How to compare to none - rebol

I have the following block of data:
client: ["id" "1234" "name" "foobar" "custom_ip" none]
Strangely, comparing to "none" never seems to work.
if none = (select client "custom_ip") [print "YAY!"]
Though when I print select client "custom_ip" it returns "none".
Why is this? What can I do to determine that that value is none?

There is a difference between a literal value of type NONE! and a WORD! with the spelling NONE.
One can (rightfully, IMO) call it a bug that the console does not differentiate these when giving you the output of an expression:
>> none ;-- a word! that will be looked up to get its value
== none ;-- that value, and it's *not* actually a word!
To get a less deceptive response from the console of the value that the none word evaluated to in that case, we can use mold/all
>> print mold/all none
== #[none]
Or you can just show the type of the result instead of the result itself:
>> type? none
== none!
Although that's deceptive in a sense for similar reasons, as it looks like the word NONE! when it's actually a datatype...
>> type? type? none
== datatype!
Anyway, what you actually got in your example was the word none, hence:
>> if 'none = (select client "custom_ip") [print "OH..."]
Deceiving console output aside, it's doing a predictable thing. There is actually a shorthand for #[none] currently in Rebol3 for literal nones of a #:
>> client: ["id" "1234" "name" "foobar" "custom_ip" #]
>> if none = (select client "custom_ip") [print "HMM..."]
But construction syntax is in flux in general; so it's hard to say what the ultimate answer will be.
Mostly just be aware of the distinction between the word NONE and a value of type NONE!, despite the basic console's dodgy output. (I'll mention that Ren Garden, for instance, uses MOLD/ALL)

For the description, look at #HostileFork's answer, here's just some code I would use in such case:
unless get select client "custom_ip" [print "YAY!"]
See the GET function to evaluate NONE word!.


With Jison, how do I scan right shift operator and nested generic type definitions

I'm working on a grammar for a language that supports the right shift operator and generic types. For example:
function rectangle(): Pair<Tuple<Float, Float>> {
let x = 0 >> 2;
My problem is, during scanning, the right shift operator is correctly tokenized, but the >> in Pair<Tuple<Float, Float>> becomes a single >> token instead of two separate > tokens (unless I add a space). This is because I have the >> before the > in my .jison file:
">>" { return '>>' }
">" { return '>' }
Is there a good way to resolve this in Jison? I feel like this is a common problem as my syntax is similar to every other C-style language, but I haven't found a solution to it yet (besides writing a pre-scan script that manually space-delimits the >s).
The easiest solution is to just not recognize >> as a single token in the lexer. Instead, in your parser, recognize two consecutive > tokens as a right shift, and then check to make sure there's nothing (no whitespace or comments) between them (and give a syntax error if there is).

What's the inverse of block: load text in rebol / red

Let's say I have some rebol / red code. If I load the source text, I get a block, but how can get back the source text from block ? I tried form block but it doesn't give back the source text.
text: {
Red [Title: "Red Pretty Printer"]
out: none ; output text
spaced: off ; add extra bracket spacing
indent: "" ; holds indentation tabs
emit-line: func [] [append out newline]
emit-space: func [pos] [
append out either newline = last out [indent] [
pick [#" " ""] found? any [
not any [find "[(" last out find ")]" first pos]
emit: func [from to] [emit-space from append out copy/part from to]
clean-script: func [
"Returns new script text with standard spacing."
script "Original Script text"
/spacey "Optional spaces near brackets and parens"
/local str new
] [
spaced: found? spacey
clear indent
out: append clear copy script newline
parse script blk-rule: [
some [
newline (emit-line) |
#";" [thru newline | to end] new: (emit str new) |
[#"[" | #"("] (emit str 1 append indent tab) blk-rule |
[#"]" | #")"] (remove indent emit str 1) break |
skip (set [value new] load/next str emit str new) :new
remove out ; remove first char
print clean-script read %clean-script.r
block: load text
LOAD is a higher-level operation with complex behaviors, e.g. it can take a FILE!, a STRING!, or a BLOCK!. Because it does a lot of different things, it's hard to speak of its exact complement as an operation. (For instance, there is SAVE which might appear to be the "inverse" of when you LOAD from a FILE!)
But your example is specifically dealing with a STRING!:
If I load the source text, I get a block, but how can get back the source text from block ?
As a general point, and very relevant matter: you can't "get back" source text.
In your example above, your source text contained comments, and after LOAD they will be gone. Also, a very limited amount of whitespace information is preserved, in the form of the NEW-LINE flag that each value carries. Yet what specific indentation style you used--or whether you used tabs or spaces--is not preserved.
On a more subtle note, small amounts of notational distinction are lost. STRING! literals which are loaded will lose knowledge of whether you wrote them "with quotes" or {with curly braces}...neither Rebol nor Red preserve that bit. (And even if they did, that wouldn't answer the question of what to do after mutations, or with new strings.) There are variations of DATE! input formats, and it doesn't remember which specific one you used. Etc.
But when it comes to talking about code round-tripping as text, the formatting is minor compared to what happens with binding. Consider that you can build structures like:
>> o1: make object! [a: 1]
>> o2: make object! [a: 2]
>> o3: make object! [a: 3]
>> b: compose [(in o1 'a) (in o2 'a) (in o3 'a)]
== [a a a]
>> reduce b
[1 2 3]
>> mold b
"[a a a]"
You cannot simply serialize b to a string as "[a a a]" and have enough information to get equivalent source. Red obscures the impacts of this a bit more than in Rebol--since even operations like to block! on STRING! and system/lexer/transcode appear to do binding into the user context. But it's a problem you will face on anything but the most trivial examples.
There are some binary formats for Rebol2 and Red that attempt to address this. For instance in "RedBin" a WORD! saves its context (and index into that context). But then you have to think about how much of your loaded environment you want dragged into the file to preserve context. So it's certainly opening a can of worms.
This isn't to say that the ability to MOLD things out isn't helpful. But there's no free Rebol and Red programs wind up having to think about serialization as much as anyone else. If you're thinking of doing processing on any source code--for the reasons of comment preservation if nothing else--then PARSE should probably be the first thing you reach for.

type of literal words

I was reading Bindology and tried this:
>> type? first ['x]
== lit-word!
>> type? 'x
== word!
I expected type? 'x to return lit-word! too. Appreciate any insights.
A LIT-WORD! if seen in a "live" context by the evaluator resolves to the word itself. It can be used to suppress evaluation simply with a single token when you want to pass a WORD! value to a function. (Of course, in your own dialects when you are playing the role of "evaluator", it's a Tinker-Toy and you can make it mean whatever you want.)
Had you wanted to get an actual LIT-WORD! you would have to somehow suppress the evaluator from turning it into a WORD!. You noticed that can be achieved by picking it out of an unevaluated block, such as with first ['x]. But the more "correct" way is to use quote 'x:
>> type? quote 'x
== lit-word!
Beware an odd bug known as "lit-word decay":
>> x-lit: quote 'x
>> type? x-lit
== word!
That has been corrected in Red and is pending correction in Rebol. Until then you have to use a GET-WORD! to extract a lit-word value from the variable holding it:
>> x-lit: quote 'x
>> type? :x-lit
== lit-word!
(You may have already encountered this practice as the way of fetching the value of a word vs. "running" it through the when you want to deal with a function's value vs. invoking it. It should not be necessary on values holding lit-word!. Accident of history, it would seem.)

How to pass functions as parameters in REBOL

I have attempted to pass a function as a parameter in the REBOL programming language, but I haven't figured out the correct syntax yet:
doSomething: func [a b] [
a b
a b
doSomething print "hello" {This should pass print as the first argument and "hello" as the second argument.}
This produces an error, since the print function is being called instead of being passed:
** Script error: doSomething does not allow unset! for its a argument
** Where: try do either either either -apply-
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
Is it possible to pass the print function as a parameter instead of calling the print function?
I've found the solution: I only need to add : before the name of the function that is being passed as a parameter.
Here, the :print function is being passed as a parameter instead of being invoked with "hello" as its argument:
doSomething: func [a b] [
a b
a b
doSomething :print "hello" {This should pass print as the first argument and "hello" as the second argument.}
You have discovered that by the nature of the system, when the interpreter comes across a WORD! symbol type which has been bound to a function, it will invoke the function by default. The default interpreter seeing a GET-WORD! symbol type, on the other hand, suppresses invocation and just returns the value the word is bound to.
The evaluator logic is actually rather straightforward for how it reacts when it sees a certain symbol type. Another way of suppressing invocation is the single quote, which will give you a LIT-WORD! symbol... but these become evaluated as the corresponding WORD! when it sees them:
>> some-word: 'print
>> type? some-word
== word!
In fact, the behavior of a GET-WORD! when the evaluator sees it is equivalent to using the GET function with a WORD!
doSomething: func [a b] [
a b
a b
doSomething get 'print "hello" {Message}
The interpreter sees the LIT-WORD! 'print and evaluates that into the WORD! for print, which is then passed to GET, which gives you a FUNCTION! back.
Simplicity of the interpreter logic is why you get things like:
>> a: b: c: 10 print [a b c]
10 10 10
Due to the nature of how it handles a SET-WORD! symbol followed by complete expressions. That yields also the following code printing out 20:
if 10 < a: 20 [
print a
Other languages achieve such features with specialized constructs (like multiple initialization, etc.) But Rebol's logic is simpler.
Just wanted to elaborate a bit to help explain what you were looking at. My answer to this other question might provide some more insight into the edge cases, historical and future: "When I use error? and try, err need a value"

get in Object 'Func with Refinement in Rebol

Let's say I have
o: context [
f: func[message /refine message2][
print [message]
if refine [print message 2]
I can call it like this
do get in o 'f "hello"
But how can I do for the refinement ? something like this that would work
>> do get in o 'f/refine "hello" "world"
** Script Error: in expected word argument of type: any-word
** Near: do get in o 'f/refine
I don't know if there's a way to directly tell the interpreter to use a refinement in invoking a function value. That would require some parameterization of do when its argument is a function! Nothing like that seems to exist...but maybe it's hidden somewhere else.
The only way I know to use a refinement is with a path. To make it clear, I'll first use a temporary word:
>> fword: get in o 'f
>> do compose [(to-path [fword refine]) "hello" "world"]
What that second statement evaluates to after the compose is:
do [fword/refine "hello" "world"]
You can actually put function values into paths too. It gets rid of the need for the intermediary:
>> do compose [(to-path compose [(get in o 'f) refine]) "hello" "world"]
P.S. you have an extra space between message and 2 above, where it should just be message2
Do this:
o/('f)/refine "hello" "world"
Parens in a path expression are evaluated if they correspond to object field or series pick/poke index references. That makes the above code equivalent to this:
apply get in o 'f ["hello" true "world"]
Note that apply arguments are positional, so you need to know the order the arguments were declared in. You can't do that trick with the function refinements themselves, so you have to use apply or create path expressions to evaluate if you want to parameterize the refinements of the function call.
Use the simple path o/f/refine