Removing the blue resolution selector bar - virtocommerce

This might sound a bit silly but I can't remove the bottom bar that allows you to select the device the website is being displayed on.
I understand i need to remove the unordered list from the index.html file and make the iframe that contains the store be the main focus, but even though i can indeed remove the list, the space that it occupied will still be there, just fully white. I'm using VirtoCommerce 1.13
Anyone got any ideas? Thank you!

Fixed it:
Comment the unordered list from the index.html that contains the screen size options.
Edit lines 5 and 8 in the main.js file that's under responsive>js to remove the '-47'.
That should do it.


Why are my wxTreeListCtrl column widths always wrong?

I'm trying to display multiple columns with a wxTreeListCtrl. I'm using wxWidgets 3.0.5 and developing with GTK, although I'm intending to use this code in OSX and Windows.
The screenshot below shows what I'm seeing (the application is a file browser, in case that's not obvious). The first column, Filename, is always sized to the width of the tree view. The other two columns are pushed off the right; you can see the scroll bar.
If I manually resize the window, the two columns pop into view, which makes me feel that the tree view hasn't been laid out properly, but the right-hand column's manually set width is always ignored and as I continue to resize the window it gradually gets larger and larger.
I've tried manually setting and getting the column widths, and it appears that the tree view control is mostly ignoring the numbers I give it --- if I call SetColumnWidth(...) and then GetColumnWidth(...) immediately afterwards, I get either 0 or an incorrect number.
The actual code is trivial --- this is all generated with wxformbuilder, so I'd expect it to work:
browserTree = new wxTreeListCtrl( browsePanel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTL_MULTIPLE|wxBORDER_THEME );
browserTree->AppendColumn( wxT("Filename"), wxCOL_WIDTH_DEFAULT, wxALIGN_LEFT, 0 );
browserTree->AppendColumn( wxT("Size"), 100, wxALIGN_RIGHT, 0 );
browserTree->AppendColumn( wxT("Mode"), 100, wxALIGN_LEFT, 0 );
(I should add that this behaviour manifests in the wxformbuilder GUI viewer, too.)
The main thing which makes me suspicious is that the widget hierarchy is pretty complex, so it's possible one of the parents is doing something to upset the tree view, but I've tried moving the tree view into a new box sizer in a new frame and exactly the same thing happens there. But there's a screenshot of the hierarchy below in case that helps.
I have found some very old bugs describing this behaviour (e.g. this one: but they're all really old and have been fixed anyway. If this were a real bug I'd expect to see a lot more complaints, as it makes the widget essentially unusable; therefore, this must be something I'm doing wrong, probably something really basic.
But what?
Welp, five minutes later I have an answer. I'm going to post this here in case someone else has the same problem, even though it makes me look really stupid.
Short version: it is that five-year old bug I found. It's just that the version of wxWidgets on Debian, which I'm developing on, is so old it hasn't picked up the bugfix.
The good news is that wxWidgets 3.2, which does have the bugfix, is being packaged right now (last post August 28 2022: But I don't think that'll help me much, so I'll need to find a workaround. At least now I know what's going on.

Empty theme.css when trying to use original Bootstrap 3 files

I tried to adopt the Air theme insinde the current IP.
The problem is that the resulting theme.css stays empty, Ithink due to a compilation error.
I have replaces the original less files of the theme inside the assets/less-subfolder by the twitter Bootstrap less files.
As soon as I include more than ipContent.less and variables.less (for example the original Bootstrap grid.less) the resulting css file becomes empty.
Does anybody have an idea? It's not a file permission issue that's sure.
Something about missing variables I suppose.
Thank you and cheers from Hamburg,

X Displayed in dijit.form.Select

I am working on an application build on Dojo 1.4 and currently used on IE8.
When tried to run IE10 Compatibility view, I observer some X (to clear the data) are being show in the fields like dijit.form.Select. While in IE8 it doesn't display them
Please guide to remove them or what basically is happening
Thanks in Advance
If this is the same problem I just fixed then the question isn't referring to the IE10 "clear field" X. It's referring to a very large text "X" character that is displayed in the Select widget in addition to the options that are supposed to be there, making the widget twice as tall as it should be.
In my case it was because I was mixing the CSS stylesheet from one Dojo version with the API's from another. Check to make sure that your stylesheet and dojo.js versions match. For example, in my case the stylesheet was:
...href="//" media="screen">
while the script being included was
... src="//"></script>
I blame the fact that I was modifying Dijit sample code without knowing what the heck I was doing...

IKImageBrowserView Thumbnail Problem

I download IKImageBrowserView sample named "IKImageKit Demo" from Apple official website.
But I find a problem.
For example:
When I import images from folder named "A", then I delete an image.
Then I import other image (name as same as the deleted image), the thumbnail in
IKImageBrowser will not change.
How could I resolve this problem?? Thanks!
Video display:
I came across a reference that said the internal cache IKImageBrowserView uses looks up thumbnails by ImageUID. So if you change the ImageUID that your data source returns to be something other than just file name (maybe file name + file size), then it will be treated as a different image.
You should take a look at the IKImageBrowserItem Protocol's imageVersion method. If you need to let IKImageBrowserView know that a item has changed its image you can increment the imageVersion. This will force the view to update the cached image.
Update: Wow, old post. Looks like the documentation was updated a while after I had posted; as the other answers suggest, looks like you need to increment the image's imageVersion to update an image from cache.
After mulling over the problem for close to three hours (once I started, it was really bugging me, too!), I came to the sad conclusion that it's a bug in how IKImageKit handles images. IKImageBrowserView has a cache of images and thumbnails, and from whatever experimental data I have, I'm guessing that it just caches its images based on location on disk, and not on image data (so it can load the data lazily, I guess), so even if the actual image data can change, reloading the same file location will not update the image itself.
Of course, I could be completely wrong - which wouldn't surprise me, since there's literally no documentation on the issue, so I have nothing but results from Instruments and the app itself to guide me - but my advice to you is to ignore the issue for now, since there's nothing you can do about it, and possibly file the bug with Apple.
Of course, if anyone can introduce other evidence about this, please do! I'd love to know more about it.
Good luck!
you should want to imageVersion update or name the image of the path.
if you delete image with name "1.png" after you put image if it's name "1.png" the image browser view show the previous image so you should take care of image naming. or imageVersion method.

When using pdfpages in LaTeX, how to avoid page breaks before the first page ?

I am creating a large LaTeX document, and my appendix has reproductions of several booklets that I have as PDFs. I am trying to create a section header and then include the pages at a slightly lower scale. For example:
\section{Booklet about Yada Yada Yada}
\includepdf[pages={-}, frame=true, scale=0.8]{booklet_yadayada.pdf}
However, pdfpagex does two annoying things. First, it devotes one output document page for included document page. I can live with that as I am using 80% scale. The main problem, however, is that the first page is also a new page, so I have a page with just a section title, and then a separate page with the booklet.
Is there some way to get pdfpages to be a little smarter here?
\includepdf uses \includegraphics internally, so something like
would include the page without starting a new one, although it only does one page at a time.
For me the following worked just fine:
\includepdf[pages=1,pagecommand=\section{Section Heading}]{testpdf}
I tried this solution too, but \includepdf keeps the advantage of outputting the file over the margin (the output is centered from the edges of the page).
So I openned pdfpages.sty, and I searched for \newpage command. I deleted the first occurance (line 326), just to try, and after saving then compiling again, there were no page break anymore.
Use the minipage environement :
\chapter*{Sujet du stage}
It doesn't add any extra page and it works with includepdf.
Thanks for all the answers - I couldn't for the life of me figure out what logic \includepdf uses to insert blank pages; the trick with including the first page via \includegraphics solved most (but not all) of those problems; so here are some notes:
First, out of curiosity, I have also tried to use only \includepdf, but split in two parts:
... unfortunately, this has the same problem as the question in OP.
Since #WASE's answer, there are now multiple \newpages in the source (pdfpages.sty). I tried reading the source, but I found it quite difficult; so I tried temporarily setting \newpage to \relax only for \includepdf - and that puts all pages in the document on top of each other; so probably not a good idea to get rid of \newpage blindly.
Just \includegraphics[page=1,scale=0.8]{foo.pdf} works - but (as #WASE also note) it is aligned at the top-left corner of the page body, which is to say inside the margins; for a full page we'd want the pdf inclusion overlaid over the whole page, margins included.
This page: graphics - How do I add an image in the upper, left-hand corner using TikZ and graphicx - TeX - LaTeX points to several possibilities for positioning on page over the margins; but for me, the best solution for a full page PDF inclusion is to use package tikz to center it to the page:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node at (current {\includegraphics[page=1]{MYINCLDOC.pdf}};
After this is done, as a bonus, I have also experienced:
Proper targets of PDF bookmarks (going to the right page when clicked)
If you use package pax, the data seems to be included also for the \includegraphics standalone first page, so no difference there
If you have a twoside document - pdfpages, with the above split of the first page in \includegraphics, will now (seemingly) correctly insert the equivalent of \cleardoublepages between pdfs that are included back to back (so I don't have to insert such a command manually).
Hope this helps someone,
I'm a little late, but the following solution worked for me:
\includepdf[pages={-},angle=90, scale=0.7]{lorem-ipsum.pdf}
All pages are imported, scaled and rotated by 90 degrees.
Works with Texmaker 5.0.4