Replace word with the same amount of spaces -

How can I replace a word (p.g in ListBox) with the same number of spaces (as letters)?

You can use the string constructor:
dim s as string = "1234"
s = New String(" ", s.length)
With a listbox, you might want to consider removing the item instead of setting it to spaces:
Here's one way to remove an arbitrary word from a string s:
sRemove = "abc"
i = s.IndexOf(sRemove)
If i >= 0 Then s = s.Substring(0, i) & New String(" ", sRemove.Length) & s.Substring(i + sRemove.Length)


How to replace a character within a string

I'm trying to convert WText into its ASCII code and put it into a TextBox; Numencrypt. But I don't want to convert the spaces into ASCII code.
How do I replace the spaces with null?
Current code:
Dim withSpace As String = Numencrypt.Text
For h = 1 To lenText
wASC = wASC & CStr(Asc(Mid$(WText, h, 1)))
Next h
Numencrypt.Text = wASC
Numencrypt2.Text = Numencrypt2.Replace(Numencrypt.Text, " ", "")
By the way, the TextBox Numencrypt2 is the WText without a space inside it.
Without knowing whether or not you want the null character or empty string I did the following in a console app so I don't have your variables. I also used a string builder to make the string concatenation more performant.
Dim withSpaces = "This has some spaces in it!"
withSpaces = withSpaces.Replace(" "c, ControlChars.NullChar)
Dim wASC As New StringBuilder
For h = 1 To withSpaces.Length
wASC.Append($"{AscW(Mid(withSpaces, h, 1))} ") ' Added a space so you can see the boundaries ascii code boundaries.
Dim theResult = wASC.ToString()
You will find that if you use ControlChars.NewLine as I have, the place you had spaces will be represented by a zero. That position is completely ignored if you use Replace(" ", "")

VB.NET - Delete excess white spaces between words in a sentence

I'm a programing student, so I've started with as my first language and I need some help.
I need to know how I delete excess white spaces between words in a sentence, only using these string functions: Trim, instr, char, mid, val and len.
I made a part of the code but it doesn't work, Thanks.
enter image description here
Knocked up a quick routine for you.
Public Function RemoveMyExcessSpaces(str As String) As String
Dim r As String = ""
If str IsNot Nothing AndAlso Len(str) > 0 Then
Dim spacefound As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 1 To Len(str)
If Mid(str, i, 1) = " " Then
If Not spacefound Then
spacefound = True
End If
If spacefound Then
spacefound = False
r += " "
End If
r += Mid(str, i, 1)
End If
End If
Return r
End Function
I think it meets your criteria.
Hope that helps.
Unless using those VB6 methods is a requirement, here's a one-line solution:
TextBox2.Text = String.Join(" ", TextBox1.Text.Split(New Char() {" "c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
Online test:
String.Split() splits a string on a specific character or substring (in this case a space) and creates an array of the string parts in-between. I.e: "Hello There" -> {"Hello", "There"}
StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries removes any empty strings from the resulting split array. Double spaces will create empty strings when split, thus you'll get rid of them using this option.
String.Join() will create a string from an array and separate each array entry with the specified string (in this case a single space).
There is a very simple answer to this question, there is a string method that allows you to remove those "White Spaces" within a string.
Dim text_with_white_spaces as string = "Hey There!"
Dim text_without_white_spaces as string = text_with_white_spaces.Replace(" ", "")
'text_without_white_spaces should be equal to "HeyThere!"
Hope it helped!

Add text before specific characters

str as String = " " +"thisrocks" + " "
and strArray(0) = 123456sdv :'++':
so i want to add str before the :'++':, and then
strArray(0) = 123456sdv thisrocks :'++':
Is it possible ?
What could I do to search for it ? Regex maybe ?
str and strArray will already be there from previous codes. I just want to combine it int he right place.
Using the space in between will not be helpful as the strArray(0) could also be, dsf dsv dsgvsvs svs svssd bdsb sbdfb bsbb sb s sbsfbfsbsbfs :'++': and so on.
I can't control it as they come like that from previous codes and there is no way to fix them :/
I can't generalize the question since it is not clear enough, for this occasion you can use the following code to insert a string in between these two words
Dim str As String = " " + "thisrocks" + " "
Dim strArray(10) As String
strArray(0) = "123456sdv :'++':"
strArray(0) = strArray(0).Replace(":'++':", str & ":'++':")
Output will be
"123456sdv thisrocks :'++':"
this will work as, replace :'++': with & str and add :'++': to it so :'++': will stay their for the next replacement.
You can use String.IndexOf to find where the marker :'++': is and String.Insert to insert the required data:
Dim sample As String = "123456sdv :'++':"
Dim insertData As String = " thisrocks "
Dim marker As String = ":'++':"
Dim insertPos As Integer = sample.IndexOf(marker)
If insertPos >= 0 Then
sample = sample.Insert(insertPos, insertData)
End If
Console.WriteLine(sample) ' outputs "123456sdv thisrocks :'++':"

Left split, getting blank return.

Issue, where the character I am removing does not exist I get a blank string
Aim: To look for three characters in order and only get the characters to the left of the character I am looking for. However if the character does not exist then to do nothing.
Dim vleftString As String = File.Name
vleftString = Left(vleftString, InStr(vleftString, "-"))
vleftString = Left(vleftString, InStr(vleftString, "_"))
vleftString = Left(vleftString, InStr(vleftString, " "))
As a 'fix' I have done
Dim vleftString As String = File.Name
vleftString = Replace(vleftString, "-", " ")
vleftString = Replace(vleftString, "_", " ")
vleftString = Left(vleftString, InStr(vleftString, " "))
vleftString = Trim(vleftString)
Based on Left of a character in a string in
If File.Name is say 1_2.pdf it passes "-" and then works on line removing anything before "" (though not "" though I want it to)
When it hits the line for looking for anything left of space it then makes vleftString blank.
Since i'm not familiar (and avoid) the old VB functions here a .NET approach. I assume you want to remove the parts behind the separators "-", "_" and " ", then you can use this loop:
Dim fileName = "1_2.pdf".Trim() ' Trim used to show you the method, here nonsense
Dim name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName).Trim()
For Each separator In {"-", "_", " "}
Dim index = name.IndexOf(separator)
If index >= 0 Then
name = name.Substring(0, index)
End If
fileName = String.Format("{0}{1}", name, Path.GetExtension(fileName))
Result: "1.pdf"

How could I get the first and last letters from a string?

How can I get my program to take the first and last letters from an entered string?
Example: "I've been told I am a noob!"
Output: "IebntdIaman!"
I tried to use Split with no luck.
Try something like this. since you have a couple of single character words I used a conditional in order to get your desired output. I also am using the String.Split method that removes empty entries in order to prevent a zero length item, then I am taking the result and using the String.Substring Method to parse out your starting and ending chars.
Sub Main()
Dim splitChar As String() = {" "}
Dim example As String = " I've been told I am a noob!"
Dim output As String = ""
Dim result As String() = example.Split(splitChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For Each item In result
If item.Length > 1 Then
output += item.Substring(0, 1) & item.Substring(item.Length - 1, 1)
output += item.Substring(0, 1)
End If
End Sub
This works nicely:
Dim example As String = "I've been told I am a noob!"
Dim result = New String( _
example _
.Split(" "c) _
.SelectMany(Function (w) _
If(w.Count() = 1, _
new Char() { w(0) }, _
New Char() { w.First(), w.Last() })) _