What is the role of exec() and next() call in cascade delete in mongoose middleware? - express

I'm new to using mongoose middleware and don't know if I'm following it well. Here is the purpose. After saving department, I want to populate university and save departmentId inside university object.
DepartmentSchema.post('save', function(next) {
var departmentId = this._id;
_id: this.university
}, function(err, university) {
if (!university.departments) {
university.departments = [];
university.departments.push(new ObjectId(departmentId));
university.save(function(err) {
if (err) return console.log('err-->' + err);
// saved!
This is working fine but I'm not sure why in Cascade style delete in Mongoose they have used exec() and next() calls. Could you please tell me the purpose of these calls? I don't know what they do and not able to find relevant documentation. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
clientSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
client_id: this._id
client_id: this._id

Post middleware doesn't have reference to the next function and you cant do any flow control. Its actually passing the department that just got saved, so your code can be something like this:
DepartmentSchema.post('save', function(department) {
var departmentId = department._id;
In pre middleware you have access to the next middleware in the order of execution. Which is the order of definition on a particular hook.
// hook two middlewares before the execution of the save method
schema.pre('save', pre1);
schema.pre('save', pre2);
function pre1(next) {
// next is a reference to pre2 here
function pre2(next) {
// next will reference the hooked method, in this case its 'save'
next(new Error('something went wrong');
// somewhere else in the code
MyModel.save(function(err, doc) {
//It'll get an error passed from pre2
Mongoose also gives you the ability to execute pre middlewares in parallel, in this case all middlewares will be executed in parallel but hooked method will not execute till the done is called from each middleware.
As for the exec() function, there are two ways of executing a query in Mongoose, either pass a callback to the query or chain it with an exec(): User.remove(criteria, callback) or User.remove(criteria).exec(callback), if you don't pass a callback to the query, it'll return a query object and it won't execute unless you chain it with exec()


Nestjs: Cannot PUT, Cannot DELETE (404 not found)

I'm on a task to write a simple CRUD program for a users list, following a similar nestjs example. While GET, POST and GET by id works fine, PUT and DELETE does not work properly. I get 'User does not exist' however user exists in database.
export class UsersController {
constructor(private userService: UsersService) {}
//Update a user's details
async updateUser(
#Res() res,
#Query('userid') userID,
#Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto
) {
const user = await this.userService.updateUser(userID, createUserDto);
if (!user) throw new NotFoundException('User does not exist!');
return res.status(HttpStatus.OK).json({
message: 'User has been successfully updated',
//Delete a user
#ApiParam({ name: 'id' })
async deleteUser(#Res() res, #Query('userid') userID) {
const user = await this.userService.deleteUser(userID);
if (!user) throw new NotFoundException('Customer does not exist');
return res.status(HttpStatus.OK).json({
message: 'User has been deleted',
// Edit user details
async updateUser(userID, createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise<User> {
const updatedUser = await this.userModel
.findByIdAndUpdate(userID, createUserDto, { new: true });
return updatedUser;
// Delete a customer
async deleteUser(userID): Promise<any> {
const deletedUser = await this.userModel
return deletedUser;
I'm using swagger to perform my tests. I'm passing id as a parameter to find and update user.
Based on your code repository, you aren't using URL Parameters, but rather you are using Query Parameters. The difference in the two is how they are passed to the server and how they are told to the server to listen for them.
Query Parameters
With query parameters, you pass them to your server starting with a ? in the url, and concatenating each one after by using a &. An example could look something like http://localhost:3000?name=Test&id=a26408f3-69eb-4443-8af7-474b896a9e70. Notice that there are two Query parameters, one named name and one named id. In Nest, to get these parameters in your route handler, you would use the #Query() decorator. A sample class could look like
export class AppController {
getHello(#Query() query: { name: string, id: string }) {
return `Hello ${name}, your ID is ${id}`;
Notice how with the url above, the route called is the base route (/), with the query parameters added on.
URL Parameters
URL parameters are a way to dynamically build your routes without needing to specify what each possible URL. This is useful for things like IDs that are dynamically generated. Taking a similar URL as above, the sample URL this time could look like http://localhost:3000/Test/a26408f3-69eb-4443-8af7-474b896a9e70. Notice how this time there is no ? or & and it just looks like a full URL. To specify URL Params in nest, you need to a a colon(:) before the param name in the resource declaration decorator, along with any other part of the path necessary. Then to access the URL Parameters, you need to use the #Param() decorator in the route handler, similar to how you would the #Query() decorator. The class sample for this would be
export class AppController {
getHello(#Param() params: { name: string, id: string })
return `Hello ${name}, your ID is ${id}`;
Problem and Solution
You're currently calling off to http://localhost/users/update/<ID> acting as if you are using URL parameters, but in your route handler you are expecting #Query() to grab the id. Because of this, there is no handler to find /users/update/:id and so you are getting a 404 in return. You can either modify your server to listen for URL Parameters as described above, or you can modify the URL to send the request using Query Parameters instead of URL parameters.

Using promises in Mongoose

I am new to the Promise method used to retrieve multiple database records at the same time and I want to rewrite my existing code to use promises
I have this piece of code in Express:
getController.getData = function(req,res, collection, pagerender) {
var id = req.params.id;
collection.find({}, function(err, docs){
if(err) res.json(err);
else res.render(pagerender, {data:docs, ADusername: req.session.user_id, id: req.params.id});
Now I want to use promises here, so I can do more queries to the database. Anyone know how I can get this done?
First, check if collection.find({}) returns a promise. If it does, then you can call your code like:
res.render(pagerender, {data:docs, ADusername: req.session.user_id, id: req.params.id});
.catch( function(err) {
If you want more calls here, just create new DB call and add another .then block.
I suggest you read the documentation on promises, just to get a general feeling about them (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/then). You will also see how you can handle both success and rejection in the same function if you want.

Return value from vuex mutation? (id for newly created object)

I'm trying to create an object in one part of vuex store, and then pass id to it to another object, and i'm not sure how to properly do that since mutations can't return returning anything (in this case, id).
Two store objects look like this:
// store/report.js
const state = {
name: 'Untitled Report',
subReportIds: []
// store/subReport.js
const state = { ... }
And i'd like this action to create blank report, then blank subreport, and then assign subreport id to newly created report. (subreports are independent entities, and can be used by multiple reports, hence different area in store)
const actions = {
createNewReport({ state, commit }) {
// below doesn't work - i can't get return from mutation
let newSubreportId = commit(mutationTypes.ADD_NEW_SUBREPORT)
// if this worked, i'd then do something like
commit(mutationTypes.ADD_SUBREPORT_TO_REPORT, newSubreportId)
How can i achieve the above?
So best way to accomplish to me would be to dispatch actions instead of committing the mutations. If you look at the methods in Vuex source, commit only executes with no return (so is a void) and dispatch returns the value you return from the action (which is a function)
For my actions, i always return a promise so that i can compose them like you mention above. Here is an example.
fetchSomething ({ commit }) {
return mockApiGetIds()
.then(response => {
ids: response
return response;
Disclaimer : I don't know if it is truely a good idea, but at least, it seems to work, and to me, it feels prettier than having to use actions and promises, or to generate the id in the action...
With your mutation, you can pass an argument. To return a value from a mutation (like a newly created id), I write it to a placeholder in that argument :
someMutation(state, arg){
arg.out = {
status : "succeed"
this.$store.commit('someMutation', arg);
if(arg.out !== "succeed") console.log("ERROR");

using bluebird promises with express to make API calls

I'm trying to get different chunks of data from a trello API using bluebird promises library. In my express router I'm using middleware isLoggedIn, and getBoards, which body looks something like:
trello.get("/1/members/me/boards") // resolves with array of board objects
.each((board) => {
// do some async stuff like saving board to db or other api calls, based on retrieved board
.catch(err => console.error('ERR: fetching boards error - ${err.message}'))
The question is: I want to redirect (res.redirect('/')) only when all boards were retrieved and saved. How can I do that? Where should I place xres.redirect('/') expression?
I think you need something like:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var promises = [];
trello.get("/1/members/me/boards") // resolves with array of board objects
.each((board) => {
promises.push( /*some promisified async call that return a promise, saving data in db or whatever asynchronous action. The important bit is that this operation must return a Promise. */ );
//So now we have an array of promises. The async calls are getting done, but it will take time, so we work with the promises:
Promise.all(promises).catch(console.log).then( function(results){
/*This will fire only when all the promises are fullfiled. results is an array with the result of every async call to trello. */
res.redirect('/'); //now we are safe to redirect, all data is saved
} );
Actually, you can avoid some boilerplate code using map instead of each:
trello.get("/1/members/me/boards") // resolves with array of board objects
.map((board) => {
return somePromisifiedSaveToDbFunction(board);
}).all(promises).catch(console.log).then( function(results){
} );

Nested WLJSONStore Calls Not Executing in Expected Sequence and Not Adding Items to the Collection

This is Worklight 6.1 code with dojo, testing with Chrome and the std dev server Liberty. What I want this code to do is to query a collection, which should have 0 or 1 entries, and either retrieve the one entry if it exists or create an entry with a supplied set of values. What I'm trying to do is store a url, id, and password for a service. If this is the first time the app has run after installation I want to prompt the user for this info and store it. The code to prompt the user will be added later. If it is not the first run of the app then the values should be stored in the collection and be retrieved. I'll add code later to allow the user to change and update the values.
What is happening now is that the .add never seems to be executed, and also the execution sequence I'm seeing thru the breakpoints I've set seems weird.
Here is the setup code
// set up the jsonStore
var collectionName = 'servers';
var collections = {};
collections[collectionName] = {};
// initialize the default jsonStore Monitor credentials
var jsonURL = 'http://myserver.com:9082';
var jsonUser = 'keyser';
var jsonPassword = 'soze';
And here is the problem code
// Initialize the JSONStore
.then(function() {
console.log("store initialized");
// query the store
var query = {_id: 0};
.then(function(arrayResults) {
console.log("credentials retrieved " + arrayResults.length);
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
// retrieve the credentials from the json object
console.log("password retrieved " + arrayResults[0].json.password);
jsonURL = arrayResults[0].json.url;
jsonUser = arrayResults[0].json.user;
jsonPassword = arrayResults[0].json.password;
} else {
// load the default credentials into jsonStore
var credentials = {url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword};
.then(function() {
console.log("credentials loaded " + credentials.url);
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("credential load failed");
} // end of else
// Query the model list
}) // end of get(collectionName) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("credentials not retrived");
}); // end of get(collectionName) fail
}) // end of init(collections) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("store init failed" + errorObject);
}); // end of init(collections) fail
}); // end of ready
When I step thru it flows in this sequence.
Then it jumps immediately to the "end of ready". Seems weird but I'm a rookie so maybe it's OK?
Back to the get(collectionName)
to the .then and logs "credentials retrieved" with and array length of 0
To the else clause of the statement
And it breaks on the get(collectionName) in the else clause. So far so good
From here it jumps to queryModels(), skipping over the .add (far as I can tell)
Then it returns to the .then under the 2nd get and logs "credentials loaded"
At this point execution ends "normally" except,
The item never gets added to the collection, and
The queryModels runs before I expect it to, I want it to run after the item is added.
By now it's probably obvious that I'm a rookie, so I'm probably making the rookie mistake. I know
I'm dealing with deferreds here with the .then and .fails, and I'm nesting them, which seems to be
an accepted technique, but I'm not getting the execution sequence I want.
I've tried this code commenting out the 2nd get(collections) in a couple of formats and it barfs both ways.
// WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName)
// WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName)
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's my "answer" below based on what I learned from the other answers below.
Bluewing and cnandrue's answers were both very helpful, and I got it working. The main issues I had turned out to be.
I had failed to grasp that slot 0 in a collection equates to a document _id key of 1. I was trying to query _id = 0, and never getting a hit. The add to the collection was working all along, I was just not reading it correctly.
Moving the queryModels into the if/else clauses (bluewing's suggestion) worked, and reading the material cnandreu referenced (very worthwhile to read) explained why it worked. Thanks!
The tip about the "weird" execution sequence being an artifact of the breakpoints was also very useful, I quit chasing that red herring.
Here is a working draft of the code after fixing these issues. I did not implement all of the suggestions yet, but probably will as I polish this up. Thanks again.
// Initialize the JSONStore - you have to .init to start the collection before you can read it.
.then(function() {
console.log("store initialized");
// query the store
var query = {_id: 1};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName) // get 1
.then(function(arrayResults) {
console.log("credentials retrieved " + arrayResults.length);
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
// retrieve the credentials from the json object
console.log("password retrieved " + arrayResults[0].json.password);
jsonURL = arrayResults[0].json.url;
jsonUser = arrayResults[0].json.user;
jsonPassword = arrayResults[0].json.password;
} else {
// load the default credentials into jsonStore
var credentials = {url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName) // get 2
.then(function(numberOfDocumentsAdded) {
console.log("Number of Docs Added" + numberOfDocumentsAdded);
}); // end of .add then
} // end of else
}); // end of get(collectionName) 1 then
}) // end of init(collections) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("something failed" + errorObject);
}); // end of init(collections) fail
All the JSON store calls ( like add , init etc) are asynchronous. So only you are getting that weird flows when you are checking with Breakpoints.
To get you execution sequence try to move the queryModels(); once the credentials are loaded.
.then(function() {
console.log("credentials loaded " + credentials.url);
My suggestion is the same as Bluewings', but I wanted to share some pseudocode:
function handleCredentials (arrayResults, callback) {
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
//.... synchronous code here.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
} else {
.add({url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword})
.then(function() {
.then(function() {
.find({_id: 1})
.then(function (arrayResults) {
handleCredentials(arrayResults, function () {
Notice I created a function for handleCredentials, that function will either do a synchronous operation (setting some variables with the result from the find call) or an asynchronous operation (calling add to add credentials). A setTimeout with 0 is called to preserve async behavior, this is explained in detail here. After the handleCredentials function has finished, you call the queryModels function via the callback pattern.
As an aside, I recommended reading this blog post: What’s so great about JavaScript Promises?. Especially the "Error Handling" section. You don't need to add a .fail to every promise, you can get away with less failure functions and the error object should provide enough details into what went wrong. JSONStore error objects are documented here, notice they contain the source of the failure (e.g. src: 'find').