Display ticket type progress in milestone - trac

just a little question here: How can I add different ticket types to be displayed in milestone description? Like the Bugs/Feature Requests on this page: https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/GroupTicketFieldsPlugin

This question was solved by #RjOllos.
Usage: [[TicketQuery(component=GroupTicketFieldsPlugin,group=type,format=progress)]]


Using the Reddit API, is it possible to return a list of comments if the submission title includes a specific keyword?

Using the Reddit API, is it possible to return a list of Reddit comments if the submission title includes a specific keyword? For example, if the keyword is "Lime Sparkling Water", I want to return all the comments under submissions that have "Lime Sparkline Water" in the title.
I've tried using the Pushshift API for Reddit but looks like we can only isolate the submission data or the comment data and not isolate the comments data based on the submissions data.
Please help :)
Yes, this is possible with PRAW.
You can use PRAW's stream function, that page also has examples how to use PRAW.
An example being:
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("AskReddit")
for submission in subreddit.stream.submissions():
# do something with submission
This will return all submissions within "AskReddit". From there you could check the post title:
if 'Lime Sparking Water' in submission:
# do something with the submission
Although, I know this is a hypothetical phrase to search, you'd be better off searching lowercase phrases/words and .lower()

Telegram quiz message handler but don't know how to display correct answer when answered

Here is a sample of the code that I am using would be gratefully if someone can point me in the right direction.
import telebot
bot = telebot.TeleBot("API KEY")
print("Bot starting...")
def quiz(message):
q = 'What is the capital of Italy?'
answers = ['Rome', 'London', 'Amsterdam']
bot.send_poll(message.chat.id, question=q, options=answers, correct_option_id=0, open_period=5)
What I'm not sure about on how to make work, is once the question has been answered how to display the correct answer out of the options that are available. For Example the question above, for it to say the correct answer is "Rome" after each question.
Thank You in advance
If you pass type='quiz' to send_poll, then TG will automatically take care of that. See the official docs of sendPoll.
If you don't want to the native quiz interface of TG, you'll have to make the poll non-anonymous. In that case, you'll receive PollAnswer updates when a user makes a vote and you can respond to that update in the way that you want to.

How to check when data is changed in ALV specific field? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Read ALV changes after user input?
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I need to check a field in my ALV, set as editable, when it is changed.
This is my fieldcat with the concerned field set as editable:
CLEAR wfieldcat.
wfieldcat-fieldname = 'PERDEVA'.
wfieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'PERDEVA'.
wfieldcat-ref_tabname = 'IT_DEVALUATS'.
wfieldcat-seltext_s = 'Devaluat'.
wfieldcat-seltext_m = 'Devaluat'.
wfieldcat-seltext_l = 'Devaluat'.
wfieldcat-ddictxt = 'M'.
wfieldcat-edit = 'X'. "<==========
APPEND wfieldcat TO p_fieldcat.
Once the field is changed by user, I need to check some conditions for value, and if they are not accomplished, just call my own refresh form.
Probably there are some Function Modules or Methods to do that, but every documentation that I found refers to S/4HANA and I'm using R/3.
As I said in comments "CHECK_CHANGED_DATA" is the Function Module that i was looking for, and #Suncatcher provides the threat with a properly usage example.
You should see the demo programs, Go to SE38 tcode and you can write BALV* or BCALV* press f4. You can see check_changed_data implement examples.

JQl - how to find linked issues in an issue

Iam looking for the Jira JQL syntax, to find the linked-issues in an Issue. For example in Bug-issue i need to have in my report the linked-issues to my Bug-issue!
If I understand your question well, you are looking for a JQL that will fetch you all the bugs that are LINKED to that specific bug!!! Considering this is what you're asking, here is the solution for that:
You'll need to create a filter as like what is shown below, and name this filter as MyFilter:
issuetype = Bug AND issuekey = ABC-12345
Then you will have to use this filter in the next filter to get all the linked issues (bugs) to the current bug:
issuetype in (Bug) and issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf('filter = MyFilter')
Using the second filter, you should be getting all the linked bugs to the original bug.
Hope this helps!

how to customer add multiple comments for a product IN PRESTASHOP

I am using productcomments module for comments. In this only one comment can added at a time.No add comment link for further.I have set
Minimum time between 2 comments from the same user - 15 seconds
but after 15 seconds no add comments link or button not showing.if i login through other user also cant show any add comment link.For all products i can add only one comments,i cant add second comment,what is issue ?
This bug has already been fixed in the last release: