Keyboard shortcut to hide results panel in MySQL Workbench - keyboard-shortcuts

In MS Query Analyzer you can press Ctrl+R to hide the results section, making your query window bigger and saving on scrolling up and down
Is there a keyboard shortcut in MySQL Workbench v6.2 to do this? I can't find it

I will share my own trick (not so nice): I mark one new line (or some spaces), after that, I "execute" that empty query with shift-ctrl-enter so the empty query generates an empty resultset and the grid is then hidden.

No, there is no shortcut to hide the result set for an sql editor. You only can use the close button in the tab title or run a query that doesn't return a result set.

There is a close button Beneath the result grid, simply click to close. I am using workbench version 8.0. the following image shows it:-


SSMS SQL editor tool bar grayed out

I posted this earlier and obviously the person who marked it as duplicate did not read the post because the answer told me to do exactly what I said I was doing that does not work.
New install of SQL Server 2017 Express with existing databases. Login as sa or as a database owner. When you right click a table - Edit top 200 rows - open the SQL panel. The entire SQL editor toolbar is grayed out. I can copy the same SQL expression into a new query and the bar is active. I can execute the expression with Ctrl R when the bar is grayed out.
I have looked at dozens of posts but have not found the solution.
FYI Yes, I can write the SQL statement to update the table but it is faster, easier and safer to update it directly when you only have to change one number in a single row/column and I can update the data even with the tool bar grayed out.
Thank you to the one who has the solution.
I had the same problem. Tried many different things. Toolbar remained greyed out. Then looked at the shortcut for Execute by hovering over it and saw it was Alt X, ran the query using Alt X, the toolbar then became active, have no idea why. Note: Now the toolbar is active, the shortcut to Execute the query is now F5. (Alt X also still works).

How to execute SQL in the IntelliJ Ultimate SQL Console?

In IntelliJ Ultimate 2017.2, the SQL Console opened from the Database panel lets me enter some SQL.
Unfortunately, when I click the green triangle icon in its upper-left corner, sometimes my SQL executes and sometimes it does not. Sometimes I need to select all the text before hitting the triangle to make it execute, sometimes I do not. Apparently there is some logic or magic trick intended by this tool that escapes me.
➠ How to execute the SQL Console?
The documentation for Database Console says:
Use this icon or shortcut to execute the selected (highlighted) SQL statement or statements.
If nothing is selected, the current statement is executed.
That is not the behavior I see when running on macOS Sierra 10.12.5.
You can control what IDE executes on this action in the Preferences/Settings > Tools > Database > Execute in Console.
You may want to set some of those to the Whole script.

Visual Studio Code SQL results dock to bottom

I'm trying to dock the SQL queries results to bottom in VS Code, as we see at SSMS. In old versions of VS Code I could do it, but I don't know what happened. The results can be moved only to left/right of window now, and the results view are awful in this way.
I want to make the VS Code SQL results disposed like this:
But I have only this on VS Code:
Any help will be appreciated.
Go to View -> Toggle Editor Group Layout
Following works on Mac :
Go to Menu > View > Editor Layout > Flip Layout.
As of December 2020
View → Editor Layout → Two Rows
I don't see that option on Windows though. But you can just flip the layout by pressing Alt + Shift + 0
You can also simple click on results tab and drag to bottom of source code window or anywhere else you want, no need to use menus really.

How can I focus the cursor into the test results output area using the keyboard in Jetbrains IDEs?

I have just run some Rspec tests in Rubymine and I want to use the keyboard to focus on the test results so that I can then jump to the test source code.
Here's the bottom of the IDE window. I want to first focus into the left hand pane so I can choose the correct test, then jump to the right hand pane so I can choose the line to go to. I've tried to use Command-4 to focus on the pane, but it just focuses the tab and not into the actual pane.
What is the correct key combination to do this (or what are the actions called on the keymap so I can assign keys)?
Although it's not what you asked (and I'd like to know an answer), I did just discover the "Select Failed Test When Finished" option in the Run pane settings (the blue gear in the upper right of the left-hand sub-pane). It selects the first failed test (which puts the output of that test in the right-hand sub-pane) and puts focus in the right-hand sub-pane. So if you always want to do that when a test fails, it might make you happy a lot of the time.
Try to use "Tab" button. After that, you could move logs with Up/Down arrows or PageUp/PageDown buttons.
It works on my IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.5.
View -> Tool Windows -> Run
For me, the shortcut would be [Alt+4], and it is displayed in the menu, you will see it. If there's none, go to Keymap settings and configure it.
And yes, this question is old but it's a useful shortcut

Remain in "SQL Mode" in Access?

Right now, if I want to enter SQL queries in Microsoft Access, I do this:
Click the Create tab, then Query design button, then close the popup. Click the SQL button. Type my query. Click Run.
For my next query, I have to do that all over again. How can I stay in an SQL environment in Access?
Newer versions of Access still support many of the same keyboard shortcuts for the old Menu commands (in addition to the newer, longer keyboard shortcuts for the Ribbon interface). So, in the Access 2010 query designer I still use:
Altv, d which was View > Design View
Altv, s which was View > DataSheet View
Altv, q which was View > SQL View
To run an action query, this old keyboard shortcut still works, too:
Altq, r which was Query > Run
Ah, it turns out it's one of the view modes (first button in the Home tab). Because none of my functions required a table, I hadn't bothered to choose a table to work in, which means the View menu was grayed out.