Need to run a VBA Macro on data refresh in excel - vba

I am attempting to prompt a macro to run on a data refresh. I have the macro that needs to be run build, but I am having an issue with the new values not being used since the macros embedded in the sheet are called using ActiveX ComboBoxs.
I am finding several instances where people refer to AfterRefresh and BeforeRefresh, but I think I am misunderstanding how this would take effect and call a macro.
I currently am running ComboBoxs so I have multiple instances of
Private Sub ComboBox22_Change()
'do stuff
End Sub.
but I need the 'do stuff' to occur upon a data refresh, including refreshes that happen automatically and upon sheet open.
I don't want to tie the refresh to a specific box because the items that are refreshed are not dependent on any one instance of data change.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Maybe a worksheet change event would help in this situation.
Right Click the sheet tab, select "View Code", Select "Worksheet" then "Change."
Code will automatically kick in when a specific range of cells has been changed.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub ' this stops code error if more than one cell is changed at once
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A1:C10")) Is Nothing Then ' indicates the Target range
MsgBox "You have changed " & Target.Address & " to " & Target
End If
End Sub

You could also use Worksheet_pivottableupdate event to run the macro. You set it up in a similar way to davesexcel answer above.
The connection in question may not be a pivot table but you can use a small and fast pivot table as a trigger.
Set the pivot table to update at the same time as your connection (e.g. set to self refresh every 5 minutes or on workbook open).


VBA is skipping code when a userform reference is reached? Attempting to write to another wbk

I'm using a userform to collect data and add it to an empty line in a workbook.
Structure of code is as follows:
Main sub s_OpenWriteToTargetFile is called from userform mainForm.
It checks availability of the target workbook.
It opens the target workbook.
It calls sub "s_WriteLines". Everything is OK up to this point.
Sub s_WriteLines should load textbox values from mainForm into various variables and paste them into the target workbook.
For some reason, code execution jumps out of s_WriteLines as soon as it reaches With MainForm..., and it returns to the mother sub.
s_WriteLines sub
Sub s_WriteLines
Dim a,b as integer
With mainForm
a = .tb_a.Value
b = .tb_b.Value
End With
End Sub
I can't wrap my head around it. Does this have something to do with the modality of the userform?
As AcsErno suggested in the comments, there was a on error resume next that I didn't notice, and it kept me from learning that the form is failing to load a rowsource property of a combobox.
The rowsource was specified as follows:
mainForm.cb_Wiresize.RowSource = wiresizesWSheet.Name & "!" & wiresizesFinalRange.Address
The workbook that is opened to be written in also becomes active, and then the range that I specified as rowsource refers to a worksheet that doesn't exist - because I specified it only as "worksheet + range", instead of "workbook + worksheet + range".
To expand on my question, how can I refer to the specific workbook object using the syntax posted above? I tried different formulations but none worked.

VBA Compile Error: Invalid Outside Procedure

I'm trying to create and run a pretty simple macro in Excel 2016, but I keep getting the following error message "Compile Error: Invalid Outside Procedure.
All the macro is trying to do is when I click a button on one worksheet, the macro moves to another worksheet, and amends a filter on a particular column (and removes the zero's from the column).
I've recorded the macro to do this, but when I assign it to a button and try to run it, the error keeps coming up.
The code shown in the VBA tab is as follows:
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
Can someone help as it's driving me nuts!
Thank you
Half code (or incomplete code) is like half-truth, difficult to understand or judge. So, if I understand your question here's the (probable) solution.
1. On the button click method, write the sheet change code (e.g. Sheets("books").Select)
2. Once the intended sheet is selected, select the column you want to apply filter on by simply recording the macro.
3. Then do the rest of the tasks.
These are simple steps. If you still don't succeed then please revert.
It could be just as easy as deleting the first 'End Sub' in your code.
w1n5rx seems to be correct with completing your code to perfom what you're describing.
But maybe other options to try:
Maybe try the active controlx button <--- or however its labeled.
or try
Static Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

Run macro when linked cell changes value (Excel VBA)

I am currently trying to obtain historical information about how the backlog is developing.
My Excel file is based on queries from an Access Database which can give me a view of the current situation.
I would like to automatically run a macro every time the week number changes. I am currently using the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Target.Worksheet.Range("D3")) Is Nothing Then
Call KPIupdate
End If
End Sub
The macro that should fire is called KPIupdate
My problem is that the Macro only fires if I click the cell. I would like it to just fire when the number changes. The cell "D3" is linked to another cell with the formula =Weeknum(Today();21)
I hope you can help me
According to the MSDN entry for Worksheet_Change:
This event does not occur when cells change during a recalculation. Use the Calculate event to trap a sheet recalculation.
To use Worksheet_Calculate to trap the change in a cell that is set by a formula looking at another cell, you need to set a variable to hold the value of the 'Target' and then check if it has changed after the Calculate event fires.
Here is a simple example:
Option Explicit
Private strCurrentWeek As String
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Me.Range("A1").Value <> strCurrentWeek Then
'the linked cell changed
Debug.Print "Sheet1!A1 was changed"
'call another macro
End If
'update the new current week
strCurrentWeek = Me.Range("A1").Value
End Sub
To test this, just set the formula in A1 to be =B1 and then change the value of B1 and check the output in the Immediate window.
You can adapt this code to call KPIupdate where my Debug.Print... statement is.

Default values for fields in a new row of a data table

When you have a data table in Excel, part of the standard functionality is that pressing tab in the last cell adds a new row at the bottom of the table. I want to auto-populate that new row with useful default values. In particular I want to put current date-time in one cell, and copy values into some other cells from the previous row of the table.
It is not workable to do that using formulae -- e.g. using =now() for the date-time stamp is inadequate because it will be auto-updated every time the spreadsheet recalculates, whereas I want it to retain the date-time at the moment when the row was added.
So I am trying to write VBA to be triggered by the event of the row being added, and in that code to write values into the cells of the new row. From MS documentation I thought DataTable.TableNewRow would be the appropriate event. But when I try to write any code for that event it is not being executed. When I look up DataTable in the VBA object browser the TableNewRow event is not listed.
VBA for Applications 7.1
Excel 2013
So my questions:
Is the direction of my thinking right, or can you suggest a better approach?
Can you offer any working code that does something like this?
Is DataTable.TableNewRow the event I should be working with?
What do I need to do to get that event accessible in my VBA code?
You can try this:
Write this code in Thisworkbook.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set ref_tbl = Sheet1.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
End Sub
Then below code in a Worsksheet Object.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo halt
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim tbl_rng As Range
Set tbl_rng = Me.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
If Not Intersect(Target, tbl_rng) Is Nothing Then
If tbl_rng.Rows.Count > ref_tbl.Rows.Count Then
MsgBox "Table increase in size"
'~~> Do your stuff here
Set ref_tbl = tbl_rng
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume forward
End Sub
You will also need a Module to declare the public variable
Public ref_tbl As Range
So basically, this will tell you when your table increase in size.
If we're able to capture that, then you can do your stuff when that condition is met.
This works in the situation you describe in your question.
It will not work though when you insert row between entries in the table. Anyways, HTH.

VBA function to alert when value is changed within a time frame

I have an excel cell where its value is updated every minute.
What I need is an alert message box; while that cell value moves to a particular time.
Suppose a cell has value 10:
if it reaches 7 in one minute then I need a message box to alert that.
if it is not reaching 7 in one minute then I don't need any alert.
Please help write me a macro for this.
Inside VBA editor for ThisWorkBook, you could write the following code
Dim WithEvents SheetToWatch As Worksheet
Private Sub SheetToWatch_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then
If Target.Value = 7 Then
MsgBox "changed to 7"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set SheetToWatch = Sheets("Sheet1")
End Sub
Basically the code sets the reference of Sheet1 to the variable SheetToWatch when the workbook opens. Declaring the variable using WithEvents lets one capture the events.
I am using Change event of the worksheet and checking if the cell that was changed is A2. If so, I am checking or comparing the value with 7 (it can be dynamic and depends on how you want to handle it).
See if this helps.
Cannot be done with a function, any way that I can think of.
If you control the mechanism that is updating the cell, then you could it call a VBA subroutine that you wrote, instead, have to send the alert and then update the cell from that routine.
If you do not control the updating mechanism, then the only thing that I can think of that might work is of the Cell, Range or Worksheet classes have a ChangedDate event that you could catch from VBA and do your alerting from there.