Update query whilst joining two tables? - sql

I am trying to update a table whilst using a join. The task is:
Modify the database to show that Helen Partou has now learned to play the tambourine adequately.
Here is my attempt:
update MusicianInstrument
set instrumentName = 'Tambourine',levelOfExpertise = 'Adequate'
from MusicianInstrument join Musician
on MusicianInstrument.musicianNo = Musician.musicianNo
where musicianName = 'Helen Partou';
However I keep getting an error with the FROM statement.....any help?!

You want to use WHERE EXISTS:
UPDATE MusicianInstrument mi
SET mi.instrumentName = 'Tambourine'
, mi.levelOfExpertise = 'Adequate'
WHERE m.musicianNo = mi.musicianNo
AND m.musicianName = 'Helen Partou');
On a side note since you're using Oracle I would recommend not using CamelCase or headlessCamelCase for object names.

Your task is to modify database, so probably not only update table but also insert values if they are not already there.
You can do this using merge:
merge into MusicianInstrument i
using (select * from Musician where musicianName = 'Helen Partou') m
on (m.musicianNo = i.musicianNo
and i.instrumentName = 'Tambourine')
when matched then update set levelOfExpertise = 'Adequate'
when not matched then insert (i.musicianNo, i.instrumentName, i.levelOfExpertise)
values (m.musicianNo, 'Tambourine', 'Adequate')


Error in SQL UPDATE statement

I want to update the fact table based on a lookup table. Fact table's Addressid needs to be updated and replaced by newaddress of lookup column and compared with oldaddress column of lookup table.
I have written following SQL statement:
Update [dbo].[fact_P]
Set Address_Id = (Select AddressID_new
From AddressLookup
Where fact_P.Address_Id = Lookup.AddressID_old)
but it's throwing an error.
You were referencing the AddressID_old column in the subquery using the wrong alias/table name. If I'm not mistaken, you should be using AddressLookup.Address_ID_old instead.
UPDATE [dbo].[fact_P]
SET Address_Id = (SELECT AddressID_new FROM AddressLookup al
WHERE fact_P.Address_Id = al.AddressID_old)
Use below query for UPDATE statement :
UPDATE [dbo].[fact_P] SET Address_Id = AddressID_new
FROM AddressLookup al
WHERE fact_P.Address_Id = al.AddressID_old
in where part, subquery is allowed only if it return 1 value. so if I am not mistake by your tables name as Lookup is 'AddressLookup', you need join:
Update fp
set fp.Address_Id=al.AddressID_new
from [dbo].[fact_P] fp join AddressLookup al
on fp.Address_Id= al.AddressID_old
Update tgt
set Address_Id = lu.Address_Id
from [dbo].[fact_P] tgt
inner join AddressLookup lu
on tgt.Address_Id = lu.AddressID_old;

Oracle : How to update multiple columns from different table?

I am using oracle database and have a situations to update fields from some other tables. My issue is it is updating all the records instead of specified conditions.
For example, I am trying to update perm_address and temp_address in EMPLOYEE table from ADDRESS table. Right now, I am using below query. But, it is updating all the records.
In Oracle how to handle this situations? Normally, how to handle the update from multiple table into source table?
Thanks in advance....
Add a WHERE clause to update only matching records:
Updating a table with data from another table is often simpler using the MERGE statement. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28286/statements_9016.htm
Something like this:
merge into employee emp
using address addr
on (addr.id = emp.address_id)
when matched
then update
set emp.perm_address = addr.perm_addr,
emp.temp_address = addr.temp_addr;
updating one table by another table - the basic format is
update tableX t set (t.fldA, t.fldB) =
(select fldA, fldB from table_B where ID ='X')
where t.ID = 'Y'

Oracle SQL - How do I update from an Outer Joined Table?

The Problem
I need to write an Update query where my SET references an outer joined table.
I can do this fairly easily with SQL Server but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out the syntax in Oracle as I'm only allow a single table in an update query.
I have written the following Oracle query:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
SET slsrep = (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls
WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls
WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
AND tmp.sysind = 'AIM';
This takes care of the intersection but I need to deal with values in SalesExt_tmp that do not have equivalent matches in dw_sls_rep_conv (I plan to add a case statement to set null values to a default value). To do this I need to set up dw_sls_rep_conv as an outer joined table. But this is where I get stuck.
SQL Server Example
In SQL Server the solution is a piece of cake as you can have multiple tables in an Update Query:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
LEFT JOIN dw_sls_rep_conv sls ON sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep
SET tmp.slsrep = sls.three_dig_rep
WHERE tmp.sysind = 'AIM';
But I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this in Oracle. I understand that this query will allow my slsrep field to be set to NULL in some occasions which causes me to fear that this operation may not be allowed.
1) Firstly is this possible in Oracle? (It's got to be, right?)
2) How do I need to restructure my query to pull this off? I'm guessing my WHERE EXISTS clause needs to go... but I'm still stuck as to where to place my JOIN.
If I understood you correctly, you want to set the value to NULL if there is no match in the dw_sls_rep_conv table? If so, just drop your EXISTS condition and all the rows will be updated:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
SET slsrep = (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls
WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
WHERE tmp.sysind = 'AIM';
If there is a match in the dw_sls_rep_conv table, then the slsrep column will be updated with selected value, otherwise, with NULL.
Have you considered using a subquery in your where clause that performs the outer join as you stated like this:
UPDATE SalesExt_tmp tmp
SET slsrep = (SELECT three_dig_rep
FROM dw_sls_rep_conv sls WHERE sls.aims_rep = tmp.slsrep)
tmp.rowid in
(SELECT tmp1.rowid
FROM SalesExt_tmp tmp1,
dw_sls_rep_conv sls
tmp1.slsrep = sls.aims_rep (+)
AND tmp1.sysind = 'AIM' );

Update database from another using joins?

I am trying to update a table from another database using joins and having a hard time. This is what I am trying to do in pseudo:
UPDATE [Database1].[dbo].[Sessions]
SET [SpeakerID] = ?STATEMENT1?
For "Statement1", this would be coming from another database and table that has columns: SessionID and SpeakerID. How can this be achieved?
SET a.SpeakerID = b.colName -- SET valoue here
FROM Database1.dbo.Sessions a
INNER JOIN Database2.dbo.Sessions b
ON a.SessionID = b.SessionID -- assumes that their
-- relationship column is SessionID,
-- change it in your original columnName
WHERE ....
a and b are called alias. They are useful when you have longer source name.
SET SpeakerID = R.SpeakerID
FROM dbo.LocalTable AS L
INNER JOIN RemoteDatabase.dbo.RemoteTable AS R
ON L.SomeValue = R.SomeValue;
This really is no different from this problem except you have to add a database prefix to one of the tables in the join.
UPDATE [Database1].[dbo].[Sessions]
Sessions.col1 = other_table.col1
[Database1].[dbo].[Sessions] Sessions
[Database2].[dbo].other_table AS other_table
Sessions.id = other_table.id
WHERE Sessions.id = ??
Note if the database is on another server you will need to create a linked server first

Multiple Query Writing in Single Query

I have two tables in Database , I need to select a field from one table and update it in another table with a condition where id is same .. Is it Possible to write in single query ???
This should work for you:
update storage
set storage.email = (select register.email
from register
where register.id = storage.id)
Yeah it is, you could do this for example:
UPDATE Origin SET DesiredColumn = NewValue
FROM Origin
JOIN NewTable ON Origin.Id = NewTable.Id
And guess the column names were like DesiredColumn in the updating table and NewValue in the table that holds the new value.
Yes, this is possible, although the syntax depends on the type of SQL you are using.
Here is an example for T-SQL (for Microsoft SQL Server)
Email = R.Email
dbo.Register R
INNER JOIN dbo.Storage S
ON S.RegisterID = R.RegisterID
