when minimize browser's window, tooltipster's position not the same as has been set - tooltipster

I use tooltipster library.
I set tooltipster's position to be bottom. When I minimize the browser's window the tooltip is floating above, it's like the position was set to top.
How could I solve this?
Thank you in advance

According to the author's documented feedback, this functionality has been written but it not officially released yet.
This specific functionality has been requested and he has explained how it is implemented within the plugin options.
instead of:
position: 'bottom'
you put it in an array:
position: ['bottom']
this is how the scripts tells that it is to be forced.
have a look at these 2 links.


wxGrid - RefreshBlock Undocumented Member Function

In order to refresh a part of the grid, i.e., when font or alignment changes, I was using the following approach:
wxRect rect1=CellToRect(TopLeft);
wxRect rect2=CellToRect(BottomRight);
wxRect r(rect1.GetTopLeft(), rect2.GetBottomRight());
This was refreshing only a part of the intended block and was not working correctly.
From the suggestions of intellisense I came across RefreshBlock function and it works correctly. I searched the docs and have not found any information on it. I wonder if it is not recommended to use RefreshBlock for some reason? What does RefreshBlock do, does it refresh a block (as the name suggests) or is it equivalent to Refresh?
I am using wxWidgets 3.2 on Win10.
Thanks in advance.
The function RefreshBlock() is indeed the best way to do what you want and it was only undocumented by mistake, i.e. we simply forgot to do it. I've added documentation for it only now, so it will only get included in 3.2.1, but you can still use it in your code, the function itself is available since 3.1.3.
It seems from the source code that, depending on the location of its parameters, RefreshBlock refreshes any of the following:
corner grid
frozen cols grid
frozen rows grid
main grid
Since the area I wanted to refresh was on the main grid the following approach works (the idea is similar to RefreshBlock's approach):
auto GridWnd = CellToGridWindow(TL);
wxRect rect = BlockToDeviceRect(TL, BR, GridWnd);
Now everything is refreshed correctly.
If only RefreshRect(rect) is called, things will NOT work as expected.
Little experiment showed that BlockToDeviceRect(TL, BR) also works, therefore eliminating the need for auto GridWnd = CellToGridWindow(TL);

CreateJs Range slider function

Trying to create a range slider
similar to:
it has to follow the mouse, so no onclick
and needs to output values between 0 (left side)
to 100 (right side) does anyone know the best way to go about this?
The EaselJS download actually includes a simple slider that is used by some of the examples. You could likely use that as a starting point and build on top of it.
The Transform.html and Filters_input.html samples in the examples directory use it if you'd like to see it in action.

Rebol runtime window control create and update

In the video : REBOL VID demonstration - Nenad Rakocevic demonstrates what seems the basic code to compose a Rebol IDE at runtime.
Can someone provide a working Rebol example on how to create, update / modify faces (widget / control) within a View (window) at runtime.
So far the examples I found allow creating faces into a new window rather than update an existing one.
The secret is to use "show" after changing what you want to change. And experiment a lot. There are nice scripts on rebol.org that use VID.
If you meant the interactive nature of the demo, that is (23.34) only 30 lines of 'cod'. I have tried to find that 'cod' but could not find it.
Good luck!
Terse example on how to update a face :
view layout [
bx: box teal
btn "ShowTime" [
bx/text: now/time
bx/color: random white
show bx

Showing Tick Marks on input[type=range]

I'm creating a windows 8 app and need to create a vertical slider that also displays tick marks. I'm able to get the range slider to appear vertically by appying the windows specific class: win-vertical.
There are also psuedo-selectors for input[type=range]::-ms-ticks-after and input[type=range]::-ms-ticks-before but I cannot find any documentation on how to use them correctly and any rules I add to them seem to not do anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx
Have you tried the -ms-track selector? Detailed here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465813.aspx
I tested this in IE10 (should be equivalent to Windows 8) and I am able to set the tick marks to red using the following CSS.
input[type=range]::-ms-track { color: red; }

"Mutated while being enumerated" error shows up semi-randomly in Titanium project

I'm sure you've all seen this error before in your Titanium mobile projects. I've been getting it in an app I'm working on. It is usually thrown by the same type of operation, but not all the time and not in the same place. I'm wondering if anyone has found a solution to this issue yet.
The error is usually generated when I am iterating through an array of objects, and using that data to create views. Each new view is below its previous sibling, so the new view's top property looks something like this:
top = (from_top + old_view.height + 10);
As you can see I'm using the view.height property to figure out my top property, and I assume this is part of the problem. Anyone had any luck with this, or are you using a work around to avoid using a view's height property in addition?
(This is also posted on the Appcelerator Q&A site)
Why don't you use layout: 'vertical' instead of manually specifying the heights? It isn't in the docs at the moment, but as of 1.5 you can specify layout: 'vertical' on windows and scrollviews, possibly on views as well. Works on both iOS and Android.