How to force SELECT blocking on SQL server? - sql

I see so much information about avoiding blocks. My situation is that I WANT blocks.
We have this table with which two separate processes will be communicating with each other. The processes will run at random times and will use this control table to understand if the other process is busy. Both processes can't be busy at the same time, hence the control table.
Each job, when run, will check the control table... and based on that data will decide whether it's OK to run, and if OK, will update the control table record.
The issue is that if both processes run at the same moment, it's not clear that they won't do the following undesired actions (in this exact order):
Proc A reads the control table (table says good to go)
Proc B reads the control table (table says good to go)
Proc A updates control table (table now says "Proc A is busy")
Proc B updates control table (table now says "Proc B is busy")
<- In that scenario, both processes think they successfully updated the control table and will start their main flow (which is NOT what we want)
What I want here is for Proc B to be BLOCKED from SELECTING (not just updating) from the control table. This way, if/when Proc B's select query finally works, it will see the updated 'busy' value, not the value that existed before being changed by Proc A.
We're using SQL Server 2008 R2 I believe. I checked out SERIALIZABLE isolation but it doesn't appear to be strong enough.
For what it's worth we're trying to accomplish this with JDBC... using conn.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
Which we understand to be the highest level of isolation, but I can still run selects all day from another window.
I'm 100% sure this is nowhere near a unique problem.... does anyone have any suggestion for making this work?

Your approach can work, but there are a few things to consider:
You need to open a transaction in the very beginning (before the first read) and you must only commit it after you have finished your work.
If both A and B try to read/modify the same record, this will work out of the box, even with the default transaction isolation level (READ COMMITTED). Otherwise, you need to tell SQL Server to lock the whole table (using the TABLOCK hint).
In fact, you don't need the reads at all!
This is how it will work:
P1 P2
WRITE (success)
WRITE (blocked)
do work |
. |
. |
COMMIT -> block released, WRITE finishes
do work
PS: Note, though, that SQL server supports application locks. Thus, if you just want to synchronize two processes, you don't need to "abuse" a table:
Implementing application locks within SQL Server (Distributed Locking Pattern)
PPS: For completeness, let me also answer the question in the title ("How to force SELECT blocking on SQL server?"): For this, you can use a combination of the HOLDLOCK and the XLOCK table hint (or TABLOCKX, if you want to exclusively lock the whole table).

If you need the read (because you want to some processing) I would do the following:
Set transaction isolation level serializable
begin transaction
select from tablea
update tablea


Trigger calls Stored Procedure and if we we do a select will the return values be the new or old?

Using MS SQL Server, a Trigger calls a Stored Procedure which internally makes a select, will the return values be the new or old ones?
I know that inside the trigger I can access them by FROM INSERTED i inner join DELETED, but in this case I want to reuse (cannot change it) an existing Stored Procedure that internally makes a select on the triggered table and processes some logic with them. I just want to know if I can be sure that the existing logic will work or not (by accessing the NEW values).
I can simply try to simulate it with one update... But maybe there are other cases (example: using transactions or something else) that I maybe not be aware and never test it that could result in a different case.
I decided to ask someone else that might know better. Thank you.
AFTER triggers (the default) fire after the DML action. When the proc is called within the trigger, the tables will reflect changes made by the statement that fired the trigger as well changes made within the trigger before calling the proc.
Note changes are uncommitted until the trigger completes or explict transaction later committed.
Since the procedure is running in the same transaction as the (presumably, "after") trigger, it will see the uncommitted data.
I hope you see the implications of that: the trigger is executing as part of the transaction started by the DML statement that caused it to fire, so the stored procedure is part of the same transaction, so a "complicated" stored procedure means that transaction stays open longer, holding locks longer, making responses back to users slower, etc etc.
Also, you said
internally makes a select on the triggered table and processes some logic with them.
if you just mean that the procedure is selecting the data in order to do some complex processing and then write it to somewhere else inside the database, ok, that's not great (for reasons given above), but it will "work".
But just in case you mean you are doing some work on the data in the procedure and then returning that back to the client application, Don't do that
The ability to return results from triggers will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Triggers that return result sets may cause unexpected behavior in applications that aren't designed to work with them. Avoid returning result sets from triggers in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently do. To prevent triggers from returning result sets, set the disallow results from triggers option to 1.

Why is an implicit table lock being released prior to end of transaction in RedShift?

I have an ETL process that is building dimension tables incrementally in RedShift. It performs actions in the following order:
Begins transaction
Creates a table staging_foo like foo
Copies data from external source into staging_foo
Performs mass insert/update/delete on foo so that it matches staging_foo
Drop staging_foo
Commit transaction
Individually this process works, but in order to achieve continuous streaming refreshes to foo and redundancy in the event of failure, I have several instances of the process running at the same time. And when that happens I occasionally get concurrent serialization errors. This is because both processes are replaying some of the same changes to foo from foo_staging in overlapping transactions.
What happens is that the first process creates the staging_foo table, and the second process is blocked when it attempts to create a table with the same name (this is what I want). When the first process commits its transaction (which can take several seconds) I find that the second process gets unblocked before the commit is complete. So it appears to be getting a snapshot of the foo table before the commit is in place, which causes the inserts/updates/deletes (some of which may be redundant) to fail.
I am theorizing based on the documentation where it says:
Concurrent transactions are invisible to each other; they cannot detect each other's changes. Each concurrent transaction will create a snapshot of the database at the beginning of the transaction. A database snapshot is created within a transaction on the first occurrence of most SELECT statements, DML commands such as COPY, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, and TRUNCATE, and the following DDL commands :
ALTER TABLE (to add or drop columns)
The documentation quoted above is somewhat confusing to me because it first says a snapshot will be created at the beginning of a transaction, but subsequently says a snapshot will be created only at the first occurrence of some specific DML/DDL operations.
I do not want to do a deep copy where I replace foo instead of incrementally updating it. I have other processes that continually query this table so there is never a time when I can replace it without interruption. Another question asks a similar question for deep copy but it will not work for me: How can I ensure synchronous DDL operations on a table that is being replaced?
Is there a way for me to perform my operations in a way that I can avoid concurrent serialization errors? I need to ensure that read access is available for foo so I can't LOCK that table.
OK, Postgres (and therefore Redshift [more or less]) uses MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control) for transaction isolation instead of a db/table/row/page locking model (as seen in SQL Server, MySQL, etc.). Simplistically every transaction operates on the data as it existed when the transaction started.
So your comment "I have several instances of the process running at the same time" explains the problem. If Process 2 starts while Process 1 is running then Process 2 has no visibility of the results from Process 1.

How to remove deadlocks in SQL Server 2005?

First of all I would like to know what is the actual root cause of deadlocks in SQL Server 2005. Is it because when two processes access the same row in a table?
Anyways, consider two tables _Table_Now_ and _Table_History_ where both having the same structure.
Suppose there is one column called NAME.
So when one process tries to UPDATE a record with NAME='BLUE' in _Table_Now_, first, it need to put the present row with NAME='BLUE' into _Table_History_ then update
_Table_Now_, and also delete previously present row from _Table_History_.
Deadlock occurs while deleting. I do not understand why?
Please guide me!
deadlock basically mean when process A is dependent on process B and process B is dependent on process A, so A will just start\continue when B finishes and B will only start\continue when A finishes
what you may be experiencing are table (or row) lock, so SQL locks the row before updating the table to make sure no other process tries to access that row while it is doing the update.
Can you be more specific on how are you doing the insert\update\delete. You shouldnt have deadlocks in this scenario.
FYI, don't use with (NOLOCK). It will yes prevent from locking but it does so by telling SQL Server to read uncommitted data, and it can end up in data inconsistencies.
Deadlock occurs when Process A is waiting for Process B to release resources and Process B is waiting for Process A to release resources.
If I understand the order of Updates correctly, it is this:
1. Read a row in Table_Now
2. Update a row in Table_History
3. Update a row in Table_Now
4. Delete a row in Table_History.
This could be a risky order if you are using transactions or locks incorrectly.
To avoid deadlocks, for each process you should execute:
1. Begin Transaction (Preferably table lock)
2. Perform all the DB operations
3. Commit the transaction (or Rollback in case any problem occurs while DB update)
This will ensure each process to lock both the tables, perform all the operations and then exit.
If you are already using transactions, what scope and level are you using? If not, introduce transactions. It should solve the problem.

Design a Lock for SQL Server to help relax the conflict between INSERT and SELECT

SQL Server is SQL Azure, basically it's SQL Server 2008 for normal process.
I have a table, called TASK, constantly have new data in (new task), and removed (task complete)
For new data in, I use INSERT INTO .. SELECT ..., most of time takes very long, lets say dozen of minutes.
For old data out, I first use SELECT (WITH NOLOCK) to get task, UPDATE to let other thread know this task already starts to process, then DELETE once finished.
Dead lock sometime happens on SELECT, most time happens on UPDATE and DELETE.
this is not time critical task, so I can start process the new data once all INSERT finished. Is there any kind of LOCK to ask SELECT not to select it before the INSERT finished? Or any kind of other suggestion to avoid Conflict. I can redesign table if needed.
later the sqlserver2005,resolve lock is easy.
for conflict can use the service broker.
2.use the isolution level.
dbcc useroptions ,at last row ,you can see the deflaut isolution level is read_committed,this is the session level.
we can change the level to read_committed_snapshot for conflict,in sqlserver, not realy row lock like oracle.but we can use this method implement.
open this feature,must in single user schame.
and you can test it.
for session A ,session B.
A:update table1 set name = 'new' with(Xlock) where id = 1
B:you still update other row and select all the data from table.
my english is not very good,but for lock ,i know.
in sqlserver,for function ,there are three locks.
1.optimistic lock ,use the timestamp(rowversion) control.
2.pessimism lock ,force lock when use the date.use Ulock,Xlock and so on.
3.virtual lock,use the proc getapplock().
if you need lock schame in system architecture,please me email :
Consider using service broker if this is a processing queue.
There are a number of considerations that affect performance and locking. I surmise that the data is being updated and deleted in a separate session. Which transaction isolation level is in use for the insert session and the delete session.
Has the insert session and all transactions committed and closed when the delete session runs? Are there multiple delete sessions running concurrently? It is very important to have an index on the columns you are using to identify a task for the SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE statements, especially if you move to a higher isolation level such as REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZED.
All of these issues could be solved by moving to Service Broker if it is appropriate.

How to determine the name of a process that caused a trigger to fire

Short Version:
Does anyone know of a way --inside a SQL 2000 trigger-- of detecting which process modified the data, and exiting the trigger if a particular process is detected?
Long Version
I have a customized synchronization routine that moves data back and forth between dis-similar database schemas.
When this process grabs a modified record from Database A, it needs to transform it into a record that goes into Database B. The database are radically different, but share some of the same data such as user accounts and user activity (however even these tables are structurally different).
When data is modified in one of the pertinent tables, a trigger fires which writes the PK of that record to a "sync" table. This "sync" table is monitored by a process (a stored proc) which will grab the PK's in sequence, and copy over the related data from database A to database B, making transformations as necessary.
Both databases have triggers that fire and copy the PK to the sync table, however these triggers must ignore the sync process itself so as not to enter into "endless" loop (or less, depending on nesting limits).
In SQL 2005 and up, I use the following code in the Sync process to identify itself:
Each trigger has the following code at the beginning, to see if the process that modified the data is the sync process itself:
IF (CONTEXT_INFO() = 0xHexValueOfProcName)
-- print '## Process Sync Queue detected. This trigger is exiting! ##'
This system works great, keep chugging along, keeps the data in sync. The problem now however is that a SQL2000 server wants to join the party.
Does anyone know of a way --inside a SQL 2000 trigger-- of detecting which process modified the data, and exiting the trigger if a particular process is detected?
Thanks guys!
(As per Andriy's request, I am answering my own question.)
I put this at the top of my trigger, works like a charm.
-- How to check context info in SQL 2000
IF ((select CONTEXT_INFO from master..sysprocesses where spid = ##SPID) = 0xHexValueOfProcName)
print 'Sync Process Detected -- Exiting!'