iCarousel in swift version 1.2 error (candidate is not Objc but protocol requires it) - objective-c

I get the following error in swift 1.2 : 'RootViewController' does not conform to protocol 'iCarouselDataSource'
In the below class, when I tryed to implement the third party library iCarousel:
class RootViewController: UIViewController,iCarouselDataSource,iCarouselDelegate
The auto-fix tool puts an #objc mark in this method that conform the protocol:
#objc func carousel(carousel: iCarousel!, viewForItemAtIndex index: Int, var reusingView view: UIView?) -> UIView?
But then another error appears : Method cannot be marked #objc because the type of the parameter 3 cannot be represented in Objective-C
I appreciate any help or clue, thanks !

Remove var from reusingView, ex:
func carousel(carousel: iCarousel!, viewForItemAtIndex index: Int, reusingView view: UIView!) -> UIView! {
var newView = view
if newView == nil {
//create new view
//update data
return newView


Unable to cast element in ForEach Loop to NSManagedObject Subclass SwiftUI

I got a ListView in SwiftUI and want to generate RowViews depending on a given property.
Therefore I want to check the property of the element in the ForEach loop.
Xcode does not recognize the type of the element, thats why i want to cast the element to the correct Class which is an NSManagedObject Subclass.
I created the NSManagedObject Subclass from the xcdatamodeld (Editor -> Create NSManagedObject Subclass...).
The NSManagedObject Subclass is created in objective-c and I added the .h file to the bridging header.
I have no problem working with the NSManagedObject Subclass in the rest of the project.
I can even create an property of that Type in the same Struct like so:
struct MyListView: View {
var test : MyNSManagedObjectSubclass //Xcode does recognize it here
For some reason Xcode wont recognize the NSManagedObject Subclass inside the ForEach Loop.
code looks like:
struct MyListView: View {
var test : MyNSManagedObjectSubclass //Xcode does recognize it here
#EnvironmentObject private var fetchResultsContainer : FetchedResultsContainer
var body: some View {
ForEach(fetchResultsContainer.results , id: \.identifier) { result in
if let castedResult = result as! MyNSManagedObjectSubclass { //Xcode does not recognize it here
if castedResult.property{
ResultRowView(input: result)
#objc class FetchedResultsContainer : NSObject, ObservableObject{
#objc #Published var results: [MyNSManagedObjectSubclass]()
#objc static let sharedInstance: FetchedResultsContainer = {
let instance = FetchedResultsContainer()
return instance
I feel like im missing something obvious, as im still quite new to Swift and SwiftUI.
Appreciate your help.
Ok after taking a step back and simply coding it again from scratch it simply worked an no casting was needed...
List(fetchResultsContainer.results, id: \.identifier) { result in
if (result.property == 0) {
//do something
My assumption that the casting was not working was not correct.
I probably checked result.property == false, with property being of type NSNumber and it gave out some strange compile errors that led me on the wrong path.

Conforming to a Obj-C protocol in Swift [duplicate]

Ok here is the big problem. I had a library written in ObjC(this). There we had a defined protocol. When I tried to use it in swift file I get constantly:
Type "XXX" does not conform to protocol "XXX"
To simplify things I made up a test project - it should be created as Swift project.
Then create ObjC header file(I called it StupidProtocol.h) with following protocol inside(please note each name and value to exactly match the given including uppercase/lowercase):
#protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>
- (NSString *)getAxisLabel:(id)axis Value:(CGFloat)value;
In bridging header:
#import "StupidProtocol.h"
And then back in Swift file:
class ViewController: UIViewController, MyProtocol
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, value: CGFloat) -> String! {
return ""
And baam we got this error again even though auto-complete finishes the getAxisLabel function for me.
I strongly suspect that the problem is with argument "value" and it's function parameter "Value".
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Please note that this library is not technically mine, so I cannot change it. I need a way to use it in Swift without changing it's original declaration. My example is only to simplify my problem.
I have tried following scenarios with no success:
'has different arguments name from those required by protocol' error
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, Value value: CGFloat) -> String! {
return ""
'has different arguments name from those required by protocol' error
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, Value: CGFloat) -> String! {
return ""
'type does not conform to protocol'
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, Value: CGFloat) -> NSString! {
return ""
See accepted answer
I don't know if this is a bug or not. The Objective-C protocol method
- (NSString *)getAxisLabel:(id)axis Value:(CGFloat)value;
(with uppercase "V" in Value:) is mapped to Swift as
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, value: CGFloat) -> String!
(with lowercase "v" in value:), but none of
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, value: CGFloat) -> String! { }
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, Value: CGFloat) -> String! { }
is accepted by the compiler to satisfy the protocol requirement.
As a workaround, you can annotate the method with an explicit
Objective-C selector name:
class ViewController: UIViewController, MyProtocol
func getAxisLabel(axis: AnyObject!, value: CGFloat) -> String! {
return ""

Swift 2.1: Property cannot be marked dynamic?

How do I fix this compilation error?
dynamic var users = [User]()
Property cannot be marked dynamic because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C
I need dynamic so that certain view controllers can observe (via KVO) users and update their views when users changes.
Just as the error mentions
error, not #objc : NSObject:
class A{
func something(){
dynamic var a = [A]()
should be changed to:
#objc class A:NSObject{
func something(){
dynamic var a = [A]() //works, all good

How do you define/declare a swift method for an objc protocol that has a reference return type?

I created an objc protocol:
#protocol CGEventTapHandler
- (CGEventRef)onCGEvent:(CGEventTapProxy)proxy type:(CGEventType)type event:(CGEventRef)event;
Then in my swift class I get the signature:
func onCGEvent(proxy: CGEventTapProxy, type: CGEventType, event: CGEvent!) -> Unmanaged<CGEvent>!
Now it gets confusing. I get a number of errors.
First error is:
...: Protocol requires function 'onCGEvent(_:type:event:)' with type '(CGEventTapProxy, type: CGEventType, event: CGEvent!) -> Unmanaged<CGEvent>!'
...: Candidate is not '#objc', but protocol requires it
So I add '#objc' to the signature then I get:
...: Method cannot be marked #objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C
Edited per request:
class ViewController: NSViewController, CGEventTapHandler {
func onCGEvent(proxy: CGEventTapProxy, type: CGEventType, event: CGEvent!) -> Unmanaged<CGEvent>! {
Not absolutely certain where your error lies, so here is a tutorial that works.
Start with a fresh, new, Swift project targeted to OS X.
Create an Objective-C Protocol
File name: CGEventTapHandler.h. When prompted to create the Bridging-Header, approve.
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#protocol CGEventTapHandler
- (CGEventRef)onCGEvent:(CGEventTapProxy)proxy type:(CGEventType)type event:(CGEventRef)event;
Register Protocol
File name: ...-Bridging-Header
#import "CGEventTapHandler.h"
Adopt Protocol
In you client class, adopt CGEventTapHandler:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController, CGEventTapHandler {
func onCGEvent(proxy: CGEventTapProxy, type: CGEventType, event: CGEvent!) -> Unmanaged<CGEvent>! {
return nil
Compiled, linked, built and ran. No warnings, no errors.

Unable to set the delegate to class in Swift

This is their example function
[GTMagBarDevice sharedDevice].delegate = self;
I tried rewriting it in swift like this
GTMagBarDevice.sharedDevice().delegate = self;
But I am receiving an error "type view controller does not conform to protocol GTMagBarDeviceDelegate"
Any ideas?
I have implemented all the required functions, this is what it says in the .h file i am bridging
#protocol GTMagBarDeviceDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)magbarDevice:(GTMagBarDevice*)device accessoryConnected:(BOOL)state;
- (void)magbarDevice:(GTMagBarDevice*)device componentFailed:(int)components;
And this is the implantation
func magbarDevice(magbarDevice: GTMagBarDevice, accessoryConnected isAccessoryConnected: Bool) {
func magbarDevice(magbarDevice: GTMagBarDevice, componentFailed components: Int) {
You need to implement the methods that the protocol you are conforming to requires.
It looks like your function signatures are incorrect. Try these instead:
func magbarDevice(device: GTMagBarDevice!, accessoryConnected state: Bool) {
func magbarDevice(device: GTMagBarDevice!, componentFailed components: Int32) {