Layer hosting NSView within NSOutlineView - objective-c

I am trying to create a custom NSView that hosts a CALayer hierarchy to perform efficient display. This NSView is then embedded within a NSTableCellView that is displayed by a View-Based NSOutlineView.
The problem is that whenever I expand or collapse an item, all rows are being moved, but the layer's content remains displayed at the position it was before changing the outline.
Scrolling the NSOutlineView seems to refresh the layers and they resync with their rows at that point.
I have debugged this behavior using Instruments and it seems that the scrolling provokes a layout operation which updates the layers with a setPosition: call that should have occured when expanding or collapsing items.
Here is some sample code for a simple layer hosting NSView subclass.
#interface TestView : NSView
#implementation TestView
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
CAShapeLayer* layer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
layer.bounds = self.bounds;
layer.position = CGPointMake(NSMidX(self.bounds), NSMidY(self.bounds));
layer.path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:self.bounds].CGPath;
layer.fillColor = [NSColor redColor].CGColor;
layer.delegate = self;
self.layer = layer;
self.wantsLayer = YES;
return self;
I have tried a lot of potential solutions to this problem but I couldn't find any interesting method that gets called on the NSView instance that could be overriden to call [self.layer setNeedsDisplay] or [self.layer setNeedsLayout]. I also tried various setters on the CALayer itself such as :
layer.autoresizingMask = kCALayerWidthSizable | kCALayerHeightSizable;
layer.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = YES;
self.layerContentsRedrawPolicy = NSViewLayerContentsRedrawOnSetNeedsDisplay;
Can anyone help me figure out how to make this layer display properly inside a NSOutlineView?

I ended up answering my question. The problem wasn't in the way my TestView was implemented. I simply missed one of the steps for enabling CoreAnimation support within the application. The relevant reference is within the Core Animation Programming Guide.
Basically, in iOS Core Animation and layer-backing is always enabled by default. On OS X, it has to be enabled this way :
Link against the QuartzCore framework
Enable layer support for one or more of your NSView objects by doing one of the following
In your nib files, use the View Effects inspector to enable layer support for your views. The inspector displays checkboxes for the selected view and its subviews. It is recommended that you enable layer support in the content view of your window whenever possible
For views you create programmatically, call the view’s setWantsLayer: method and pass a value of YES to indicate that the view should use layers.
Once I enable layer support on any of the NSOutlineView's parents, the various glitches are solved.

It is difficult to read the NSOutlineView reference documents and find the information about cell reuse that is likely giving you fits here.
You may have looked at outlineViewItemDidCollapse: but it's kind of a useless for our issue, because it doesn't have a pointer to an NSView, and that's because it's older than view-based outline views.
Perhaps the one helpful mention, buried within the NSOutlineViewDelegate protocol, down in the section on view-based NSOutlineView methods, there is a single mention within outlineView:didRemoveRowView:forRow: that:
The removed rowView may be reused by the table, so any additionally inserted views should be removed at this point.
In other words, when you call the outline view's makeViewWithIdentifier:owner:, for a cellView or rowView with a particular ID you often get a recycled view. Especially often because of collapse. Incidentally, that method is from the NSTableView superclass, and in that reference, there's also this comment:
This method may also return a reused view with the same identifier that is no longer available on screen. If a view with the specified identifier can’t be instantiated from the nib file or found in the reuse queue, this method returns nil.
So you have the option of altering the view hierarchy or niling properties in didRemoveRowView:forRow. However, buried within a third cocoa reference, that for NSView, there is within the commentary on prepareForReuse, this comment:
This method offers a way to reset a view to some initial state so that it can be reused. For example, the NSTableView class uses it to prepare views for reuse and thereby avoid the expense of creating new views as they scroll into view. If you implement a view-reuse system in your own code, you can call this method from your own code prior to reusing them.
So, TL;DR, you need to implement prepareForReuse.
The pertinent references are (mostly) the superclasses of both NSOutlineView and NSTableCellView.
And, FWIW, there was a similar question here, where the questioner seems to indicate things are even worse than I think, in that NSOutlineView is more creative behind the scenes than NSTableView.
In my own work with outline views and embedded NSTextViews, I've seen wildly terrible rendering hiccups relating to expand/collapse/scroll that I seem to have managed in just the NSOutlineViewDelegate methods. On iOS they did everyone the favor of renaming makeViewWithIdentifier to the more explicit dequeueReusableCellViewWithIdentifier.

You shouldn't have to enable layer backing for any of the ancestor views (like the outline view).
In my experience, the layer immediately assigned to a view (as opposed to sublayers) doesn't need its bounds, position, or autoresizing mask to be set. It is automatically made to track the bounds of the view. In fact, I would avoid setting those properties, just in case that breaks the automatic synchronization with the view's bounds rect.
So, the question is: how are you arranging for the view to move or resize with its superview? Are you using auto layout? If so, did you turn off its translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints? If yes to both, what constraints are you setting on the view? If no to either, how did you position the view within its superview? What frame did you set? Also, is the superview configured to autoresize its subviews (probably yes, since that's the default)? What is your view's autoresizingMask?
You could also override -setFrameOrigin: and -setFrameSize: in your custom view class and call through to super. Also, add logging to show when that's happening and what the new frame rect is. Is your view being moved as you expect when you expand or collapse rows?


Hook on UIView's frame change from third party library

I am building a 3rd party library that I plan to integrate on different projects, so I need this to be as modular and have a non-destructive nature as possible. I need to "hook on" frame changes of UIViews. I am building a category and from that category method, I need to hook on that view's (it can be any regular UIView or subclass) frame change, and perform my additional logic. I've looked at KVO but as seen here it's not a safe approach.
How can I hook on frame change of a UIView? I can override setFrame: in my category, but I know that it is the single worst thing an Objective-C programmer can make: overriding a default method in a category. How do I achieve this?
UPDATE: I'm currently working on a really ugly (but working) solution:
I've created an invisible (empty drawRect:) UIView subclass.
I'm instantiating and adding it to the view of which I want to be notified of frame changes.
I'm setting that view's (the "superview") autoresizesSubviews to YES.
I'm setting my "invisible" view's autoresizing mask to both flexible width and height.
I'm overriding my "invisible" view's setFrame: to notify the appropriate object via delegation.
Because the superview will set frame of all subviews with flexible autoresizing mask when autoresizesSubviews is YES, this works, but it involves adding a hidden view inside a view, which is a bit hacky and may create problems in some scenarios (though most are corner cases). I'm still searching for a more suitable/less hacky solution.

NSPopover padding content on one side

I have two NSPopovers, both of which are set up exactly the same (just linking a custom NSView from IB). Both pop up just fine, but one appears to offset the content by about 20px.
This NSPopover is (properly) not padding the content...
but this one adds about 20px from the ride side.
Here are the two views laid out in IB
As you can see, the search bar should be pinned to the right side like it is the left, but for some reason it is not. At first I thought it was a contraints issue, but after messing around with them for a while I can confirm it is not.
Any clue whats up?
EDIT: Decided to subclass the view and fill its rect, got some very strange results! The view appears to be offset. I have no clue why this is...
From here, this caught my eye (emphasis mine):
The principle circumstance in which you should not call
setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints: is when you are not the
person who specifies a view’s relation to its container. For example,
an NSTableRowView instance is placed by NSTableView. It might do this
by allowing the autoresizing mask to be translated into constraints,
or it might not. This is a private implementation detail. Other views
on which you should not call
setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints: include an
NSTableCellView, a subview of NSSplitView, an NSTabViewItem’s view, or
the content view of an NSPopover, NSWindow, or NSBox. For those
familiar with classic Cocoa layout: If you would not call
setAutoresizingMask: on a view in classic style, you should not call
setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints: under autolayout.
Does it apply to you?
if you have an outlet to your content view, you should be able to force it into place with:
[contentView setFrame:[[contentView superview]bounds]];
or more modernly I guess...
contentView.frame = contentView.superview.bounds;
Proplem solved, but I still don't exactly know why it required solving. The NSPopovers content view (or at least mine) requires an origin point of X: 13, Y: 13. For some reason, only one of my views was getting this value.
To solve this, I subclassed NSView and overrode the setFrame method forcing its x and y to always be 13, 13
-(void)setFrame:(NSRect)frameRect {
[super setFrame:NSMakeRect(13, 13, frameRect.size.width, frameRect.size.height)];

Custom UISplitViewController?

I want the effect of a UISplitViewController however I am not using the split view template.
Is it relatively easy to achieve without the template? And with using normal UIViewController?
What I want it a customary sized and positioned UITableView which then has a customary sized detail view which then of course goes into a popover and detail view when portrait.
Doing it without Interface Builder, you would create a UIViewController class. In the viewDidLoad method of that class, create a UIView or a UITableView with the frame origin where you want it and a size that you want. (Release it in the viewDidUnload method.) Then set the UIViewController's self.view to point to this new view.
self.view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:...]; // edit - added in response to your question
If you created a UIView, then you will want to put your UITableView inside this new view. (This approach lets you add more items to the container UIView if you need to.)
Make sure your UIViewController adheres to the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols. Add the delegate and datasource methods and you should be good to go.
This new view can cover other views, or you can size the other views to fit beside it. You only need to set there frames according to what you want to do with them.
There are some limitations if you use a UITableViewController, so a lot of people recommend using a UIViewController instead. like I described above. You can google for more info on that topic.
Just great a new temporary Xcode-project from that template and judge yourself, if it is complicated for you, to adept your (real) code.
Yes. You can do it quite easily. Just use delegates to pass messages between the left and the right side views (root and detail). For instance the didSelectRowAtIndexPath tableView method could be used along with delegation to pass a message to the right sided detail view. Tap a cell on the left table, show its text as a Label on the right side. Its just a simple example. And yes you can handle the rotations and send left side view into a UIPopoverController as well, thus giving the detail view full screen real estate in Portrait orientation.
Also try MGSplitViewController . It gives you a lot of other customization options on a split view controller.

Objective C: Can I set a subview to be firstResponder?

I have a situation whereby I am adding a view from another viewcontroller to an existing viewcontroller. For example:
//set up loading page
self.myLoadingPage = [[LoadingPageViewController alloc]init ];
self.myLoadingPage.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
self.myLoadingPage.view.hidden = YES;
[self.view addSubview:self.myLoadingPage.view];
Is it possible to set 'self.myLoadingPage' to be the first responder? This is the case whereby the loadingpage view size does not cover the entire size of the existing view and users can still interact with the superview (which is not the desired behaviour). I want to just enable the subview in this case.
When I had a similar problem, I made an invisible UIView that covered the entire screen, I added the large invisible UIView on top of the main view and made the loading view a subview of the invisible UIView.
The simplest solution is to override hitTest method in your loading view to return TRUE. This top view is first in the responder chain, the hitTest method gets called which NORMALLY returns TRUE if the point is within the view and will therefore be handled, returning TRUE regardless means you get the touch event and effectively block the message being resent to the next responder.
Interesting question. I found a similar post with a quote from the Apple Developer Forums on this issue:
To truly make this view the only thing
on screen that can receive touches
you'd need to either add another view
over top of everything else to catch
the rest of the touches, or subclass a
view somewhere in your hierarchy (or
your UIWindow itself) and override
hitTest:withEvent: to always return
your text view when it's visible, or
to return nil for touches not in your
text view.
This would seem to indicate there isn't a terribly straightforward solution (unless there was an API change regarding this made after October, 2010.)
Alternatively, I suppose you could go through all the other subviews in your superview and individually set their userInteractionEnabled properties to NO (but that would probably prove more cumbersome than the quoted solutions).
I would love to see other ways to allow this.

Subviews counted in root CALayer's sublayers?

I noticed today, when adding 1 CALayer and 2 subviews to my view, when I run the following code in my UIView instance:
[self.layer.sublayers count]
This returns 3. Does this mean that a subview is also considered a sublayer? If I only wanted the CALayers that I've drawn in my sublayers call, how would i do that?
Yes, each UIView has an underlying CALayer which is added to its superview's layer when the view is added to the superview.
I don't know the ideal way to find only your own layers. Since sublayers is an NSArray (as opposed to an NSSet), it means it's an ordered list, which means you can be sure that the order in which you add views to the superview is the same order they will appear in said array.
Thus, if you add your UIViews first, and then add your own drawn CALayers afterwards, you can probably get your own by accessing the objects starting at index 2 (skipping 0 and 1) in sublayers.
Of course, if you then add or remove views to the superview you'd have to modify this value, so presuming this actually works, you'll want to somehow dynamically generate it.
You can ascertain the index for a layer as you add it, using indexOfObject: on the sublayers property. A safer route might be to simply store this index somewhere in a list and to access the sublayers with indices from that list only.
If I only wanted the CALayers that I've drawn in my sublayers call,
how would i do that?
You can do this by making the view that is currently a subview of self into a sibling view by having them both be subviews on a containing view. Then your current self.layer.sublayers would just contain the CALayers you added manually.
One way to think about it is that it is the layer hierarchy, not the view hierarchy which defines the render hierarchy. The view hierarchy is just a wrapper to handle interactivity that UIView adds to its underlying CALayer graphics. Thus, when you add a subview to a view, it simultaneously, though in some sense independently, adds its layer as a sublayer to the view's layer. You could probably override this functionality in a subclass or category on UIView...
From the CALayer documentation:
Specifies the receiver’s delegate object.
#property(assign) id delegate
In iOS, if the layer is associated with a UIView object, this property must be set to the view that owns the layer.
Available in OS X v10.5 and later.
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