JMockit mock overridden method - jmockit

Class A
doThis(//expensive stuff)
Class B extends A
doThis( super.doThis(); // more expensive stuff )
I want to mock out the super class doThis but drawing a blank. I don't want to test the super class functionality as I've already done that in isolation, and it's a pain to stage.
Closest I can get is to use
new MockUp<B> {
If I then create a new B it will correctly mock doThis. But if I create a new A the mock isn't honoured and the the real B.doThis is called.
Is there a better way to do what I want with JMockit?


How do I mock Func<T> factory dependency to return different objects using AutoMock?

I'm trying to write a test for a class that has a constructor dependency on Func<T>. In order to complete successfully the function under test needs to create a number of separate objects of type T.
When running in production, AutoFac generates a new T every time factory() is called, however when writing a test using AutoMock it returns the same object when it is called again.
Test case below showing the difference in behaviour when using AutoFac and AutoMock. I'd expect both of these to pass, but the AutoMock one fails.
public class TestClass
private readonly Func<TestDep> factory;
public TestClass(Func<TestDep> factory)
this.factory = factory;
public TestDep Get()
return factory();
public class TestDep
public void TestIt()
using var autoMock = AutoMock.GetStrict();
var testClass = autoMock.Create<TestClass>();
var obj1 = testClass.Get();
var obj2 = testClass.Get();
Assert.AreNotEqual(obj1, obj2);
public void TestIt2()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterSource(new AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource());
var container = builder.Build();
var testClass = container.Resolve<TestClass>();
var obj1 = testClass.Get();
var obj2 = testClass.Get();
Assert.AreNotEqual(obj1, obj2);
AutoMock (from the Autofac.Extras.Moq package) is primarily useful for setting up complex mocks. Which is to say, you have a single object with a lot of dependencies and it's really hard to set that object up because it doesn't have a parameterless constructor. Moq doesn't let you set up objects with constructor parameters by default, so having something that fills the gap is useful.
However, the mocks you get from it are treated like any other mock you might get from Moq. When you set up a mock instance with Moq, you're not getting a new one every time unless you also implement the factory logic yourself.
AutoMock is not for mocking Autofac behavior. The Func<T> support where Autofac calls a resolve operation on every call to the Func<T> - that's Autofac, not Moq.
It makes sense for AutoMock to use InstancePerLifetimeScope because, just like setting up mocks with plain Moq, you need to be able to get the mock instance back to configure it and validate against it. It would be much harder if it was new every time.
Obviously there are ways to work around that, and with a non-trivial amount of breaking changes you could probably implement InstancePerDependency semantics in there, but there's really not much value in doing that at this point since that's not really what this is for... and you could always create two different AutoMock instances to get two different mocks.
A much better way to go, in general, is to provide useful abstractions and use Autofac with mocks in the container.
For example, say you have something like...
public class ThingToTest
public ThingToTest(PackageSender sender) { /* ... */ }
public class PackageSender
public PackageSender(AddressChecker checker, DataContext context) { /* ... */ }
public class AddressChecker { }
public class DataContext { }
If you're trying to set up ThingToTest, you can see how also setting up a PackageSender is going to be complex, and you'd likely want something like AutoMock to handle that.
However, you can make your life easier by introducing an interface there.
public class ThingToTest
public ThingToTest(IPackageSender sender) { /* ... */ }
public interface IPackageSender { }
public class PackageSender : IPackageSender { }
By hiding all the complexity behind the interface, you now can mock just IPackageSender using plain Moq (or whatever other mocking framework you like, or even creating a manual stub implementation). You wouldn't even need to include Autofac in the mix because you could mock the dependency directly and pass it in.
Point being, you can design your way into making testing and setup easier, which is why, in the comments on your question, I asked why you were doing things that way (which, at the time of this writing, never did get answered). I would strongly recommend designing things to be easier to test if possible.

How to make interface implementors that are not sub classes of its abstract class behave like abstract class of that interface?

I want to explain my question with an example. Lets say that i have an interface:
interface IActionPerformer
bool IsReadyToExecuteAction();
void Action();
IActionImplementor GetImplementor();
And an implementor for Action() method. I don't know if it is the right or wrong way to do so, but anyways, keep reading i will explain my purpose. Implementor:
interface IActionImplementor
void Action();
And an abstract class that implements IActionPerformer:
abstract class ActionPerformerBase: IActionPerformer
private IActionImplementor _implementor;
public abstract bool IsReadyToExecuteAction();
public IActionImplementor GetImplementor()
return _implementor;
public void Action()
if (IsReadyToExecuteAction())
protected ActionPerformerBase(IActionImplementor implementor)
this._implementor = implementor;
Now sub classes which inherit from this abstract class, execute the actual action only if it is ready to execute.
But let's say that i have an object in my software, that inherits from a different super class. But at the same time, this object must behave like an IActionPerformer. I mean this object must implement IActionPerformer interface, like:
class SomeOtherSubClass : SomeOtherSuperClass, IActionPerformer
At this point, i want to execute Action() method with controlling if it is ready to execute.
I thought invoking method with another object might be a solution. I mean, a controller or handler object gets interface as a parameter and invokes method the way i want. Like:
IActionInvoker.Invoke(IActionPerformer performer)
if (performer.IsReadyToExecuteAction())
Or every IActionPerformer implementor has a IActionPerformer or ActionPerformerBase(it feels better) object which handles the real control like:
class SomeOtherSubClass : SomeOtherSuperClass, IActionPerformer
ActionPerformerBase _realHandler;
public bool IsReadyToExecuteAction()
return _realHandler.IsReadyToExecuteAction();
public void Action()
//This is the one get the job done actually.
class RealHandlerOfSomething : ActionPerformerBase
I might not be that clear trying to explain my question. I'm new to concepts like abstraction, design patterns and sort of stuff like that. And trying to figure out them. This one looks like a decorator, it is a IActionPerformerand it has a IActionPerformer. But when i study decorator pattern, i saw it is like going from shell to the core, i mean every object executes its method and the wrapped objects method. It is a bit different in my example, i mean question. Is this what we call as "encapsulation"? Or do i have big issues understanding the concepts?
I hope i explained myself clearly. Thanks for everyone reading, trying to help.
Have a nice day/night.
As Design Patterns states in chapter one:
Favor object composition over class inheritance
This was in 1994. Inheritance makes things complicated. The OP is another example.
In the following, I'll keep IActionPerformer and ActionPerformerBase as is. Since inheritance is isomorphic to composition, everything you can do with inheritance, you can also do with composition - and more, such as emulating multiple inheritance.
Here's how you can implement the IActionPerformer interface from another subclass, and still reuse ActionPerformerBase:
public class SomeOtherSubClass : SomeOtherSuperClass, IActionPerformer
private readonly ActionPerformerBase #base;
public SomeOtherSubClass(ActionPerformerBase #base)
this.#base = #base;
public void Action()
// Perhaps do something before calling #base...
// Perhaps do something else after calling #base...
// Other methods of IActionPerformer go here, possibly following the same pattern...
SomeOtherSubClass composes with any ActionPerformerBase, and since ActionPerformerBase has the desired functionality, that functionality is effectively reused.
Once you've figured out how to use composition for reuse instead of inheritance, do yourself a favour and eliminate inheritance from your code base. Trust me, you don't need it. I've been designing and writing production code for more than a decade without inheritance.

Unit testing different class hierarchies

What would be the best approach to make unit tests that consider different class hierarchies, like:
I have a base class Car and another base class Animal.
Car have the derived classes VolksWagen and Ford.
Animal have the derived classes Dog and Cat.
How would you develop test that decide at run-time what kind of object are you going to use.
What is the best approach to implement these kind of tests without using code replication, considering that these tests will be applied for milions of objects
from different hierarchies ?
This was an interview question asked to a friend of mine.
Problem as I see it: Avoid repeating common tests to validate n derivations of a common base type.
Create an abstract test fixture. Here you write the tests against the base type & in a abstract base class (search term 'abstract test fixture') with a abstract method GetTestSubject(). Derivations of this type override the method to return an instance of the type to be tested. So you'd need to write N subtypes with a single overridden method but your tests would be written once.
Some unit testing frameworks like NUnit support 'parameterized tests' (search term) - where you have to implement a method/property which would return all the objects that the tests need to be run against. It would then run one/all tests against each such object at run time. This way you don't need to write N derivations - just one method.
Here is one approach that I've used before (well, a variant of this).
Let's assume that you have some sort of common method (go) on Car that you want to test for all classes, and some specific method (breakDown) that has different behavior in the subclass, thus:
public class Car {
protected String engineNoise = null;
public void go() {
engineNoise = "vroom";
public void breakDown() {
engineNoise = null;
public String getEngineNoise() {
return engineNoise;
public class Volkswagen extends Car {
public void breakDown() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Then you could define a test as follows:
public abstract class CarTest<T extends Car> {
T car;
public void setUp() {
car = createCar();
public void testVroom() {
assertThat( car.getEngineNoise(), is( "vroom" ) );
public void testBreakDown() {
assertThat( car.getEngineNoise(), is( null ) );
protected abstract T createCar();
Now, since Volkswagen needs to do something different in the testBreakDown method -- and may possibly have other methods that need testing -- then you could use the following VolkswagenTest.
public class VolkswagenTest extends CarTest<Volkswagen> {
#Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
public void testBreakdown() {
protected Volkswagen createCar() {
return new Volkswagen();
Hope that helps!
Actually Unit Test refers to Method Test, when you want to write a unit test you must think to the functionality of a method that you want to write and test, and then create class(es) and method(s) for testing that. by considering this approach when you design and write your code, maybe create hierarchies of classes or just single class or any type of other designs.
but when you have to use existing design like something you mentioned above, then the best practice is to use Interfaces or Base Classes for dependecy objects, because in this way you can mock or stub those classes easily.

Connecting data to a GUI - OOP

I have an application with several graphs and tables on it.
I worked fast and just made classes like Graph and Table that each contained a request object (pseudo-code):
class Graph {
private request;
public function setDateRange(dateRange) {
public function refresh() {
request.getData(function() {
//refresh the display
Upon a GUI event (say, someone changes the date range dropdown), I'd just call the setters on the Graph instance and then refresh it. Well, when I added other GUI elements like tables and whatnot, they all basically had similar methods (setDateRange and other things common to the request).
What are some more elegant OOP ways of doing this?
The application is very simple and I don't want to over-architect it, but I also don't want to have a bunch of classes with basically the same methods that are just routing to a request object. I also don't want to set up each GUI class as inheriting from the request class, but I'm open to any ideas really.
As you commented the methods are identical. In that case I would suggest the following approach.
abstract class AbstractGUIElement {
protected request;
public function setDateRange(dateRange) {
abstract function refresh();
Refreshing would probably be element specific so I have added it as an abstract method the inheriting types have to implement.
class Graph extends AbstractGUIElement {
public function refresh() {
// Graph specific refreshing

How to assert if a method was called within another method in RhinoMocks?

I have a class that has two methods. One method needs to call the other method and in my test I want to assert that it was called.
public class Tasks : ITasks
public void MethodOne()
public int MethodTwo(int i)
return i + 1;
I want to mock Tasks and do something like tasks.AssertWasCalled(x => x.MethodTwo(1)). Must MethodTwo be virtual?
The concept you're looking for is partial mocks (this shows old syntax, but I don't remember the new one off the top of my head). You should read up on it. Essentially you create the mock on Tasks (not ITasks) and tell it to mock out only MethodTwo (which needs to be virtual). might want to reconsider your design. What is ITasks? What is the role? Are they different actual tasks? Is there any reason why you would want them in the same class? My understanding is that partial mocks is only included for when you need to test legacy components - I've never found a use for it.
Of course my thinking at that time was flawed. I should be mocking ITasks, not the implementation (Tasks):
ITasks tasks = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITasks>();
tasks.AssertWasCalled(x => x.MethodTwo(Arg<int>.Is.Equal(1)));