noflo-ui: Load and save projects/graphs/components from external database or api - noflo

I'm trying to create a custom build of noflo-ui that is effectively only a graph editor. Don't need it to connect to any runtimes.
I'm struggling to find where I can inject this code as it appears part of noflo-ui is written in noflo itself and I cannot find the scripts for those pieces.
For example, in graphs/main.fbp, there is this line:
'user,main,project,github,runtime,context' -> ROUTES Dispatch
Three questions on this:
Where is the source behind the Dispatch component?
If I add my own interface elements to Load data from an external api, where would be the best place to inject that data?
I see a lot of event driven code, so I'm guessing I would add a new polymer element, do my ajax call, the emit or fire something. I believe this is what happens when connecting to a noflo-nodejs runtime; I've traced the connection to line 51312 in a built noflo-ui.js
return port.send({
componentDefinition: definition
... but I can't figure out where it goes past here. A port on the main.fbp graph? As per my 1st question, I cannot find the source behind these core graphs.
And this leads to my last question
The code I pasted above from noflo-ui, I cannot find this code anywhere pre-build. I even searched the entire project tree for "componentDefinition: definition". Where is this coming from?
Any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

The FBP runtime protocol is the primary extension point of noflo-ui. You can implement a "runtime" which just provides components and graphs (for instance from a database), without a way to run these.
A network:persist message to let the UI indicate that "this is a good point to save the graphs" has been specced but is currently not implemented. For now you can just autosave latest state.


Express-browserify and Watson Visual Recognition - TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function

I'm trying to get the Watson Visual Recognition to run client side by using express-browserify with reference to the node-sdk for watson-developer-cloud. The VisualRecognitionV3 makes use of the fs package hence I get the fs.existsSync error when I'm trying to call it from the client-side as the browser doesn't know which filesystem to use. My question is how do I go about creating a so called 'abstraction layer' as I am restricted to using the express-browserify package for cross origin calls.
This thread is pretty helpful in shedding some light but I'm not sure where to start regarding the 'abstraction layer' or if there are any other solutions. Also, would something like work for this? I've linked a clone of the directory here as it seems less clunky than pasting the multiple portions below.
The repository can be cloned and just requires a personal iam_apikey with relevant launch configuration. Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
I didn't manage to sort this out with express-browserify due to the require(fs) from browser issue but I was able to get it running using the express-ws package

jsReport - Timeout error when passing data to child template

We are using the jsReport HTML reporting engine. We are using the cloud-based system at
I am unable to get a child report to populate.
Please have a look to this link:-
Subreports are an advertised feature of jsReport, but we are unable to get a child template to render.
Anyone have success with child templates? Is there an error in how I am attempting to utilize this feature?
The best practice when troubleshooting any kind problem in software development - try to isolate it.
Don't complain child templates timeout when you have a lot of other complexity around. Some scripts maps and other elements. Do you get the timeout when running html recipe? You would get much closer to the real problem and potentially solve it on your own before posting your question on the internet over and over. You just take our time to save yours.
Switching the phantom recipe to html shows no timeout. The timeout is likely caused because your custom printing trigger is not fired.
Your child template syntax is additionally not valid
{#child childtemplate #data={{{toJSON this}}} }
At this point you cannot pass handlebars context to the child template. You have only the option to pass custom parameter, like array index through #data.paramA=val additionally to the original data.
See the docs

Changing Mule Flow Threading Profile at runtime

I have a requirement in hand where I need to change the Mule Flow Threading Behavior at runtime without the need of bouncing the whole Mule Container. I figured out few different ways to achieve this, but none of them are working.
I tried accessing the Mule Context Registry and from there I was trying to do a lookup of "FlowConstructLifecycleManager" Object so that I can tap in there and access the threading profile of the object and reset those values, then stop and start the flow programmatically in order to get the change applied in the flow. I am stuck in this approach as I was unable to get hold of the FlowConstructLifecycleManager Object neither from the Mule Spring Registry nor from the Transient Registry. I was able to get hold of the Flow object though which has a direct reference to that FlowConstructLifecycleManager Object. But, unfortunately, they made this object as protected and didn't expose any method for us to access this object.
Since I was unable to access this FlowConstructLifecycleManager directly from Mule implemented Flow class, I decided to extend this Flow class and just add another public method to it so that I can access FlowConstructLifecycleManager object from Flow object programmatically. But, I am stuck in this approach as well as even if I am putting my version of the same Flow class packaged and dropped in lib/user folder of the container, it is still not picking up my version of the class, and loading the original version instead.
It would be of great help if I can get any pointer on the approach of solving either my first or second problem.
Thanks in advance,
In our company, we are building a dashboard from where we should be able to start/stop any flow or change the processing power of any flow by increasing/ decreasing the active threads for a flow or changing the pollen polling frequency. All of these should be done at runtime without any server downtime.
Anyway, I made it working finally. I had to patch up the mule-core jar and expose few objects so that I can get to the thread profile object and tweak the values at runtime and stop/ start the flow to reflect the changes to take effect. I know this is little bit messy and but it works.

Issues with M:1 relations using Objectify 1.1rc and CRUD on Play 1.1

I'm having a really odd issue and maybe one of you can shed some light
on it. I would appreciate it :)
I'm developing an application using Objectify 1.1rc module for Play! Framework 1.1. I have 2 related objects whose relevant parts are:
public class User extends ObjectifyModel<User> {
public List<Key<Theatre>> theatres;
public class Theatre extends ObjectifyModel<Theatre> {
Some background:
I'm using Objectify 1.1rc from the Google code repository (the module in Play repository seems to fail with Play! 1.1) The sample application works fine
I based the objects in existing objects working properly on the sample application provided with the Objectify-1.1rc module for Play Framework (Showcase).
I did debugging and testing by pointing my application and the sample application (Showcase) to the same CRUD module.
I can link them using Java code without any problem.
Presently I have 2 issues that I cannot solve, which are:
M:1 relation not being saved
I have an issue with the 'theatres' relation from the User class. When editing an
object of type User via CRUD, I can see the multi-select control to relate Theatre instances to the User, When I click on some (one or more) of them and save the object, the relation is not saved, making it impossible to link the objects via the CRUD interface.
How can make it work?
CRUD code not being accessed by one application but accessed by the other
The sample application from Objectify module (Showcase) allows me to save M:1 relations using CRUD. As I mentioned before, both my application and showcase point to the same CRUD module, so they should use exactly the same code. What I noticed, by debugging via Log outputs, is that my application uses CRUD, but the sample application uses all the code up to a certain point.
The CRUD module traverses to 'tag/form.html', finds a field of type 'relation' (in both my code and the sample application) but when calling the tag '#{crud.relationField}' something odd happens: my application goes into the tag defined in the CRUD module. The sample application doesn't access that code, no logs added to that tag are triggered (at any point of the file).
I've searched for any replacement of the tag in the sample application, but I'm unable to find one. As you can guess, it's driving em crazy and making me start believing in green leprechauns living in my desktop (without giving me the gold, damn them!)
Anyone knows why does this happen? And were can I find the code being executed by the sample application? Finding it would most likely solve the issue #1
Thanks a lot!
Ok, found the issue to #1. I had a method called "getTheatres()" (should have had another name, was an error) and that was breaking the CRUD. Renaming the method solve issue #1.
I still didn't find why #2 was happening, but I believe I'll leave as one of those "worked in my computer" issues so common in our world...

IAT/EAT hooking "gethostbyname"

I wrote this code to hook API functions by changing the address in the IAT and EAT:
This works just fine when I want to hook "recv" or "connect". However for some unknown reason when trying to hook "gethostbyname", my hook function is never called.
I tried to find "gethostbyname" in a debugger by taking the base address of the wsock32.dll module + 0x375e, which is what the ordinal 52 of my wsock32.dll is showing as offset. But that just makes me end up in some random asm code, not at the beginning of a function.
The same method however works fine for trying to find the "recv" entry point.
Does anyone see what I might be doing wrong?
I recommend this tool:
They do exactly the same and show the url that was connected with that API.
The problem is that there are more than one API to translate an url to an address. The application you are hooking may be using another version of the API that you're not intercepting.
Run some disassembler like IDA and attach to your process after you hook this functions, ida get apply changes on attaching and play process and check what is wrong.
In other way you have many libraries to do hooks with trampolines like Microsoft Detours, NCodeHook etc.