How do you automate DevExpress Combo Boxes with Selenuim/Watir? - selenium

DevExpress builds combo boxes in a very odd way. The standard identification built in to Selenuim and Watir (including Page Objects) does not see it as a Select List.
So how can you automate these successfully?

So as it turns out, DevExpress builds combo boxes as a text box with several layered tables associated with it but not under the text box in the HTML tree.
interactions are all done via embedded scripts.
I found the simplest way to automate this object is to identify the text box and the lowest table containing the list of items (3rd table down).
for example (using Watir and Page Objects)
table(:list,:id => 'ComboBoxValue_DDD_L_LBT')
text_field(:state, :id => 'ComboBoxValue_I') #:name => 'State')
I have not found a way to get better IDs at these levels, but we are working that issue.
Then your select code looks like this:
row = list_element.find { |row| row[0].text == value }

Note that with Selenium, you can execute arbitrary javascript in the client to query and set the control's state (if the client-side is enabled for the control). Here's how I did so to extract (and set) the selected text from a combobox named localeSelectList:
// unit test code, c#
public void SomeTestMethod()
IWebDriver ff = new FirefoxDriver();
// find the element as an iWebElement
IWebElement localeBox = ff.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#localeSelectList"));
// get the text from the control via javascript
var locale = Util.GetControlText(ff, localeSelectList);
Assert.IsTrue(locale == "English");
// set the text in the control via javascript
Util.SetControlText(ff, localeSelectList, "German");
// verify the text was set
locale = Util.GetControlText(ff, localeSelectList);
Assert.IsTrue(locale == "German");
// helper methods, Util class
static public string GetControlText(IWebDriver driver, string controlName)
string script = string.Format("return {0}.GetText();", controlName);
var controlText = ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript(script);
return controlText.ToString();
static public void SetControlText(IWebDriver driver, string controlName, string controlText)
string script = string.Format("{0}.SetValue('{1}');", controlName, controlText);
It's not quite the same thing as interacting with the extensions via primitives (clicks, keystrokes, etc) as it won't fire the event handlers for these events, but if your extension uses 'valueChanged' events instead of primitive handlers it's pretty close to the same.
Also note: you can use client-side javascript to find and return elements using jquery/css selectors and ids, as follows:
IWebElement element = (IWebElement) ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("return $('#.myElementId');")

That's right with several layered tables, but I would like to add that they are only visible when combobox is clicked. First
var cmbParameterGruppen = webDriver.FindElement(By.Id("phContent_ParameterGruppenComboBox_I"));
and then
var tblItems = webDriver.FindElement(By.Id("phContent_ParameterGruppenComboBox_DDD_L_LBT"));
var parameterGruppen = tblItems.FindElements(By.XPath(".//*"));
var count = parameterGruppen.Count;
Debug.WriteLine($"Count = {count}");
if(count > 0)
parameterGruppen[count - 1].Click();
I select hier last row.


Install4j: how to implement tooltips for a list component in a form

I've tried a few different ways to implement tooltips support for a list component in a form. Following is code that I think should be close but it does not work.
The code is placed in the initialization script for the list component in a simple form and the list is the only component in the form.
My workaround is to display what would be the contents of the tooltip in static text below the listbox and change the static text as the selection in the list changes. I have this working but it's not the best way to present the information.
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter;
configurationObject.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter()
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
JList<?> l = (JList<?>) e.getSource();
Integer i = l.locationToIndex(e.getPoint());
ListModel<?> m = (ListModel<?>) l.getModel();
if (i >= 0) {
String item = m.getElementAt(i).toString() + i.toString();
I believe I could do this by subclassing the list and overriding getToolTipText but I'm not sure how to do this in install4j.

Text Field with Standard PsiElement Auto Completion in IntelliJ Plugin

I'm trying to create a simple text field with auto completion for my IntelliJ plugin. I think this should be pretty simple but so far I've run into dead ends...
E.g. this should work as far as I understand:
EditorTextField format = new TextFieldWithCompletion(currentEditor.getProject(),
The problem is the provider. I'd expect to see a provider that isn't a list provider. I just want to show the completion matching the current line in the editor cursor so I'd like the full completion dialog and not just a short list of options.
I also looked at TextFieldWithAutoCompletion but it seems to be designed for hardcoded string values instead of free form completion.
I just want the standard Java/Kotlin completion. Not a custom list or anything like that. I saw some discussion with replacing the document of the text field but I couldn't get that to work either. I have a PsiExpressionCodeFragment and would expect there to be a completion provider that accepts that but I can't find it.
For reference what I want to do is something very similar to the conditional statement in the breakpoint dialog.
Another approach illustrated here is:
JavaCodeFragmentFactory jcff = JavaCodeFragmentFactory.getInstance(currentEditor.getProject());
PsiFile pf = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(currentEditor.getProject()).getPsiFile(currentEditor.getDocument());
PsiElement psiElement = pf.findElementAt(currentEditor.getCaretModel().getOffset());
PsiExpressionCodeFragment fragment = jcff.createExpressionCodeFragment("", psiElement,null, false);
EditorTextField f = new EditorTextField(PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(currentEditor.getProject()).getDocument(fragment),
FileTypes.PLAIN_TEXT, false, true);
This loads the UI but doesn't popup code completion no matter what I type.
The trick is to create an editor that contains an instance of the Document. And this document refers to a language and a psi element context:
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
// Just detect an element under caret for context
PsiFile psiFile = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(editor.getProject()).getPsiFile(editor.getDocument());
PsiElement element = psiFile.findElementAt(editor.getCaretModel().getOffset());
PsiExpressionCodeFragment code = JavaCodeFragmentFactory.getInstance(editor.getProject()).createExpressionCodeFragment("", element, null, true);
Document document = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(editor.getProject()).getDocument(code);
EditorTextField myInput = new EditorTextField(document, editor.getProject(), JavaFileType.INSTANCE);
return panel;
Here the caret used to be located on dsa5, so the dsa5 variable is not yet visible for the completion.

Remove "MIME type" column from Filent Content List

I am Using a Script Adapter by passing payload to get contend for a Content List from "Search with values" event
When Contend get loaded to content list , i have a custom view to preview them. But if i clicked on MIME type column , It opens a separate view with the mapped viewer
So I need to remove this column or make it un-clickable
1) I am passing search values to content list's "Search with values" event , from where can i handle Content List's contend loading ,any Dojo Event i can use ?
2) With Script Adapter can i do this without going for a "response filter"
Edit :
As Nicely explained by "Ivo Jonker" (in his answer - "or try to specifically locate the widgets on your page" and with his example code)
responsed = page.ContentList8.ecmContentList.getResultSet();
var cols = responsed.structure.cells[0];
for (i=cols.length-1; i>0; i--){
var col = cols[i];
if (col.field=="mimeTypeIcon")
I simply remove this row. Thanks Again and lovely blog , hope you keep posting more great articles.
The values passed through the Search With Values event will eventually be handled by the icm.pgwidget.contentlist.dijit.DocumentSearchHandler
that in turn creates a SearchTemplate to execute the search ( One option would be to aspect/before/around the DocumentSearchHandler#query to manipulat the searchresults and by that way to remove the column.
The wiring however does not provide any handles to achieve this for a specific query-resultset combination leaving you to either fix this on a global scale (icm.pgwidget.contentlist.dijit.DocumentSearchHandler.prototype#query), or try to specifically locate the widgets on your page.
Personally, taking into account #2, i'd go for the responsefilter-option if you feel the global solution wouldn't be a problem, or alternatively i'd personally prefer to create a simple ICM widget that instantiates/implements a "plain" ecm.widget.listView.ContentList and exposes a wire to set the ecm.model.Resultset.
You'd then be able to create your own Searchquery in a scriptadapter, remove the column, and pass the resultset.
The script adapter could be something like:
var scriptadapter=this;
var queryParams={};
queryParams.query = "SELECT * FROM Document where id in /*your list*/";
queryParams.retrieveAllVersions = false;
queryParams.retrieveLatestVersion = true;
queryParams.repository = ecm.model.desktop.repositories[0];
queryParams.resultsDisplay = {
"sortBy": "{NAME}",
"sortAsc": true,
"columns": ["{NAME}"],
"honorNameProperty": true};
var searchQuery = new ecm.model.SearchQuery(queryParams);*ecm.model.Resultset*/){
//remove the mimeTypeIcon
var cols = response.structure.cells[0];
for (i=cols.length-1; i>0; i--){
var col = cols[i];
if (col.field=="mimeTypeIcon")
//emit the resultset to your new contentlist, be sure to block the regular synchrounous output of the scriptadapter
//The contentlist wire would simply do contentlist.setResultSet(response);

virtual ClistCtrl with checkboxes on displayed report list style

I have an MFC SDI application to display a list of data read from a csv file. So I set up its view to be inherited from CListView and make it a virtual list control. That means I have to use LVS_OWNERDATA as one of its CListCtrl style attributes. Yet I now run into a problem when I have to include Checkboxes in each row of the displayed list. As you might know, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES can't be used with LVS_OWNERDATA, I therefore create a bitmap file to contain 2 small images of checkbox (selected and de-selected) and toggle them every time the user clicks on the loaded image/icon. I am handling this in OnNMClick method. And I have two problems I would like to ask for your help to solve.
(1) I don't know how to update the virtual list (which is commonly handled in OnLvnGetdispinfo method) so I try this in OnNMClick and find that the check and unchecked images aren't toggled.
void CMFCSDITest::OnNMClick(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
*pResult = 0;
LVHITTESTINFO hitinfo; = pNMItemActivate->ptAction;
int nItem = pListCtrl->HitTest(&hitinfo);
if (hitinfo.flags != LVHT_ONITEMICON)
NMLVDISPINFO *pDispInfo = reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(pNMHDR);
LV_ITEM* pItem = &(pDispInfo)->item;
if (pItem->iImage == 0)
pItem->iImage = 1;
pItem->iImage = 0;
pListCtrl->UpdateWindow(); //this is wrong as nothing seems updated after all.
Given that the created imagelist is inserted into the pListCtrl already (in OnInitialUpdate method) and I set the output image index value in OnLvnGetdispinfo method.
(2) Instead of handling OnNMClick, I read somewhere people's advice that OnLvnItemchanged method could also be used. However in LPNMLISTVIEW struct, there is uNewState and uOldState variable members for which I don't know how to set up my tiny checked and unchecked icons as status images. Because I might have to do this
if (pNMLV->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
case image1://do
case image2://do

Getting current Tab/Document in DockPanel Suite

I'm using the DockPanel Suite by Weifen Luo in a little project (webbrowser) and have managed to be able to create tabs and navigate the webbrowser element inside each tab.
But how am I able to change the tabs title/name when the page is navigating to another site?
Basically I just need to get into the current tabs form.
You can get the current tab by using DockPanel's ActiveContent method. For example:
Form myForm = myDockPanel.ActiveContent();
myForm.TabText = "Stack Overflow";
DockPanel.ActiveDocument and DockPanel.ActivePane can also be useful.
After having worked on this a few weeks (not 'till now though :P) I have to say, that this is currently not possible.
You can manage your own (assuming your Document Form is a specific class) by managing:
'FormClosing' and 'Activated' events
'Activated' set your own "active" document to 'this'.
'FormClosing' set your own "active" document to null.
FormClosing is just to catch the case where you are closing the last document. Activated is what manages everything else, like when a new document gets created and is made the active window, etc.
You can use a static global to manage focus. Then access it from anywhere else:
public partial class MyDocument : DockContent
public static MyDocument ActiveDocument { get; private set; }
I needed the ability to check which document was active, and set that document to active again after changing some UI elements that automatically reset the active tab, so I used some pieces from here and the DockPanel FAQ, and did some digging to figure out the answer to this problem:
public string GetActive()
{ //Verify if forms that dock in main window are already open
foreach (DockContent form in dockMain.Contents)
if (form.DockHandler.Pane.ActiveContent.DockHandler.Form.Name.ToString() == form.Name.ToString())
string formName = form.Name.ToString();
return formName;
return null;
And then in some other method you will call:
string activeForm = GetActive();