I haven't used VBA before but I have found an example/working workbook that calculates just what i need. I've put this into the workbook I am working on but the problem is I need to set the data range by row number and leave the column static and have no idea how to do it although I have tried. This is the code I found that is working fine but only with a static range.
Sub UpdatePairStats()
Dim LRange As Variant
Dim LRows As Long
Dim LCols As Long
Dim C As New Collection
Dim LItem As Long
Dim LDesc As String
Dim Counts(10000, 4) As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
On Error Resume Next
'Select sheet where data resides
Sheets("Draw Data").Select
'Data range (where draw information resides)
LRange = Range("C2:H1151")
LRows = UBound(LRange, 1)
LCols = UBound(LRange, 2)
'Loop through each row in LRange (find pairs)
For i = 1 To LRows
'j and k create the pairs
For j = 1 To LCols - 1
For k = j + 1 To LCols
'Separate pairs with a "." character (smaller number first)
If LRange(i, j) < LRange(i, k) Then
LDesc = LRange(i, j) & "." & LRange(i, k)
LDesc = LRange(i, k) & "." & LRange(i, j)
End If
'Add new item to collection ("on error resume next" is
'required above in this procedure because of this line of code)
C.Add C.Count + 1, LDesc
'Retrieve indexnumber of new item
LItem = C(LDesc)
'Add pair information to new item
If Counts(LItem, 0) = "" Then
Counts(LItem, 0) = LDesc
Counts(LItem, 1) = LRange(i, j)
Counts(LItem, 2) = LRange(i, k)
End If
'Increment stats counter
If Counts(LItem, 3) = "" Then
Counts(LItem, 3) = "1"
Counts(LItem, 3) = CStr(CInt(Counts(LItem, 3)) + 1)
End If
Next k
Next j
Next i
'Paste pairs onto sheet called PairStats
Cells(1, 1).Resize(C.Count, 4) = Counts
'Format headings
Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = "'Number1.Number2"
Range("B1").FormulaR1C1 = "'Number1"
Range("C1").FormulaR1C1 = "'Number2"Range("D1").FormulaR1C1 = "'Occurrences"
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
Range("F1").FormulaR1C1 = "Last Updated on " & Now()
MsgBox "Pair statistics have been updated."
End Sub
The range I need to set is
'Data range (where draw information resides)
LRange = Range("C2:H1151")
I have other calculations working fine (not in VBA) by using INDIRECT to get the row value from two separate cells but would like to know how to implement the same sort of thing in VBA. The formula I'm using is
=IFERROR(FREQUENCY(INDIRECT("'Draw Data'!$C"&B2&":$H"&B3),$N$3:$N$13),0)
I've read INDIRECT can't be used in VBA but is there a simple bit of code that can do the same job?
First you need to know the last row with data and you can do that by:
Dim LRwithdata As Long
With Sheets("Draw Data")
LRwithdata = .Range("C:H").Find("*", , , , , xlPrevious).Row
LRange = .Range("C2:H" & LRwithdata)
End With
' rest of your code here
Edit1: If rows are referenced to other cells
With Sheets("Draw Data")
LRange = .Range("C" & .Range("B2"), "H" & .Range("B3"))
End With
The key is to be familiar with Range Syntax and apply it accordingly when referring to a range.
You can check below links as well so you can improve your coding:
Avoid using Select/Activate
Finding the last row
Range Syntax
I am trying to go through about 2000 lines worth of data and do a for loop and several if statements within each loop. It works, but right now it is painfully slow. I understand from my research that if I can put the data into an array and manipulate it there and then put the data back into the cells would be much faster but I could use some help on the coding to do so. Here is my code.
Sub EliminateVariance()
Dim Old As Long
Dim Older As Long
Dim Oldest As Long
Dim Current As Long
Dim VarianceOld As Long
Dim VarianceNew As Long
Dim VarianceNew1 As Long
Dim VarianceNew2 As Long
Dim Month1 As Variant
Dim SheetName As Variant
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Month1 = InputBox("What is this month?")
SheetName = Month1 & " SummaryByCust"
LastRow = Cells(Rows.count, "B").End(xlUp).row
For i = 3 To LastRow
VarianceOld = Range("V" & i)
Oldest = Range("I" & i)
Older = Range("H" & i)
Old = Range("G" & i)
Current = Range("F" & i)
If VarianceOld > Oldest Then
VarianceNew = VarianceOld - Oldest
Range("I" & i) = 0
If VarianceNew > Older Then
VarianceNew1 = VarianceNew - Older
Range("H" & i) = 0
If VarianceNew1 > Old Then
VarianceNew2 = VarianceNew1 - Old
Range("G" & i) = 0
If VarianceNew2 > Current Then
MsgBox ("Error: Deferred is greater than what it should be. Verify your numbers")
Range("F" & i) = Current - VarianceNew2
End If
Range("G" & i) = Old - VarianceNew1
End If
Range("H" & i) = Older - VarianceNew
End If
Range("I" & i) = Oldest - VarianceOld
End If
Next i
End Sub
Here is an example on how to use Arrays:
Sub arrayEx()
'Set the range
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:B20000")
'Bulk load the values from the range into an array
'Even if a single column this will create a 2D array
Dim rngArr As Variant
rngArr = rng.Value
'Loop the "Rows" of the array
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(rngArr, 1) To UBound(rngArr, 1)
'Do something with that array
'when loaded from a range it is similar nomenclature to Cells: array(row,column)
If rngArr(i, 1) = "A" Then
rngArr(i, 2) = "B"
End If
Next i
'overwrite the values in range with the new values from the array.
rng.Value = rngArr
End Sub
Try to adapt to fit your needs.
I am writing a VBA code on excel using loops to go through 10000+ lines.
Here is an example of the table
And here is the code I wrote :
Sub Find_Matches()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim xrow As Long
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
tCnt = Sheets("Data").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim e, f, a, j, h As Range
xrow = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual
For xrow = 2 To tCnt Step 1
Set e = Range("E" & xrow)
Set f = e.Offset(0, 1)
Set a = e.Offset(0, -4)
Set j = e.Offset(0, 5)
Set h = e.Offset(0, 3)
For Each Cell In Range("E2:E" & tCnt)
If Cell.Value = e.Value Then
If Cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = f.Value Then
If Cell.Offset(0, -4).Value = a.Value Then
If Cell.Offset(0, 5).Value = j.Value Then
If Cell.Offset(0, 3).Value = h.Value Then
If (e.Offset(0, 7).Value) + (Cell.Offset(0, 7).Value) = 0 Then
Cell.EntireRow.Interior.Color = vbYellow
e.EntireRow.Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
As you can imagine, this is taking a lot of time to go through 10000+ lines and I would like to find a faster solution. There must be a method I don't think to avoid the over looping
Here are the condition :
For each line, if another line anywhere in the file has the exact same
Buyer ID (col. E)
`# purchased (col. F)
Product ID (col.A)
Payment (col. J)
Date purchased (col. H)
Then, if the SUM of the Amount (col. L) the those two matching line is
0, then color both rows in yellow.
Note that extra columns are present and not being compared (eg- col. B) but are still important for the document and cannot be deleted to ease the process.
Running the previous code, in my example, row 2 & 5 get highlighted :
This is using nested dictionaries and arrays to check all conditions
Timer with my test data: Rows: 100,001; Dupes: 70,000 - Time: 14.217 sec
Option Explicit
Public Sub FindMatches()
Const E = 5, F = 6, A = 1, J = 10, H = 8, L = 12
Dim ur As Range, x As Variant, ub As Long, d As Object, found As Object
Set ur = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").UsedRange
x = ur
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set found = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim r As Long, rId As String, itm As Variant, dupeRows As Object
For r = ur.Row To ur.Rows.Count
rId = x(r, E) & x(r, F) & x(r, A) & x(r, J) & x(r, H)
If Not d.Exists(rId) Then
Set dupeRows = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dupeRows(r) = 0
Set d(rId) = dupeRows
For Each itm In d(rId)
If x(r, L) + x(itm, L) = 0 Then
found(r) = 0
found(itm) = 0
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each itm In found
ur.Range("A" & itm).EntireRow.Interior.Color = vbYellow
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I suggest a different approach altogether: add a temporary column to your data that contains a concatenation of each cell in the row. This way, you have:
1|Mr. Smith|500|A|1Mr. Smith500A
Then use Excel's conditional formatting on the temporary column, highlighting duplicate values. There you have your duplicated rows. Now it's only a matter of using a filter to check which ones have amounts equal to zero.
You can use the CONCATENATE function; it requires you to specify each cell separately and you can't use a range, but in your case (comparing only some of the columns) it seems like a good fit.
Maciej's answer is easy to implement (if you can add columns to your data without interrupting anything), and I would recommend it if possible.
However, for the sake of answering your question, I will contribute a VBA solution as well. I tested it on dataset that is a bit smaller than yours, but I think it will work for you. Note that you might have to tweak it a little (which row you start on, table name, etc) to fit your workbook.
Most notably, the segment commented with "Helper column" is something you most likely will have to adjust - currently, it compares every cell between A and H for the current row, which is something you may or may not want.
I've tried to include a little commentary in the code, but it's not much. The primary change is that I'm using in-memory processing of an array rather than iterating over a worksheet range (which for larger datasets should be exponentially faster).
Option Base 1
Option Explicit
' Uses ref Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Sub Find_Matches()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim xrow As Long, tCnt As Long
Dim e As Range, f As Range, a As Range, j As Range, h As Range
Dim sheetArr() As Variant, arr() As Variant
Dim colorTheseYellow As New Dictionary, colorResults() As String, dictItem As Variant
Dim arrSize As Long, i As Long, k As Long
Dim c As Variant
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Data")
tCnt = ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
xrow = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual
' Read range into an array so we process in-memory
sheetArr = ws.Range("A2:H" & tCnt)
arrSize = UBound(sheetArr, 1)
' Build new arr with "helper column"
ReDim arr(1 To arrSize, 1 To 9)
For i = 1 To arrSize
For k = 1 To 8
arr(i, k) = sheetArr(i, k)
arr(i, 9) = CStr(arr(i, 9)) & CStr(arr(i, k)) ' "Helper column"
Next k
Next i
' Iterate over array & build collection to indicate yellow lines
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
If Not colorTheseYellow.Exists(i) Then colorResults = Split(ReturnLines(arr(i, 9), arr), ";")
For Each c In colorResults
If Not colorTheseYellow.Exists(CLng(c)) Then colorTheseYellow.Add CLng(c), CLng(c)
Next c
Next i
' Enact row colors
For Each dictItem In colorTheseYellow
'Debug.Print "dict: "; dictItem
If dictItem <> 0 Then ws.ListObjects(1).ListRows(CLng(dictItem)).Range.Interior.Color = vbYellow
Next dictItem
End Sub
Function ReturnLines(ByVal s As String, ByRef arr() As Variant) As String
' Returns a "Index;Index" string indicating the index/indices where the second, third, etc. instance(s) of s was found
' Returns "0;0" if 1 or fewer matches
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim tmp As String
ReturnLines = 0
j = 0
tmp = "0"
'Debug.Print "arg: " & s
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
If arr(i, 9) = s Then
j = j + 1
'Debug.Print "arr: " & arr(i, 9)
'Debug.Print "ReturnLine: " & i
tmp = tmp & ";" & CStr(i)
End If
Next i
'If Left(tmp, 1) = ";" Then tmp = Mid(tmp, 2, Len(tmp) - 1)
'Debug.Print "tmp: " & tmp
If j >= 2 Then
ReturnLines = tmp
ReturnLines = "0;0"
End If
End Function
On my simple dataset, it yields this result (marked excellently with freehand-drawn color indicators):
Thanks everybody for your answers,
Paul Bica's solution actually worked and I am using a version of this code now.
But, just to animate the debate, I think I also found another way around my first code, inspired by Maciej's idea of concatenating the cells and using CStr to compare the values and, of course Vegard's in-memory processing by using arrays instead of going through the workbook :
Sub Find_MatchesStr()
Dim AmountArr(300) As Variant
Dim rowArr(300) As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
rCnt = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
For i = 2 To rCnt
If i = rCnt Then
Exit For
intCnt = 0
strA = ws.Cells(i, 1).Value
strE = ws.Cells(i, 5).Value
strF = ws.Cells(i, 6).Value
strH = ws.Cells(i, 8).Value
strL = ws.Cells(i, 10).Value
For j = i To rCnt - 1
strSearchA = ws.Cells(j, 1).Value
strSearchE = ws.Cells(j, 5).Value
strSearchF = ws.Cells(j, 6).Value
strSearchH = ws.Cells(j, 8).Value
strSearchL = ws.Cells(j, 10).Value
If CStr(strE) = CStr(strSearchE) And CStr(strA) = CStr(strSearchA) And CStr(strF) = CStr(strSearchF) And CStr(strH) = CStr(strSearchH) And CStr(strL) = CStr(strSearchL) Then
AmountArr(k) = ws.Cells(j, 12).Value
rowArr(k) = j
intCnt = intCnt + 1
k = k + 1
Exit For
End If
strSum = 0
For s = 0 To UBound(AmountArr)
If AmountArr(s) <> "" Then
strSum = strSum + AmountArr(s)
Exit For
End If
strAppenRow = ""
For b = 0 To UBound(rowArr)
If rowArr(b) <> "" Then
strAppenRow = strAppenRow & "" & rowArr(b) & "," & AmountArr(b) & ","
Exit For
End If
If intCnt = 1 Then
If strSum = 0 Then
For rn = 0 To UBound(rowArr)
If rowArr(rn) <> "" Then
Let rRange = rowArr(rn) & ":" & rowArr(rn)
Selection.Interior.Color = vbYellow
Exit For
End If
strvar = ""
strvar = Split(strAppenRow, ",")
For ik = 1 To UBound(strvar)
If strvar(ik) <> "" Then
strVal = CDbl(strvar(ik))
For ik1 = ik To UBound(strvar)
If strvar(ik1) <> "" Then
strVal1 = CDbl(strvar(ik1))
If strVal1 + strVal = 0 Then
Let sRange1 = strvar(ik - 1) & ":" & strvar(ik - 1)
Selection.Interior.Color = vbYellow
Let sRange = strvar(ik1 - 1) & ":" & strvar(ik1 - 1)
Selection.Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Exit For
End If
ik1 = ik1 + 1
Exit For
End If
ik = ik + 1
End If
End If
i = i + (intCnt - 1)
k = 0
Erase AmountArr
Erase rowArr
End If
End Sub
I still have some mistakes (rows not higlighted when they should be), the above code is not perfect, but I thought it'd be OK to give you an idea of where I was going before Paul Bica's solution came in.
Thanks again !
If your data is only till column L, then use below code, I found it is taking less time to run....
Sub Duplicates()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, lrow As Long
lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range("O2") = "=A2&E2&F2&J2&L2"
Range("P2") = "=COUNTIF(O:O,O2)"
Range("O2:P" & lrow).FillDown
Range("O2:O" & lrow).Copy
Range("O2:O" & lrow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
For i = 1 To lrow
If Cells(i, 16) = 2 Then
Cells(i, 16).EntireRow.Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
I'm trying to figure out how to split rows of data where columns B,C,D in the row contain multiple lines and others do not. I've figured out how to split the multi-line cells if I copy just those columns into a new sheet, manually insert rows, and then run the macro below (that's just for column A), but I'm lost at coding the rest.
Here's what the data looks like:
So for row 2, I need it split into 6 rows (one for each line in cell B2) with the text in cell A2 in A2:A8. I also need columns C and D split the same as B, and then columns E:CP the same as column A.
Here is the code I have for splitting the cells in columns B,C,D:
Dim iPtr As Integer
Dim iBreak As Integer
Dim myVar As Integer
Dim strTemp As String
Dim iRow As Integer
iRow = 0
For iPtr = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row
strTemp = Cells(iPtr1, 1)
iBreak = InStr(strTemp, vbLf)
Range("C1").Value = iBreak
Do Until iBreak = 0
If Len(Trim(Left(strTemp, iBreak - 1))) > 0 Then
iRow = iRow + 1
Cells(iRow, 2) = Left(strTemp, iBreak - 1)
End If
strTemp = Mid(strTemp, iBreak + 1)
iBreak = InStr(strTemp, vbLf)
If Len(Trim(strTemp)) > 0 Then
iRow = iRow + 1
Cells(iRow, 2) = strTemp
End If
Next iPtr
End Sub
Here is a link to an example file (note this file has 4 rows, the actual sheet has over 600): https://www.dropbox.com/s/46j9ks9q43gwzo4/Example%20Data.xlsx?dl=0
This is a fairly interesting question and something I have seen variations of before. I went ahead and wrote up a general solution for it since it seems like a useful bit of code to keep for myself.
There are pretty much only two assumptions I make about the data:
Returns are represented by Chr(10) or which is the vbLf constant.
Data that belongs with a lower row has enough returns in it to make it line up. This appears to be your case since there are return characters which appear to make things line up like you want.
Pictures of the output, zoomed out to show all the data for A:D. Note that the code below processes all of the columns by default and outputs to a new sheet. You can limit the columns if you want, but it was too tempting to make it general.
Sub SplitByRowsAndFillBlanks()
'process the whole sheet, could be
'Intersect(Range("B:D"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
'if you just want those columns
Dim rng_all_data As Range
Set rng_all_data = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Dim int_row As Integer
int_row = 0
'create new sheet for output
Dim sht_out As Worksheet
Set sht_out = Worksheets.Add
Dim rng_row As Range
For Each rng_row In rng_all_data.Rows
Dim int_col As Integer
int_col = 0
Dim int_max_splits As Integer
int_max_splits = 0
Dim rng_col As Range
For Each rng_col In rng_row.Columns
'splits for current column
Dim col_parts As Variant
col_parts = Split(rng_col, vbLf)
'check if new max row count
If UBound(col_parts) > int_max_splits Then
int_max_splits = UBound(col_parts)
End If
'fill the data into the new sheet, tranpose row array to columns
sht_out.Range("A1").Offset(int_row, int_col).Resize(UBound(col_parts) + 1) = Application.Transpose(col_parts)
int_col = int_col + 1
'max sure new rows added for total length
int_row = int_row + int_max_splits + 1
'go through all blank cells and fill with value from above
Dim rng_blank As Range
For Each rng_blank In sht_out.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
rng_blank = rng_blank.End(xlUp)
End Sub
How it works
There are comments within the code to highlight what is going on. Here is a high level overview:
Overall, we iterate through each row of the data, processing all of the columns individually.
The text of the current cell is Split using the vbLf. This gives an array of all the individual lines.
A counter is tracking the maximum number of rows that were added (really this is rows-1 since these arrays are 0-indexed.
Now the data can be output to the new sheet. This is easy because we can just dump the array that Split created for us. The only tricky part is getting it to the right spot on the sheet. To that end, there is a counter for the current column offset and a global counter to determine how many total rows need to be offset. The Offset moves us to the right cell; the Resize ensures that all of the rows are output. Finally, Application.Transpose is needed because Split returns a row array and we're dumping a column.
Update the counters. Column offset is incremented every time. The row offset is updated to add enough rows to cover the last maximum (+1 since this is 0-indexed)
Finally, I get to use my waterfall fill (your previous question) on all of the blanks cells that were created to ensure no blanks. I forgo error checking because I assume blanks exist.
Thank you for providing a sample. This task was so interesting that I thought of writing the code for that. You are more than welcome to tweak it to your satisfaction, and I hope your team gets to use an RDBMS to manage this kind of data in the future.
Sub OrganizeSheet()
Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = GetLastRow()
Dim Barray() As String
Dim Carray() As String
Dim Darray() As String
Dim LongestArray As Integer
Dim TempInt As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do While i <= LastRow
Barray = Split(Range("B" & i), Chr(10))
Carray = Split(Range("C" & i), Chr(10))
Darray = Split(Range("D" & i), Chr(10))
LongestArray = GetLongestArray(Barray, Carray, Darray)
If LongestArray > 0 Then
' reset the values of B, C and D columns
On Error Resume Next
Range("B" & i).Value = Barray(0)
Range("C" & i).Value = Carray(0)
Range("D" & i).Value = Darray(0)
On Error GoTo 0
' duplicate the row multiple times
For TempInt = 1 To LongestArray
Rows(i & ":" & i).Select
Range(i + TempInt & ":" & i + TempInt).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
' as each row is copied, change the values of B, C and D columns
On Error Resume Next
Range("B" & i + TempInt).Value = Barray(TempInt)
If Err.Number > 0 Then Range("B" & i + TempInt).Value = ""
Range("C" & i + TempInt).Value = Carray(TempInt)
If Err.Number > 0 Then Range("C" & i + TempInt).Value = ""
Range("D" & i + TempInt).Value = Darray(TempInt)
If Err.Number > 0 Then Range("D" & i + TempInt).Value = ""
On Error GoTo 0
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next TempInt
' increment the outer FOR loop's counters
LastRow = LastRow + LongestArray
i = i + LongestArray
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
' ----------------------------------
Function GetLongestArray(ByRef Barray() As String, ByRef Carray() As String, ByRef Darray() As String)
GetLongestArray = UBound(Barray)
If UBound(Carray) > GetLongestArray Then GetLongestArray = UBound(Carray)
If UBound(Darray) > GetLongestArray Then GetLongestArray = UBound(Darray)
End Function
' ----------------------------------
Function GetLastRow() As Integer
GetLastRow = Selection.Row
End Function
Give it a shot!
I have an excel with two columns (B & C) - Business case and solution, there will be multiple business cases which might have same solution, i want to merge it based on solution. Something like below -
BC1 Sol1
BC2 Sol2
BC3 Sol2
BC4 Sol3
BC5 Sol4
BC6 Sol4
BC7 Sol4
output should be -
BC1 Sol1
BC2, BC3 Sol2
BC4 Sol3
BC5, BC6, BC7 Sol4
i would like to do this in VBA and tried something like below -
LASTROW = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'get last row
For I = 0 To LASTROW Step 1
For J = I + 1 To LASTROW Step 1
If Cells(I, "C") = Cells(J, "C") Then
Cells(I, "B") = Cells(I, "B") & "," & Cells(J, "B")
End If
the above works, but is very slow when running on 1000 rows, i went through other questions similar to this but not good in VBA to mod that for above one. Can someone please help ?
As you have commented, using a variant array rather than looping the cells directly will speed this up enormously
To apply that here you could:
Determine the source data range, and copy that into an array
Create another array to contain the new data
Loop the source array, testing for the required patterns, and populate the destination array
Copy the new data back to the sheet, overwriting the old data
Sub Demo()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim datSrc As Variant
Dim datDst As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim rwOut As Long
Dim str As String
Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws
Set rng = Range(.Cells(1, 2), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp))
datSrc = rng.Value
ReDim datDst(1 To UBound(datSrc, 1), 1 To UBound(datSrc, 2))
rwOut = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(datSrc, 1)
str = datSrc(i, 1)
If datSrc(i, 2) <> vbNullString Then
For j = i + 1 To UBound(datSrc, 1)
If datSrc(i, 2) = datSrc(j, 2) Then
str = str & "," & datSrc(j, 1)
datSrc(j, 2) = vbNullString
End If
datDst(rwOut, 1) = str
datDst(rwOut, 2) = datSrc(i, 2)
rwOut = rwOut + 1
End If
rng = datDst
End With
End Sub
I currently have an array which I populate and paste in a sheet named "T1" using a macro. My current macro uses the rowcount function to determine the used rows and pastes the array from the next available row.
The problem I am having is that when I paste this array multiple times, the arrays need to be spaced by a row so that i can differentiate different submissions. This is what I have so far, and I was hoping someone could help me with this:
Sub CopyData()
Dim Truearray() As String
Dim cell As Excel.Range
Dim RowCount1 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
Dim col As Range
Dim col2 As Range
i = 0
ii = 2
RowCount1 = DHRSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set col = DHRSheet.Range("I1:I" & RowCount1)
For Each cell In col
If cell.Value = "True" Then
Dim ValueCell As Range
Set ValueCell = Cells(cell.Row, 3)
ReDim Preserve Truearray(i)
Truearray(i) = ValueCell.Value
Dim siblingCell As Range
Set siblingCell = Cells(cell.Row, 2)
Dim Siblingarray() As String
ReDim Preserve Siblingarray(i)
Siblingarray(i) = DHRSheet.Name & "$" & siblingCell.Value
i = i + 1
End If
Dim RowCount2 As Integer
RowCount2 = DataSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
For ii = 2 To UBound(Truearray)
DataSheet.Cells(RowCount2 + ii, 2).Value = Truearray(ii)
For ii = 2 To UBound(Siblingarray)
DataSheet.Cells(RowCount2 + ii, 1).Value = Siblingarray(ii)
MsgBox ("Data entered has been successfully validated & logged")
End Sub
If you Offset two rows from the bottom cell, you will leave a blank row of separation. You should also consider filling the whole array as base 1 and writing it to DataSheet in one shot.
Sub CopyData2()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim aTrues() As Variant
Dim rRng As Range
Dim lCnt As Long
'Define the range to search
With DHRSheet
Set rRng = .Range(.Cells(1, 9), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp))
End With
'resize array to hold all the 'trues'
ReDim aTrues(1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rRng, "True"), 1 To 2)
For Each rCell In rRng.Cells
If rCell.Value = "True" Then
lCnt = lCnt + 1
'store the string from column 2
aTrues(lCnt, 1) = DHRSheet.Name & "$" & rCell.Offset(0, -7).Value
'store the value from column 3
aTrues(lCnt, 2) = rCell.Offset(0, -6).Value
End If
Next rCell
'offset 2 from the bottom row to leave a row of separation
With DataSheet.Cells(DataSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(2, 0)
'write the stored information at one time
.Resize(UBound(aTrues, 1), UBound(aTrues, 2)).Value = aTrues
End With
End Sub