your SSL certificate should be resolved in the load balancer so your dynos will be serving requests for the same endpoint. You shouldn't need another SSL certificate for the endpoint you've defined - as long as you're serving traffic from multiple dynos attached to it.

SSL Configuration preventing browsers from making secure connection

I have a digitalocean One-Click Ubuntu Wordpress Droplet with a NameCheap domain.
I've never done anything with SSL before so I followed a tutorial ( Once I made it to the end with no issues, I realized that it was a self-signed certificate and didn't remove the warning that browsers were giving and that I had to purchase one from a provider. Since my domain is through NameCheap, I went through them (Comodo?) and followed their linked tutorial for the setup (
I made it through that and browsers were bringing up an error saying that it was a self-signed certificate and it could be a problem. I went back through both tutorials and checked my stuff and tried to remove what I could of the original part. After blindly finagling things for a few hours, my site receives an A+ from this ssl checker ( but browsers refuse to connect to the site (
I don't even know where I need to start to get this to working properly.
Currently your issue is that you have 301 redirect from to but unfortunately your ssl certificate is only for, not
You enabled HSTS so going backward won't be easy.
The quickest way to solve it is by using let's encrypt instead the comodo certificate.
You can use certbot to fully automate the process. You will find out it is much easier (and cheaper) than comodo paid certificate
P.S. I think this question should be asked in super user / server fault.

ssl certificate for aws

I have a https web app running on my aws ec2 instance.
I need to get a ssl certificate for the same so that the scary warnings do not appear.
How can I do this? I tried to buy a ssl from but their helpdesk emailed me with the following:
"You completed enrollment process for domain name
I believe you cannot get SSL for this domain name because root domain
name is Amazon property."
If this is the case is there no way to get a ssl certificate for my application? I dont believe thats the case.
Any help will be appreciated.
First you need to register a domain through a registrar (e.g. GoDaddy or Amazon Route 53). Next you assign an Elastic IP to your EC2 instance and use your registrar's DNS tool to make your domain point to the Elastic IP address. Then you can request an SSL certificate for your own domain.
You do need to register a domain, or use a subdomain of a domain you already have registered. You do NOT need to use an Elastic IP - they are limited and eventually (if you use multiple domains in your AWS account) you will run out. Instead, you can use a CNAME to point to the AWS name (e.g.,
Once you have that set, use Let's Encrypt to get a free widely accepted certificate. There are plenty of tutorials on the installation process - try:
Just noticed the original question is OLD - which means (among other things) that Let's Encrypt wasn't even an option at the time. But for anyone who stumbles across this question now, it is a great solution.

SSL Connection error on domain

I recently bought the SSL certification off GoDaddy in India for my domain
The only problem is that the https:// version throws up an "SSL connection error" on Chrome & Firefox. I had incorporated a web.config file that redirects all http requests to https, but that caused the website to not load at all!!
I'm weak in these server-side setups and was looking for help online but was unable to find any resources. Godaddy has no clue whats happening either.
Can someone tell me if I need to make any other changes to my DNS records or any other back-end updates to reflect the SSL installation.
BTW, my domain services, hosting & SSL are all from GoDaddy
What version of Firefox and Chrome are you using? I'm able to access the site on Chrome 40.0.2214.91. The SSL Labs test does not indicate any handshake errors although your choice and ordering of cipher suites could use some cleanup. has the recommended SSLCipherSuite value.
Solved.. Turns out I had to point my DNS to the newly issued static, permanent IP address. Works just fine now.
GoDaddy should've mentioned this during the setup, but figured it out anyway.
Thanks a ton