Zimbra ZCS 8.6 no dkim signature - dkim

I made DKIM configuration as mentioned in ZCS manual by running:
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -a -d rush.zone
Tested it:
/opt/zimbra/opendkim/sbin/opendkim-testkey -d rush.zone -s {Domain Selector} -x /opt/zimbra/conf/opendkim.conf
No errors till now. Restarted ZCS. And still no DKIM signature header in messages nor from mail sent via Webmail, neither from SMTP.
Let me know where should I look in to debug this issue.

Add at the end of /opt/zimbra/conf/opendkim-localnets.conf.in and do:
$ su - zimbra
$ zmcontrol restart

This answer by Sergiu Bivol is working GREAT.
$ nano /opt/zimbra/conf/opendkim-localnets.conf.in
Your file will look simillar to :
Save the file and execute :
$ su zimbra
$ zmcontrol restart

I got same problem. 2 things you should check:
Check the zimbra log /var/log/zimbra.log about opendkim.
Verify dkim private key on ldap
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -q -d {domain}


ssh and sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed, auth could not identify password for [username]

I'm facing a weird behavior trying to run rsync as sudo through ssh with passwordless login.
This is something I do with dozens of servers, I'm having this frustrating problem connecting to a couple of Ubuntu 18.04.4 servers
the passwordless SSH from CLIENT to SERVER with account USER works
When I'm logged in SERVER I can sudo everything with
account USER
On SERVER I've added the following to /etc/sudoers
user ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync
Now, if I launch this simple test from machine CLIENT as user USER, I receive the following sudo error message:
$ ssh utente# -p 2310 sudo rsync
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Moreover, looking in the SERVER's /var/log/auth.log I found this errors:
sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed
sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]
am not an PAM expert, but tested the following solution working on Ubuntu 16.04.5 and 20.04.1
NOTE : Configuration set to default on /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/my_config_file
add the below lines
my_username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
and don't forget to restart sshd
$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
I've found a solution thanks to Centos. Infact, because of the more complex configuration of /etc/sudoers in Centos (compared to Ubuntu or Debian), I've been forced to put my additional configurations to an external file in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead than putting it directly into /etc/sudoers
Putting additional configurations directly into /etc/sudoers wouldn't work
Putting the needed additional settings in a file within the directory /etc/sudoers.d/ will work
e.g. , these are the config lines put in a file named /etc/sudoers.d/my_config_file:
Host_Alias MYSERVERHOST=,localhost
# User that will execute Rsync with Sudo from a remote client
rsyncuser MYSERVERHOST=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync
Why /etc/sudoers didn't work? It's unknown to me even after two days worth of Internet search. I find this very obscure and awful.
What follows is a quote from this useful article: https://askubuntu.com/a/931207
Unlike /etc/sudoers, the contents of /etc/sudoers.d survive system upgrades, so it's preferrable to create a file there than to modify /etc/sudoers.
For the editing of any configuration file to be used by sudo the command visudo is preferable.
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/my_config_file
I had a similar problem on a custom linux server, but the solution was similar to the answers above.
As soon as I removed the line your_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL from /etc/sudoers, the errors were gone.

SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,password) in Ansible

I am new to Ansible and I am trying to implement it. I tried all the possible ways present on the Internet and also all questions related to it, but still I can't resolve the error. How can I fix it?
I installed Ansible playbook on my MacBook Pro. I created a VM whose IP address is and host IP address is
I tried to connect to my VM using the host via SSH. It connected by the following command:
ssh user#
And I got the shell access. This means my SSH connection is working fine.
Now I tried the following command for Ansible:
ansible all -m ping
And the content in the /etc/ansible/host is
Then it shows the following error: | FAILED => SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,password).
while connecting to
It is sometimes useful to rerun the command using -vvvv, which prints SSH debug output to help diagnose the issue.
Then I tried creating the config file in .ssh/ folder on the host machine, but the error is still the same.
The content of the config file is:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
which is the path to my private key.
Then I ran the same command ansible all -m ping and got the same error again.
When I tried another command,
ansible all -m ping -u user --ask-pass
Then it asked for the SSH password. I gave it (I am very sure the password is correct), but I got this error: | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.
This is the log using -vvvv:
<> EXEC ssh -C -tt -vvv -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o ControlPath="/Users/rajatg/.ansible/cp/ansible-ssh-%h-%p-%r" -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 /bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1445512455.7-116096114788007 && chmod a+rx $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1445512455.7-116096114788007 && echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1445512455.7-116096114788007' | FAILED => SSH Error: Permission denied (publickey,password).
while connecting to
It is sometimes useful to re-run the command using -vvvv, which prints SSH debug output to help diagnose the issue.
I am still not able to figure it out what the problem is. It is my last choice to ask it here after doing my all research. This is the link I referred to.
I fixed the issue. The problem was in my /etc/ansible/hosts file.
The content written in /etc/ansible/hosts was But when I changed it to rajat#, then the issue got fixed.
If you log in with ssh user#
Option 1
Then make sure that in your hosts file inside etc\ansible you have:
Then within etc\ansible run:
ansible all -m ping -u user --ask-pass
Option 2
If you want to log in without typing the SSH password then in your hosts file inside etc\ansible you add:
[server01] ansible_ssh_pass=xxx ansible_ssh_user=user
Then within etc\ansible run:
ansible all -m ping
For me it worked both ways.
My case is I have multiple private keys in my .ssh.
Here is how I fix it by telling ansible to use a certain private key
ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory.ini --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa_ansiadmin update.yml
The previous solutions didn't work for me, unfortunately (DevOps layman here!).
But the below one worked for me.
Change your inventory file to:
[webserver] ansible_user=ubuntu
ansible webserver --private-key pem_file.pem -m ping
Hitting the command with -vvvv helped me to debug it more.
Reference: Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Permission denied (publickey,password) #19584
If you execute Ansible with sudo, for example
sudo ansible -m ping all
Please keep in mind that the public key for root has to be on the server you want to reach as well, not only the public key from your non-root-user. Otherwise, you get the error message above as well.
Most of the issues happen while connecting Ubuntu machines in hosts.
Solution Ansible required which user want to connect, because Ubuntu doesn't have a default root user.
For the hosts file
[Test-Web-Server] ansible_ssh_pass=foo ansible_ssh_user=foo
The problem lies in the inventory file.
vi /etc/ansible/hosts
It should be:
192.###.###.### ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_ssh_pass=pass
I have fixed this issue as well.
My issue was also in my hosts file, /etc/ansible/hosts.
I changed my hosts file from
I had IP addresses in the hosts file. Since I have SSH configurations already set up for names, I do not need to use a variable or username in front of the hosts.
What first worked for me was to hardcode the target machine root's password in the /etc/ansible/hosts like this:
loadbalancer1 ansible_host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ansible_user=root ansible_password=root_password_in_target
But it is not recommended to do this of course because of security issues.
Then, I figured out a solutions from the docs by doing:
ssh-agent bash --> read here
and then
ssh-add /my/private/ssh-key
After this, my hosts file looks like this and ansible all -m ping works fine:
loadbalancer1 ansible_host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ansible_user=root
Mentioning the username in /etc/hosts file also can resolve the issue.
#sudo vim /etc/hosts
ip_address ansible_user="remote pc's username"
publicdnsname ansible_user=ubuntu private_key=ubuntu.cer
After years some OS require strong encryption of the SSH key, they don't support RSA and DSA keys. Therefore the message Permission denied (publickey,password) may indicate that OS needs strong SSH-key instead of id_rsa.
Use the following command to generate new key:
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa -N ""
Ensure that server has an option
PubkeyAuthentication yes
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config or /etc/openssh/sshd_config.
Some other options may be required as well (read the documentation of your OS first), for example:
Protocol 2
PermitRootLogin without-password
AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/openssh/authorized_keys/%u /etc/openssh/authorized_keys2/%u .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2
Do not forget to restart sshd service to apply changes.
Copy the new key with ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, then you can connect to remote server using ansible.
At the host machine you should install sshpass with the below command
sudo apt install sshpass -y
and use this command to ping
ansible all -i slaves.txt -m ping -u test --ask-pass
it will provide you keyboard interactive password entry, where you shall enter the passowrd of the slave machine

Raspbmc Dropbear not using provided cmdline arguments

I have a raspbmc running on my rPi. Already configured to use ssh keys but I want to disable the password login option entirely.
I have added the -s option in the /etc/default/dropbear:
# any additional arguments for Dropbear
I also added it to /etc/init.d/dropbear
However then I read xinetd is used to manage SSH and launch Dropbear. So I went over to /etc/xinetd.d/ssh and changed the following, adding -s:
server_args = -i -s
Now when I stop the dropbear service and restart the xinetd service I still only see dropbear being launched with only -i and password logins still work.
Not sure where else I'd have to change the command line arguments, any hints would be very much appreciated!
From the Dropbear man page
-w Disallow root logins.
-s Disable password logins.
-g Disable password logins for root.
nano /etc/default/dropbear
Find the DROPBEAR_EXTRA_ARGS parameter and change it as shown below.
Finally, restart dropbear.
/etc/init.d/dropbear restart

OpenLDAP ignores URI and host setting in ldap.conf

I'm trying to configure OpenLDAP client on SLED10 host and faced with some problems. I've specified URI field in config like URI ldap:// but ldapsearch bails that it Can't contact LDAP server. With ldapsearch -H ldap:// it works fine. Setting
port 7323
instead of URI returns the same error message. Moreover, tcpdump tells that no LDAP requests are performed at all in this case. Other settings in config like BASE work fine. What can cause such problem and how to solve it?
Clearly ldapsearch isn't finding the ldap.conf file.
To know, what configuration file does ldapsearch consults, you may use one of this commands:
1) strings $(ldd $(readlink -e $(which ldapsearch)) | awk -F'(=>|[[:space:]]\\()' '$2 ~ /ldap/ {print $2}') | fgrep .conf
2) strace ldapsearch -x 2>&1 | fgrep .conf | grep -v '\(resolv\|nsswitch\|host\).conf'
In some unlikely cases you may need to install binutils package (by default it is installed on most distributives) or strace package first to run appropriate commands.
And yes you can use ".ldaprc" in your home directory and forget about searching of theoretically unpredictable system-wide path to ldap.conf at all.
I'm not sure that the version of openldap in SLES 10 supports this, but in SLES 11 you may specify the config file thru a env variable.
# LDAPCONF=/etc/ldap.conf ldapsearch

How to make ssh receive the password from stdin

How can you make SSH read the password from stdin, which it doesn't do by default?
based on this post you can do:
Create a command which open a ssh session using SSH_ASKPASS (seek SSH_ASKPASS on man ssh)
$ cat > ssh_session <<EOF
export SSH_ASKPASS="/path/to/script_returning_pass"
setsid ssh "your_user"#"your_host"
NOTE: To avoid ssh to try to ask on tty we use setsid
Create a script which returns your password (note echo "echo)
$ echo "echo your_ssh_password" > /path/to/script_returning_pass
Make them executable
$ chmod +x ssh_session
$ chmod +x /path/to/script_returning_pass
try it
$ ./ssh_session
Keep in mind that ssh stands for secure shell, and if you store your user, host and password in plain text files you are misleading the tool an creating a possible security gap
You can use sshpass which is for example in the offical debian repositories. Example:
$ apt-get install sshpass
$ sshpass -p 'password' ssh username#server
You can't with most SSH clients. You can work around it with by using SSH API's, like Paramiko for Python. Be careful not to overrule all security policies.
Distilling this answer leaves a simple and generic script:
[[ $1 =~ password: ]] && cat || SSH_ASKPASS="$0" DISPLAY=nothing:0 exec setsid "$#"
Save it as pass, do a chmod +x pass and then use it like this:
$ echo mypass | pass ssh user#host ...
If its first argument contains password: then it passes its input to its output (cat) otherwise it launches whatver was presented after setting itself as the SSH_ASKPASS program.
When ssh encounters both SSH_ASKPASS AND DISPLAY set, it will launch the program referred to by SSH_ASKPASS, passing it the prompt user#host's password:
An old post reviving...
I found this one while looking for a solution to the exact same problem, I found something and I hope someone will one day find it useful:
Install ssh-askpass program (apt-get, yum ...)
Set the SSH_ASKPASS variable (export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ssh-askpass)
From a terminal open a new ssh connection without an undefined TERMINAL variable (setsid ssh user#host)
This looks simple enough to be secure but did not check yet (just using in a local secure context).
Here we are.
FreeBSD mailing list recommends the expect library.
If you need a programmatic ssh login, you really ought to be using public key logins, however -- obviously there are a lot fewer security holes this way as compared to using an external library to pass a password through stdin.
a better sshpass alternative is :
I got problems with sshpass, if ssh server is not added to my known_hosts sshpass will not show me any message, passh do not have this problem.
I'm not sure the reason you need this functionality but it seems you can get this behavior with ssh-keygen.
It allows you to login to a server without using a password by having a private RSA key on your computer and a public RSA key on the server.