Durandal view adding ".js" to filename - durandal

I've got a Durandal 2.0 SPA which works just fine from one context but not from another. For the one that does not work the shell.html view is attempting to be loaded with using shell.html.js. Any idea why the additional .js is being added to the view file name?

I figured it out. I just had to enable CORS on the server and then override the useXhr function in the require config per http://jaketrent.com/post/cross-domain-requirejs-text/.


What is the ASP.NET Core convention for static, non-MVC pages?

I'm converting my website from Web Forms to .NET Core. I don't want to change the directory level of various files, e.g.:
By using the UseStaticFiles() middleware, I can place these in the wwwroot folder and they will be served as is. However, I don't know how to apply a Layout page with my website theme to those files since they're outside of the MVC framework.
I'd like to leverage the Layout files and MVC framework by using .cshtml files, but I'm also trying to avoid the extra controller directory that's imposed on the URL:
Maybe this is short-sighted, but how do developers handle this?
And actually, my existing files are .aspx at the moment, not .html files so that adds another level of confusion as to what the convention is for migrating to .Net Core. Should I use any .aspx files anywhere in the project or should they all be converted to .cshtml / .html files? Or something else?
I have successfully implemented a solution, but it's kind of a hack. I add controllers for each static page, for example I created both a FAQController.cs and PrivacyController.cs.
Each controller has only Index() actions so that they can take advantage of _Layout.cshtml and _ViewStart.cshtml.
It seems like a roundabout way to go just to move the following up one level e.g.
but it works.

Where do I put the blazor.server.js script tag in a RazorPages app?

Right now I have it at the bottom of the _Layout.cshtml layout page that is used by every other page. The problem I'm having is that pages under the Identity area throw errors in the console when navigating to Identity pages:
POST https://localhost:5001/Identity/Account/_blazor/negotiate 404
blazor.server.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot send data if the connection is not in the 'Connected' State.
These errors make me think I'm doing something wrong with how I enable Blazor Server in my RazorPages app.
So I'm wondering, should I only have the blazor.server.js scripts on pages that are actually using Blazor? Is there a way to make it available to Areas that putting it in the Layout seems to not do?
I believe this post answers my question:
How do I use blazor server-side inside a razor component library using areas?
By default, the SignalR service uses a relative path and was unable to find the _blazor/negotiate endpoint within an Area. The suggested code change in _Layout will make it use absolute paths and normalize to /_blazor/negotiate wherever you are in the page structure.
I know this is late but incase it help others.
I got this error when I was trying to add blazor to my existing app.
I added:
<base href="~/" />
at the end of the head tag of the _layout.cshtml file found in the shared folder.
enter image description here

Who insert Angular scripts in ASP.NET Core Angular template project

I created a new ASP.NET Core 2.1 Angular project.
What is interesting is that there is index.html file inside ClientApp/src which is hosted as default page. I would like to know, which code triggers that index.html is served by default?
In my old application from universal template Controllers and Views are used which seems more naturally then serving index.html from client code.
When application is runned, some code magically inserts Angular scripts (inline.bundle.js, polyfills.bundle.js, vendor.bundle.js, main.bundle.js and styles.bundle.css) at the end of index.html file? Can someone share some light which code does that?
I want to understand this, because I want to serve content from RazorPage instead of static index.html, but in order to try anything I need to know a little more about magic behind this template.

Aurelia with out a router, navigate to login.html and not /#login

I'm writing custom views for Identity Server 3 for its login, logout, consent, etc. I want to use Aurelia but in Identity server I have to pass in the actual html file. So, how can I navigate to localhost:9000/login.html and not localhost:9000/#login
if you want to remove the # from URLs in an aurelia application:
Configuring PushState
Remember that Aurelia is "just JavaScript," so when you want to link to another page on your site, you'll do it the same way you always would, by giving either an absolute or relative path to the file. You're not going to be able to link to an HTML file that is in your bundle though, the file will have to be unbundled, like index.html is.
At this point, this becomes just a standard JavaScript question about building a URL, and not anything to do with Aurelia. So just have the url point to wherever login.html is. I'm hoping this is enough for the answer, if not we can discuss it further.
With #Ashley Grant's help, I was able to create an aurelia replacement for IViewService example coded in angular. Identity Server 3 IView Service Example
It's honestly quite easy. Just create a standard aurelia project and put your html in app.html and view model in app.js. In addition to having the vendor_bundle reference link in your Index.html you will also have to create a link for the app_bundle as well because of a bug that tries to locate app_bundle in the root of your folder structure for Identity Server.
If anyone is interested in the source I can put something together just IM me.

Web API Routing - Returning 404

I have a Web API project in MVC 4 but cannot find the URL to my web service. Rather than MVC, I am actually just using the C (controller) as I'm not returning a view and my model is located in an external project.
I'm using the default route, which is api/{controller}/{id}. The name of my controller is RESTController (I know, probably wasn't the best name) and is located at ~/Controllers/RESTController.cs
Based on naming convention, it seems that my web service should be located at localhost:port/api/REST but I'm just getting a 404 resource cannot be found error (no XML representation of the object returned or anything). Is this the expected behavior without a view?
The funny thing is that I also have a SOAP API in an external project that is actually just returning the REST API result and it works as it should. Doing unit tests on my methods passes... I just can't access it from a browser. I've tried every url imaginable.
Would there a way to debug this? (ie. Turning on ASP.NET directory listing)
Does not having a view effect what is shown in the browser?
Shouldn't the browser return an XML file representing the object?
Am I missing something obvious?
Nevermind, I'm a moron. I found the problem... At some point I accidentally drag and dropped (drug and dropped past tense?) my Global.asax file into my Views folder... therefore my routes were not getting registered.
Working as intended now.