Unable to use exedit popup in angular bootstrap project - x-editable

How to use xeditable popup in angular bootstrap project?
followed steps mentioned in http://vitalets.github.io/x-editable/docs.html
It gives the error : ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Did you add jquery? It has a jquery dependency.


Adding Vuetify to vue-sfc-rollup pacakge

Hello I'm creating a package that will be used on vue.js project that uses vuetify. So what I did is follow the vuetify documentaion on how to install it using a webpack. and after that i publish my package and tried to use it the project with vuetify and it gives me an error unknown custom element v-app
what I want to do is create a package [my-package-using-vuetify] then use to other Vue js project that also has vuetify in it.

Use Electron in Vue project

I want put my Vue project in the Electron, so I find the method in the Internet. According to the given method on the Intenet, I make a demo to test it.
At frist, I create Vue project using vue create myProject, then I use vue add electron-builder to add Electron, then I choose the Electron version, then it prepare to install the additional dependencies. But the error is thereļ¼š
Someone could help me? Thanks!
electron-vue: An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding.
maybe you can try it.

Correct way to create a theme from scratch in Angular 8 (Bootstrap)

I am new to Angular 8. I am confused in creating the theme for Angular 8. I searched for this in many site but they are using the jQuery and Popper.js. So, jQuery is the reason that's why I am confused.
What is the correct way to implement the bootstrap theme in Angular. Can we implement it without using jQuery?
Install Bootstrap
run npm install bootstrap
Add bootstrap.scss to your angular.json file
projects->yourproject->architect->options->styles Add
"styles": ["node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss"]
If you are after JS interactions like dropdowns..etc , install ng-bootstrap
run npm install --save #ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
Doco: https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/alert/examples
Done. No JQuery or Popper.js required

Creating a custom framework Extension for sharepoint using vue js (vuespfx)

Creating a custom extension framework for SharePoint online using the vuespfx, scaffold can't be generated?
Using the Yeoman Generator with Vue:
npm i -g generator-vuespfx, yo vuespfx
It's may help full for you, to develop the client side extension component using react js
SharePoint Framework Extension
You may choose PnP/generator-SPFx which supports VUE framework( as I test the generator with vue framework, I didn't get erros).

Aurelia and devextreme integeration

I'm trying to integrate some libraries into an aurelia application. but sometimes importing modules are not working correctly!
for example, I want to use a devextreme UI widget in my app, but I have a problem:
import 'devextreme/ui/dialog';
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'dialog'
how can I integrate devextreme or any other third party modules with Aurelia?
I'm using dotnet aurelia template with its default module loader and using Typescript for scripting.