in deveolper console of error on object name while executing sql query : select pwd_c,sr_c from login_c - sql

In developer console of while inserting record in table I created on giving error on object name while executing SQL query:
select pwd_c,sr_c from login_c

Custom objects and fields will have the suffix __c in the API names. Note the double underscores. Your sample SOQL query only has single underscores.
See Custom Objects
Incidentally, the Salesforce StackExchange is a great place to ask Salesforce specific questions.


Problems using cubeSQL trying to add data to table

I just got cubeSQL admin and SQL Lite manager, and am new at this, trying to create a database for an mobile app to get video info and urls from to stream. I set up a database and connected it to the manager, but cannot get it to accept the script that I am using. This is what i am putting in to get it to add data to a table.
INSERT INTO Sabbath School
(number 1, hello, great,,,
This is the error I get:
Here are screenshots of what I am working with. The first one is the database:
The next one is the table configuration
The final one is what the table looks like.
Any help would be most appreciated as to what I am doing wrong here. I am really not knowing what I am doing and trying to learn how to use sql.
This looks a "quoted identifier" issue. Since the table name has a space in it, you will need to surround the table in double quotes. The query parser believes your table name is "Sabbath" and is expecting the VALUES keyword next, or an opening parenthesis ( to start your (column list). Since it sees "School" next, you get the syntax error. My preference is to avoid spaces in table names so you don't need to quote it all the time.

Azure Log Analytics - expanding a property

I'm fairly new to using log analytics and not very familiar with the KQL language yet for queries.
I'm trying to do a query that will get the objectID value out of what appears to be a multi-valued property from the query. When I do a standard search to list the results in a table one of the columns is Properties, and the objectID is within that property column.
Not sure how to go about doing this so the results just show the objectID.
It would have helped to see your initial kusto query included in the question.
Nevertheless, you can use the project operator of KQL to extract the ObjectId as:
| ..<the rest of your query>..
| project Properties.ObjectId
where T is the table you are trying to query.
Here are some resources for you to get started with Kusto Query Language:
Getting started with Kusto
Write queries for Azure Data Explorer
Kusto Query Language (KQL) from Scratch

How do I query a specific range of Firebase's analytics table using Data Studio's date parameters?

I've been reading up on how to query a wildcard table in BigQuery, but Data Studio doesn't seem to recognize the _TABLE_SUFFIX keyword.
Google Data Studio on using parameters
Google BigQuery docs on querying wildcard tables
I'm trying to use the recently added date parameters for a custom query in Data Studio. The goal is to prevent the custom query from scanning all partitions to save time.
When using the following query:
I receive the following error:
Unrecognized name: _TABLE_SUFFIX
I expected the suffix keyword to be recognized so that the custom query is more efficient. But I get this error message. Does Data Studio not yet support this? Or is there another way?
It could be possible that you are setting the query in the wrong place. I created a DataSource from a Custom Query and the wildcard worked. The query I tested was the following, similar to yours since _TABLE_SUFFIX is a wildcard that is available in standardSQL in BigQuery:
_TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN '20190625' AND '20190626'
As per your comments you are trying to add a query in the formula field of a custom parameter, however the formula field only accepts basic math operations, functions, and branching logic.
The workaround I can see is to build a select query and use it as a Custom Query in the Data Source definition so that the query can calculate any extra fields in advance (steps 5,6 and 7 from this tutorial).

Jena-Fuseki requires dataset specified

I have Jena-Fuseki server accessed via browser at http://localhost:3030/sparql.html. The query
select * where { }
results in an error:
Error 400: No dataset description in protocol request or in the query string
The query
select * from <> where {}
results in an empty table.
Example queries at 2.1 Writing a Simple Query from the SPARQL specification do not require a 'from' clause. How to configure Jena so that examples execute without errors?
How to make a query to know which datasets are present in a database?
The endpoint "/sparql.html" is a general SPARQL query engine and needs to be told where to get the data from. That can be in protocol or with "FROM".
Fuseki can also be configured to have SPARQL services acting on a specific database. The URL will look like
where DATASET is your choice of name. See the documentation on configuration.
[Jan2015] Fuseki1 requires datasets to be given on the command line or configuration. Fuseki2, soon to be released, has a UI for creating new datasets in a running server as well as the Fuseki1 style configuration.
Its easy to miss the first time you use Fuseki, but you've got to navigate to your dataset, and from there, there's a special query box for that dataset.
start at http://localhost:3030/
click on Control Panel
Select your dataset from the dropdown menu, click "select"
run a query

MS Access database: Select statement error

I am trying following query in MS Access 2010 database:
SELECT ID, Title, Priority, Workflow_Instance_Step_ID:ID
Error Source: Microsoft Office Access Database Engine
Error Message: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Workflow_Instance_Step_ID:ID'
I know that field "Workflow_Instance_Step_ID:ID" is giving error as it has ':' operator, but I cant change it as it it coming from share point list.
I have tried '[Workflow_Instance_Step_ID:ID]' but still its giving an error.
Please give me your suggestion on the same.
I am unable to recreate your issue, at least with a native Access table in Access 2010. I created a table named [baz] with a single text field named [foo:bar]
and the query
SELECT [foo:bar] FROM baz;
works fine, so a field name containing a colon character does not seem to cause problems for Access SQL as such.
An ODBC linked table to a SQL Server table with the same structure does not cause problems either.
In both cases the queries were run from within Access 2010 itself.
So we might be in diagnosis mode, so lets try
and then look at the FieldNames that come back.