API for posting reviews on Google plus account from website - google-plus

Does the Google plus api allow to post review data to a specific Google plus page, given the user is signed in to their own Google plus account?
I know previously Google plus api was a read only api. Is this still the case?
I can see that there is a review action in the api, but i'm not too sure if it applies to what i need it for as there are no examples.
Any suggestions or answers will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Is it possible to get LinkedIn "Competitors analytics" data from LinkedIn API?

As a company page admin, I can access a section on the linkedIn website called "competitor analytics" where I can see some metrics about a list of competitors (number of followers, posts etc...).
I wonder if I could get these data from a LinkedIn API? Or any other possibility to get the data in an automated way?
Thank you for your help!

linkedin api v2: "Not enough permissions to access" for /people

My question is similar for Linkedin v2 api: Not enough permissions to access: GET /countriesV2, LinkedIn V2 api: Not enough permissions to access /me GET, Not enough permissions to access /me GET and others, but works with /v2/organizations/ endpoint (that's why I think the app is already applied for api: https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/marketing-partners/become-a-partner/marketing-developer-program).
That's not my app - my client's one.
My task is getting members' info, but any calls to /v2/people/ endpoint fall.
The r_basicprofile permission is set and I no need for extra profile fields.
Now I see a couple of problems with linkedin REST API:
most of examples are for v1
v1 doesn't work at all
links to the linkedin site (like https://developer.linkedin.com/comment/NNNNN#comment-NNNNN%23comment-NNNNN) mostly don't work (about 95-99%)
I can't even call samples from developer.linkedin.com
I asked about this on linkedin help forum. I don't understand is this api works or not?
Does anyone have a successful experience with /v2/people/ endpoint?
if you really want to use V2 apply to the partnership that is required.
but because you need only basic profile info try this :
this will return the information of the person who is loggedin.
if you want information of another person try this:
hopefully this works for you.

how can i get all review from google+ using api

i am beginner to google+ developer API and i want to grab user review from any about page for example https://plus.google.com/116018016837619707952/about
i have tried using curl call but didn't get success for all reviews.
also seen the content of document :https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/people/get
can You just give me the idea about google api to grab review data.
Reviews are not considered part of the Google+ Platform. You have to use the Places API.

List Google Plus pages managed by user

I am building a tool to allow users to extract their Google Plus stream as RSS feed.
Unfortunately Google Plus API does not allow to get a list of Google Plus Pages managed by a user.
The tool is using OAuth 2 Authentication, and this allows to get Google ID of the currently logged in user.
What Google API or APIs allows to get a list of of Google Plus Pages IDs managed by a user with a given Google ID?
As of mid-Feb 2014 there is no way of getting list of Pages associated with Authenticated Google Plus account.
Acces to Pages API, that supposedely allows this functionality, is by whitelist only.

How to Integrate Google+ API iPhone

I am working on an iPhone application in which i have to implement Google+ API for login and fetching user details.I have used the API for it from this link https://developers.google.com done everything but immediately after login I am getting an error invalid scope.I don't know what i am missing out.Please let me know how to acheive this.
Thank you.
To access certain stuff on behalf of the user, we need to tell google that we are looking for such information (Access calendars, google+ etc).
The way to tell this to google is by defining scope. For google plus use
Refer to the SDK where to pass in the scope. Also make sure that you enable Google Plus in the Google API Console.