How to upload a new file to OneDrive using new API? - onedrive

I'm trying to get file uploads working with the new OneDrive API. I'm starting out with just simple files (i.e. < 100MB) with the intention of progressing to resumable uploads once I've got the simple ones working!
I've tried using but I'm getting 403 back. I thought that this might be because the file didn't already exist but I've uploaded the file using the OneDrive web UI successfully and the code still can't upload the file.
The URL I'm using is something like:
The C# code is:
using (Stream fileStream = await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
HttpStreamContent streamContent = new HttpStreamContent(fileStream.AsInputStream());
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, oneDriveURI);
request.Content = streamContent;
request.Content.Headers.ContentType = new Windows.Web.Http.Headers.HttpMediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendRequestAsync(request);
Debug.WriteLine("UploadFileToOneDrive: response = {0}", response.StatusCode);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("UploadFileToOneDrive failed with exception {0}", ex.Message);
What have I got wrong/misunderstood? The API documentation needs a LOT more examples :-(

403 error code is related to permissions so it could be possible that you may have forgotten to include the proper scopes to upload the file. When you send your OAuth request, you'll want to also include "onedrive.readwrite" as one of the scopes.
More scopes can be found at "". I hope that helps.


How to read the html out of spa website with

As there are no API for this I need to get the HTML of the following website with WebClient response method.
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("");
string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
catch(HttpRequestException e)
The problem is, when I do that I get only the source code of normal javascripts of this single page application and not the real HTML.
Anybody know how to grab the real html with
I profiled the traffic a bit and it looks like the response from that URL you're using is indeed mainly a script, which eventually will load the rest of the website.
Looking through the details the HTML part of the main data seems to be available under a different URL:
Consider using that instead. Hope this helps!

Restsharp addFile() can't read file path correctly

I am trying to test response after uploading 3 .csv files, as part of integration tests for API on project I am currently on.
public void UploadFile(string token)
request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
endpoint.Timeout = -1;
request.AlwaysMultipartFormData = true;
request.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");
request.AddFile("Customers", "Users/Dell/Downloads/ProRecoFiles/CUSTOMERS.csv");
//request.AddFile(Constants.customers, Constants.customersPath);
//request.AddFile(Constants.orders, Constants.ordersPath);
//request.AddFile(Constants.products, Constants.productsPath);
Although I'm relatively new to Restsharp and C#, I would say this is pretty straight forward request. But apparently something is wrong as I get:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not find file 'C:\Users\Dell\Source\Repos\proreco-client-api\ProReco.Client.API\Tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Users\Dell\Downloads\ProRecoFiles\CUSTOMERS.csv'.
In the request.AddFile() I am passing name of file and path to the file. Somehow it concatenate value of file path to location of my project. Any idea how to fix that? Any suggestion would be great.
Preface the path with "C:/". E.g.:

How to solve file upload error in Postman?

I use file upload with webapi in my project. I am testing with Postman. However, Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent() always returns false.
Postman screenshot:
FileUploadController Code:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UserImageUpload()
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
var userImageUploadPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(CommonParameters.UserProfileImageServerPath);
var streamProvider = new CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider(userImageUploadPath);
await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(streamProvider);
var files = new List<string>();
foreach (MultipartFileData file in streamProvider.FileData)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, files);
catch (Exception exception)
logger.ErrorFormat("An error occured in UserImageUpload() Method - Class:FileUploadController - Message:{0}", exception);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
This is Postman bug. Try removing the Content-Type header. When sending the actual Post, the browser will automatically add the proper header and create the boundary.
There is no need to mention Content-Type in headers in Postman, I tried sending attachments without Content-Type it works fine for me.
When i used Content-Type: multipart/formdata it throws an error saying "Could not get any response". Postman sends your file attachments also with Content-Type →text/plain; charset=utf-8.
There are few things to consider:
1) Don't send any Content Type Header if you are using Postman
2) Specify the Key for your choosen file in Body (PFB Screenshot for your reference)
You need to uncheck Content-Type if you have it checked, and let Postman add it for you, like in this picture:
Might by a bit late. I encountered the same error in ARC and resolved by providing a name for the file field (after the blue check mark on your second screenshot)

Replacing files throws UnauthorizedAccessException in WinRT / Win8

Every once in a while, StorageFiles get locked and I get an UnauthorizedAccessException when trying to overwrite them. I cannot replicate this, it only happens randomly. This is the code for creating files:
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
// ...populate stream with serialized data...
StorageFile file;
Stream fileStream;
file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(fileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Access denied on file {0}", fileName);
fileStream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync();
using (fileStream)
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
await stream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
await fileStream.FlushAsync();
Once a file starts throwing UnauthorizedAccessException, it will always throw it. As if the system has the file locked and I cannot touch it. I have to uninstall the application and rebuild.
When I open the file in my document, I can see that data there. Everything is fine. It was written successfully.
Can anyone see a problem with my code?
Are you saving the file token in the future access list? I ran into this problem when loading files and trying to save updates later. Once I started using the future access list, the problems went away.
It might be the case when the same file is being accessed from two different points in the code at the same time.

Retrieve WCF Rest Response in Client

I'm using the WebChannelFactory<> to create a channel and interact with a WCF REST Service.
When there is an error, I want to retrieve the response from the channel to read the error message from the body of the response. But I cannot figure out how to get the response stream.
Here is my code:
using (var cf = new WebChannelFactory<T>(new Uri(url)))
var channel = cf.CreateChannel();
using (new OperationContextScope(channel as IContextChannel))
.Add("x-st-authtoken", HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Constants.General_AuthorizedToken));
.Add("x-st-tesskey", HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Constants.General_SessionKey));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Status: " + ((int)WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingResponse.StatusCode).ToString());
In the catch statement, I want to include the data from the Response body...
It seems like an obvious thing, but I can't seem to find any information on the internet or anything.
Is there any specific reason for you to use ChannelFactory to interact with the REST service. I think it is easier to use HttpWebRequest object to invoke the REST service and there you can get the respone stream when an error is throw on the server.
Also check out RestSharp API through which you can achieve your task to read the response stream.
I believe it will throw a WebException.
so if you explicitly catch that type you can get use the WebException.Response property (which is an HttpWebReponse) on the exception and you can get the content from its stream.