Custom User login in AppEngine - authentication

I have a Java Servlet backend with a datastore connected to my app; I am trying to implement a login system using the Android Studio LoginActivity template, using the user's email and password (not the PlusBaseActivity handling the Google Account login), but I don't know how to proceed from here:
How can you say that a User is logged in? and how can I make it so persistently using my datastore? I've read here: How to login User using UserService on AppEngine Java that I just need to call the method resp.sendRedirect(userService.createLoginURL(req.getRequestURI())), and I've done so:
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
int size = checkDatastore(); // 0 if empty, > 0 if not empty
String asyncMessage = req.getParameter("order");
mail = req.getParameter("email");
psw = req.getParameter("password");
UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
User user = userService.getCurrentUser();
String message="";
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
if(user == null) {
//Sends a temporary redirect response to the client using the
// specified redirect location URL and clears the buffer.
String uri = userService.createLoginURL(req.getRequestURI());
User user1 = userService.getCurrentUser();
message="No one is logged in!\n" + "Sent from App Engine at " + new Date();
}if(user !=null) {
// login(user);
message = "Hello, " + user.getEmail() +
", "+user.getNickname()+"!" + "\nSent from App Engine at "+ new Date();
but the sendRedirect() method only gives me a URI. What for?
Moreover, the User user = userService.getCurrentUser() always returns null. How come?

That's because the resp.sendRedirect(userService.createLoginURL(req.getRequestURI()))
of UserService only works when integrating the Login with Google Accounts as shown in this documentation.
If you want to implement a personalised login system you can do that in many ways. Surely you will need a Servlet checking new users' data and a datastore to persistently store new account registrations.


login using custom/added field to the user profile in liferay 7.4

I am trying to add new field to the user profile (student number) and allow users to login using either email or the new field (student number) with the same password for both.
I have overridden login.jsp to allow both Email and Student Number.
My idea is to override the login action command with something similar to the code below:
property = {
service = MVCActionCommand.class
public class CustomLoginActionCommand extends BaseMVCActionCommand {
protected void doProcessAction(ActionRequest actionRequest,
ActionResponse actionResponse) throws Exception {
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay)actionRequest.getAttribute(
HttpServletRequest request = PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(
HttpServletResponse response = PortalUtil.getHttpServletResponse(
String login = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "login");
String password = actionRequest.getParameter("password");
boolean rememberMe = ParamUtil.getBoolean(actionRequest, "rememberMe");
String authType = CompanyConstants.AUTH_TYPE_EA;
String email = "";
if(isValidEmail(login)){ //if the user trying to login with his email
email = login ;
else if(isNumeric(login)){ //check if the user trying to login with his student number
//fetch User by Student Number (login)
//e.g. fetchUserByStudentNumber(login)
//get the Email Adress for the retrieved user object and use it to login
email = user.getEmailAddress();
// Exception
AuthenticatedSessionManagerUtil.login(request, response, email, password, rememberMe, authType);
is this the right way to achive similar requierment?
in Liferay 7.4 U46+, we can extend supported system services with Liferay Objects. so I have two options to extend the User Profile, 1- by adding a new field to the User object. or 2- by creating a new "custom field". which option is better?
in both options, how to force unique values in the added field (student number)?
how to retrieve user object by using added field (fetchUserByStudentNumber)?
Appreciate your feedback!
Overwriting the portal login command is possible, but I would rather use a custom Authenticator to not overwrite other logic implemented in the MVC action component. As you want booth (mail and student number), you could implement authenticateByEmailAddress like in Password-Based-Authentication-Pipelines and check both authentication results with a boolean OR approach.
Extending portal model objects should rather be implemented via Custom Fields. Fetching a user like in fetchUserByStudentNumber you will probably need the ExpandoValue service and a dynamic query. Maybe there are better approached, but this is what comes into my mind first.

ETrade API unattended authentication

The ETrade authentication system has me creating a RequestToken, then executing an Authorization URL, which opens an ETrade page.
The user logs in to authorize the activity on their account.
They receive a pin, which they enter in my app.
I call ExchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken with the RequestToken and the Pin.
Then we are off and running.
The problem is I'm creating a service that runs continuously in the background. There won't be any user to log in. Conversely, I won't be making any trades. Just crunching numbers, looking for stocks that meet certain criteria.
I can't figure how to get this to work unattended.
Thanks, Brad.
Previously, I have used a series of WebRequests and manually added headers to simulate the authorization pages. This worked until about a year ago when ETrade complicated their headers with something that appears to be tracking information. I now use to log in, and to strip the Auth Code.
Sloppy code looks like this:
using WatiN.Core; // IE Automation
// verify current thread in STA.
Settings.Instance.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = false;
var ieStaticInstanceHelper = new IEStaticInstanceHelper();
Settings.AutoStartDialogWatcher = false;
using (ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE = new IE())
string authCode = "";
if (ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.ContainsText("Scheduled System Maintenance"))
throw new ApplicationException("eTrade down for maintenance.");
TextField user = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.ByName("USER"));
TextField pass = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.ById("txtPassword"));
TextField pass2 = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.ByName("PASSWORD"));
Button btn = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.Button(Find.ByClass("log-on-btn"));
Button btnAccept = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.Button(Find.ByValue("Accept"));
TextField authCodeBox = ieStaticInstanceHelper.IE.TextField(Find.First());
if (user != null && pass != null && btn != null &&
user.Exists && pass2.Exists && btn.Exists)
user.Value = username;
pass2.Value = password;
authCode = authCodeBox.Value;
Current version of Brad Melton's code.
WatiN has changed and no longer contains the IE.AttachToIE function.
So, IEStaticInstanceHelper is now called StaticBrowserInstanceHelper, but that code is hard to find, so I've included it here.
class StaticBrowserInstanceHelper<T> where T : Browser {
private Browser _browser;
private int _browserThread;
private string _browserHwnd;
public Browser Browser {
get {
int currentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
if (currentThreadId != _browserThread) {
_browser = Browser.AttachTo<T>(Find.By("hwnd", _browserHwnd));
_browserThread = currentThreadId;
return _browser;
set {
_browser = value;
_browserHwnd = _browser.hWnd.ToString();
_browserThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
private int GetCurrentThreadId() {
return Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode();
ETrade's login pages have changed as well. They have several. All the login pages I checked consistently had a USER field and a PASSWORD field, but the login buttons had various names that look fragile. So if this doesn't work, that's the first thing I'd check.
Second, if I go directly to the auth page, it prompts to log in, but then it frequently doesn't take you to the auth page.
I got more consistent results by going to the home page to log in, then going to the auth page.
static public string GetPin(string username, string password, string logonLink, string authLink) {
// Settings.Instance.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = false;
var StaticInstanceHelper = new StaticBrowserInstanceHelper<IE>();
Settings.AutoStartDialogWatcher = false;
// This code doesn't always handle it well when IE is already running, but it won't be in my case. You may need to attach to existing, depending on your context.
using (StaticInstanceHelper.Browser = new IE(logonLink)) {
string authCode = "";
// Browser reference was failing because IE hadn't started up yet.
// I'm in the background, so I don't care how long it takes.
// You may want to do a WaitFor to make it snappier.
if (StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.ContainsText("Scheduled System Maintenance")) {
throw new ApplicationException("eTrade down for maintenance.");
TextField user = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.TextField(Find.ByName("USER"));
TextField pass2 = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.TextField(Find.ByName("PASSWORD"));
// Class names of the Logon and Logoff buttons vary by page, so I find by text. Seems likely to be more stable.
Button btnLogOn = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Button(Find.ByText("Log On"));
Element btnLogOff = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Element(Find.ByText("Log Off"));
Button btnAccept = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Button(Find.ByValue("Accept"));
TextField authCodeBox = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.TextField(Find.First());
if (user != null && btnLogOn != null &&
user.Exists && pass2.Exists && btnLogOn.Exists) {
user.Value = username;
pass2.Value = password;
if (StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.ContainsText("Scheduled System Maintenance")) {
Element btnContinue = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Element(Find.ByName("continueButton"));
if (btnContinue.Exists)
// Here we go, finally.
authCode = authCodeBox.Value;
return authCode;
Being able to automate it like this means that I no longer care about how long the token is valid. Thanks BradM!
This was amazingly helpful. I used your code plus what was posted here to automate this (because tokens expire daily): E*Trade API frequently returns HTTP 401 Unauthorized when fetching an access token but not always
I made two edits:
Changed the authorize URL to what was posted here:
For the log on button, changed it to search by ID: Button btnLogOn = StaticInstanceHelper.Browser.Button(Find.ById("logon_button"));
I ran into issues with Watin and setting up the Apartmentstate. So did this:
static void Main(string[] args)
System.Threading.Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TestAuth));
Then put the code in the TestAuth method.

Google Sheets API v4 receives HTTP 401 responses for public feeds

I'm having no luck getting a response from v4 of the Google Sheets API when running against a public (i.e. "Published To The Web" AND shared with "Anyone On The Web") spreadsheet.
The relevant documentation states:
"If the request doesn't require authorization (such as a request for public data), then the application must provide either the API key or an OAuth 2.0 token, or both—whatever option is most convenient for you."
And to provide the API key, the documentation states:
"After you have an API key, your application can append the query parameter key=yourAPIKey to all request URLs."
So, I should be able to get a response listing the sheets in a public spreadsheet at the following URL:{spreadsheetId}?key={myAPIkey}
(with, obviously, the id and key supplied in the path and query string respectively)
However, when I do this, I get an HTTP 401 response:
error: {
code: 401,
message: "The request does not have valid authentication credentials.",
Can anyone else get this to work against a public workbook? If not, can anyone monitoring this thread from the Google side either comment or provide a working sample?
I managed to get this working. Even I was frustrated at first. And, this is not a bug. Here's how I did it:
First, enable these in your GDC to get rid of authentication errors.
-Google Apps Script Execution API
-Google Sheets API
Note: Make sure the Google account you used in GDC must be the same account you're using in Spreadsheet project else you might get a "The API Key and the authentication credential are from different projects" error message.
Go to where you will acquire authorization tokens.
On Step 1, choose Google Sheets API v4 and choose scope so you have bot read and write permissions.
Click the Authorize APIs button. Allow the authentication and you'll proceed to Step 2.
On Step 2, click Exchange authorization code for tokens button. After that, proceed to Step 3.
On Step 3, time to paste your URL request. Since default server method is GET proceed and click Send the request button.
Note: Make sure your URL requests are the ones indicated in the Spreadsheetv4 docs.
Here's my sample URL request:
I got a HTTP/1.1 200 OK and it displayed my requested data. This goes for all Spreadsheetv4 server-side processes.
Hope this helps.
We recently fixed this and it should now be working. Sorry for the troubles, please try again.
The document must be shared to "Anyone with the link" or "Public on the web". (Note: the publishing settings from "File -> Publish to the web" are irrelevant, unlike in the v3 API.)
This is not a solution of the problem but I think this is a good way to achieve the goal. On site I found how to update spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. This is an example with GET method. I will try to show you POST method with JSON format.
How to POST:
Create Google Spreadsheet, in the tab Tools > Script Editor paste following script. Modify the script by entering the appropriate spreadsheet ID and Sheet tab name (Line 27 and 28 in the script).
function doPost(e)
var success = false;
if (e != null)
var JSON_RawContent = e.postData.contents;
var PersonalData = JSON.parse(JSON_RawContent);
success = SaveData(
// Return plain text Output
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Data saved: " + success);
function SaveData(Name, Age, Phone)
var dateTime = new Date();
// Paste the URL of the Google Sheets starting from https thru /edit
// For e.g.: SPREADSHEET ID---/edit
var MyPersonalMatrix = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(" SPREADSHEET ID---/edit");
var MyBasicPersonalData = MyPersonalMatrix.getSheetByName("BasicPersonalData");
// Get last edited row
var row = MyBasicPersonalData.getLastRow() + 1;
MyBasicPersonalData.getRange("A" + row).setValue(Name);
MyBasicPersonalData.getRange("B" + row).setValue(Age);
MyBasicPersonalData.getRange("C" + row).setValue(Phone);
return true;
return false;
Now save the script and go to tab Publish > Deploy as Web App.
Execute the app as: Me,
Who has access to the app: Anyone, even anonymous
Then to test you can use Postman app.
Or using UWP:
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(#"");
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptEncoding.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue("utf-8"));
string endpoint = #"/macros/s/---YOUR SCRIPT ID---/exec";
PersonalData personalData = new PersonalData();
personalData.Name = "Jarek";
personalData.Age = "34";
personalData.Phone = "111 222 333";
HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(personalData), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.PostAsync(endpoint, httpContent);
if (httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string jsonResponse = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//do something with json response here
catch (Exception ex)
public class PersonalData
public string Name;
public string Age;
public string Phone;
To above code NuGet Newtonsoft.Json is required.
If your feed is public and you are using api key, make sure you are throwing a http GET request.In case of POST request, you will receive this error.
I faced same.
Getting data using
Method: spreadsheets.getByDataFilter has POST request

How do get a new Facebook access token invisibly when my current one expires? (Windows 8 App C#)

Within my app (following various documentations) the user is able to login in to facebook via a dedicated login page. From this, the access token is given and the I save it. The thing is to get the token this way (using await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(WebAuthenticationOptions.None, loginUri, new Uri(redirectUri));, which seems the automatically show a login screen from facebook, I honestly have no idea how it appears...) means the user has to type their username and password again.
I don't want this to be the case, since I think if the user has logged in once, they shouldn't need to keep typing in their details again and again. However no matter what I've tried I can seem to get a new access token without going through this login screen again.
I've tried methods using the FacebookClient.Get() method, however it just doesn't exist in this version of the SDK. I have no idea what to use in its place, or what I need to send to Facebook to get a response.
So far this is what I have to log in for the first time (pretty much what is on the documentation)
string redirectUrl = "";
var loginUrl = fb.GetLoginUrl(new
client_id = FacebookHandler.FacebookAppId,
redirect_uri = redirectUrl,
scope = FacebookHandler.Permissions,
display = "touch",
response_type = "token"
Uri endUri = new Uri(redirectUrl);
WebAuthenticationResult webAuthRes = await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(WebAuthenticationOptions.None, loginUrl, endUri);
if (webAuthRes.ResponseStatus == WebAuthenticationStatus.Success)
var callbackUri = new Uri(webAuthRes.ResponseData.ToString());
var facebookOAuthResult = fb.ParseOAuthCallbackUrl(callbackUri);
var accessToken = facebookOAuthResult.AccessToken;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
// User is not logged in, they may have canceled the login
// User is logged in and token was returned
FacebookHandler.AccessToken = accessToken;
else if (webAuthRes.ResponseStatus == WebAuthenticationStatus.ErrorHttp)
Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + "HTTP Error returned by AuthenticateAsync() : " + webAuthRes.ResponseErrorDetail.ToString());
Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + "Error returned by AuthenticateAsync() : " + webAuthRes.ResponseStatus.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
// Bad Parameter, SSL/TLS Errors and Network Unavailable errors are to be handled here.
throw ex;
On successive launches of the app, after the user as entered their details for the first time, the saved access token could be used, but it soon expires, which throws a FacebookOAuthException. This is where I have tried to invisibly get a new access token, and where its not working.
await fb.PostTaskAsync(url, argList);
catch (FacebookOAuthException exc)
//Problem is with the ValidateLoginUrl(), which would get an access token from the login url
One of the things I've tried was to use TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(), on the loginUrl that I can get by using FacebookClient.GetLoginUrl() (which is successful), but when I try to parse it it just comes up with an InvalidOperationException, and otherwise no explanation.
What do I have to do in order to get a new access token without the user having to login in again? I have my app ID and secret, and I could probably save the users ID from the initial login for use later(?). Would any of that help do this?

Authenticating with Facebook for Mobile Services in Azure

I am having trouble with facebook authentication for Mobile Services in Azure.
To be more specific, I already have an application that is using Facebook C# SDK and it works fine. I can log on, fetch list of my friends and so. I want to keep using this SDK, but I also want to authenticate for Azure Mobile Service.
So, my plan was, log on with Facebook C# SDK (as I already do today), get the authentication token, and pass it to the MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() - function. That way, I can still have all the nice features in Facebook C# SDK, and also use the built in authentication system in Mobile Services for Azure.
var client = new FacebookClient();
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.client_id = App.FacebookAppId;
parameters.redirect_uri = "";
parameters.response_type = "token";
parameters.display = "popup";
var loginUrl = client.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
When load is complete, followin is executed:
FacebookOAuthResult oauthResult;
if (client.TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(e.Uri, out oauthResult) && oauthResult.IsSuccess)
var accessToken = oauthResult.AccessToken;
var json = JsonObject.Parse("{\"authenticationToken\" : \"" + accessToken + "\"}");
var user = await App.MobileService.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook, json);
However, I get this exception when I call the last line of code above:
MobileServiceInvalidOperationException, "Error: The POST Facebook login request must specify the access token in the body of the request."
I cannot find any information on how to format the accesstoken, I have tried a lot of different keys (instead of "authenticationToken" as you see in my sample). I also have tried just to pass the accesstoken string, but nothing seem to work.
Also, if I use the MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync() for making a brand new login, it works just fine, but it seem silly to force users to log on twice.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
The format expected for the object is {"access_token", "the-actual-access-token"}. Once the login is completed using the Facebook SDK, the token is returned in the fragment with that name, so that's what the Azure Mobile Service expects.
BTW, this is a code which I wrote, based on your snippet, which works. It should handle failed cases better, though, but for the token format, this should be enough
private void btnLoginFacebookToken_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var client = new Facebook.FacebookClient();
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.client_id = "MY_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID";
parameters.redirect_uri = "";
parameters.response_type = "token";
parameters.display = "popup";
var uri = client.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
this.webView.LoadCompleted += webView_LoadCompleted;
this.webView.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
async void webView_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
AddToDebug("NavigationMode: {0}", e.NavigationMode);
AddToDebug("Uri: {0}", e.Uri);
string redirect_uri = "";
bool close = (e.Uri.ToString().StartsWith(redirect_uri));
if (close)
this.webView.LoadCompleted -= webView_LoadCompleted;
this.webView.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed;
string fragment = e.Uri.Fragment;
string accessToken = fragment.Substring("#access_token=".Length);
accessToken = accessToken.Substring(0, accessToken.IndexOf('&'));
JsonObject token = new JsonObject();
token.Add("access_token", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(accessToken));
var user = await MobileService.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook, token);
AddToDebug("Logged in: {0}", user.UserId);
catch (Exception ex)
AddToDebug("Error: {0}", ex);