Visual Studio And Ms Access Dataset Fill By is not working -

I have a table called GRN with MS Access Database
as shown below
grn_id (Autonumber)
grn_number (Text)
grn_date (Date/Time)
invoice_number (Text)
invoice_date (Date/Time)
voucher_number (Text)
supplier (Text)
I have created a data set with VB.Net Visual Studio 2012
in the data Set I have created a table adapter and a query
with the following code
SELECT grn_id, grn_number, grn_date, invoice_number, invoice_date, voucher_number, supplier
FROM grn
WHERE (grn_number = ?)
And named it as FillByGRN
In the form I have added the following code
Me.GrnTableAdapter.FillByGRN(dataTable:=Me.DocmanDataSet.grn, grn_number:=finfo.Text)
When I Run The application and Give the textfield finfo a value and click on my button to fill is is not working and stopped on the line of filling the table adapter.
Any Solution Please

Considering the exception you mentioned, you don't seem to have Jet Database Engine driver installed on your machine. Either download and install that driver, or in case you're running against Access 2010 or later, use ACE.OLEDB connection string instead of the old-school Jet.OLEDB.
The connection string looks like this:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=<Access Database Path>;
Persist Security Info=False;
You can read more about OLEDB connection strings here.


Unable to add tables to Crystal Reports

I have an old report in which I am trying to add a table and a field. The report works perfectly fine in my web application. (Crystal reports ver.
After adding a table I get the error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Failed to open connection
This happens whether I add a table, command, or stored procedure to the report. (Connecting to Oracle database)
Things I've tried:
Add table (crashes), remove table (works again)
Click the "Verify database" button in the Database menu
Set database location and update the newly added table
Previewing the report seems to work
As for how I'm providing the data:
Create and load ReportDocument (
Populate DataSet
Call SetDataSource method with DataSet as param
ExportToHttpResponse as PortableDocFormat
Here is what we had to do in order to make this work in our crystal reports: after loading the report, we loop through each of the DataSourceConnections in the report and update the connection information.
For Each oConnection As IConnectionInfo In oReport.DataSourceConnections
If fUseIntegratedSecurity Then
oConnection.SetConnection(sServerName, sDatabaseName, True)
oConnection.IntegratedSecurity = False
oConnection.SetConnection(sServerName, sDatabaseName, sUserLogon, sUserPassword)
End If
The actual connection details are provided elsewhere in our app, so I am just showing placeholders in the code above.

Visual Studio 2010 Reporting - Replace String Expression Issue

I'm using visual studio 2010 to create a report, the data is being used from a SQL database
One particular set of data is being returned as integers instead of text, therefore I want to be able to do a statement where if the integer is 1 then set it as "Random" if 2 then set it as "Question" for example
I've tried the following but been unsuccessful
=Replace(Fields!new_IssueType.Value,"3","FM Complaint")
I'm new to creating these expressions so I apologise if this question is a simple fix.
Try using this code:
=IIF(Fields!new_IssueType.Value = "1","Issue",IIF(Fields!new_IssueType.Value = "2","Complaint",IIF(Fields!new_IssueType.Value="3","FM Complaint",IIF(Fields!new_IssueType.Value="4","Rejected",""))))

ODBC reading of BMC AR System / Remedy data to VS2010/VB .NET

Edit MY goal is this, I need to do read data from a Remedy Database using a VB .Net app. /Edit
I am trying to read data from the AR System ODBC driver in a VS 2010 VB windows form.
I have added a connection in the data connections via , a system dsn, connection string pulled from a working excel data pull, and built a connection string based via the wizard.
I can test connection, and it comes back 'test connection succeeded'.
When I click ok and the Data connection goes to my server explorer, it expands to tables, view, and procedures and viewing/refreshing those causes errors such as:
Column 'Table_Cat' does not belong to table Tables.
Error [im00][ar system odbc driver] not supported
I am aware there is the api out there, however this has a problem in that the api acts like a login session from the client, which limits you to one login session. This not feasible for the task at hand as the user needs to remain logged into remedy, and the app I'm writing will be read only for data.
The goal is a billboard app that will display certain tickets, kind of like a stock ticker.
There will be no editing of ticket data from remedy, I just need to read the tickets and provide tallies and alerts for our helpdesk.
It seemed so easy when I sat down, but now 4 hours later and a mind numbing amount of irrelevant google results, I'm almost wondering if I'm going to have to report back that it cannot be done with out the api and creating more remedy accounts. Not having to create additional remedy accounts was part of of the request put to me.
Tags: Visual Studio 2010 BMC AR System Remedy ODBC VB.NET
So I have done the code by hand and now seem a few steps forward, but still blind.
Ok, so if i export my excel query it looks like this from the dqy file
DRIVER={AR System ODBC Driver};ARServer=xxxxxx;ARServerPort=xxxxx;UID=xxxx;PWD=xxxx;ARAuthentication=;SERVER=NotTheServer
SELECT "EN:HelpDesk"."Company Name", "EN:HelpDesk"."Call Status", "EN:HelpDesk"."Caller Region", "EN:HelpDesk"."Next Action", "EN:HelpDesk"."Detailed Description(FTS)", "EN:HelpDesk".Device, "EN:HelpDesk"."Submitted-by", "EN:HelpDesk".Impact, "EN:HelpDesk"."Arrival Time", "EN:HelpDesk"."Call Id", "EN:HelpDesk".Market FROM "EN:HelpDesk" "EN:HelpDesk" WHERE ("EN:HelpDesk"."Call Status"<>'Closed') AND ("EN:HelpDesk"."Submitted-by"<>'nis') AND ("EN:HelpDesk".Impact='High') AND ("EN:HelpDesk".Market='DCIN') AND ("EN:HelpDesk"."Caller Region"<>'UK')
First off, these quotes look wrong to me, but it seems to work because if I leave them, executing the command doesn't fail, however it doesn't return data to my data grid view in vb.
Second the EN:Helpdesk looks odd to me but again same results as the quotes.
I have tried changing the quotes to brackets [ ] but receive errors once I do.
Here is my code:
VB Code
Imports SystemM My goal
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Odbc
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Sub Main()
Dim sql As String
Dim connectionString As String = "DRIVER={AR System ODBC Driver};ARServer=xxx;ARServerPort=xxx;UID=xxx;PWD=xxx;ARAuthentication=;SERVER=NotTheServer"
sql = "SELECT ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Company Name"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Call Status"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Caller Region"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Next Action"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Detailed Description(FTS)"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".Device, ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Submitted-by"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".Impact, ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Arrival Time"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".""Call Id"", ""EN:HelpDesk"".Market FROM EN:HelpDesk WHERE (""EN:HelpDesk"".""Call Status""<>'Closed') AND (""EN:HelpDesk"".""Submitted-by""<>'nis') AND (""EN:HelpDesk"".Impact='High') AND (""EN:HelpDesk"".Market='DCIN') AND (""EN:HelpDesk"".""Caller Region""<>'UK')"
Dim bindingSource1 As New BindingSource()
Me.SQLDS_reportresults.DataSource = bindingSource1
Dim myAdapter = New OdbcDataAdapter(sql, connectionString)
Dim commandBuilder As New OdbcCommandBuilder(myAdapter)
Dim table As New DataTable()
table.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
bindingSource1.DataSource = table
End Sub
Project is a windows forms with a button to activate main(), a textbox (textbox1) and a datagridview(SQLDS_reportresults).
As the code stands, this causes no errors, but my datagridview never populates. Since there are no errors, I'm inclined to think my connection is working , and that my command is being executed,making my problem lay in code, however given the funky use of quotes and en:helpdesk in the sql command, I'm also concerned that is malformed and causing the where portion to return no results.
Anyone have any suggestions / ideas?
I need a way to display these results in app, and right now I don't care how just as long as I can see some data at all.
I've been googling and looked at the vb examples in the api zip but that is not related to opening a odbc connection and I found that of little help in my research.
I almost feel like I'm missing something simple or obvious.
When i run odbcad32.exe my ar system odbc driver shows which is what I assume is installed on everyones machines as I used the remedy install set provided to me by the IT/Software admins to build this dev box.

Connect an SQL database to a DataGridView with separate command buttons?

I'm a bit puzzled here. I did a form containing a simple datagridview containing data from an MDB file. The connection was alltogether done by Visual Studios wizard so alot of stuff was created automatically. Then I databinded the textboxes to each column in the database and managed to update the database via my own command buttons such as "Update" with this code:
This doesn't seem to work with sql. At this point, I've done everything from scratch in this order, added a datagridview and added a database connection with the wizard when connecting the datagridview to a database. Only this time around I created an SQL connection instead.
And Visual Studio created "MainTableTableAdapter", "DBDataSet", "DBDataSet.MainTable".
The SQL server is something which was installed automatically when installing Visual Studio and it does seem to work after creating the table adapter and dataset if there's data in it. In some time I plan to use an SQL Server on the internet which hosts the dataset. So I want to be able to easily edit the source.
The only thing missing now is how to add a row, delete selected row and editing selected row via my own textboxes. More like a fill-in form. Any ideas to put me in the right direction? I've tried googling it and I've found some stuff, but most of it contains stuff on how to create the datasets and etc. And I'm not sure what Visual Studio has done automatically. And I want to update everything just as easily as I did with these three lines of code when I used a local MDB file.
If it's SQL you can do something like this. Here's an example delete function:
Public Shared Function DeleteStuff(ByVal id As Integer) As Integer
Dim query As String = _
"DELETE FROM tbl_Stuff " & _
"WHERE ID_Stuff = " & id & ";"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = YourDB.GetConnection
Dim deleteCommand As New SqlCommand(query, connection)
Dim rowCount As Integer = 0
rowCount = deleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Catch ex As SqlException
Throw ex
End Try
Return rowCount
End Function
There may be better ways, but you can always pass in SQL queries.
EDIT: Sorry this is more than three lines of code. ;)

Access remote sql server using VB.NET

I've found a few examples of using to access an sql database, so far none of them have worked . They all involve using DataReaders. Maybe its the fact that the sql db is not on the same machine as the application.
I was just wondering if anyone had a more comprehensive example of using VB.NET to access a remote sql server.
I've received a few helpful comments an replies already. So far my connection string looks like:
Probably also good to mention their is no editing of the tables a this point, just reading.
Check out the SQLClient class.
One convienent way to access a SQL database is to fill a DataSet object with query data with a DataAdapter object.
Dim sSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM ???"
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("connection string")
Dim da As New SqlClient.DataAdapter(sSQL, conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
da.Fill(ds, "TABLE NAME")
You can then access the "TABLE NAME" table in the DataSet object.
The "connection string" is obviously your SQL connection string.
Use the sSQL string to query as necessary.
Quick side note - a helpful tool for creating connection strings:-
Open up a text document (notepad, wordpad etc) and save a blank document with the extension ".UDL".
This will give you a "Data link Properties" mini app.
Open up the app and change the provider in the "Provider" to whichever provider you need (in this case OLE DB Provider for SQL Server).
You then need to build up the connection in the connection tab.
Once you have chosen the criteria (ServerName (the drop down list will show you all visible Servers), Security permissions,Database (this drop down list will be populated based on the server chosen)) you can test your connection (to make sure you have permissions etc).
Click ok to close the App, rename the file to have a ".txt" extension and re-open in a text editor, hey presto, one built up connection string (as below).
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=YOURDBNAME;Data Source=YOURSERVERNAME