WSO2emm: Upload Application doesn't work - wso2-iot

I've just installed wso2emm and I have a problem with it when i try to upload an application from the Android Store (Play Store). I fill the tab "Package Name" with the value (for example com.fabernovel.ratp for the French RATP Application) and click on Next. When I did it nothing happened ... Have you an idea ? May be there is a specific configuration file ? Thanks for your help

There is no such specific configuration file change to be done. Please refer to the WSO2 EMM documentation

You need to manually enter details of your application. It does not extract data direly from the Play Store


Passbook is not opening in Safari

I'm currently developing backend for pass generation. I have created sample pass using all guidelines but it doesn't open up on Iphone. Is there any way to debug a problem, cause right now Safari is just showing message - "Safari could not download file".
Here is a link with sample pass:
Thanks for any advance!
According to the errors logged in the console, you have more than one field with an ID of "front-primary". Each field must have a unique ID. Fix the names of the field and try again.
If you have a Mac, you can open the output from an iPhone using XCode or the syslog. This helps pinpoint issues with passes.

Changing Taskbar menu icon in nodewebkit app dynamically

I am working on a nodewebkit app. Looking for a functionality where in I can change task-bar icon of app to notify users, similar to what Skype does when a new message is received by user.
Is there any way it can be done in Nodewebkit?
Initially I tried changing window.icon in package.json file, but then I came to know that it is used only once, i.e. on app load. So that did not work.
Anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance
Window.requestAttention(Boolean attention) is what I was looking for.
It worked for me.
Thanks to Dhiraj, It gave me an additional feature for icon.

Your app version has been metadata rejected. Please correct the issues and resubmit the new metadata

Your app version has been metadata rejected. Please correct the issues and resubmit the new metadata.
What causes this problem?
If you got your app rejected, you can find out the reason by clicking on View Details button in app version you recently submitted. Then click Resolution Center button located on top-right corner. There you will find the issues posted by apple.
Please check your metadata of your application on iTunes Connect if it's correct.
For more details, please take a look
Does ios app Metadata rejected means binary is good.
not sure this will help
but this is the link with better discription

It is possible to mute project name as presented in IntelliJ?

On the image below, i have a module datastore as part of the IdeaProjects project.
For display purposes, the name of the project is irrelevant for me. Is there a way i can chose to not display it?
Folder name can be hidden if you switch to the Packages view. It's not ideal as you might want to see other files as well, but I'm afraid it's the only way right now.
You are welcome to submit a request to make it configurable.

Implementing "Rate application" functionality on a Windows Store app

I am trying to implement rating functionality in a Windows Store application using HTML / Javascript.
I am showing a popup dialog similar to the one below within the application and when "Rate" is clicked I would like to redirect to the Marketplace where the user can then rate the application.
This is a task that can easily be done on Windows Phone 7 via the MarketplaceReviewTask.
Is there an API on Windows 8 that I could call to have this achieved?
The Rate and Review link in the Settings charm will automatically appear for users other than yourself (since you can't rate your own app).
If you want a custom link somewhere, you can use LaunchUriAsync like Jim says, using this URI:
where my-pfm is "Package Family Name" which you will find in your application manifest.
Here's a blog post I found that's helpful:
If you use protocol activation (LaunchUriAsync) with the URI format suggested here you'll get to your app's page on the Store; however, there's still an additional step for the user to click Write a Review. There may be a way to deep link to it and I'll update if I find out.