SQL Query for Latest Input - sql

What is the query for the latest input in a database? ASC and DESC don't seem to work because I don't have a primary key.

What is the query for the latest input in a database.
By default there isn't.
Order isn't guaranteed in a relational database, it's specified by the SELECT query used to view the data. If you want to order by "most recent" then you need a field which stores that information. Something like a DateAdded field, for example. (Which can either be populated by the application or just given a default value of the current date so it automatically adds the value on every INSERT.) Then you'd simply order by that:
FROM SomeTable
ASC and DESC don't seem to work
They do, you just need actual values by which to order the results of the query.

Every table will have primary key. Use that key to get the latest entry.
Share your columns name. That might help to resolve your query.


Auto Increment selection SQLite

I have a column named id in my SQLite database which is auto-increment, Primary Key, Unique.
Is the result of the following query guaranteed to be the smallest value of id in the database and does this correspond to the "oldest" (as in a FIFO) row to be inserted?
The SQLite documentation is quite explicit:
If a SELECT statement that returns more than one row does not have an
ORDER BY clause, the order in which the rows are returned is
undefined. Or, if a SELECT statement does have an ORDER BY clause,
then the list of expressions attached to the ORDER BY determine the
order in which rows are returned to the user.
The LIMIT is applied after an ORDER BY would be, so I don't think it affects the application of this statement.
Hence, if you want the first row, use ORDER BY:
FROM table
Note that if id is a primary key, this will add basically no overhead.
I should emphasize that in practice you are probably going to get the smallest id without the ORDER BY. However, it is a really, really bad idea to depend on behavior that directly contradicts the documentation.
Is the result of the following query guaranteed to be the smallest value of id in the database
Yes. However if the table is empty or the id column is NULL, it could also return NULL
and does this correspond to the "oldest" (as in a FIFO) row to be inserted?
No, there's no guarantee of that.

Postgresql order of records

I have a set of records in a table. I get records via select without any order statements just select * from table so there isn't any obvious order.
Will the order of records differs after updating some records?
There is no internal order in a Postgres database table (and this is also the case with most other RDBMS). The only order which will exist at selection time is the one you specify using an ORDER BY clause. So, the answer to your question is that you should always rely on ORDER BY if you want a consistent, reproducible order in your result set.

Getting a specific number of rows from Database using RowNumber; Inconsistent results

Here is my SQL query:
select * from TABLE T where ROWNUM<=100
If i execute this and then re-execute this, I don't get the same result. Why?
Also, on a sybase system if i execute
set rowcount 100
select * from TABLE
even on re-execution i get the same result?
Can someone explain why? and provide possible solution for RowNum
If you don't use ORDER BY in your query you get the results in natural order.
Natural order is whatever is fastest for the database at the moment.
A possible solution is to ORDER BY your primary key, if it's an INT
If your primary key is not a sequentially incrementing integer and you don't have another column to order by (such as a timestamp) you may need to create an extra column SORT_ORDER INT and increment in automatically on insert using either an Autoincrement column or a sequence and an insert trigger, depending on the database.
Make sure to create an index on that column to speed up the query.
You need to specify an ORDER BY. Queries without explicit ORDER BY clause make no guarantee about the order in which the rows are returned. And from this result set you take the first 100 rows. As the order in which the rows can be different every time, so can be your first 100 rows.
You need to use ORDER BY first, followed by ROWNUM. You will get inconsistent results if you don't follow this order.
select * from
select * from TABLE T ORDER BY rowid
) where ROWNUM<=100

how to reverse mysql table

I need to display what the table contains from the freshest data to the oldest. Something like this doesn't work:
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY DESC;. I know its becouse after ORDER BY should be name of the column. But I want to just reverse normal order (by normal I mean from the oldest to the freshest data). How to do this?
In your query the DESC stands for descending, the reverse is ascending, or:
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY column ASC;
btw, if you do not specify a column, what you call "normal order" really is random unless you specify an ordering.
The "normal order" is not always from oldest to freshest, since some records may be deleted and then these are replaced with the new ones. It means that the "natural order" may appear to be somewhat "random" with the freshest items being in the middle of the dataset.
You need to add a column for an insertion date or an incrementing key.
You can't rely on the physical storage pattern to give you a correct ordering. According to the MySQL documentation, there is no guarantee that rows returned will be in any particular order.
"...the result rows are displayed in no
particular order. It is often easier
to examine query output when the rows
are sorted in some meaningful way. To
sort a result, use an ORDER BY clause."
You could create a new field of type timestamp and set the default value to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, then then ORDER BY on that field.
The physical ordering of the records in a table are not guaranteed to match the sequence in which they were created. To do this, you will need to find or create a field you can sort on. A 'create date' field, or perhaps an id value which increases as new records are added (like an order id or something).
if you have autoincremented ID's , so maybe
order by id desc ? :)

Getting additional info on the result of a SQL max query

Say I want to do this with SQL (Sybase): Find all fields of the record with the latest timestamp.
One way to write that is like this:
select * from data where timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from data)
This is a bit silly because it causes two queries - first to find the max timestamp, and then to find all the data for that timestamp (assume it's unique, and yes - i do have an index on timestamp). More so it just seems unnecessary because max() has already found the row that I am interested in so looking for it again is wasteful.
Is there a way to directly access fields of the row that max() returns?
Edit: All answers I see are basically clever hacks - I was looking for a syntactic way of doing something like max(field1).field2 to access field2 of the row with max field1
SELECT TOP 1 * from data ORDER BY timestamp DESC
No, using an aggregate means that you are automatically grouping, so there isn't a single row to get data from even if the group happens to contain a single row.
You can order by the field and get the first row:
set rowcount 1
select * from data order by timestamp desc
(Note that you shouldn't use select *, but rather specify the fields that you want from the query. That makes the query less sensetive to changes in the database layout.)
Can you try this
FROm data
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
You're making assumptions about how Sybase optimizes queries. For all you know, it may do precisely what you want it to do - it may notice both queries are from "data" and that the condition is "where =", and may optimize as you suggest.
I know in the case of SQL Server, it's possible to configure indexes to include fields from the indexed row. Doing a select through such an index leaves those fields available.
This is SQL server, but you'll get the idea.
ORDER BY timestamp DESC;