Mapkit Searchbar Autocomplete Ios8 - objective-c

I'm trying to implement an Autocomplete on a search bar on a map using Mapkit. I found this :
Works and is totally perfect except that it uses UISearchDisplayViewController which has been deprecated in ios8 and replaced by UISearchViewController. Is there a way around it or a simpler way than the one mentioned above?
Thanks in Advance

Please try this new repo:, which is being actively maintained.

Apple provides a full autocomplete for the entire English language (and others) but if you want to implement your own autocomplete it's not too difficult, you simply need the range of words or phrases that you want to suggest and a way of ranking them in order of frequency used.
I've implemented a simple autocomplete in one of my projects that centers around a PredictionString class and an AutopredictCoordinator class.
The PredictionString has a NSString property and a float property which relates to the strings frequency of use by the user. The AutopredictCoordinator then holds an array of prediction strings and responds to requests for the most likely completion of any given string.


How do you know what methods to use for a task?

I am learning Objective-C Cocoa programming for OS X, and object-based programming in general, so I am a big novice here, so my question is a bit general and my guess is the answer to this is simply "experience"; however, I am curious if there is some route of knowledge to understanding what methods in various classes are best or perhaps required for getting tasks done.
For example, in a programming guide I am instructed to create a document-based program, and the document class contains an array to store data, with the following method bound to a button to create a new entry in the array:
- (IBAction)insertItem:(id)sender {
if (!theItems) {
theItems = [NSMutableArray array];
[theItems addObject:#"Double-click to edit."];
[theTableView reloadData];
[self updateChangeCount:NSChangeDone];
The array is "theItems" and its data is being presented in a TableView object. I understand that the steps here add a new string to the array and then refresh the table to display it, followed by setting the document to be set to an unsaved state.
What I am not getting is how one would know these specific steps and methods are required. Intuitively it seems one would just add items to the array, and that would be all that's required to have the new values simply show up in the table view for which the array is the data source, so how would one know that the tableView would need to be refreshed with the "reloadData" call? I can see someone (myself) figuring it out by trial and error, but is there some quick resource or guide (ie, some quick flow-chart) either in XCode or elsewhere that indicates for a table view that this would have to be a required action to display the new entry?
If I look at Apple's NSTableView class reference, it claims in the overview that you "modify the values in the data source and allow the changes to be reflected in the table view" which suggest the view is updated automatically, so the requirement to call "reloadData" on the view seems a little obscure.
Look for the guides. In the online class reference for NSTableView, there's a section at the top called "Companion Guides". For NSTableView, it lists the Table View Programming Guide for Mac. (In the prerelease 10.10 docs, the guides are listed under Related Documentation in the left-hand sidebar.)
I could have sworn this same information was available in Xcode's Documentation window, albeit somewhat hidden behind a "More related items" pseudo-link, but when I check right now there's no link to the guide anywhere in the NSTableView class reference. Which is a terrible oversight.
You can also browse or search the Guides section of the developer library.
Familiarity, studying the documentation and possibly reading some good books is the answer. For example, in the docs you quoted (emphasis mine)
you should modify the values in the data source and allow the changes to be reflected in the table view
You should do both these things. If you want it to happen "automatically", look into bindings, which uses several other Cocoa features you won't understand at this point either to do the table data source stuff for you. I'd recommend understanding what is happening manually before handing over control to bindings, so you have some chance of understanding when things go wrong.
As well as looking at the table view documentation, you also need to study the cell, delegate and datasource references. All of those objects work together to give you the functioning table view.

UILables, Text Flow and Layouts

Consider the following, I have paragraph data being sent to a view which needs to be placed over a background image, which has at the top and the bottom, fixed elements (fig1)
My thought was to split this into 4 labels (Fig1.example2) my question here is how I can get the text to flow through labels 1 - 4 given that label 1,2 & 3 ar of fixed height. I assumed here that label 3 should be populated prior to 4 hence the layout in the attached diagram.
Can someone suggest the best way of doing this with maybe an example?
Wish I could help more, but I think I can at least point you in the right direction.
First, your idea seems very possible, but would involve lots of calculations of text size that would be ugly and might not produce ideal results. The way I see it working is a binary search of testing portions of your string with sizeWithFont: until you can get the best guess for what the label will fit into that size and still look "right". Then you have to actually break up the string and track it in pieces... just seems wrong.
In iOS 6 (unfortunately doesn't apply to you right now but I'll post it as a potential benefit to others), you could probably use one UILabel and an NSAttributed string. There would be a couple of options to go with here, (I haven't done it so I'm not sure which would be the best) but it seems that if you could format the page with html, you can initialize the attributed string that way.
From the docs:
You can create an attributed string from HTML data using the initialization methods initWithHTML:documentAttributes: and initWithHTML:baseURL:documentAttributes:. The methods return text attributes defined by the HTML as the attributes of the string. They return document-level attributes defined by the HTML, such as paper and margin sizes, by reference to an NSDictionary object, as described in “RTF Files and Attributed Strings.” The methods translate HTML as well as possible into structures of the Cocoa text system, but the Application Kit does not provide complete, true rendering of arbitrary HTML.
An alternative here would be to just use the available attributes, setting line indents and such according to the image size. I haven't worked with attributed strings at this level, so I the best reference would be the developer videos and the programming guide for NSAttributedString.
For lesser versions of iOS, you'd probably be better off becoming familiar with CoreText. In the end you'll be rewarded with a better looking result, reusability/flexibility, the list goes on. For that, I would start with the CoreText programming guide:
Maybe someone else can provide some sample code, but I think just looking through the docs will give you less of a headache than trying to calculate 4 labels like that.
I changed the link for CoreText
You have to go with CoreText: create your AttributedString and a CTFramesetter with it.
Then you can get a CTFrame for each of your textboxes and draw it in your graphics context.
You can also use a UIWebView

How to get localized timer label like UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer?

I want to get localized timer labels on my developing application.
For example, "hour,hours" and "min" on en_US, "時間" and "分" on ja_JP, "ora,ore" and "min" on it_IT etc.
UIDatePickerCountDownTimer mode can display them, but there seems no method to access.
I studied NSDateFormatter,NSLocale,UIDatePicker,etc, but I couldn't find the solution.
Please help me...
The text of the "hour" and "min" labels on UIDatePicker is not accessible to developers. If you want to use that text in your own app in a different context, you'll have to provide it yourself.
Of course, if you feel like this is something the frameworks should provide, please file a bug requesting this enhancement.

Simplest possible way to show two items NSTableView from code?

How I can create a code in XCode 4.2.1 what will create NSTableView and add just couple of items to it?
All what I wanted to do is:
1) Window where is NSTableView
2) I have an array of strings in NSArray which I like to show in that NSTableView
3) All of this should be done in code. So I don't want to learn how to add this action happen when you press button (I know already how to do actions when user click buttons etc), I just want that application launch -> draws the table where is those items from my array. That's it, nothing more.
And yeah I have understood that I do not add items to NSTableView directly. That is not the point in this question. I just mean that I want to show couple of items in that table but I have no and kind of clue WHERE I should add my data from my array.
I have tried to google for example pages for hours (just too many and have not find help) but I will always be stucked in the part when
a) I must do something in the Interface Builder and the images of the interface builder are from version 2.x or 3.x and I have 4.2.1 and it is totally different (new to XCode...). Surely I have drawn my TableView element to UI but I mean delegations etc. Are those necessary at all? Can those be made from source code?
b) Code just does not work anymore because language (Cocoa or Objective-C, I don't know) has changed and I don't know how and what I have to do to make it work on newest version of XCode.
c) There is too much different ways told: "use binding", "you must create new class what is NSTableViewDataSource" etc. I have no any kind of clue what is preferred way, is another way optional or it is "you should use this because another is going deprecated soon" or something.
So please, can somebody give help in step-by-step what I exactly have to do? Should I create some bindings? If so, how and where? Do I have to create DataSource component myself? Are those ways valid any more? If I have to, how I can create it? Create a new class and implement it as a NSTableViewDataSource and then use it? Is that way valid any more and if it is, can sombody show code what is as simple as possible?
I have also checked Apple Documentation page many many times, checked those example codes but there is just too much totally unrelated stuff that I just don't understand at this point so they are totally useless (I mean, I don't know what is required for this task, what are not etc.
I would be very happy if somebody can help short tutorial step-by-step what to do. I mean "step-by-step" like:
1) Create new project
2) Draw NSTableView in project
3) Create new class with this name
4) Write this code: blah blah blah
5) Create another class with this name
6) Write this code
7) Run and see those items from array in NSTableView using (bindings/datasource/whatever is preferred).
Thanks :)
Your tableview needs a datasource. Your datasource is a custom class, it implements the "NSTableViewDataSource" protocol. This protocol contains a few methods that you can use to tell the tableview what data you got.
this includes the objectValue ( the value of the NSCell that is displaying your data on the specified row, and a method that returns the amount of rows the tableview has ( the amount of items in your array ).
Here a tutorial I found by googling: NSTableView tutorial
You can also implement the NSTableViewDelegate protocol which allows some greater control. Like what rows you can select, or some extra configuring of a custom tableview cell.
I must say that back in the day when I started developing desktop applications ( only had experience with web technologies ) that this design pattern confused me as well. Hope you will get your mind round it soon.

Example for custom Range in Gtkmm

I am working on a Potentiometer style widget in Gtkmm and I'd like to use Range as the baseclass.
Does anyone know of a proper example for doing this?
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for. I know that there is a simple example of using the range widget here. It does handle the creation of the Adjustment object that you'll need. You'll need to define an abstract potentiometer class, then create your vertical and/or horizontal potentiometers separately for flexibility.
The closest thing that I could find to an example of what you'd need to override in order to make your own custom range-like widget is on Old Nabble.
I wish that I could give you more help with this, but I'm rather new to Gtkmm.