Obj-C Variable Stack Type - objective-c

As a foray into new programming languages, I build well known data structures to familiarize myself with the syntax and the basic ins & outs of the language. In this case, I examine the stack in Objective-C. From Apple's Working with Objects we read about the keyword 'id'
...This is a special keyword used in Objective-C to mean “some kind of object.” It is a pointer to an object, like (NSObject *), but is special in that it doesn’t use an asterisk.
By using the keyword 'id', it seems possible to create a stack data structure that holds differing types of Obj-C objects; however, I am not sure if this as intended. Is it better to create the various class methods for each potential data type rather than attempting a generic method and make sure each stack adheres to a single Object type?. Here is what I have so far
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface XYZNode : NSObject
#property id value;
#property XYZNode *next;
-(instancetype)initWithValue:(id)aValue next:(XYZNode *)aNext;
// Class factory methods should always start with the name of
// the class (without the prefix) that they create, with the
// exception of subclasses of classes with existing factory methods.
+(XYZNode *)nodeWithValue:(id)aValue nextNode:(XYZNode *)aNext;
#import "XYZNode.h"
#implementation XYZNode
-(instancetype)initWithValue:(id)aValue next:(XYZNode *)aNext {
if (self = [super init]) {
_value = aValue;
_next = aNext;
} return self;
-(instancetype)init {
return [self initWithValue:nil next:nil];
+(XYZNode *)nodeWithValue:(id)aValue nextNode:(XYZNode *)aNext {
return [[self alloc] initWithValue:aValue next:aNext];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface XYZStack : NSObject
+(XYZStack *)stackWithValue:(id)aValue;
#import "XYZStack.h"
#import "XYZNode.h"
// The extension hides how the values are stored
#interface XYZStack ()
#property XYZNode *lastNodeAdded;
#implementation XYZStack
// Default initializer
-(instancetype)initWithValue:(id)aValue {
if (self = [super init]) {
_lastNodeAdded = nil;
if (aValue) {
[self pushValue:aValue];
return self;
// Call default initializer
return [self initWithValue:nil];
return ([self lastNodeAdded] == nil);
-(void)pushValue:(id)aValue {
[self setLastNodeAdded:[XYZNode nodeWithValue:aValue nextNode:[self lastNodeAdded]]];
-(id)popValue {
id temp = [[self lastNodeAdded] value];
[self setLastNodeAdded:[[self lastNodeAdded] next]];
return temp;
+(XYZStack *)stackWithValue:(id)aValue {
return [[self alloc] initWithValue:aValue];
Any comments would be appreciated.


trying to understand the Singleton concept in objective-c with many variables

I'm trying to understand the Singleton concept in objective-c.
Most examples that I did found just refer to a single variable.
I'm a bit lost about how to adapt the examples to handle many variables as per an example the accelerometer values that return x, y, z.
Can you guide me a bit further ?
A Singleton refers to a special object that can only exist once inside the lifespan of your application. That object can have as many variables and properties as necessary.
// Singleton.h
#interface Singleton : NSObject
#property (readwrite) int propertyA;
#property (readwrite) int propertyB;
#property (readwrite) int propertyC;
+ (Singleton *)sharedInstance;
The key to a Singleton is that it can only be created once. Usually in Objective-C we use the #synchronized() directive to make sure it only gets created once. We put this in a convenience class method called sharedInstance and return our Singleton. Since the Singleton is just an object it can easily have multiple properties, variables, and methods.
// Singleton.m
#import "Singleton.h"
#interface Singleton ()
int variableA;
int variableB;
int variableC;
#implementation Singleton
static Singleton *sharedInstance = nil;
+ (Singleton *)sharedInstance
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[Singleton alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return sharedInstance;
return nil;
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Inits
return self;
This is not the ONLY way to create a Singleton. Remember the important part is it can only be created once. So you can take advantage of newer Grand Central Dispatch calls when developing for OSX and iOS such as dispatch_once.
Talking to the Singleton
So lets say you have another object elsewhere talking to the Singleton. This can be done anywhere you #import "Singleton.h"
- (void)someMethod
// Setting properties
int valueA = 5;
[[Singleton sharedInstance] setPropertyA:valueA];
// Reading properties
int valueB = [[Singleton sharedInstance] propertyB];

Is this how properties are declared behind the scenes? [duplicate]

How exactly getter and setter methods body looks like after they have been automatically synthesized ?
From official documentation I found so far only recommended implementation techniques, however no word about which of them used by compiler during synthesizing process: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/MemoryMgmt/Articles/mmAccessorMethods.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003539-SW5
Some techniques recommends implementations containing autorelease message, which is not quite secure for multithreaded programming. I'm just wonder if auto-generated code follows to some of the proposed implementations.
For example:
#interface AClass: NSObject{}
#property (nonatomic, retain) AnotherClass *aProp;
#implementation AClass
#synthesize aProp
-(id) init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.aProp = [[AnotherClass alloc] init]; // setter invocation
return self;
-(AnotherClass *) aMethod {
return self.aProp; // getter invocation
What are equivalent accessors code snippets for aProp generated by compiler ?
-(AnotherClass *) aProp {
// getter body
-(void) setAProp: (AnotherClass *) {
// setter body
When declaring a property as nonatomic, you'll get the following:
// .h
#property (nonatomic, retain) id ivar;
// .m
- (id)ivar {
return ivar;
- (void)setIvar:(id)newValue {
if (ivar != newValue) { // this check is mandatory
[ivar release];
ivar = [newValue retain];
Note the check ivar != newValue. If it was absent, ivar could be dealloc'ed after release, and the following retain would cause a memory access error.
When you declare your property with copy, the code will look almost the same, with retain replaced by copy.
For assign, it is even simpler:
- (void)setIvar:(id)newValue {
ivar = newValue;
Now, when you declare your property as atomic (this one is the default), things get slightly more complicated. A snippet similar to the one below was posted by one of Apple's engineers on the development forums:
- (id)ivar {
#synchronized (self) {
return [[self->ivar retain] autorelease];
- (void)setIvar:(id)newValue {
#synchronized (self) {
if (newValue != self->ivar) {
[self->ivar release];
self->ivar = newValue;
[self->ivar retain];
Note the #synchronized block in both methods and additional retain-autorelease in the getter. Both those things ensure that you will either get the previous value (retained and autoreleased) or a new one in the case the value is changed by some thread while you are trying to read it.
It depends on the attributes you set, for instance with a RETAIN attribute...
- (void)setAProp:(AnotherClass *)value {
[aProp release];
aProp = value;
[aProp retain];
For ASSIGN attribute....
- (void)setAProp:(AnotherClass *)value {
aProp = value;
For COPY attribute (used with NSString)...
- (void)setAProp:(AnotherClass *)value {
aProp = [value copy];

Should I "Pull Up" Refactor

I have some very small classes that I feel should be "pulled up" but the methods are so small I'm not sure. For example, the only thing that's meaningfully different is the body of the buildFromJSON: selector.
I acknowledge that this is similar to:
Pull-up refactoring, Objective-C
but I feel my question is specific to refactoring very small classes/methods.
Also, not sure it relates to my particular code example, but I'm wondering if a child class says it conforms to a protocol, whether it's enough that it's parent actually supply the implementation of required selector(s)?
#implementation AsyncFoo
-(void)dealloc {
[clientDelegate release];
[super dealloc];
- (id)initWithDelegate: (id <ServiceClientProtocol>) delegate {
if((self = [super init])) {
clientDelegate = [delegate retain];
return self;
- (void)buildFromJSON:(NSString*)jsonResponseString {
[clientDelegate serviceComplete:[RestAdapter buildFooArray: jsonResponseString]];
#implementation AsyncBar
-(void)dealloc {
[clientDelegate release];
[super dealloc];
- (id)initWithDelegate: (id <ServiceClientProtocol>) delegate {
if((self = [super init])) {
clientDelegate = [delegate retain];
return self;
- (void)buildFromJSON:(NSString*)jsonResponseString {
[clientDelegate serviceComplete:[RestAdapter buildBarArray:jsonResponseString]];
Answers including code example would be great.
EDIT: Post accepted answer I'd like to add that since I was able to subclass, the derived classes did not need to declare that they conformed to protocol:
#interface Async : NSObject <ModelBuilderProtocol> {
id <ServiceClientProtocol> clientDelegate;
- (void)buildFromJSON:(NSString*)jsonResponseString;
#interface AsyncArtistById : Async
You don't normally retain your delegates as this can cause a retain cycle.
Knowing what I know from looking at your example I would probably implement like this:
The super class
// Async.h
#interface Async : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<ServiceClientProtocol> delegate;
- (void)buildFromJSON:(NSString *)jsonResponseString;
// Async.m
#implementation Async
#synthesize delegate = _delegate;
- (id)initWithDelegate:(id<ServiceClientProtocol>)delegate
self = [super init];
if(self) {
_delegate = delegate;
return self;
- (void)buildFromJSON:(NSString *)jsonResponseString
// This will ensure that we over ride this method in a sub class
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:#"You must override %# in a subclass", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)];
Concrete subclass AsyncFoo
// AsyncFoo.h
#interface AsyncFoo : Async
// AsyncFoo.m
#implementation AsyncFoo
- (void)buildFromJSON:(NSString *)jsonResponseString
[self.delegate serviceComplete:[RestAdapter buildFooArray: jsonResponseString]];
Concrete subclass AsyncBar
// AsyncBar.h
#interface AsyncBar : Async
// AsyncBar.m
#implementation AsyncBar
- (void)buildFromJSON:(NSString *)jsonResponseString {
[self.delegate serviceComplete:[RestAdapter buildBarArray:jsonResponseString]];

Help with a method that returns a value by running another object's method

I have a Class that runs the following method (a getter):
// the interface
#interface MyClass : NSObject{
NSNumber *myFloatValue;
- (double)myFloatValue;
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput;
// the implementation
- (MyClass *)init{
if (self = [super init]){
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:3.14];
return self;
// I understand that NSNumbers are non-mutable objects and can't be
// used like variables.
// Hence I decided to make make the getter's implementation like this
- (double)myFloatValue{
return [myFloatValue floatValue];
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput{
if ([self myFloatValue] != floatInput){
[myFloatValue release];
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:floatInput;
When I mouse over the myFloatValue object during debugging, it does not contain a value. Instead it says: "out of scope".
I would like to be able to make this work without using #property, using something other than NSNumbers, or other major changes since I just want to understand the concepts first. Most importantly, I would like to know what mistake I've apparently made.
I can see a couple of mistakes:
The line #implementation should read #implementation MyClass
The function setMyFloatValue is missing a closing ] and } —it should read:
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput{
if ([self myFloatValue] != floatInput){
[myFloatValue release];
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:floatInput];
I've just tested it in Xcode and it works for me with these changes.
Why not just set property in interface and synthesize accessors in implementation?
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
float *myFloat
#property (assign) float myFloat;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myFloat;

Objective-C :: using a method to change an object

I have a class called "CardSet", containing an NSMutableArray* cardSet to hold "cards", which I extend to make "DeckCards". I'd like "CardSet" to have a method called "(void)addCard:(Card*)" (and similarly a method "removeCard"). I'd like "addCard" to some how have access to and set cardSet. Even better I'd like to use the "addCard" method to initialise cardSet. The class file "CardSet.h" reads:
#import < Cocoa/Cocoa.h >
#import < Card.h >
#interface CardSet : NSObject {
NSMutableArray* cardSet;
-(void)setCardSet:(NSMutableArray *)new_cardset;
-(Card*)getCard:(NSInteger) index;
**-(void)addCard:(Card*) new_card;**
-(void)removeCard:(Card*) old_card;
#property (readwrite, retain, getter=getCardSet, setter=setCardSet) NSMutableArray* cardSet;
and the method file reads:
#import "CardSet.h"
#implementation CardSet
if( self = [super init] ){} //will add initialisations here later
return self;
return cardSet;
-(void)setCardSet:(NSMutableArray *)new_cardSet{
cardSet = new_cardSet;
return [cardSet objectAtIndex:index];
**-(void)addCard:(Card *)new_card{
[cardSet addObject:new_card];
-(void)removeCard:(Card *)old_card{
[cardSet removeObject:old_card];
[cardSet release];
[super dealloc];
#synthesize cardSet;
This compiles just fine. I'd like to initialise a "DeckCards" instance using its "addCard" method 52 times. When I call addCard 52 times in a DeckCards setter method, and ask for the size of its "cardSet", I'm returned 0.
This appears to be a scope or privileges problem? Can the "addCard" method have any setter privileges? Must a setter argument be the same as the return and respective member type?
[I can work around the above by creating an NSMutableArray object "deck_cards_temp" outside of "DeckCard", add 52 cards to this, and pass it to set the member of my "DeckCards" instance via the setter inherited from "CardSet". This is not very satisfactory!]
What do you advise? Many thanks in advance for your help and patience.
You are never actually creating the cardSet object. You should be creating it in your -init method:
if( self = [super init] )
cardSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
Because you never actually create the array, all the calls to -addCard: are being sent to a nil object.
When you pass in an array to -setCardSet:, you are passing in an initialized array so the array is no longer nil and the -addCard: calls work fine.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
// For know we just need to know there is a class named "Card" being used but implemented later
#class Card;
#interface CardSet : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *cardSet;
// Here are the methods according to "correct" naming conventions
- (Card *)cardAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
- (void)addCard:(Card *)card;
- (void)removeCard:(Card *)card;
// This will help us and forget about writing the setter/getter
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *cardSet;
#import "CardSet.h"
// Now we tell the compiler what "Card" is and what methods etc. it has
#import "Card.h"
#implementation CardSet
#synthesize cardSet;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
// If we don't create the cardSet, how are we able to work with it!?
NSMutableArray *anArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.cardSet = anArray;
[anArray release];
return self;
- (Card *)cardAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return [cardSet objectAtIndex:index];
- (void)addCard:(Card *)card {
[cardSet addObject:card];
- (void)removeCard:(Card *)card {
[cardSet removeObject:card];
- (void)dealloc {
[cardSet release];
[super dealloc];
As Abizern already noted: Naming the array the same as your class is a bad thing.
I would shorten that init method:
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
// If we don't create the cardSet, how are we able to work with it!?
self.cardSet = [NSMutableArray array];
return self;