How to test exceptions in lab? - hapi.js

I'm writing test cases using lab and I would like to test whether or not an exception is thrown from my plugin. The problem is, hapi allows the exception to bubble up while also setting the response to internal server error 500 which causes my test to fail.
We can test for this response expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(500) but the test will still fail.
I can't use try/catch around server.inject because the exception is thrown asynchronously.
How do I use lab to test for exceptions?

An error thrown inside a handler is caught by the domain on the request object. You can test for the presence of that a couple of different ways.
I'm not particularly happy with either of these ideas but they do both work. Hopefully someone else knows a better way.
The plugin
exports.register = function (server, options, next) {
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: function (request, reply) {
throw new Error('You should test for this');
The test
describe('Getting the homepage', function () {
it('Throws an error', function (done) {
server.inject({url: '/'}, function (resp) {
var error = resp.request.response._error;
expect(error.message).to.equal('Uncaught error: You should test for this');
If you don't like the idea of accessing the private _error property (as above), you can add a listener to the domain and store the error yourself on the request object.
server.ext('onPreHandler', function (request, reply) {
request.domain.on('error', function (error) {
request.caughtError = error;
The test
describe('Getting the homepage', function () {
it('Throws an error', function (done) {
server.inject({url: '/'}, function (resp) {
var error = resp.request.caughtError;
expect(error.message).to.equal('Uncaught error: You should test for this');


Using Node.js / Express is it possible to next() an error from inside an IIFE and advance to the error handling middleware?

Question: Using Express is it possible to return an error from inside an IIFE and advance to my error handling middleware?
Background: The IIFE is used to create an async container to wrap await statements. I can't see a way out of this and I wonder if I'm using the wrong basic, pattern altogether.
Simplified Example:
app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
(async function() {
try {
let example = await someLogic(x);
} catch(err) {
return next(new Error('oops'));
console.log('main endpoint');
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
console.log('my error', err.message);
Using Express is it possible to return an error from inside an IIFE and advance to my error handling middleware?
Yes, that works fine. It will call next(err) just fine. But, your return will return only from the IIFE and the rest of your request handler after the try/catch will still execute (not sure if you want that or not).
FYI, it's probably simpler to declare the request handler as async and then you don't need the IIFE wrapper:
app.get('/', async function(req, res, next) {
try {
let example = await someLogic(x);
console.log('main endpoint');
// send some response here
} catch(err) {
return next(new Error('oops'));

Using Mongoose pre save hook result in: Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client

I am trying to hook into the save function in Mongoose to return an error to the client of a REST API if a certain condition is not met in the schema. I can't use a validator for this as the restriction is calculated over multiple fields of the schema.
I am trying to add a hook in the following style:
mySchema.pre('save', function (next) {
if(condition_is_not_met) {
const err = new Error('Condition was not met');
This throws an error when I try to make a call to the endpoint trying to insert an object that violates the condition checked for in the hook:
Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent
to the client
I am guessing that this happens because execution continues on the route writing the header to send it to the client.'/mySchema', returnType, (req, res) => {
const s = new mySchema(req.body); => {
if (err) {
const msg = { message: 'Could not add', error: err }; // This is returned to the caller
How can i fix this issue? I have been searching quite a bit but the topics I found so far do not help me to solve my issue. They only helped me to identify the cause without offering a working solution.
did you try having an else branch for the success response? Since even if the object is invalid the success response will still be executed. Try it like below"/mySchema", returnType, (req, res) => {
const s = new mySchema(req.body); => {
if (err) {
const msg = { message: "Could not add", error: err };
} else {
Pardon my code formatting, I am AFK

Unable to get error message from API Angular 6

I use the following function to Post a object of a given class.
public Post<T>(object: T, url: string, httpOptions: {}): Observable<T> {
return<T>(`${environment.apiEndpoint}` + url, object, httpOptions)
This function is called in all the service that wants to post something. Like this.
public addEquipment(equipment: Equipment): Observable<Equipment> {
return this.shared.Post<Equipment>(equipment, this.url, this.header);
addEquipment is then executed within the component that uses that service. Like this.
.subscribe((data: any) => { this.alertService.success(data) }, (error: any) => this.alertService.error(error));
The problem is when the API returns a error (that I can see includes a error message, in the network tab) it tells me that there is no body in the response. The API returns a HttpResult where the error message is added to the response field.
return new HttpResult { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict, Response = "Error message"}
I use the following function to handle the errors.
private handleError(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
if (error.error instanceof ErrorEvent) {
// A client-side or network error occurred. Handle it accordingly.
console.error('An error occurred:', error.error.message);
else {
`Backend returned code ${error.status}, ` +
`body was: ${error.error}`);
return throwError(
It is Angular 6 and a ServiceStack API.
All suggestions would be appreciated.
FYI it's preferable to return structured error responses in ServiceStack which you can do with:
HttpError.Conflict("Error message");
Which will let you catch it when using ServiceStack's TypeScript ServiceClient with:
try {
var response = await;
} catch (e) {
But from this answer for handling errors with Angular HTTP Client it suggests the error body should be accessible with:
.catch((err: HttpErrorResponse) => {
// simple logging, but you can do a lot more, see below
console.error('An error occurred:', err.error);

Express Returning After next()

came from Java. Was messing around with ExpressJS, I return out of a function after sending a next() if I dont add the return, then code after the next() function still executes when next() is invoked, currently it works, return escapes this behaviour, but I was wondering if this is correct way to do this, or am I developing bad habbits. Nothing is really after the next() in terms of code sequence.
function('/login', (req,res, next) => {
email: username
}, (err, user) => {
if (user) {
var validPassword = user.comparePassword(password);
if (validPassword) {
let token = Helpers.getJwt(user);
success: true,
message: 'Successful Login',
token: token
} else {
Boom.badRequest('Invalid Credentials.', {
success: false,
message: 'Credentials did not match our records.'
} else {
Boom.badRequest('User not found.', {
success: false,
message: 'User was not found, please register.'
EDIT: I have middleware called with the next(), my error middleware.
First, You aren't next-ing to anything here(pun intended).
You call middleware:next() function if there is another middleware:function within the chain of a particular route or a group of routes app.use(middleware:function).
app.get('/user/:id', function (req, res, next) {
}, function (req, res, next) {
res.send('User Info')
I'd advice you read on Express Middlewares.
so yeah, you want to check if the user is valid before proceeding with the request.
Below code is just to explain how middle-ware works:
The idea is that, one middleware:function process the request and passes control down to the next function within the chain.
I'm assuming your Boom.badRequest just generates a json payload e.g {};
So this is probably an elegant way to achieve what you want, but im not sure doing this for login is ideal, maybe better for checking if a user's token is valid.'/login', /*MiddleWare Function*/(req, res, next) => {
User.findOne({email: username}, (err, user) => {
if (user) {
const validPassword = user.comparePassword(req.body.password);
if (!validPassword) return res.status(401).send(Boom.badRequest('User not found.', {
success: false,
message: 'User was not found, please register.'
req.token = Helpers.getJwt(user);
next();// it will move execution to the next function we have below
} else {
res.status(401).send(Boom.badRequest('User not found.', {
success: false,
message: 'User was not found, please register.'
//no need to next here.
}, /*OUR NEXT FUNCTION*/(req, res) => {
success: true,
message: 'Successful Login',
token: req.token//notice that our token can be retrieved here
So in general, you might just want to have a middleware:function that is called first on a group of specific routes.
app.use(['/users*', '/logout'], (req, res, next) => {
* What this means is that for every request that maps to /users
* or /logout this middleware:function will be called first.
//we can check|test if this visitor has valid credentials.
next();//passes control to app.get('/users/whatEverItIS?') or'/logout');
});'/users/whatEverItIs', (req, res)=>{
res.send("I passed the middleware test that is why im called");
That return statement is unnecessary. Firstly due to the fact that you are not returning anything and secondly because you are passing control to your next middleware using next method, thus that return is useless there and will be returning undefined.

Calling server.inject() POST request not calling handler in Hapi.js

I have a Jasmine test spec test_spec.js like this:
describe('my tests', () => {
it('POST should return 201 created', () => {
var req = {
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/v1.0/message',
payload: JSON.stringify({name: 'Ethan'})
server.inject(req, res => {
The route for the API call looks like this:
var routes = [{
path: '/api/v1.0/message',
method: 'POST',
handler: function(request, reply) {
exports.register = function(server, options, next) {
When I run the tests, though, this particular test's expect() function doesn't get called because the server.inject() method doesn't call the response callback. In fact, not even the route handler method gets called (I checked with console.log statements). However, when I change the request method and the route from POST to GET, it works and the test calls the expect() method as expected. The test just doesn't work with POST requests. Am I doing it wrong?
Turns out that the problem was in the test call describe() snippet posted in my question. I neglected to call the done() function inside the server.inject() call. Once I added that, the POST test started getting called:
describe('my tests', () => {
it('POST should return 201 created', (done) => {
var req = {
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/v1.0/message',
payload: JSON.stringify({name: 'Ethan'})
server.inject(req, res => {
The need to call the done() callback wasn't obvious to me from the Jasmine documentation. The call is necessary in order to postpone the spec completion until done() is called (meaning payload is posted).