Correct method to present a different NSViewController in NSWindow - objective-c

I am developing an app that is a single NSWindow and clicking a button inside the window will present a NSViewController, and a button exists in that controller that will present a different NSViewController. I know how to swap out views in the window, but I ran into an issue trying to do this with the multiple view controllers. I have resolved the issue, but I don't believe I am accomplishing this behavior in an appropriate way.
I originally defined a method in the AppDelegate:
- (void)displayViewcontroller:(NSViewController *)viewController {
BOOL ended = [self.window makeFirstResponder:self.window];
if (!ended) {
[ setContentView:viewController.view];
I set up a target/action for an NSButton to the AppDelegate, and here's where I call that method to show a new view controller:
- (IBAction)didTapContinue:(NSButton *)sender {
NewViewController *newVC = [[NewViewController alloc] init];
[self displayViewcontroller:newVC];
This does work - it presents the new view controller's view. However if I then click any button in that view that has a target/action set up that resides within its view controller class, the app instantly crashes.
To resolve this issue, I have to change didTapContinue: to the following:
- (IBAction)didTapContinue:(NSButton *)sender {
NewViewController *newVC = [[NewViewController alloc] init];
[self.viewControllers addObject:newVC];
[self displayViewcontroller:[self.viewControllers lastObject]];
First of all, can you explain why that resolves the issue? Seems to be related to the way the controller is "held onto" in memory but I'm not positive.
My question is, how do I set this up so that I can swap out views from within any view controller? I was planning on getting a reference to the AppDelegate and calling displayViewcontroller: with a new controller I just instantiated in that class, but this causes the crash. I need to first store it in the array then send that reference into the method. Is that a valid approach - make the viewControllers array public then call that method with the lastObject, or how should this be set up?

What is interesting in your code is that you alloc/init a new view controller every time that you call the IBAction. It can be that your view its totally new every time you call the IBAction method, but I would think that you only have a limited number of views you want to show. As far as my knowledge goes this makes your view only to live as long as your IBAction method is long. That the view still exists, is because you haven't refreshed it. However, calling a method inside a view controller that is not in the heap anymore (since you left the IBAction method and all local objects, such as your view controller are taken of the heap thans to ARC) makes the app crash, because you reference a memory space that is not in use or used by something else.
Why does the app work when you ad the view to the viewcontrollers array? I assume this array is an array that has been initiated in the AppDelegate and now you add the view controller with a strong reference count to the viewcontrollers array. When you leave the IBAction method, the view controller still has a strong reference and ARC will not deallocate the view controller.
Is this the proper way? Well, it works. I would not think it is considered very good programming, since you don't alloc/init an object in a method that needs to stay alive after leaving the method. It would be better practice to allocate and initialize your view controller(s) somewhere in an init, awakeFromNIB or a windowDidLoad method of your AppDelegate. The problem with your current solution is that you are creating an endless array of view controllers of which you only use the last. Somewhere your program will feel the burden of this enormously long array of pretty heavy objects (view controllers) and will run out of memory.
Hope this helps.
By the way, this is independent of whether you use Mavericks or Yosemite. I was thinking in a storyboard solution, but that wouldn't answer your question.
Kind regards,


Container View Controllers pre iOS 5

iOS 5 adds a nice feature allowing you to nest UIViewControllers. Using this pattern it was easy for me to create a custom alert view -- I created a semi-transparent view to darken the screen and a custom view with some widgets in it that I could interact with. I added the VC as a child of the VC in which I wanted it to display, then added its views as subviews and did a little animation to bring it on the screen.
Unfortunately, I need to support iOS 4.3. Can something like this be done, or do I have to manage my "alert" directly from the VC in which I want to display it?
So if I create a custom view in a nib whose file owner is "TapView" and who has a child view that is a UIButton. I tie the UIButton action to a IBAction in TapView.
Now in my MainControllerView I simple add the TapView:
TapView *tapView = [[TapView alloc] init];
[[self view] addSubview:tapView];
I see my TapView, but I can't interact with the UIButton on it and can interact with a UIButton on the MainControllerView hidden behind it. For some reason I am not figuring out what I'm missing...
Not sure if this helps, but, in situations where I've needed more control over potential several controllers, I've implemented a pattern where I have a "master" controller object (doesn't need to be descendent from UIViewController), which implements a delegate protocol (declared separately in it's own file), and then have whatever other controllers I need to hook into declare an object of that type as a delegate, and the master can do whatever it needs to do in response to messages from the controllers with the delegate, at whatever point you need; in your case, that being displaying the alert and acting as it's delegate to handle the button selection. I find this approach to be very effective, simpler and usually cleaner. YMMV ;-)
Regd. your second query, where you are trying to create a custom view using nib. Don't change the FileOwner type, instead set "TapView" for the class property of the top level view object.
Once you have done this, you might experience difficulty when making connections. For that just manually choose the TapView file for making connections.
Also, to load the view you need to load its nib file. For which you can create a class level helper method in TapView class like below
+(TapView *) getInstance
NSArray *bundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"TapView" owner:self options:nil];
TapView *view;
for (id object in bundle) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[TapView class]]) {
view = (TapView *) object;
return view;
Now, you get a refrence to you view object like this
TapView *tapView = [TapView getInstance];

Push view to navigation controller from button in other class

I have a UIButton that I create in my sub class ViewController, and add it to my MainViewController.
Now, I added a target method to this button that should push another view controller to my Navigation controller (the one that in the MainViewController).
I know that the method did call when I push the button, but the view wasn't push to the Navigation Controller.
I scanned this drawing - this is the drawing (I also added part of my code):
This is the code I'm using in my button:
(remember it's in a deferent ViewController).
- (void)buttonPressed:(UIButton *)sender
Photo_ScreenGlobalView *photo = [[Photo_ScreenGlobalView alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:photo animated:YES];
Usually I solve these situations with delegation. If there is a view controller which is subordinate to another (i.e. a "sub" view controller) but should have the ability to trigger navigation changes, etc... then it should have a weak pointer back to it's 'parent'. Then the parent VC should implement an appropriately named protocol with a callback for the child to use. The names of these things can be generic, such as #property navigationDelegate and requestNavigationToViewController: or they can be more semantic, such as #property userFormDelegate and userFormDoneButtonPressed:
Generally speaking, a subordinate view controller should not be able to directly modify navigation at it's parent's level; but it can trigger it via more loosely-coupoled interfaces like these.
i came back to let you all know how i actually did it.
after googling a lot found this nice and quick guide how to make DELEGATE
and working with delegate solved all my problems. if you need any help don't hesitate to send me PM.
this is the guide:

Loading a Custom ViewController with data

I have a UITableView which loads through it's navigationController a new viewcontroller.
This code goes in the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath method:
ConcertDetailViewController *detailVC = [[ConcertDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ConcertDetailViewController" bundle:nil];
The UITableView has a model, I want to sent an element of this model to the newly created ViewController.
detailVC.aProd = [_prod objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
When the value is set I want the detailVC to draw the data on the screen. I thought a custom setter, overwriting the one generated by #synthesize would work.
-(void)setaProd:(NSMutableDictionary *)aProd {
_aProd = aProd;
[self displayAProd];
displayAProd just takes the values in aProd and put's them on the screen, or rather I'm setting some value of an outlet , created in my nib file.
self.prodNameLbl.text = [_aProd objectForKey:#"name"];
Nothing special about this. But it just doesn't work. I figured out why, I think.
It's because the setter executes way faster then, loading the whole view into memory.
If I put self.prodNameLbl.text = #"something"; in the viewDidLoad method it does display the correct value in the label.
A quick workaround would be the see if _concerts has been set and from there call displayAProd. Here I'm doubting myself if it's a good way to load a view. What if the custom setter takes longer to execute the loading the view. The test to see if _concerts has been set will be false and nothing will be displayed. Or is that just impossible to happen ?
Or maybe there's a better pattern for loading views and passing data to them to be displayed.
Thanks in advanced, Jonas.
The problem is that when you load the view controller from the NIB, the IBOutlets will not be connected to your UILabel and other similar properties during the initWithNibName call.
You need to wait for viewDidLoad to be called on detailVC and call [self displayAProd] from there. At this point, the connections will have been made.
Do a quick test. Put a break point in your didSelectRowAtIndexPath method and, after initialising detailVC, check to see if prodNameLbl is null or not.

Update UI from another Class Method - Cocoa

I would like to update the UI in my application from the AppDelegate, but whenever I call it as so:
Controller *object = [[Controller alloc] init];
[object methodHere];
It doesn't seem to update the UI. What am I doing wrong here? I have put in a NSLog to see if it was being called, and it is. Here is a sample project that shows the error.
Edit: Can someone just show me what to change to the project I provided. I just don't know what to type into my project so that I can change the value of a simple NSTextField from another class.
When you write [[Controller alloc] init], you are not accessing the Controller object that is in your nib. You are creating a new Controller object that is unconnected to anything else in your application.
Remember, every Controller object is not the same any more than every NSArray is the same. Just because you made one Controller in your nib that's connected to an NSTextField does not mean some random Controller that you just created shares that controller's connections.
What you need to do is give the delegate a reference to the Controller that's in the nib.
This is really simple, and Chuck's comments basically explain what you need to do, but I will lay out the code explicitly for you. In testAppDelegate.h:
#interface testAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
NSWindow *window;
// You can make an IBOutlet to any kind of object you
// want; it's just a way for you to get a reference
// in code to an object that has been alloc'd and
// init'd already by the xib mechanism.
IBOutlet Controller *controller;
Then go into your xib in InterfaceBuilder and hook up that outlet from your Test App Delegate object to your Controller object (these objects are already present in the xib).
In testAppDelegate.m:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// This is the key:
// _Don't_ alloc/init a new controller object. The
// objects in your xib are allocated and initialized
// by virtue of being in that file. You just need to
// give your AppDelegate a pointer to it, as above.
[controller setTextValue:#"hello"];
It's being called all right, but it's not connected to the interface. There should be a view controller of some sort defined in your appDelegate.h file, call the method on that object instead.
Update for more detail:
One way you could pull this off would be to simply save the Controller when you originally create it (and not release it until later.)
Simply put your own controller object into your .h file
Controller* myController;
And when you create the new view controller you want to flip to, simply set myController to reference that object, and later when you want to update the UI, simply call
[myController methodHere];
A bit clumsy, but it works. Just don't forget to release myController when you're done with that view.
The other idea I'd suggest looking into would be to alter the method you're passing to your delegate. That is, instead of having the method as
put it in as
-(returnType)callDelegateToDoSomething:(id) sender;
You call the new method the same way, but your controller should automatically pass itself as an argument. Then, inside the method, simply use
[sender methodHere];
and it should hopefully work. (You may need to play around with it a little. I'm not an expert on delegates or the sender argument, but it's worth a shot.)

UIViewController not loading my custom UIView

This should be straight forward for a guru. I don't have any code really written out, just a couple of controllers and a custom UIView. All connected through nibs. The app loads without crashing, yet I can't see my NSLog() hit from my custom UIView.
My application delegate has default template code which calls for a class of mine called TabAnimationController. TabAnimationViewController has its view set to TabView. I made sure that in TabAnimationViewController's NIB that File's owner is set to TabAnimationViewController and that my instance of UIView has its class set to TabView.
In TabView.m I'm trying to see how NSLog is going to hit, and it's not showing up at all.
- (void)loadView {
NSLog(#"calling loadView");
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
NSLog(#"Calling initWithFrame:");
return self;
Strange. I'm not sure why even after proper IB connections that my NSLog will not show up. Only anything put into drawRect: will invoke. Why isn't initWithFrame or loadView ever get hit? What if I want to customize this view programmatically?
First of all, when a view is dehydrated from nib file, instead of initWithFrame, initWithCoder is invoked. So you need to implement your initialization in initWithCoder as well. (It may be a good idea to keep the initWithFrame initialization as well, if you anticipate programmatically creating your TabView instead of hooking up in the IB. Just refactor your initialization to another method and call it from both implementations.)
Also in your initialization code above you must always call the super class's initialization. There is a boiler plate pattern all custom classes use in their init implementation for that:
if (self = [super initXXX]) { do your initialization }
return self;
Second, loadView which is actually a UIViewController method and not a UIView method is invoked only if the view outlet of the controller is nil.
Unless you are composing your view yourself programmatically using your controller, you do not need to override loadView. Instead you should override viewDidLoad, which is called after the view is loaded, to do additional initialization.
The simplest way to get this up and running is simply to use the "View based Application" template when you create a new project. It sets up everything you need to start with.
But, in short, you're looking at the wrong methods. First, you shouldn't override loadView unless you're creating your view programatically. If it's loading from a XIB file look at the initWithNibName method.
You might also want to look at the viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear methods that are triggered, well, it's fairly obvious when!