QR Code Classify after read [duplicate] - objective-c

I am developing an iOS Application for scanning QR Codes. I am successfully able to scan and get code from QR code.
My question is what are possible data types and format I can expect from QR Codes?
During my search on google I found QR Code can be used for
Contact data
Calendar data
Email address
Phone number
Plain text
Geo location
Is this the complete list and is there same standard to represent above data in QR Codes? Means same way of generating QR Code for above QR types.
Is there any standard way of generating and representing data in QR Code?

Basically your text information has to be identifiable for what it is:
There is a very good summary here.
Contact data - use MeCard, or vCard (much more verbose), e.g.: MECARD:Surname, First;ADR:123 Some St., Town, Zip Code, Country;EMAIL:some_name#some_ip.com;TEL:+11800123123;BDAY:19550231;;
Calendar data - There are two formats about iCalendar (.ics) & vCalendar (.vcs). These formats can also include location, alarm, to-do items, etc. Note that these are both verbose formats and you may be better off using a short URL to an online file in the file format but the person scanning needs to have internet connectivity and be willing to trust the QR code not to be doing anything bad.
URL: Start your url with the standard format specifier such as http://, e.g.: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19900835/qr-code-possible-data-types-or-standards
Email address - Start with mailto:SomeOne#SomeWhere.org gives:
Phone number - Start with tel: e.g. tel:+1-212-555-1212 gives:
SMS - See the RFC 5724.
Plain text - Just include the text.
Geo location - Use the geo:lat,long,alt format URI: geo:40.71872,-73.98905,100 (100 feet above Googles offices) gives:
WIFI - (ssid is 'abc' and password is '1234'). For WEP encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:WEP;P:1234;;. For WPA/WPA2: WIFI:S:abc;T:WPA;P:1234;;. Without encryption: WIFI:S:abc;T:nopass;P:1234;;.
All the above example were generated with the Python qrcode package from the command line.

Basically, QR Code returns text data that can be of any type. You can put any type of data in any string format in QR Code. It totally depends on you.
You can consider it as
[NSString stringWithFormat].

Github - Zxing (Barcode Contents) has a summary.
There may or may not be a standard.
If you are looking for non-standard formats,
please update your documentation and contribute to open source.


Decode binary data returned from PDF417 barcode scanned with react-native-camera

I'm building an small application with react native to read the barcode from an ID document, and extract the user information. I use react-native-camera to read the barcode successfully but now I need to decode the binary data. Here is a sample of what is returned when scanned:
A10995848VISITOR000000000000889950JHONSMITH 19990525M201812156814O+US2FMR 20Ú±GôôÅÅP~Zú<Zê-àú-*òZäîF:wZà8[U"#~Z4æUîFjUBö6UFU¸ZÔHYZ:FZ¾äyZT&U¶¢ZP80UÚ¸aZ#ÂZ¦ZàldZÖ¦_UzZp"ZÞvZ,¤PX¾CU7FMR 20Ú±GôôÅÅPòUöPØ ZêU.Z$6xZBZºZΡZÖÔyUÜVZ<ÞZP8ZV Z$fZ´Þ~ZFÖZXðZ &Z$¸¦Zö®U>fZNVPÀjEU$~Ul0K¸¼tZ:~dPZ2Z¬hEU
I can see the information I need, for example the birth date (19990525), names (JHON SMITH), document number (889950), but I can't see a way to isolate it.
You can do this in javascript with js-zxing-pdf417 . there is also a demo for the project.

Google Sheets IMPORTXML: Xpath not working (document node does provide data)

Using Google Sheets, I am trying to retrieve text passages from the Perseus Scaife Library, which has a working API.
When I query for the document node (=importxml("https://scaife-cts.perseus.org/api/cts?request=GetPassage&urn=urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001.opp-grc2:1.1","/")) I get all the data, including the URNs etc. However, any other xpath_query gives an error.
I know that Google Sheets can access the data, but I would like to be able to select only one node (//p).
You want to retrieve the text in passage. If my understanding is correct, how about this answer?
=importxml(A1, "//*[local-name()='passage']")
Result :
Note :
https://scaife-cts.perseus.org/api/cts?request=GetPassage&urn=urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001.opp-grc2:1.1 is converted by URL encode and put to "A1".
Converted URL is https://scaife-cts.perseus.org/api/cts?request=GetPassage&urn=urn%3acts%3agreekLit%3atlg0527%2etlg001%2eopp%2dgrc2%3a1%2e1.
Reference :
If this was not what you want, I'm sorry.

cTAKES UMLS ICD10 codes lookup

I created a cTAKES custom dictionary from UMLS database with ICD10 codes.
Right now I able to analyze the text by for example disease name, like Asthma and annotation index will contain the ICD10 code for this matching code = "J45.90".
Is it possible to configure cTAKES in order to reverse this process in order to look for ICD10 code appearance in the text instead?
The XML output contains the start and ends of a matched concept in the original corpus. I personally find it easier to convert the XML to a simple JSON format and then loop through it as needed.
I have been working on an open source solution for parsing out the data and displaying the corpus with the matches it in HTML: https://github.com/GoTeamEpsilon/ctakes-friendly-web-ui#demonstration - let me know if you'd like to contribute.

Use Google's mobile vision api to detect numbers only?

I would like to know how I can filter to detect numbers (integers) only? e.g 1,2,....,10. Currently the api detects all formats of "text".
You should do that processing on your side. Use Regex to filter out numbers from string received from Vision API:
str="Text received 123,0";
number = str.replace(/\D/g,'');
result: 123
Google vision API will detect all character, google vision does not
have separate API(which can detect only number at the point of
scanning) for only numbers till now, But after scanning the image
using google vision api we will get the text in response example
"23XA3783", so now we can replace the character we don't want.
Store the google api response in temp variable
source_str = "23XA3783"
In my case I get the required string from google api response using
source_str= temp["responses"][0].textAnnotations[0].description
final_output = source_str.replace(/\D/g,'');

Automatically Convert Prices on a Web Page to A Different Currency

I am interested in possible methods of automatically converting the prices given when a web page is loaded from the currency given to a specified currency. Ideally, the conversion would also make use of the current exchange rate to give valid prices.
For example, in my specific case, I would like to convert the prices given in Euros (€) on this web site to Sterling (£).
I am looking at using a GreaseMonkey script for this conversion, but can anyone suggest other methods?
Thanks, MagicAndi.
Try the API: http://thecurrencygraph.com
It uses Geo Location scripts to detect the user's country and through that their native currency. It then converts your prices into their currency using the latest exchange rates
Hope this this helps!
Since I dabble in AutoHotkey here's a potential solution using that scripting language, it retrieves the page source from a webpage that does the conversion and parses out the converted value. This requires the httpQuery library to be included:
#Include httpQuery.ahk
InputBox, n, EUR to GBP, Enter the number., , 150, 120
if (ErrorLevel || !n)
url := "http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi?Amount=" n "&From=EUR&To=GBP&image.x=55&image.y=8"
html := URLDownloadToVar(url)
Gui, Add, Edit, w125, % RegExMatch(html,"[\d\.]+(?= GBP)",m) ? m "£" : "The value could not be retrieved."
Gui, Show, AutoSize Center, GBP
Gui, Destroy
if !RegExMatch(url,"^http://")
url := "http://" url
VarSetCapacity(html, -1)
Return html
There are obviously more thorough (and complex) methods for solving this problem but this at least solves it with minimal effort.
The quick and easy answer is to make use of a Firefox add-on. There are a number of currency converters available as add-ons, but I ended up using Exch, as it suited my needs best.