Splunk: How to find matching IPs that were accepted and failed for SSH login - splunk

I'm interested in searching though this huge batch of /var/log/secure files for all ip-addresses that were accepted AND failed during the SSH log in process.
How do I write a search query that handles this?

Note: Tested on Splunk Enterprise 6.2.2 against my own CentOS 7 Linux server
I did not assume any fields have been extracted in this. My secure logs provide for two distinct messages for successful and failed logins. They look like this:
Mar 24 13:03:59 localhost sshd[3588]: Failed password for adrian from port 4753 ssh2
Mar 24 12:52:41 localhost sshd[2762]: Accepted password for adrian from port 4656 ssh2
With this, I came up with the following search:
source="*secure" process=sshd "password for"
| rex field=_raw "(?<result>Accepted|Failed) password for (?<username>\w+) from (?<ipaddr>[0-9A-Fa-f:\.]+)"
|eval success=if(result=="Failed",0,1)
|stats count as total,sum(success) as success by ipaddr
|where total!=success AND success!=0
The rex does the field extrations generating fields result, username and ipaddr. The success field is 1 if the result field is not Failed. Since the regex only accepts values Accepted or Failed, this means Accepted, but you could change the regular expression for your environment to change that. I then do a typical stats and figure out where the total number of connections is not the same as the successful connections AND the successful connections are non-zero (to match your AND query).


Authentication failed clickhouse

Not able to login to clickhouse.Can any one please look into it.
root#ubuntu:~# clickhouse-client
ClickHouse client version (official build).
Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
Code: 516. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: default: Authentication failed: password is incorrect or there is no user with such name.
there are 3 possible reasons:
network restriction (in CH auth for this user).
no user with such name
password is incorrect
If you just installed CH , then you can edit/remove /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/default-password.xml . This file stores the password you entered during CH installation.
It's simple:
do not use localhost / but use external address

How to fix etcd cluster "error "tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake""

I created a three node etcd cluester, config and start is already OK, but when I check the /var/log/messages, it shows
etcd: rejected connection from "" (error "tls: first
record does not look like a TLS handshake", ServerName "")
How can I fix it ?
I have checked the health of etcd :
member 48b0dff99d5c867e is healthy: got healthy result from
member 646dab89331aabab is healthy: got healthy result from
member b45603216bfac234 is healthy: got healthy result from
That shows Ok, but when I cat the /var/log/messages, it always shows this error :
Jan 12 20:08:57 master etcd: rejected connection from
"" (error "tls: first record does not look like a TLS
handshake", ServerName "")
Jan 12 20:08:57 master etcd: rejected
connection from "" (error "tls: oversized record
received with length 21536", ServerName "")
I got this message for the etcd peer communication when switching from http to https for peer communication. Apparently etcd has persistent peer information that overrides the command line options so it continued to use http for peer communication in spite of the command line options.
In the end, since this was a test cluster, I nuked /var/lib/etcd and the new cli configuration took hold
There is no solution from my side to fully help you with an issue but I've found couple of links that might help you in further investigations. Read them carefully, try solutions and I hope you will resolve the problem.
Github question #9917: check ETCDCTL_API variable, especially make sure --endpoints is configured with https.
Runtime reconfiguration: try to reconfigure you etcd by updating/removing/adding etcs members.
nginx ingress: check your nginx ingress annotations in case you are using nginx
google groups TLS handshake topic: Check this topic, especially comments related to VAULT_ADDR variable. I will copy paste last comment from thread here:
We were able to get everything to work, after understanding the
permission issues.
You asked: "Please confirm if you are seeing server error messages
before initializing Vault" Upon further examination, I did determine
that the errors were not happening before initializing the Vault.
The problem ended up not being related to VAULT_ADDR, and we used the
value: ""
I have the setup operation scripted, and it appears that not
everything was being run at the proper permissions. At first I was
running the scripts using the "sudo" command, which resulted in the
failures. I discovered that the permissions for the certificate key
were restricted and the file could not be accessed by my user. There
may have been other permission issues as well. But once I switched
user to root, and ran the script, everything behaved correctly.

mbsync authentication failed

I was able to configure mbsync and mu4e in order to use my gmail account (so far everything works fine). I am now in the process of using mu4e-context to control multiple accounts.
I cannot retrieve emails from my openmailbox account whereas I receive this error
Reading configuration file .mbsyncrc
Channel ombx
Opening master ombx-remote...
Resolving imap.ombx.io... ok
Connecting to imap.ombx.io (*.*.10*.16*:*9*)...
Opening slave ombx-local...
Connection is now encrypted
Logging in...
IMAP command 'LOGIN <user> <pass>' returned an error: NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.
In other posts I've seen people suggesting AuthMechs Login or PLAIN but mbsync doesn't recognizes the command. Here is my .mbsyncrc file
IMAPAccount openmailbox
Host imap.ombx.io
User user#openmailbox.org
UseIMAPS yes
# AuthMechs LOGIN
RequireSSl yes
PassCmd "echo ${PASSWORD:-$(gpg2 --no-tty -qd ~/.authinfo.gpg | sed -n 's,^machine imap.ombx.io .*password \\([^ ]*\\).*,\\1,p')}"
IMAPStore ombx-remote
Account openmailbox
MaildirStore ombx-local
Path ~/Mail/user#openmailbox.org/
Inbox ~/Mail/user#openmailbox.org/Inbox/
Channel ombx
Master :ombx-remote:
Slave :ombx-local:
# Exclude everything under the internal [Gmail] folder, except the interesting folders
Patterns *
Create Slave
Expunge Both
Sync All
SyncState *
I am using Linux Mint and my isync is version 1.1.2
Thanks in advance for any help
EDIT: I have run a debug option and I have upgraded isync to version 1.2.1
This is what the debug returned:
Reading configuration file .mbsyncrc
Channel ombx
Opening master store ombx-remote...
Resolving imap.ombx.io... ok
Connecting to imap.ombx.io (*.*.10*.16*:*9*)...
Opening slave store ombx-local...
pattern '*' (effective '*'): Path, no INBOX
got mailbox list from slave:
Connection is now encrypted
handle your requests.
Logging in...
Authenticating with SASL mechanism PLAIN...
>>> 1 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN <authdata>
1 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.
IMAP command 'AUTHENTICATE PLAIN <authdata>' returned an error: NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.
My .msyncrc file now contains these options instead
SSLVersions TLSv1.2
AuthMechs PLAIN
At the end, the solution was to use the correct password. Since openmailbox uses an application password for third-party e-mail clients I was using the wrong (original) password instead of the application password.

ldapdelete and ldapsearch on linux platform

i am new to stackoverflow and Ldap if am asking stupid / easy pls do not mind.
am using linux platform i need command for below two thing
1) list all the users of a LDAP group name called Group1
i used filter with (objectclass=*) it showing all the information but i need to have only users name of group1.
And the other one
2) It has to delete all the users one by one or all together at once of group name called group1.
Platform : linux
i used ldapdelete but not succussed
Here is the query I'm trying to use, and its result:
ldapdelete -h myhost.com -p 389 -v "CN=sharma\,varma,CN=GAS_TEST2,OU=Delegated,OU=Groups,DC=gar,DC=corp,DC=xyz,DC=com" ldap_initialize( ldap://myhost.com:389 )
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started SASL username: lab_bldmstr#myhost.COM SASL SSF: 56 SASL installing layers deleting entry "CN=sharma\,varma,CN=GAS_TEST2,OU=Delegated,OU=Groups,DC=gar,DC=corp,DC=xyz,DC=com" –
ldap_delete: No such object (32) matched DN: CN=GAS_TEST2,OU=Delegated,OU=Groups,DC=gar,DC=corp,DC=xyz,DC=com
additional info: 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-0310020A, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of: 'CN=GAS_TEST2,OU=Delegated,OU=Groups,DC=gar,DC=corp,DC=xyz,DC=com'
Can somebody give me a hint of what I'm doing wrong?

gss_acquire_cred returning Key table entry not found error

I have been trying to follow the guidelines in this Microsoft article to authenticate
against Apache with Kerberos and AD. I have successfully tested the communication between the apache server and the AD server with kinit. However when I attempt to access a restricted page on the server with IE I get an Internal server error and the following appears in the apache error log.
[Wed Sep 24 14:18:15 2008] [debug] src/mod_auth_kerb.c(1483): [client] kerb_authenticate_user entered with user (NULL) and auth_type Kerberos
[Wed Sep 24 14:18:15 2008] [debug] src/mod_auth_kerb.c(1174): [client] Acquiring creds for HTTP/srvnfssol1.dev.local#DEV.LOCAL
[Wed Sep 24 14:18:15 2008] [error] [client] gss_acquire_cred() failed: Miscellaneous failure (see text) (Key table entry not found)
I have run a truss on the apache process and confirmed that it is in fact loading up the keytab file ok. I am wondering if there is something wrong with the format of the keytab file...
I am not sure what I am missing though. Or what other things to check.
Any suggestions?
Ok. Keytabs are supposed to contain the Service principal name, in this case "HTTP/srvnfssol1.dev.local#DEV.LOCAL" and the encryption key. I see where the MS docs say just to echo that to a file, but I don't think that's right.
You'll need to use the ktpass utility to create the keytab. The MS docs are here.
In particular, you'll need to specify KRB5_NT_SRV_HST, and most of the rest of the options can be default.
Sample of it on my machine:
C:\>ktpass /out test.keytab /princ HTTP/srvnfssol1.dev.local#DEV.LOCAL
/ptype KRB5_NT_SRV_HST /pass *
Type the password for HTTP/srvnfssol1.dev.local:
Key created.
Output keytab to test.keytab:
Keytab version: 0x502
keysize 62 HTTP/srvnfssol1.dev.local#DEV.LOCAL
ptype 3 (KRB5_NT_SRV_HST) vno 1 etype 0x1 (DES-CBC-CRC)
keylength 8 (0xa7f1fb38041c199e)
If the active directory server is the KDC, you'll need to use the /map <name> argument, where <name> is the computer account in active directory representing the server.
Some details on how all this works. When you browse to the website it should respond with a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate header, and your browser will send a request to the KDC (active directory server) to get a kerberos ticket for the service. The AD server will look up the encryption key for the ticket using the service principal name, and send an encrypted service ticket back to the browser. Once the browser has the service ticket, it'll reissue the HTTP request with an authenticate header containing the ticket. The apache server will look up its key in the keytab, decrypt the ticket, and grant access.
The "key table entry not found" error happens because apache isn't finding itself in the keytab. Can also happen if the name resolution/realms aren't set up right.
You should be able to see all the kerberos requests AP-REQ/AP-REP/TGS-REQ/TGS-REP using wireshark on the client, tcp or udp port 88.