MAMP Not Displaying localhost:8888 on Mac - apache

I've used MAMP for many years and have always been going to http://localhost:8888 to get a quick index of folders and files.
Not sure what has changed, but now no matter what version of MAMP I run, I'm not able to get my index of files in my browser... When starting servers I'm able to see that both the Apache and MySQL are green and I can even reach the WebStart page at http://localhost:8888/MAMP/?language=English
How can I get to this index so I can test my sites in the "user/documents/ sites" document root I've setup? When I go to http://localhost:8888 the page just keeps loading and never actually loads anything.
I've set the Apache Port to 8888 and MySQL to 3306 -- any other settings won't work at all.

Instead of http://localhost:8888 try your local ip address. Sometimes "localhost" doesn't work.
For the long run either install or local dns server or modify you 'host' file in /etc - you will need a fixed local ip address for this.

I know this is late, but I would recommend going into your command line and type "ipconfig" and you should get your IPv4 which will return your IP address "". After finding that, you should go to your File setting in Brackets and then go to your project settings and type in the URL
It should work.

Just open MAMP Application,then go to MAMP preferences then go to Ports then change the Apache Port to 8887 (you can give 1 - 65535 any value ) then click Ok after that Click the start server button after that it will works fine.


WAMP: Cannot Connect To Localhost

I'm just stuck on one little thing here but here is what I've done so far using websites and video tutorials (Note: I'm Running on Windows 10 and using Microsoft Edge as a browser for WAMP).
Disabled Skype
I went into the little WAMP menu/apache/httpd.conf and changed LISTEN
to port 81.
It still said port 80 was being used by Windows IIS 10.0 so I went into the Command Prompt as admin and used "iisreset /stop". Now WAMP is green and online, yay.
I enter localhost at the top of the WAMP menu and it brings me to a webpage saying "Make sure you’ve got the right URL: http://localhost".
I have gone into (C:)/Wamp/www and changed a line of code in "index" to $suppress_localhost = false;. Nothing changed.
Now I'm in (C:)/Windows/System32/drivers/etc and editing the "hosts" file. The edit is simply uncommenting my ip address which will supposedly reveal where WAMP should be going. It will not allow me to save it unless I give myself full control which is done by right clicking the file and selecting properties. However, when I try to save the file it fails and says "Please check if this file is open in another program". This is what I am stuck on.
Does anyone know how to check what other programs are using this file or is there another method of connecting to localhost to WAMP?
Thanks in advance!
First return Apache's listening port to 80.
Doing this "iisreset /stop" will only stop IIS until the next reboot. So it is better to uninstall IIS completely if you are not using it.
This I enter localhost at the top of the WAMP menu and it brings me to a webpage saying "Make sure you’ve got the right URL is probably due to the fact that there is more than once place where you need to change the listening port in apache, so when you put it back to
Listen [::0]:80
This will probably go away
SKYPE: You can configure SKYPE to not use port 80 or 443, but as far as I know you cannot do this to the tiles SKYPE, so uninstall that and then install the SKYPE App (from the SKYPE website). This can be reconfigured like this :-
Start SKYPE,
Menu Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Connection
On this dialog, Uncheck the checkbox labeled
Use port 80 and 443 for additional incoming connections
and add a number to the `use port` field, something like `33333`
SKYPE should no longer attempt to use port 80.
The HOSTS file is protected by Windows, and possibly your Anti Virus also tried to protect it. To amend the HOSTS file you have to elavate your privilages to Administrator, and before you say you are, you are not. Start a command windows using the "Run as Administrator" option.
CD into C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
run notepad hosts
Make your changes and save them
Host file should contain at least localhost
::1 localhost

Changing hostname of VPS - ZPanel Issue

Basically I've got a VPS setup but I incorrectly set the hostname. I left it for a while and it was fine, installed zpanel etc and now it's a 'web host' and everything was fine. Now I want to change the hostname so I logged into the hosting companies control panel for the server and changed the hostname.
The original and the new hostname are in the format of So nothing happend and I could still reach the zpanel login page via the 'old' host name even though in the hosting companies control panel it said it had changed.
For ease of explanation, we shall say my old hostname was and my new is Both domains are controlled within this installation of zpanel.
Anyway. I deleted the dns entry for "xyz" on example-domain and, as you would expect, if you go to you get nothing. I created a dns A record for but now all you get is the default apache 'welcome to your server' page. To get to zpanel login, you need the IP address.
SO my question is, do I need to do something else? It seems that I need to change where this zpanel login page is getting displayed so that it can be I'm guessing there is some file somewhere that I need to edit but I don't know what one and "the internet" isn't really helping as all I find is 'change the host name in the hosting companies control panel' which I've done.
PS It is an apache 2 server running CentOS 6
Take a look at your Apache configuration located in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. If you intend on running multiple domains off the same host, you'll need to setup Virtual Hosts. You'll see a detailed explanation of those settings toward the bottom of your configuration file.
Depending on where you've located your files, you'll want to set your DocumentRoot accordingly for each of your Virtual Hosts, and that will instruct Apache to look for the files in the proper places. By default, I believe it looks in /var/www.
NOTE: You will need to restart Apache or reload configurations whenever you alter your configuration file. You can do this by running either one of the following commands (as root):
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
/etc/init.d/httpd reload
Go to /etc/zpanel/panel/
rename: index.php -->panel.php (or any other name).
Then create index.php and let it in blank (or write a welcome message)
Finally enter to your zpanel like this: http://www.yourIP/panel.php
Works fine!
Is not necessary change any port

How to set xampp open localhost:8080 instead of just localhost

I use XAMPP 1.7.3. Apache and MySQL installed. Nothing else.
Apache installed on default port 80. Clicking on Admin next to Apache opens http://localhost/xampp/. Which works as expected.
I navigated to xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf and edited it. Set Listen 8080. Now http://localhost:8080/xampp/ works as expected but the Admin button still opens http://localhost/xampp/ which does not open anything. I have restarted the computer after doing so with no results.
How to make XAMPP apache admin open localhost:8080/xampp ?
The port that the Admin button references is configurable. In the XAMPP install folder there is a xampp-control.ini file. Changing the Apache entry under [ServicePorts] will affect the url the Admin button opens.
I believe the admin button will open the default configuration always. It simply contains a link to localhost/xampp and it doesn't read the server configuration.
If you change the default settings, you know what you changed and you can enter the URL directly in the browser.
you can get loccalhost page by writing localhost/xampp or by writing you will get the local host page. After starting the apache serve that can be from wamp, xamp or lamp.
Steps using XAMPP GUI:
Step-1: Click on Config button
Step-2: Click on Service and Port Settings button
Final step: Change your port and Save
I agree and found this file under xammp-control the type of file is configuration.
When I changed it to 8080 it worked automagically!
Open XAMPP look below the X to close the program there is a Config option click it then click service and port settings then under Apache change your main port to whatever you changed it to in the config file then click save and your good to go.

Unable to start Apache in XAMPP

I have downloaded xampp-win32-1.7.7-usb-lite.7z and unzip it to C drive in my VirtualBox. Then i tried to start Apache through xampp-control.exe. when i press Start button in-front of Apache label, apache started port 80 display in text area in that window. but nothing happen. Start button not change to stop. but mysql is start properly. how could i start Apache ?
Try ZendServer CE, it works great in a Virtual Box. Apache gives problem inside a Virtual Box.
You can also refer this post: Apache won't start in VirtualBox
Try to Restart Xampp from the option Explore
Xampp Contorl-> Explore-> Xampp-Restart
If you have other service installed like .NET SQL Server it may block xampp
Xampp Contorl-> SCM -> SQL server-> Manual from Automatic
Xampp Control-> SCM-> Web client->Disabled
If you like to run service always Check SVC for both Apache Mysql It will ask you to install service click YES to install
Finally Restart your machine
i don't know whether your issue is resolved or not,if not please try the below mentioned cases
1.if your Skype account is logged in,please log out from that(usuall skype uses default Ports numbers 80 and 443 )
2.check whether any other application is running on the port 80,if so please change that port number to see that from a command prompt, run netstat -a. This will output a list of ports that are currently running.
(how to change the default port number is open your httpd.conf file and search for localhost you will find 80 there and change that to your desired number)
i think these are the main cases so please go through this cases also..

phpMyAdmin in Xampp not working

I'm getting below error when I type in localhost/phpMyAdmin after starting apache and mysql server in Xampp in Windows 7 environment.
Is there a way I can fix this issue?
Not Found
The requested URL /phpMyAdmin was not found on this server.
Use lowercase: http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Apache is case-sensitive.
404 is the code for page not found
If you get this while running both mysql and apache It means the Url is not correct:
Check the alias like in #kamil's comments
If alias is correct then you need to specify the port.
http://localhost/phpmyadmin is the url if your port is set to default 80.
In my case I already had a service listennig on that port so I had to change it.
The fix is to add the port if it is a custom one:
To find out which port you have look inside of httpd.conf.
here is a screenshot for xampp:
To quickly find it, search for listen:
First of all go to apache config.
Now go to select Apache “httpd.conf” so now you can see that a notepad file will be opened”.
Find the word “Listen” using ctrl + F button or go to Edit then select find.
Replace “Listen 80” to “Listen 8080“.
Again find another “Listen” now change “ServerName localhost:80” to “ServerName localhost:8080” and then save it.
“We are almost done to fix localhost/phpmyadmin”
Step 6: Again go to config and select “Apache (httpd-sss.conf)“.
Step 7 is to Find “Listen 443” and change it to “Listen 4433“
Step 8: Find “” and replace this with “” and again save it.
Step 9: Go to config and select “service & ports settings” and change the port to 8080 and 4433 and save it.
Step 10: Restart, the localhost/phpmyadmin is solved.
Thank you, also share this !
I just finished installing xampp 1.8.2 on WinXP XP2 machine and got same error show up on my Firefox 24.0 browser:
xampp Not Found The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this
I solved this problem by changing the proxy of my firefox browser, go to menu tools-Option
find tab Network, click button settings. Fill the text box below No Proxy for with localhost.
In my case then it looklike:, localhost
Then press Ok, then Ok again.
Try now typing localhost/xampp then it should show Welcome to XAMPP for Windows!
Note: to change proxy for other browser may differ, check your browser help about how to change proxy.
Hope this help.
Is port 80 being used by another service or app?
I think you can check by the test in:
xammp> apache>service> test>
Try to uninstall the XAMPP and check the phpmyadmin upon reinstalling
Try I did not access it directly like following url pattern :
url : localhost or localhost/file-folder-of your project name.
But i can access file or folder and phpmyadmin using
url : localhost:port_num/file-folder-of your project name