Personal OneDrive, OneDrive for Businesses and LiveSDK - windows-phone

I have developed a Windows Phone 8 app using the LiveSDK API to access files in OneDrive. It works fine using the personal OneDrive. Now my customer have installed OneDrive for Businesses and cannot log in. Do I have to use another API to reach OneDrive for Businesses? If so, is this API available for Windows Phone 8?

The LiveSDK does not support logging into OneDrive for business accounts. Microsoft does not yet have a public SDK for windows phone that will allow for interaction with OneDrive consumer and OneDrive for business services.

To access OneDrive for Business, you can use Office 365 APIs here:
You will have to create and Office 365 developer account, and set up and Azure Active Directory tenant.
OneDrive for Business uses a different API than the Live SDK.
Hope this helps!


Using Google Sheets in Saas Application

In our SAAS application, we decided to use Google Sheets API, to generate docs and to give permission for editing documents online in Google Docs web and mobile application.
Here, do we need all of our customers have to be Google Accounts? Is there a better way to create users at the backend of our customers to connect directly from our app?
Unless you're using a service account (which isn't ideal for scaling apps), you ought to use google login, which requires a google account.

SharePoint Online back-end for a mobile application, with guest users

I would like to use SharePoint Online as a back-end for a new mobile application.
Mobile application with a lot of users, SharePoint back-end. Without needing to have a licence for each user.
Setup idea
SharePoint Online with 5 licenced users, that can access SharePoint itself
Mobile application with <10.000 users, all included in SharePoint/AD as guest users.
The mobile application gets/posts everything via SharePoint API's & O365 Graph API's
Can guest users get access via SharePoint API's & O365 Graph
Limitation on # of guest users?
API call limitation/throtteling (how soon? / Can this be bought off?)
Are these fears actually an issue? And if so, can you help me to bypass my fears :) ?
Thanks in advance.
Research done:
Limitation of calls/user
Can guests users use API's?

Google drive oauth api without having to have the user create an app in the Console?

Google Drive API question,
I am writing an application that can view a users' Google Drive files and folders from their google account (can be individual or part of an enterprise).
So on my Google Drive enterprise, I have created an API application. So I have an API key and Secret key stored in my application.
Now I want to use OAuth to authenticate the user so that they can approve my application to read their files. The users will not be part of my enterprise. They can be individual Google accounts, or they can be a single user from an some other enterprise account.
Is this possible? Or are there technical/security reasons this is not allowed?
I just got off the phone with wonderful Google api support agent, and I have my answer:
Yes this is possible to do. however due to the recent phishing attack, Google has put in place new security features that affect the following APIs:
Google drive
Directory Admin SDK
Here are the new rules:
There is a new security form we will need to fill out and be approved before we will be able to be approved as a trusted app that is able to access these api's using OAuth2 authentication.
Google has provided a feature that many enterprises use that allows an enterprise to completely disable the ability to access these api's using oauth2. So even though we have been approved from step1, we may still get an error for some enterprises who have directly blocked this; however, they can white list us in order to allow it from our enterprise if admin's prefer, while still blocking general use for others.
See links:

Confusion about authentication in Azure Logic Apps

I am building my own SaaS app and see Logic Apps as a nice way to extend it with functionality like getting files from other sources like Dropbox and Onedrive and also to save data directly to SalesForce or dynamics CRM.
All the examples I have seen so far just authenticate in the Logic Apps designer for these third party services but then it is specific accounts on Dropbox or Dynamics that are used.
What I need is for the currently logged in user in my app to be able to get files from his Dropbox account or push data to his Dynamics account. How would we achieve that? We can not hardcode that stuff anywhere.
Best regards

App Onedrive API usage statistics

I have published an Android app that can use Onedrive amongst other cloud providers. Is there any way to find out how many users have connected my app to Onedrive and how many (REST) API calls my app is making on the users' behalf? FWIW: "View usage statistics" in the Microsoft Account Developer Center has never worked, always failing with "Sorry, something went wrong".