Directory API get organization unit for by userid and add user to a organization unit - google-directory-api

How can I add a user to an organization unit and get the organization unit information by user id using directory API?
Is it something like this?
List<OrgUnit> list = new ArrayList<OrgUnit>();
OrgUnit ou= new OrgUnit();
getDirectoryService().orgunits().insert(username, ou).execute();
OrgUnit ou = getDirectoryService().orgunits().get(userid, list).execute();

We need to update org unit by User object.
User user=getDirectoryService().users().get(username.execute();
getDirectoryService().users().update(username, user).execute();
To get org unit for user:
User user=getDirectoryService().users().get(username).execute();
return user.getOrgUnitPath();


Identification of existance of Corda accounts in main controller API?

How to identify that whether the input string is an account name or host party name from a single parameter in an API function and then route query accordingly in Corda accounts?
To check if the string name is a well-known counterparty you could use something like this
Party party = proxy.wellKnownPartyFromX500Name(CordaX500Name.parse("O=PartyB,L=New York,C=US"));
To check if an account exists with a particular input string name you could hit the vault using
Vault.Page<AccountInfo> accounts = proxy.vaultQuery(AccountInfo.class);
List<StateAndRef<AccountInfo>> accountInfos = accounts.getStates();
and check if an account with the specified input name exists in accountInfos.

Keycloak retrieve custom attributes to KeycloakPrincipal

In my rest service i can obtain the principal information after authentication using
KeycloakPrincipal kcPrincipal = (KeycloakPrincipal) servletRequest.getUserPrincipal();
Keycloak principal doesn't contain all the information i need about the authenticated user.
Is it possible to customize my own principal type?
On the keycloak-server-end I've developed a user federation provider. I saw that UserModel makes possible to add a set of custom attributes to my user.
Is it possible to insert my custom principal in that code?
Is it possible to retrieve this attributes from keycloak principal?
What is the way?
To add custom attributes you need to do three things:
Add attributes to admin console
Add claim mapping
Access claims
The first one is explained pretty good here:
Add claim mapping:
Open the admin console of your realm.
Go to Clients and open your client
This only works for Settings > Access Type confidential or public (not bearer-only)
Go to Mappers
Create a mapping from your attribute to json
Check "Add to ID token"
Access claims:
final Principal userPrincipal = httpRequest.getUserPrincipal();
if (userPrincipal instanceof KeycloakPrincipal) {
KeycloakPrincipal<KeycloakSecurityContext> kp = (KeycloakPrincipal<KeycloakSecurityContext>) userPrincipal;
IDToken token = kp.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getIdToken();
Map<String, Object> otherClaims = token.getOtherClaims();
if (otherClaims.containsKey("YOUR_CLAIM_KEY")) {
yourClaim = String.valueOf(otherClaims.get("YOUR_CLAIM_KEY"));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(...);
I used this for a custom attribute I added with a custom theme.
Select Users > Lookup > click on ID > go to attributes tab > Add attribute > e.g.: phone > Save
Select Clients > click on Client ID > go to Mappers Tab > create mapper
Get custom attributes
Add 'phone' attribute on Group level, assign user to that group, and you get 'phone' attribute from group level for all users
Go back to mapper and update 'phone' with 'Aggregate attribute values = true' and 'Multivalued=true', and you get 'phone' as list with both attributes from group and user level. If you keep 'Aggregate attribute values = false' or 'Multivalued=false', you get just one value, where 'phone' attribute from user will override 'phone' attribute from group (which make sense)
For Keycloak > 18 the configuration of the mappers has moved in the UI:
Inside Clients > Your selected client under the tab Client Scopes, one has to select account-dedicated:
There custom mappers can be added:

MVC4 Postal - Accessing User Email Address searching by UserId

I have a site where user A can book a lesson with a teacher, I then want to have an email sent to the teachers saying user A wants to book a lesson with you etc.
I have postal up and running sending emails without issue,
however, I don't know how to access the email address of the teacher to send the email.
The email address is saved as part of the built in UserProfile table. I have the teacher's UserId (as it's stored in a separate teacher table).
So is there a way to access the teachers email ,searching by UserId?
In any other table I would use t in db.Teacher.find(id) but this doesn't work within the Account Controller.
This was built using the default MVC4 internet website template using the built in simple membership. Let me know if more information is needed.
I've added the following to the AccountController;
private UsersContext db = new UsersContext();
public ActionResult EmailNotification(int id)
var user = from l in db.UserProfiles.Find(id)
select l;
db.UserProfiles.Find(id) however gives the following error;
Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type 'LessonUp.Models.UserProfile'. 'Select' not found.
Which I assume is a result of it not being created through the entity framework?
I think your query needs to be something like the following:
var result = from q in context.UserProfiles
where q.UserId == id
select q;

Make openam/opensso return role name instead of role universal id

I'm using OpenAM 9.5.2 for authenticating users on an application. The authentication works well but I'm having issues to get user memberships from final application.
I've defined the group "somegroup" in openam and added my user to this group. Now in my application, I want to test if authenticated users is member of this group. If I'm testing it with:
I get false result. Actually, I have to test
in order to get a true response.
I know that it's possible to define a privileged attribute mapping list in the sso agent configuration to map id=somegroup,ou=group,dc=opensso,dc=java,dc=net on somegroup, but it's not suitable in my situation since roles and groups are stored in an external database. It's not convenient to define role in database and mapping in sso agent conf.
So my question : is there a way to make openam use the "short" (i.e. somegroup) group name instead of its long universal id ?
This is not an answer, just one remark.
I've performed some researches in openam sources and it seems to confirm that the role name stored in repository is replaced by universalId when openam build the request. This is performed in class:
public Set getMemberships_idrepo(String token, String type, String name,
String membershipType, String amOrgName,
String amsdkDN
) throws RemoteException, IdRepoException, SSOException {
SSOToken ssoToken = getSSOToken(token);
Set results = new HashSet();
IdType idtype = IdUtils.getType(type);
IdType mtype = IdUtils.getType(membershipType);
Set idSet = idServices.getMemberships(ssoToken, idtype, name, mtype, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
if (idSet != null) {
Iterator it = idSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AMIdentity id = (AMIdentity);
return results;
To my knowledge this is not possible currently with out of box code. In case you have limited amount of groups, then privileged attribute mapping could be a way to go, but if not, then the issue gets more complicated.
You could try to change the AmRealm implementation (authenticateInternal method) to match your requirements and hook the new class into the container-specific ServiceResolver class (like )
You can also create a JIRA issue about providing a config property to put membership information into roles in non-UUID format.

Yesod auth: redirecting user to registration page

I'm playing with scaffolded site and i want to send user to the registration page after he logged in for the first time with OpenID or Google Account.
I've came up with this:
getAuthId creds = runDB $ do
x ← getBy $ UniqueUser $ credsIdent creds
case x of
Just (Entity uid _) → return $ Just uid
Nothing → do
return $ Just $ Key (PersistInt64 0)
And in HomeR handler i check for UserId value, showing registration form in case of zero.
This approach works, but seems hackish. What is the proper way to deal with such problem?
I would recommend splitting the information up into two entities: a User entity that tracks the user's credentials, and a Profile entity containing the registration information. For example:
ident Text
UniqueUser ident
user UserId
displayName Text
UniqueProfile user
In getAuthId, you'll either return an existing UserId, or if one doesn't exist, create a new entry. In HomeR, you'll get if there's a Profile (getBy $ UniqueProfile uid), and if not, display the registration form.