I get the below error while deploying my Spring Batch application (war) from IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 (Ultimate edition) into Tomcat server 6.0.26.
However, if I take the same war file and deploy it manually in Tomcat webapps, then I don't see any error. Has anyone faced this issue?
org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.DuplicateJobException: A
job configuration with this name [deferJob] was already registered
I finally found the issue. For some reason, IntelliJ IDEA was picking up duplicate spring batch xml files from /src/test/resources. I have raised this issue with IntelliJ support team.
I have created custom connector project using below command, "mvn org.mule.extensions:mule-extensions-archetype-maven-plugin:generate" in Mule 4. But when i open this project in anypoint studio 7.1.2 it gives below error ('The import org.mule.runtime cannot be resolved') in all of defaultly created java.class files. I have updated the pom file dependencies also, but still issue persists.
Help me to resolve this error, thanks in advance
Studio 7 (including the at this time last release 7.2.2) doesn't support Mule SDK projects. You can use any other IDE that supports generic Maven projects.
We are migrating from WebSphere 8.0 to WildFly 10.0.0. after compiling the project in eclipse and removing all the reference of IBM WebSphere jars, on deploying the application, I am getting an error that NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/wsspi/uow/UOWException
I have tried to search this exception class in my project, i did not find any.
Can you please help me in fixing this error.
Along with the migration , we are also upgrading Java version to 8 and Spring version to 4.3.0
While working on this, I figured that we were referring to WebSphereUowTransactionManager which is specific for WebSphere in the Springs Transaction Manager. We have to replace it with JtaTransactionManager for removing the exception.
Today I've install IntelliJ Ultimate version 2016.1.1 build 145.597. What I did later, was import of may project from IntelliJ Community Edition. This project is based on spring-boot 1.3.3. The problem is that when I want to run my application in IntelliJ Ultimate somehow application.properties file is ignored and it starts with default spring settings. When I'm running the same project in IntelliJ Community Edition or from command line everything works fine. Problem exists only in Ultimate edition when I'm adding and running spring boot run configuration, if I use gradle configuration and bootRun task it works.
I didn't use before IntelliJ Ultimate.
Does anyone know what could be wrong? I wasted 2 hours googling for solution of my problem but I didn't find anything.
Content of src/main/resources/application.properties:
Project structure:
I had same issue for IntelliJ Ultimate 2016.1.1
Reimporting the project and deleting existing project worked for me.
I believe the issue is pertinent with 1.1 version. Didn't had issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.4
check if file application.properties is directly under target/classess after compiled, maybe the wrong settings copy it to other directory that spring boot cannot know
one simple thing to fix the problem.
If you already open the IntelliJ idea, close the project and remove it from IntelliJ
navigate to your project directory (ex: F:\dev\my-project) and remove the .idea
folder from it.
then open the IntelliJ idea again. open your project from File -> Open.
then run the project.
this is the simplest solution.
I had a similar problem with my spring boot application running from IntelliJ Ultimate Version 2020.3 . I had a Connection.properties configured in spring-config.xml file as below and got the FileNotFoundException for my Connection.properties file even after placing the file under src/main/resources folder in my gradle project
<context:property-placeholder location="file:Connection.properties" />
It worked after changing it to
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:Connection.properties" />
Note the "file:" to "classpath:" in "location" attribute
We have a Live mule server (Community edition ) 3.3.0 running on a Windows 2008 server.
We have several apps running on it.
We tried to hotdeploy a new app in it. It failed saying some port was already in use/bind - this was a JMX port. However we were unable to undeploy it. It didn't create any anchor file as it had failed deployment so we couldn't do the clean undeploy. When we tried to delete the exploded folder it didn't allow as it said the jars in the lib were in use.
We tried to re-deploy the same file with fix again but it had no effect.
Question is irrespective of what caused out application to fail - how can one undeploy or take out a Mule app (failed) completely? It doesn't have anchor file and trying to delete says jar in use. Only way we could do was to stop mule and then delete the folder and restart Mule - totally unacceptable in production environment.
Any clues?
This is a known bug on 3.3.0 that was fixed on 3.3.1.
I am working with a buildr project using IntelliJ IDEA and I want to get JRebel working. This is a Spring MVC project.
I have my rebel.xml configured and I created an ant script to re-package the application:
buildr package test=no
JRebel says it redeployed, but Spring seems to not be running after the redeploy.
The best you could do is to enable JRebel logging by adding -Drebel.log=true to JVM arguments and send the log file to support.
Do you see any messages in console that JRebel is actually started and is monitoring the directories? Maybe the license is missing?