How to use ElasticSearch MinHash plugin in NEST - nest

I want to use MinHash elastic search plugin in NEST
How can I use minhash plugin in nest?

Create index with following mapping:
elasticClient.CreateIndex(descriptor => descriptor
analysis => analysis.Analyzers(bases => bases.Add("minhash_analyzer", new CustomAnalyzer
Tokenizer = "standard",
Filter = new[] {"minhash"}
mappingDescriptor =>
.Properties(p => p
.String(s => s.Name(element => element.Message).CopyTo("minhashvalue"))
.Custom(new MiniHashMapping()))));
class MiniHashMapping : BinaryMapping
public string Analyzer { get { return "minhash_analyzer"; } }
public MiniHashMapping()
Type = "minhash";
Name = "minhashvalue";
class IndexElement
public string Message { get; set; }
Index sample document:
elasticClient.Index(new IndexElement
Message = "Fess is Java based full text search server provided as OSS product."
}, descriptor => descriptor.Index("my_index"));
Tell elasticsearch to include fields in response:
var searchResponse = elasticClient.Search<IndexElement>(s => s.Query(q => q.MatchAll()).Fields("*"));
You can get hash value from searchResponse.Hits[..].Fields or searchResponse.FieldSelections.
Hope this helps.


How to configure Swashbuckle to ignore property on model for a specific api version only

I needed to add a property to a model and I have implemented what is suggested in the selected answer here and it's working in that it removes the property I have tagged with SwaggerIgnorePropertyAttribute attribute of the model.
My question is , if I have several API versions of my application,how to remove it from the swagger doc/schema for certain versions? I only care not to see the added property in swagger. I only really have 1 version of the model across the application even though I have several version of the app.
I added the version like this:
swaggerOptions =>
new Info
Title = "Titlebla1",
Description = "bla1",
Version = "v1"
new Info
Title = "Titlebla2",
Description = "bla2",
Version = "v2"
I know that I can find the version by using SwaggerDocument and doing something like this: swaggerDoc.Info.Version but how can I get access to SwaggerDocument from the Apply in my SwaggerExcludePropertySchemaFilter class below ?
private class SwaggerExcludePropertySchemaFilter : ISchemaFilter
public void Apply(Schema schema, SchemaFilterContext context)
if (schema?.Properties == null)
var excludedProperties = context.SystemType.GetProperties().Where(t => t.GetCustomAttribute<SwaggerIgnorePropertyAttribute>() != null);
foreach (var excludedProperty in excludedProperties)
var propertyToRemove = schema.Properties.Keys.SingleOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x, excludedProperty.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (propertyToRemove != null)
Try use IDocumentFilter , see example:
public class CustomSwaggerFilter : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
var nonRequiredMYPropertyAPIs = swaggerDoc.Paths
.Where(x => !x.Key.ToLower().Contains("v1") /*the version you want to remove the property */)
nonRequiredMYPropertyAPIs.ForEach(x => {
Don't forget register the filter:

'Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.' Automapperexception in ASP.NET Core WebApi

I'm trying to add AutoMapper to a API (built using ASP.NET Core 3) but it gives me the 'Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.'-exception and my google-searches doesn't help me at all... :).
The exception is thrown (as described below) in "GetAllObject1"-method
This is my current setup:
public IActionResult GetAllObject1()
var object1Items = _myService.GetAllObject1();
Object1ViewModel ouViewModel = _mapper.Map<Object1ViewModel>(Object1Items); // <= This line gives the exception above!!
return Ok(ouViewModel);
namespace DataAccess.AutoMapper
public class AutoMapping : Profile
public AutoMapping()
CreateMap < KollOrganizationalUnit, KollOrganizationalUnitViewModel>();
public virtual void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
if (services == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(services));
.AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.JsonSerializerOptions.IgnoreNullValues = true;
services.AddDbContext<RepositoryContext>(opts => opts.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")));
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo
Version = "v1",
Title = "API",
Description = "Integration API for XXX",
TermsOfService = new Uri(""),
Contact = new OpenApiContact()
Name = "Integrationcontact",
Email = "",
Url = new Uri("")
Am I missing something obious here?
It's hard to say without knowing the return type of _myService.GetAllObject1(), but it seems like it's returning a collection of Object1Unit. If that's the case, you can try something like:
IEnumerable<Object1ViewModel> ouViewModels = Object1Items.Select(x => _mapper.Map<Object1ViewModel>(x));
return Ok(ouViewModels);
If you're trying to map a collection to a single item, you have to tell AutoMapper how to do that or you will get the exception you're seeing (your AutoMapping class only creates a map from a single item to a single item).

RavenDB - Adding Index breaks unrelated queries

When I add the index below to my raven database a simple query like
return Session.Query<R>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.RId == Id);
Always returns null. Only after forcing Raven to remove my custom index does desired functionality return. Why is this?
The Index with side effects:
public class RByLatestCommentIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<R>
public RByLatestCommentIndex()
void SetMap()
Map = r => r.Select(x => new
Id = x.Id,
TimeStamp = x.Comments.Count() > 0 ? x.Comments.Max(u => u.Created)
: x.Created
}).OrderByDescending(y => y.TimeStamp).Select(r => new { Id = r.Id });
public class RIdTransformer : AbstractTransformerCreationTask<R>
public RIdTransformer()
TransformResults = ids => ids.Select(x => LoadDocument<R>(x.Id));
In response to Ayende Rahien's comment:
There's a query in the DB which would otherwise be used (Auto/R/ByRID) but the index used looks like this, puzzling enough:
from doc in docs.Rs select new { Images_Count__ = doc.Images["Count()"], RId = doc.RId }
What explains this behaviour? And, will I have to add a static index to be able to query R by RId ?

Select or SelectList: I Want to include the entire entity

I am querying a list of objects, and then correlating them with a subquery.
I want to return the results of the subquery, as well as the root entity. But
I can't figure out how to actually return the root entity, I can only return individual properties of it.
Specifically, this works:
this.Session.QueryOver<MediaFile>(() => mediaFile)
.SelectList(list => list.Select(mf => mf.Id));
But this does not:
this.Session.QueryOver<MediaFile>(() => mediaFile)
.SelectList(list => list.Select(mf => mf));
I get the following error:
Could not resolve property : of MediaFile
Does anyone know how I can include the entity as a property in the list?
Here's my complete example:
// My target class
private class MediaFileAndCount
// I can successfully populate these fields.
public long MediaFileId { get; set; }
public int DistinctPlaylistCount { get;set; }
// But I want to populate this field!
public MediaFile MediaFile { get; set; }
private void TrySingleQuery()
MediaFile mediaFile = null;
PlaylistEntry playlistEntry = null;
MediaFileAndCount mfc = null;
var subQuery = QueryOver.Of<PlaylistEntry>(() => playlistEntry)
.Where(() => playlistEntry.MediaFile.Id == mediaFile.Id)
.Select(Projections.CountDistinct<PlaylistEntry>(p => p.Playlist));
var query = this.Session.QueryOver<MediaFile>(() => mediaFile)
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(mf => mf.Id).WithAlias(() => mfc.MediaFileId)
.Select(Projections.SubQuery(subQuery)).WithAlias(() => mfc.DistinctPlaylistCount)
// .Select(mf => mf).WithAlias(() => mfc.MediaFile) // This line fails
var results = query.List<MediaFileAndCount>();
another way to query it
var allMediaFiles = session.QueryOver<MediaFile>().Where(...).ToFuture(); // just get the MediaFiles into sessionCache
var results = session.QueryOver<PlaylistEntry>()
.Where(p => p.MediaFile...)
.SelectList(list => list
.GroupBy(p => p.MediaFile.Id)
.CountDistinct(p => p.Playlist))
.Select(a => new MediaFileAndCount
MediaFile = session.Get<MediaFile>((long)a[0]),
DistinctPlaylistCount = (int)a[1]
foreach (var mediaFile in allMediaFiles.Except(results.Select(r => r.MediaFile)))
results.Add(new MediaFileAndCount { MediaFile = mediaFile });

RavenDB Index is not working when using SelectMany in Map Function

Based on this article from Ayende i have created the following index definition
public class ProductsSearch : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product, ProductsSearch.Result>
public class Result
public string Query { get; set; }
public ProductsSearch()
Map = products => from product in products
select new
Query = new object[]
product.Tags.Select(tag => tag.Name),
product.Tags.SelectMany(tag => tag.Aliases, (tag, alias) => alias.Name)
Index(x => x.Query, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
One difference is that i must use a SelectMany statement to get the aliases of a tag.
A tag can have many aliases (i. e. tag: mouse alias:pointing device)
I have no idea why the SelectMany line breaks the index. If i remove it, the index works.
This should work:
Map = products => from product in products
from tag in product.Tags
from alias in tag.Aliases
select new
Query = new object[]