Whether to go for TestNG or Junit for UI Automation? [closed] - selenium

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Planning to build a automation framework using selenium with java.
Quite confused to execute the testcase, whether to go with testng or junit.
Please provide your suggestions...

If you are having lot of dependencies and input constrains you can opt for TestNg. It is having many annotations which controls your test suite in a proper way.

Check out this link. It compares JUnit 4 and TestNG.
I personally use TestNG as it provides more annotations and dependencies. Everything is explained in an article above.
Hope it helps!


Suggest best reporting tool with selenium webdriver [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have done with my selenium webdriver script.now,I have tried TestNG and XSLT but still manager is not satisfied with output of generated reports. please suggest me best reporting tools for selenium.
I use following reports while working with TestNG and Selenium.
ReportNG: This is similar to TestNG report however looks far better than TestNG.
Maven SureFire Report: if you are using maven project you can have maven surefire plugin and generate a report, it's also far better than that of TestNG.
ExtentReport: this is my favorite. It's bit tricky to configure but worth it. It has extentx server as well which stores historical data.
Selenium itself does not provide any reporting features. Reporting is provided by the platform you are using to run tests. As you mentioned yourself, tools like TestNG, jUnit or even Cucumber. Perhaps there are some extensions to these testing frameworks that can provide better results.
What exactly your boss is unhappy with? Perhaps you can tune some settings to improve the current result?

Good Selenium WebDriver Extension? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I noticed that the webdriver doesnt have much support for .net. There are plenty of functions for java and ruby but C# is kinda lagging far... behind.
Does anybody know of any extensions classes or libraries that help C# testers. Currently converting tests from Watin to Selenium and I'm starting to realize selenium does not have a ton of support for things like the table class, select lists, ect.
You could also try. We use it, and love it.
Selenium WebDriverSEd Nuget
Selenium WebDriverSEd GitHub
Shameless self-plug (because I'm on the dev team for this framework):
Try: http://webinator.codeplex.com/
Have you downloaded the C# Client Driver from Selenium? http://selenium.googlecode.com/files/selenium-dotnet-2.17.0.zip
I'm using it and I can use XPath with it as well:
IWebElement queryBox = _ieWebDriver.FindElement(By.Name("q"));
For Table Class with Selenium, you may like to have a look at FITNESSE to be used with Selenium.

Tool for JSON API Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a tool or an easy way to generate/maintain documentation of a rich RESTful JSON API?
I also would want to publish and maintain (as executable documentation) it, something like what relishapp provides. An example.
The application is Restful Ruby on Rails 3 application, tested using cucumber and R-Spec controller tests.
You say you have Cucumber tests already - they are your documentation. They may just need some work to be readable.
For output, you can use Cucumber's built-in HTML formatter.

Load testing tool that can send PUT/DELETE methods [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am finding load testing tool that can send PUT/DELETE requests.
Neither ApacheBench nor JMeter supports these methods.
After several hours' googling, I found SoapUI that looks good.
Do you have any other recommendation?
Command line tool like ApacheBench will be better for me.
The Grinder is a decent load testing framework that also supports PUT and DELETE.
Jmeter supports put and delete methods as of of versions > to 2.5 ( didn't Check for others)

Eclipse plugin for TestNG coverage [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anybody know about an Eclipse plug-in to analyze code coverage for TestNG unit tests?
EclEmma can be run on TestNG test suites. You can also run a group of test or a given TestNG class with it. It requires the TestNg plug-in
On EclEmma plugin, choose "coverage configuration..." and select the TestNG tab.
Yes EclEmma is the best one. You can also try maven based cobertura which is also good enough.
I also use EclEmma , ever had a look at Clover ? - very , very nice , but not open source.