Monodeveloper run current project - mono

How can I make Mono Developer to RUN (CTRL+F5) the current project I'm on, in a solution with more than 1. In the solutions Startup Options you can only choose to RUN specific project or multiple at the same time.
Is there an option to run "Current Selection" like in Visual Studio ?

In the Solution window you can right click the project and select either Run Item or Start Debugging Item.
Run Item will run without the debugger, whilst Start Debugging Item will run it with the debugger.


VS2013: Clicking Compile does nothing

See Image for Reference
When I click on Complie button(Iniciar in Spanish) the solution gives no errors, everything seems to be ok but the Solution won't start running... BTW this happends almost all the time, not always but atleast 80% of the time, after 9999999 Clicks it starts normally... So I don't know what can be the problem
Try this.
Right click your project and select "Properties"
On the "Debug" tab, un-check "Enable the Visual Studio Hosting Process".
Save project and re-compile.
Try and run program

Why doesn't Visual Studio debug my VB.NET application?

I recently have encountered a weird issue with my project: as soon as I click debug and it builds the project, it stops debugging. There isn't any error message, or anything else that comes up, including the form itself.
I've tried messing with the settings: no splash screen and I've even changed the startup form to a blank Windows form. What could be causing this problem? Is it Visual Studio or my code?
Probably your program is exiting normally. Set a breakpoint at the first statement to be executed, press F5, then single-step through the program until you get to the last statement executed.
If the first statement is never reached, then one of two things probably happened:
You're mistaken about which statement is executed first, or
The program is terminating during initialization, probably because a class constructor is exiting the program either normally or abnormally.
A few ideas:
Use Debug->Exceptions, and check all the checkboxes so you break when an exception is thrown.
Use Debug->Step into to step into your code.
Then you can use Step Over and Step Into (look at the menu for the keyboard shortcuts)
I found a solution, but not the problem.
How I fixed it:
I just created a template for each form, created a new project, and imported everything into the new project. One thing that I found useful is in the new project is to add an existing item (CTRL + D), and group select (maybe, don't know if you can) and select all the non-code/form/designer/etc. files (like text files or images) and then import them.
I have found a possible solution after I had the same problem.
You probably have more than one project in your solution (The main project, plus an "InstallShield" project",perhaps)
Make sure you have the main project set up as "Startup Project".
In the Solution Explorer, right click on the Main Project and select "Set as Startup Project".
Everything will then run OK.
If you get the error like: "The debug mode is program but there is no program specified....." Go to Solution Explorer then Right Click on main project's name and Click on Set as StartUp project. You can debug your program.

Changes in the code or the designer won't update when debugging

I am trying to debug my app in Visual Studio Express 2010, when I realized my changes will not update on my form-on the designer or in the code. After looking online, I found that you should clear out the "Debug" folder under the bin. That worked-for only one time. Now it went back to the older version and when I delete it again, it doesn't change. When I build the project and run it from the "Release" folder, it works perfectly, but when a error occurs at runtime, it won't show where the error is because it is running independently.
Thanks in advance.
(I have Windows XP SP3)
I had the same problem. Frustrating problem....? Close the project, go to debug bin/folder, delete these files, reopen project and rebuild it (F5).
- .exe
- .pdb
- .vshost.exe
- .vshost.exe.manifest
- .xml
it works 99.99%.......thanks
Before I'd create a new project, I'd copy all of the code-behind (including the code that creates the controls that you're not supposed to touch) into another form. That may be all you need to do. Try compiling that form and running it and see if it's good. If so, you won't have to create a whole new project and can just delete the old form.
I would think there's something causing this that would be much easier to to fix. Are there any config files or anything like that? Are you building to the right location?
It's been a while since I've done winforms, but I remember this happening in VS 2005 and I just created a new form and copied the code-behind into another winform and compiled.
Hope this helps.
mmm... if it was for me, with such a weird bug, i would create a new project then insert the files (not as a link, but a copy) in the project, and i most likely all will work fine after... Faster than finding where-the-hell is that wrong parameter...
So how do you do that ? Well create a new project, choose the folder and name, change namespace in settings if needed, then in project explorer Add existing item, then Browse and select your code and xaml (and other maybe) files. Let us know.
This happened to me as well. I believe the /bin and /obj folders of my application must've been locked for by some other application. Before manually deleting them I tried running Visual Studio as an administrator and did a Clean and a Rebuild which worked. If it doesn't work for you, try deleting the folders manually.
Close VS
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Choose "Task Manager"
In the "Process" tab in "Task Manager" find your "ProjectName.EXE" and click "End Task"
Restart VS
I have the same problem, but i changed the solution config next to the start button from debug to release and that fixed my problem, try it :)
"Save all" works for me in VS 2010 VB, in Debug and Release mode.
I put the "Save all" icon next to the Run and Build icons.
First make sure your Localizable Property of you form is set to FALSE

Weird behaviour in VB 2005 IDE with SP 2

I am having a strange behaviour in VB 2005. I hit F5 to run my app in debug mode, step through the code lines, stop the app running (before the end) and then when I hit F5, its starts back from where it previously stopped (as opposed to starting from the begining of the app).
Any idea what could be causing this?
I wonder if Visual Studio isn't correctly detaching from your running ASP.NET process.
I'm not sure how you're 'stopping the app', but try doing so by clicking the 'Debug' menu and selecting 'Terminate All.'
If this does the trick for you, you can make the command a little more accessible by adding it to your toolbar (right click the VS toolbar, select 'Customize...', select the Commands tab and select Category = Debug and then drag the 'Terminate All' command to one of your toolbars).

Netbeans - Executing files in different projects with [SHIFT]+[F6]

In Netbeans you can run a file by pressing Shift + F6 (on Windows)
So I have three projects open at the moment.
What I want to do is jump between the three projects and compare the results of executing a program in each of these three panes.
Netbeans seems to have a problem with this. It doesn't seem to be able to recognize that I want to execute a file in the project I have just jumped to - instead it simply re-executes the file from the project I was previously in - OR - it does nothing at all.
Am I doing something wrong?
In netbeans 6.5, you can choose to not set a main project.
Run >> Set Main Project >> None
This means that, what ever file you currently have open, when you tell it to run, it will run what ever file you have currently got open, and treat that project as the main project.
Hope this helps!
By default, When you try to run some code, it will run what ever project you have currently set as the working project, not what project you are viewing.